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Collecting it, Kassandra met in person Aiantides who thanked her for liberating his aunt at the Teichos of Herakles. Kassandra witnessed the last remnants of her family take a felucca sailing to Egypt. After investigating, Kassandra found that Orphnaeus escaped before being taken care of by the blind man Mulios. While raising her son, Kassandra resumed her work as a mercenary, obliging her to leave her family from time to time. [1] Just clear tips and lifehacks for every day. Courtship takes dramatic license but individual events, Desmonds faith, beliefs are accurate. [237] Going to Kronos' Treasury, Kassandra recovered the gauntlets from the Shades. Kassandra would later gain a younger brother, Alexios. Is Kassandra related to Bayek? Yes, Altair, Ezio, kenways(Edward, Haytham, Connor) are related to Desmond. Kassandra dual-wielding a sword and the Broken Spear of Leonidas. [105] She killed Drakon[106] and Nesaia. [171], Natakas sent Kasandra to find one of his informants in the Swamps of Thermes. [195], On the way to the beach, Kassandra protected Natakas and their son, killing soldiers of the Ancients. edited 4 yr. ago. [96] In Olympia, she discovered that the champion Kallias was the Cultist who poisoned Alkibiades. To her surprise, the last bandit was executed by their real employer, a man named Elpenor of Kirrha. Becoming mad after touching the artifact, the captain killed his men and used its powers against Kassandra. [271] She informed Alkon of her progress before confronting Xarios. How old is Connor at the end of ac3? Kassandra boarded them but found that they weren't pirates but Persians. This revealed him to be a Sage and the fact his genetic memory was identical to Desmond's indicated he was his father's son. Kassandra accepted to help her saved Ligeia and went together to the Dread Ruins. She explained that they were based on Isu's memories, even some of her own when she was Dikastes. During the fight, Brasidas was wounded by Deimos who then attacked Kassandra. They ride to the village, discovering it was attacked by the Order of the Ancients. She could even cause the Staff of Hermes to transform into anything she chooses, such as a lantern. [283], At the longhouse, they inserted at a party. No, Layla Hassan and Desmond Miles are not related to each other by blood. As Kassandra wanted information on the Staff, in exchange for her work, Hades promised he will help her fulfill her destiny. After three pre-trials which were tourist trap, Kassandra could enter the Minotaur's cave. He explained that he had the key of the Labyrinth but that Ardos stole it. While never shown, it is assumed she could use everything the staff gave to its user, including short range teleportation and energy manipulation and projection. Joining her mother and Brasidas, Kassandra understood that Lagos was a member of the Cult. She was also the mother of Elpidios, an ancestor of Aya, one of the co-founders of the Hidden Ones. . His son and fellow Assassin, Aquilus, was next in line in Desmonds ancestry, alongside Aquilus wife Valeria. [215], Later, Kassandra met Adonis, a living human forced to stay in Elysium as Persephone fell in love with him. She also revealed that she saw a vision of the future with the artifact: Kassandra destroying the Cult and the Pyramid, the creation of a rational and perfect society under a philosophical king. Is Kassandra a Templar? There, she found in test tubes replicas of the mythical creatures she fought in Greece. However, the novelization of the video game confirms that Kassandra is the canonical protagonist. [269], Combining it with Atlas' key fragment, Kassandra entered the experiment chamber. [149] That night the island celebrated their liberation, Kyra also gave her father a proper send-off. As he had no other gift, he claimed that he owed a favor to Kassandra. Dear Wendy, however, decides that Desmond can be the breadwinner and she will be his Dragager which means Drag Manager. After defeating them, she was knocked out by one of them. Kassandra the Eagle-Bearer Exekias the Legend . What did Ezio say to Desmond? Brasidas explained to Kassandra that he was there to stop the Monger crimes as Korinth was an ally of Sparta. [91], Escorting Tesikles on the Adrestia from Sparta to Kyllene, Kassandra accidentally made the champion fall into the sea to be eaten by a shark. He explained to her that Phidias was killed and that the Cult interrogated him about symbols he discovered in three tombs. [27] While there, she freed a woman named Odessa that claimed to be one of Odysseus' descendants, in pilgrimage, and scorted her through the ruins, until she had to sail away. She let him choose between working for her on the Adrestia or leaving. Is Desmond Miles related to all the Assassins? He tasked her to help three of his brothers who had issues with the human population under their control. Interrogating the merchant Priam she learnt that someone pay him to poison the wine. Chrysis proposed Kassandra join her family but she refused. There's no indication that Kassandra was ever involved with