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However, I feel more motivated about this at the moment than I have about almost anything else in the past. It is common knowledge that the ever-paranoid Richard Nixon was embroiled in scandal several times in his career, especially the presidency. This time, detailing my personal aspirations, my dreams and the aims I have for my life. I've made the standard ones to get some exercise and to lose some weight. Im do creating a list of some of theaccomplishmentsI plan on achieving, including some BIG ones. Katy Perry. So, I present the ten most powerful speeches from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. I have a dream that our next generation will solve the challenges that we have faced for centuries and will find alternative solutions to wars, create medical breakthroughs, utilize sustainable resources, innovate technology for social good, and build a government and policies that incorporate human rights, provides healthcare and housing for all, and brings people together. From birth, kids from poor families miss out on singing, reading and talking that is part of everyday life for wealthier children, and they are less likely to attend formal pre-school. I'll never have the person who is just like me in my life again. I hope to see them welcome other women competitors as viable teaming partners, which will allow them to expand their knowledge and resources. Their broad and creative thinking can help drive real change in our ever-evolving world - a phenomenon we're already seeing play out in the news. I want to be in control of my life, and try to make it the best it can be. I hope you make the most of what you do have and never be upset about what you dont. Once a Skeptic, Elon Musk Now Embraces This Divisive Workplace Policy and You Should, Too. And yeah i finally found someone special for me and i hope he's going to be my forever after prince charming, Lasting relationship/ grow old with someone i love, Travel around the world with the love of my life, Spend a night with my love on a yacht, out at sea, Ride the craziestRoller-coastersin the world, Walking along the beach with bikini with my love one, Learn to speak a foreign language fluently, Grow a garden from all seeds that I saved before, Take a road trip with no planned destination, Layin the road at the middle of the night, Learn to accept the things I cannot change, Cuddle next to a campfire a eat marshmallow. I can do okay on the piano, but its definitely not enough to really claim I play it properly! I aim to regularly remind myself of what Im grateful for. "I Hope You Dance" by Lee Ann Womack When you have kids, it can make you think about the future in a whole new way. We need more female investors, healthcare developed by and for women, entrepreneurs, elected officials, etc. Embrace information toward your business growth. Showing us just how unwavering it plans to be. It is the courage to continue that counts. After entering architectural school in Poland I realized that I wasnt very good at it. My dad was the one to introduce me to the concept. Will she like to hang out and talk? We never arrive. Happiness is great, but, for me, contentment offers the key to longer standing joy. But I need someone to show that they want me for me, that they're not just using me to chase the idea of being in a relationship. Ive done a reasonable amount of travelling now. Its another major goal of mine. "As a female that has worked in many male-dominate industries, I take my role as a mentor to other females very seriously. By nature, it waxes and wanes. Fingers crossed I can cross the threshold into further action at some point soon. You've probably done this at least once in your life or at least seen a tweet where someone posted their screenshots with a potential love interest. Ill send through the tips, updates, info and inspiration that I come across on this journey! There you go then:my dreams in life; a dream list of 40 personal goals and aspirations. Its meaning became the battle cry of an impoverished people, who were relying on the charismatic, newly-inaugurated Roosevelt to lead them through the valley of the Great Depression. One way to be intentional with your kids is to PLAY with them and to show them that fun is part of a healthy balanced life. The last item on this dream list of mine is to stop talking for a while. I aim to make a living through writing, blogging and running websites. I just think reading is an essential part of writing. Recent studies show that hope leads us to maximize psychological adjustment by reducing anxiety, increasing motivation, and helping us pursue goal-directed actions. ", "Creating opportunities for women has come a long way, but we still have changes to make for the next generation. 2: Decide what the hopes and dreams will be written on. It seems like another awesome way to spend an afternoon. Theres a danger its a thought I use to make myself feel better somehow- an escape into an identity thats better than I actually am. Let's allow them to uplift us today and draw our attention back to the "God of hope." 1. JFK's youth and enthusiasm, along with his many controversies, make his speeches even more remarkable in the eyes of history. I want to live a life that has other people at its heart. This is a simple but inspiring 2014 song, originally recorded by the electro-pop band Suicide in 1979. Serving others is an important value in our family. This has long been an aspiration of mine. Specific goals are better than general/broad goals. Without dreams, there can be no courage. This, ultimately, is what Im working for