The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Reach decision-makers at Strathfield Council. The first property built was Thomas Hendersons Seven Oaks Farm, a dairy farm located around Victoria Street Strathfield. All times AEDT (GMT +11). Winners, grinners at Interstate surf life saving. I'm really looking forward to working with the. Strathfield LGA has a number of commercial centres. If you cannot make it, head to the website to share your feedback and for more info. In 2019, the estimated Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Strathfield LGA was an estimated $4.28 billion and the largest industries include transport, postal and warehousing, retail trade, wholesale trade, construction, education and training. ENDS. Listed twenty hours ago. As a medium-sized council, we focus on a myriad of Local Government responsibilities which services over 40,000 residents in the Strathfield LGA. Celebrations include a lively lion dance, firecrackers and cultural performances Visit. Strathfields Councillors, Council staff, volunteers and Council delegates are expected to serve the community with integrity and honesty and deliver services efficiently and impartially. The proclamation excluded any trades, industries, shops, hotels and residential flats. Close This site uses cookies to analyse traffic, remember your preferences, and optimise your experience. Further changes to the structure of local government were made on 1 July 1993, when the NSW Local Government Act took effect. {"message": "item \"1482591\" does not exist!"}. Division: Planning & Environment. Was there as if 6.35pm 15/01/22 and will be collected by council 16/01/22 Free Council Clean Up Low . Brian Barrett has been appointed acting General Manager of Inner West Council. I am particularly looking forward to meeting every staff member at the Council and toestablishing a very strong, positive partnership across each of the departments and business units. They're sure to have a great time with music, rhymes and songs! Executive Assistant. Sign up to our Weekly eNews and get all the local news delivered to your inbox. School Holiday Sporting Fun - Session 1. Internal Development Assessment Panel (IDAP), Developer Contributions and Voluntary Planning Agreement Register, Strathfield Council Library and Innovation Hub, New Interim General Manager at Strathfield Council, Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Plan, Pollution (including lead contaminated land), Domestic and Family Violence (inc Free legal advice). . DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO: DA2022.224 ADDRESS: 20 Gould Street STRATHFIELD SOUTH Lot: 57 DP: 1776 PROPOSAL: Change of Use to a, Strathfield Council has proposed to change the existing turn restriction at the intersection of Albert Road and Allenby Crescent. For more information contact Council on 9748 9999 email Local Studies is located at Strathfield Library, 65-67 Rochester Street Homebush. I want to give great credit to the Council for their many achievements, I can see quality facilities and services already provided. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Mr Barrett has extensive experience working in local government, and in recent years has held senior positions at Marrickville Council, Inner West Council, Murray River. Cr Gulian Vaccari, Mayor of Strathfield, said My fellow Councillors and I are keen to get on with the job of working with Henry, his Executive team and all staff to achieve our communitys vision and aspirations in the Strathfield 2030 Community Strategic Plan and to make our community Beautifully Strathfield.. The minimum and maximum amount of fees payable annually to Councillors isdetermined on an annual basis by theNSW Local Government Remuneration Tribunal. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. IN THE CHAIR: Terry Thompson OAM . What is the formula for calculating solute potential? Illegal building works eg out of hours building and non-authorised/approved building. Karen Pensabene. The Strathfield Local Government Area (LGA) has a total area of approximately 14.1 square kilometres. The new Act required local government to become more responsible, accountable and transparent in its operations. Urbanisation and land clearing have significantly reduced natural bushland areas in Strathfield. Michael Mamo's business email address is m** Strathfields parks range from major parks such as Strathfield Park, Hudson District Park, Airey Park and Mason Park to smaller local parks and reserves. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Discover whats happening in and around your area. Strathfield Council considers WH&S as an integral part of the Council's business operations, and will take e very possible opportunity to eliminate behaviour, practices and hazards which cause accidents or injuries to employees, contractors or the community and provide resources to comply with all relevant Acts and Regulations. Services range from the larger Strathfield Town Centre to smaller village centres of Homebush, Homebush West, Strathfield South and Cave Road as well as Sydney Markets, suppliers of produce through the State. The area is characterised by leafy green trees and boasts over 25 parks and open spaces.The population is diverse with large Korean and Chinese communities as well as Indian, and attracts both young families and older residents.Strathfield 2030 articulates the local community's long-term desirable future and a common direction for the Municipality. The role of the Councillor is, as a member of the governing body of the Council to: The role of a Councillor is, as an elected person to: Council has developed a number of policies which set out standards and procedures governing Councillors performance and conduct including meeting conduct, access to facilities and expenses, access to information and interactions with Council staff. Strathfield Council acknowledges the Wangal people who are the traditional custodians of the land on which Council is located. According to Census 2016, Strathfields largest age groups are young people aged 25 to 29 years (12.4%), 30 to 34 years (10.6%) and 20 to 24 years (9.6%). I am grateful for the opportunity the Council has provided me. Wallis Reserve is located on Wallis Avenue and West Street, Strathfield. Mr Mamo is a Company Directors Graduate from the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and has a Bachelor of Business Degree from Charles Sturt University. The main greenspace types in Strathfield LGA are confined largely to urban parks and reserves which include bush remnants, revegetated parkland, open parkland, urban neighbourhood parks and wetlands. The most recent Census in 2016 indicated that 56% of the population was born in countries other than Australia. I look forward to working with Councillors and staff to deliver great outcomes for the community, said Mr Mamo. Strathfield General Manager, David Backhouse has decided to resign from his role after more than 30 years' service including 10 as the GM. There are a large number of well regarded public and private schools and a university which service all levels of education at all ages. The Homebush Municipal Council was incorporated on 13 June 1906. Learn more. Mayor Councillor Matthew Blackmore is excited to announce the appointment after an . Employment Status: Permanent, full-time. claims for payment lodged by registered political parties for the purposes of political education. Council also offers letters of condolence to those who have recently been diagnosed with a serious illness or have passed away. Currently,, Transport for NSW will carry out essential road maintenance work on Marlborough Road, Homebush West between Parramatta Road and the, Expression of Interest E6/2022: Lease of Burlington Road Office Premises Description: Strathfield Council invites EOIs from suitable businesses to lease, Expression of Interest E5/2022: Fit out & Operate caf at Hudson Park Description: Strathfield Council invites EOIs from suitably qualified, Draft Planning Agreement Policy Council, at its meeting on 6 December 2022, resolved that the draft Planning Agreement Policy and, In accordance with the Local Government Act, at the meeting of 6 December 2022, Council resolved to place on public, In accordance with Local Government Act 1993, Council resolved at the meeting of 6 December 2022 to place on public, During the Christmas and New Year period, notification for all Development Applications, Section 4.55 Applications and Section 8.2 Review Applications,, At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 1 November 2022, Council resolved to publicly exhibit the draft Library Public, Seniors Week 2023 is back again this year with activities for all seniors to enjoy Livin Large. classification: Construction. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Strathfield Council is in the sectors of: Civil Service. Strong consulting professional with a Master of Arts Degree in English Language Studies from University of . Strathfield Croquet Club is offering two FREE introduction to croquet sessions. 11/07/2022. This publication provides guidance on conduct of Councillors in regard to development applications and tendering processes. For media enquiries, please contact: Further information can be obtained atRevenue NSW. Division: Planning & Environment. Public transport is provided by and/or regulated by State Government. 