the Hidden Ones, but she could have been. [57], After accomplishing her missions, Kassandra was accepted to participate in Perikles' symposium. He told her that she was conceived to perpetuate an ancient bloodline and that her destiny was to help him to protect Atlantis from the Cult of Kosmos. [205], Going to the island, Kassandra and Darius met Elpidios' caretaker, Prince Darius, son of Artaxerxes I. After recovering the books, the Chimera's breath was installed on the Adrestia. Her grief broke when she heard Eivor scream as she touched the artifact. As Kassandra tried to stop him, he ran away sending guards. After her losses, Lilaira committed suicide. Now working for Hades, Elpenor proposed to help Kassandra find the gauntlets of the Armor of the Fallen to make amendments to his past life. It was a small price to pay in Desmond's eyes-and although part of him lives on within the Grey as 'The Reader' Desmond's death was shocking. [256], Later, Kassandra met Atlas, Poseidon's elder son and Archon of Atlantis. The Isu also asked Pythagoras to pass the Staff. She returned in Makedonia, recovering Natakas' Hunting Bow in their old hideout. [285] When Layla ventured into the Gateway to the Lost City, Kassandra finally appeared before her and bestowed her with the Staff, in the process passing away. [1] In order to hide his identity, he lives under assumed names and uses only cash to protect himself. After toasting with a cup of Ide's wine, Kassandra killed the mercenary to avenge the old lady. Kassandra helped her friend in her quest. [209] Arriving in Seriphos, Kassandra saved Theras who was captured by the Cult of Kosmos. The boy showed to Kassandra the entrance under the palace. After killing the monster, she broke one of his horns which transformed into a spherical artifact like the ones before it. [82], Arriving near the temple, they found Aspasia who searched Perikles. Going back to the Natakas's grave to place the charm and the blanket while keeping his bow. [68] Going to the Temple, Kassandra helped the priests. If necessary, the Spear can also turn her invisible for a short while, allow minor control over poison and fire, produce concussive shockwaves, charge arrows with raw explosive energy, phase arrows through solid objects, and very minor control over time, only allowing for time to be stopped for five seconds. [21], In 431 BCE, Kassandra was confronted once again by the Cyclops' thugs who gave her a bruised nose. In the throne room, Persephone decided Hekate's fate and how Adonis will leave Elysium. [187], Later, Kassandra met Darius in his hideout the hull of an unfinished ship in Patrai. Hades said he never promised that only he will help her fulfill her destiny. [210], Returning to Olympia, Kassandra discovered that Theras told the truth about Phidias. Kassandra fought the giant and killed him. [97], After travelling to Lokris and finding a note stating that funds were donated by the Abantis Islands to the nation, Kassandra learned of Skylax, the Spartan leader of the islands and another member of the Peloponnesian League branch. Kassandra had to decide if she assassinates the human leaders or burns their supplies to stop the rebels. They first went to their old home to take it back but Brasidas informed them that the city claimed it after Nikolaos' disappearance. After identifying two suspects, a blacksmith, and a messenger, Kassandra had to choose which of them she must kill. There, she found a boy, Ardos, who tried to find his father Nikios who disappeared while exploring the labryrinth under the palace. Forced to fight the monster, she killed the three-headed dog and recovered the artifact. As she refused, the two fought, leading to Hades' defeat. After defeating them together, the two warriors decided to explore the vault together. During the conquest of Achaia, Kassandra fought Pallas on the battlefield and killed him. Arriving there, she discovered that it was Darius who sent the letter. While seeing this, Kassandra heard the voice of Aita, the Isu scientist leading the Olympos Project. She destroyed the Torches of Hypnos who controlled humans and killed the overseer Aegea. The Isu left her the choice between freeing the prisoners or seeing his greatest achievement but at the cost of their lives. As Darius arrived, the two fought Amorges as he refused to give back Elpidios. Investigating the area, she was ambushed by Darius. Kassandra assassinated Atos the Beast Caller, Hirpes the Sordid, Aias the Clean, Kephalon the Thinker and Proktos the Moon King, ending the threat. [9], Under Markos, Kassandra performed errands for him, occasionally helping him to settle debts that he owed. When Kassandra saw the Pyramid, she destroyed it with the Spear of Leonidas before leaving the place. She then convinced him to leave the cult, reassuring him that Brasidas would protect him. As a baby, Myrrine brought Kassandra to the acting Pythia, who proclaimed that the child showed a lot of promise. Kassandra and Myrrine killed the invaders with the help of Timo and Hektor. Assassins Creed III Using the new Animus 3.0, Desmond begins to live another