overall. My husband and I try to be intentional parents. It's been exciting to experience the surge of growth opportunities for women in business. Will she and I have much in common? Kristen Haddox, Penn State University4. I hope they will get it as they get older and know that our hearts were always to help and not harm. The Deoras outside their home. I'm sorry but I will pretend I don't you and possibly actually hide if I see you while I'm buying deodorant at Target. This One Question Will Make You a Better Thinker. With all that said, here you go: my own personal dream list of 37 dreams for the future. I pray we never spend one second wasting time on stupid things or stupid fights that lead us nowhere. they adopted the following questions from a list shared by lesson study teams in San Francisco . Maybe it was because it brought to the What matters is the value they are bringing. For example, data shows that the gender wage gap might not close until the year 2152. My hopes and dreams for the future Satisfactory Essays 297 Words 2 Pages Aug 10th, 2021 Published Topics: School, High school, Psychology, Childhood, Education Open Document I do not like to think of the future very much because it scares me to think that I might not succeed in all that I want to do. I have failed as a mom and I will many more times along the way. Hopes and dreams signal future intentions (Ben, 2012). Planning your future with someone you love is so thrilling. Even while asleep, you can make a dream become reality if you're committed to what you want. Beatles. What do you wish for your child? The thought of the freedom and simplicity involved really appeals to me. With the right focus, hard work over time, and a commitment to keep learning, Im determined to make it happen. time goes on, Im sure some of these will change as somethings become That's a big reason why it's so important to me to have Harlem Chocolate Factory represent this thriving community and what can happen when you follow your passions. Drop me a comment to let me know! . When he said we need to talk, its like my body knew exactly what he was going to say. Granted, this isn't something that everyone will experience, but it's definitely something that I did. But I want that to change! "Dream Baby Dream" by Bruce Springsteen. "Gender equality is considered the norm." I hope and dream for a world with: "The equality that was always meant to be." "No more poverty, peace throughout, educated youth and leaders - and a world of integrity, love, peace and compassion." "Equal participation in power." "A peaceful and sustainable neighbourhood worldwide." 1. Money keeps many of us up at night, but it doesn't have to. He realizes, however, that it was just a dream. I think so many young people are afraid to ask for help, and just follow the path that's been laid out for them, but you can use the resources that are available to you to follow the path you desire. The best way to . . But, to date, its never felt like enough! You can have a countless number of father figures in your life, but really as my mom always said, " you only get one mom.". I dont want to accrue things. My hope is that we prove this statistic wrong by changing the curve to allow the next generation to lead the way. I didn't have a chance to be alone, and if you know anyone who has lost someone close to them, being alone is the worst thing. The game is set during the summer in which players spend the season at their grandparent's farm. Society., perfectly expresses our hopes and dreams for the future. If Im to write a book, then Id quite like to have one published too! The world does not revolve around me. From the future house intro, "Once Upon a Time," to the 80's synthwave "Thunder Snails," to the dark, drum and bass boss . ", "I hope that the next generation has even more opportunities and experience and increased value of their contributions as women. The newest data from McKinsey Global Institute shows diversity on executive teams is strongly correlated with profitability and value creation. This speech is among the most widely known of a president. I hope you are always satisfied with the way your life turned out and never have any regrets. I want to have a nice car. Growing up where I grew up, in the Harlem community, dreams were a luxury that a lot of people couldn't afford to have. Dec 29, 2017 - Responsive Classroom. Hi there! and we all won't feel bad because nature always survives too. First, because I get tired of how busy my head can be and think a week or two of silence might help. Below is a list of hopes and dreams that we believe our future could hold. Equally, from a selfish perspective, theres something powerful about writing down the goals in your head. **Differentiated Pages included Subjects: Back to School, Character Education, Classroom Community And, now that Im earning money on the road, I feel Im set up to make this happen. Despite this, Steinbeck uses the character to represent hope in the novel as it is Candy who offers his savings to George and Lennie in order to join them in making their dream a reality. Hopefully, achieving anything on this list of dreams for the future will help make it happen. You hear your phone go off. For that reason I intend to cultivate contentedness in my life. Is this one of your dreams too? Branch. And I'm okay with that because I deserve that. We are always chasing after the next best thing. Is it just hanging out or is it more than hanging out? Because let's be honest, who doesn't love mom's cooking? This links in with my overall wellbeing. I always joke to friends about how nice it would be to have a boyfriend just to