1.13 Customer Responsibilities Council requests that customers assist Council in our service delivery by: Director infrastructure planning and environment at Strathfield Council Greater Sydney Area. However, Cr Ok said the council was acting on recommendations from the Section 430 report. Strathfield Councils long term plan for the future of the Strathfield area the Strathfield 2030 Community Strategic Plan represents the shared vision for Strathfield both Council and the community and sets clear goals and strategies to meet this vision. It is simple we are implementing the recommendation of (Local Government Minister Paul Toole) based on the recent Section 430 investigation. With his support, we will be doing an extensive recruitment process and restructuring Strathfield Council to be a more efficient and modern organisation. The Mayor is elected by the Councillors each September. Mayor Sang Ok moved at an extraordinary meeting last week that, due to personal circumstances, David Backhouse be granted three weeks carers leave from December 14 to January 7. . Bishop Brady was ordained a priest in 1983 and ministered in Liverpool, Strathfield, Kingsgrove and Neutral Bay-Clifton Gardens-Mosman and was later bishop-in-residence at Balmain-Rozelle. Mrs Gewandt was first elected as an Alderman at the Strathfield Council election on 14 September 1991. A remnant wetland complex of she-oaks, mangroves and saltmarsh fringe the mudflats, debris islands, and shallow open water at the Mason Park Wetlands. Strathfield Council has seven councillors, including the Mayor who is elected by the Councillors. In addition to managing the two Directors and overseeing the day-to . I'm excited to share that I will be starting a new position as General Manager at Strathfield Council! Council is seeking a dedicated leader and accomplished Manager, Capital Works to join our . Strathfield Council is committed to high standards of ethical behaviour in the care, control and management of the Strathfield Local Government Area. Strathfield is also known for its many parks, open spaces and recreational facilities. Under no circumstances, should any offer of money (eg bribe or other improper inducement) be made or accepted. He has spearheaded projects aimed at improving staff training and upskilling to ensure staff are equipped to deliver services efficiently and seamlessly to our residents and ratepayers. To join the conversation, please One of the items is a special rate variation. Council is required by law to determine and publishpolicy and guidelines for payment of expenses and provision of facilities to the Mayor and Councillors. See MoreSee Less, On Monday, 30 January, be sure to join us at Strathfield Library to celebrate Lunar New Year from 3:30pm - 4:30pm Celebrations include dance performances, crafts and games! at Strathfield Municipal Council. Strathfield Council has partnered with CASS Care to host a FREE technology workshop on Monday, 30 January. The General Manager reports directly to the Mayor and Councillors and is responsible for providing strategic leadership and support to the organisation. Internal Development Assessment Panel (IDAP), Developer Contributions and Voluntary Planning Agreement Register, Strathfield Council Library and Innovation Hub, Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Plan, Pollution (including lead contaminated land), Domestic and Family Violence (inc Free legal advice). Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Bay to Bay walk and cycleway connects Strathfield from south to north along the Cooks River and Powells Creek. Nearly 64% of residents speak a language other than English, though most residents speak more than one language. This proclamation largely stayed in place until 1969 when the Strathfield Planning Scheme Ordinance (SPSO) was adopted. It is the personal responsibility of Council officials to comply with the standards in the Code and regularly review their personal circumstances with this in mind. Council congratulates Henry and looks forward to an exciting and prosperous 5 years ahead for Council and the Strathfield community. accept an offer of money, regardless of the amount. Internal Development Assessment Panel (IDAP), Developer Contributions and Voluntary Planning Agreement Register, Strathfield Council Library and Innovation Hub, Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Plan, Pollution (including lead contaminated land), Domestic and Family Violence (inc Free legal advice), Lobbying Local Government Councillors ICAC, NSW Local Government Remuneration Tribunal, direct and control the affairs of the Council in accordance with the Local Government Act, participate in the optimum allocation of the Councils resources for the benefit of the area, a key role in the creation and review of the Councils policies and objectives and criteria relating to the exercise of the Councils regulatory functions. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. Eleven of the items discussed related to the S430 investigation, 15 related to the general manager and nine . Cr Ok also moved that former Sutherland Shire Council general manager John Rayner act as the general manager in Mr Backhouses absence. In more recent times, residents born in China, India and Korea are residing in Strathfield. Visions with Variety: Celebrating Seniors will be exhibited from 2 Feb - 5 March, showcasing the talents of residents who attend the Strathfield School for Seniors. Given the absolute need to complete these projects on time and on budget, they have played a key role in the successful growth of our company. Community information services are provided through the local library service, community and educational organisations. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Free. At its meeting on Monday 7 March 2022, Strathfield Council resolved to appoint a new General Manager. - Site maps and infographic design. Municipality of Absent: Cr Nella Hall. READ MORE. Cumberland Council It's important to provide your feedback and have your say. Some of the areas of Regulatory Officers responsibility include: You can contact a Council Regulatory Officer, Monday to Friday between 8.30 and 4.30pm by telephoning Councils Customer Service Centre on 9748 9999. Significant and rare examples of these architectural styles are protected by statutory heritage listing. Failure by a member of staff to comply with Councils Code of Conduct may give rise to disciplinary action. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Employment Arrangement: 35 hours per week with access to Council's flexible working conditions. Abandoned vehicles for Regulatory Officers to take action the car must be illegally parked in a public place and/or out of registration. General Manager for People, Places and Civic Services, Mr Anthony Hewton has been appointed Acting General Manager. Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Plan, Pollution (including lead contaminated land), Domestic and Family Violence (inc Free legal advice). For more info on how to register, visit Whilst he has an obvious financial management expertise, it was Michaels considered and thoughtful manner which suggested he will connect well with councillors, staff and our wonderful diverse community, the Mayor said. Strathfield Council has had 10meetings (ordinary and extraordinary) since November3. The areas of highest population increase are in the transport corridors of Homebush, Homebush West and Strathfield Town Centre due to building of new units on land rezoned for medium to high-rise development. It ensures that as an organisation Council is better prepared for future challenges with a strong focus on sustainability and community. It's an opportunity to have your say on the proposed special rate variation. To connect with Strathfield Council's employee register on Signalhire. Since 1969, a significant number of residential flat developments have been built, particularly around the commercial centres of Strathfield, Homebush and Homebush West. Michael Mamo has been named as Strathfield Councils new General Manager. Program Director - IT Project Management Office, Find verified emails and direct dial mobile numbers of contacts on LinkedIn, and sync them with your CRM instantly. Languages other than English spoken at home include Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Tamil and Arabic. The current mayor is Cr. Internal Development Assessment Panel (IDAP), Developer Contributions and Voluntary Planning Agreement Register, Strathfield Council Library and Innovation Hub, Strathfield Council to appoint a new General Manager, Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Plan, Pollution (including lead contaminated land), Domestic and Family Violence (inc Free legal advice). Independent Commission Against Commission (ICAC) has released a publication on Lobbying Local Government Councillors. Strathfield has extensive local walkways though streets and parks as well as the Bay to Bay Cycleway, which passes through many different council areas. Sydney Markets is also located within Strathfield Local Government Area and has its own postcode, 2129. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. Henrys numerous achievements not only at Strathfield Council but at other councils as General Manager, his extensive experience and qualifications, his vision for the future of the Strathfield LGA, and his track record of delivering services and facilities effectively and efficiently makes Henry eminently qualified to take on the role of General Manager. See MoreSee Less, Keen to try your hand at croquet? at Sutherland Shire Council. The infrastructure and streetscape of the Strathfield LGA has been vastly improved with upgrades to roads, footpaths and cycleways. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Michael was interviewed in person by the Councillors on two occasions and he impressed Councillors with his youthful enthusiasm and apparent energy to take on his first General Manager role, he said. Strathfield councillors Helen McLucas (Ind) and Daniel Bott (ALP) have accused Cr Ok, Independent deputy mayor Andrew Soulos and Liberal councillors Gulian Vaccari and Stephanie Kokkolis of trying to replace Mr Backhouse.
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