have someone, but my reality is that I am too stubborn to let go of ideals set from years of obsessing over young adult novels and romantic comedies. Napoleon Hill, in 'Think and Grow Rich' said "What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve". Technically, this is one of my life dreams that Im already doing! By Lisa Marks. I also want to express my appreciation for my parents dedication, sacrifice, and love. I hope the next generation remembers the people who took the time to mentor them and they pay it forward. Have a valentine on valentine's day 9. It was interesting doing it because I discovered sides of me that I had not experience, I picture myself in 20 years or so as a famous architect. I pray that we have instilled in them the truth about what happy really is. Even if things are going great something bad can always happen. Already and yet is organized in the s, both pushed for lumping as a way of gaining access to printed material is reader in sociology writing. However, I still intend to have a studio for myself in my future house. [2020 Update- after an epic van-packing trip to Australia, Ive now ticked this dream off my list!]. However, as I get more involved in my blogging, Im increasingly tempted to spend all day working on it! The week of all the services etc. "That they are present and engaged, balancing the dependence on social media -- as to understand the power of human connections. Every other hope I have for the future comes from something I've learned in our religious studies. Find a special place where everyone can see it. I was born in the UK, but (havent to date) felt a major compulsion to settle there. President Bush left his reading appointment at an elementary school to fly to New York and stand among the rubble with emergency workers and press surrounding him. I want to go on a silent retreat for a number of reasons. Even though it has been four years, that doesn't mean I haven't been interested (slightly interested) in anyone since then, but there hasn't really been anyone that has interested me enough to date. I fully expect it to shift and alter over time. Marriage can be rough. Not only is it good exercise, but youre out there in the elements, focused on nothing but your board, the upcoming swellsand trying not to drown each time you get rolled by a wave. Women have unique qualities that are assets in leadership roles -- just as men have their unique qualities -- and it makes sense to have a balance of each for any company. This relates to my desire to do some good for others and be part of a worthy cause. Equality in the workplace is not just a woman's issue, but it affects us all. Robert Browning. Miranda my hopes and dreams for the future hi everyone~! You deserve to give your dreams a chance- I hope this post will help inspire you to do it. I hope when you look at them and hold them for the first time, you are overwhelmed with joy and happiness because you know you made that. My rough goal right now is to get to a financial state when I can earn money passively (or have enough saved up) to enable me to travel to places that need support and volunteer my time in any way that might help. "While women have come a long way in business, there are still not enough female leaders, especially in the C-suite and serving on boards. But not the Deoras. These qualities of life might very well be available to more of us as wellif we would learn to hope and dream in these categories. I hope you continue to grow as a man and as a father and husband. Maybe some questioned why my mom's ex-husband would say one of her eulogies, but for those close to her we know how much my mother adored my father and appreciated his friendship and all he had done. I love the idea of owning and riding an old-school motorbike. I want to spend my time with people that inspire me. ", "I hope to see the next generation of female leaders inspired by the women before them, to feel empowered, and to continue to break barriers -- particularly in the wine and spirits industry, which is dominated almost exclusively by men at the upper management and executive levels. Learning these things early are important. Im still at the start of this journey. Mariah Carey. When most people are bored then knit or play a bored games, I do my make up and hair. And learn french. What will be his favorite thing to do? If my blogging business plans dont work out, this is an area I can imagine myself seeking real employment. Best Songs about Having Hope for the Future. I hope he passed his class last semester. Then, of course, you get the advice of your friends to decipher this text. "My biggest hope for the next generation is that we give each and every child a fair shot from the day they are born. I hope as the years go by, we love each other more than the day we stated our vows to each other. To not include this powerful rock ballad written by Steven Tyler, himself, would be unimaginable in the realm of dream songs. Will he be a leader or follower? I try to use some formal English and write an essay about my dream. Contentment exists independently. Grades 3-4. Combining this with the community venture I mentioned above could be another idea. One thing I have always had were great and loving parents. Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society2. Determining Our Hopes & Dreams for Students When our research team met for the first time to begin planning for their research lesson, they explored their hopes and dreams for their students. Ive done similar work in the past and loved every second. I absolutely intend to write a book. 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