of his ancestors memories: Native American (Mohawk) Assassin, Ratonhnhak:ton, who fought during the American Revolution. The heteara accepted to give information on Myrrine if Kassandra helped her to kill the Monger, a member of the Cult who forced the hetaerae of the city to pay him. As they succeeded in their uneasy partnership, Kassandra thanked Eivor for her help. Assured that Phoibe was alright, Kassandra then traveled to Sami to locate Duris and collect her debt. [182] Going to Boura, Kassandra met again Kleta who helped the stranded peoples to leave Achaia. [246], Founding a letter from a child searching her parent in the underworld, Kassandra followed the footprints and discovered it was her friend Phoibe, who was amnesic after someone forced her to drink the Lethe's water. [27], Kassandra and Barnabas before the Adrestia, Requiring a ship to reach Megaris, Kassandra learned from the shipmaster Telemenes that the Cyclops had a ship and had returned to Kephallonia. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Before leaving, he tasked Kassandra to find her mother for more answers, warning her to "beware the snakes in the grass". He also wanted to show her the chaos she provoked with all the persons she killed, as their relatives confronted her near the tree. Kassandra tried to tell him the truth but his indoctrination by the Cult was too strong and he left his sister with a threat to stay out of his way. [207], Returning at Dyme, Kassandra went to Natakas' grave to tell him what happened. Kassandra decided to liberate the prisoners. After a fight to see her combat skills, the defeated King accepted to join the rebellion. Her blows could even stagger Legendary beasts like the Nemean Lion and a Cyclops with significant effort. The Isu indicated that Kassandra could prove herself to Persephone if she smothered a rebellion in the Deukalion. He explained to her that she was in the ruins of the legendary Atlantis which contained powerful knowledge. Reproducing the signs, they discovered a map of the island with several markings. She also possessed a scar on her right upper lip and heavy scarring down her arm from falling from Mount Taygetos as a child. In Messara, Ptolemaios hired Kassandra to kill the leader of the region. [56] Finally, Kassandra helped rig the ostracization of Anaxagoras to be sure he would be exiled. On Aletheia's advice, Kassandra allied with Eivor to get rid of the fog, even if the Viking suspected her implication in for the curse. Asking her if she could repair her spear, Aletheia said she couldn't. Kassandra participated in the games, fighting soldiers and the Champion of Atlantis in an arena. [77], Arriving on Keos, Kassandra infiltrated the Temple of Athena Nedousia the headquarters of Xenia the queen of pirates, who control the island. By using the Pieces of Eden, water began to flood the city. Kassandra tried to convince him to spare them. The games took a gruesome take when Gadiros ordered Kassandra to slaughter unarmed civilians to please the crowd. Maria Syrgiannis voices her as a child, with Jennifer Michele providing motion capture. [95], During the final, Kassandra fought the champion Dorieus and won the competition. Kassandra recovered the treasure. She later left the island sailing southeast to search another goal. She was the older half-sister of Alexios and, through her mother, Myrrine, the granddaughter of King Leonidas I of Sparta. [170] Kassandra hunted the wolves of the Huntsman who attacked civilians near Amphipolis. In Arkadia, Kassandra was attacked by the misthios Sosipatros who was after a bounty on her head. At one point during the game, Desmond begins to suffer from the "Bleeding Effect", which causes him to experience a memory of Altar outside of the Animus. [79], Returning in Athens during the Autumn 429 BCE, Kassandra witnessed the city being struck by the plague. She also went to the island in Messenia recovering Elpidios' blanket. Kassandra fought the Huntsman and his men. [233], With the rebels, Kassandra launched the attack on Persephone's palace. Shortly after her birth, her father departed from Sparta on a quest to learn more about the Isu and the staff he possessed. Finding a note in his belongings, she discovered his true hideout, finally fighting and killing him. [151] Arriving on Lemnos, Kassandra was contacted by Mikkos, the caretaker of Barnabas' nephew Neleus. He informed her that Natakas and he took refuge in Achaia but that the Ancients found them. Kassandra killed the soldiers, saving Aiantides and the other villagers. [28] Subsequently, Kassandra returned to Elpenor, who then hired her to assassinate a Spartan general nicknamed the Wolf in Megaris. [58] Speaking to Sophokles, Kassandra learnt that Euripides had heard about a Spartan woman who might have been Myrrine. [48], Before heading to the place, she found a doctor named Lykaon in the Chora of Delphi whose grandmother was the oracle that had sentenced Alexios to death as a baby. [129] During other travels, Kassandra fought and killed two other Cyclopes, Steropes on Andros island and Arges in the volcanic island of Nisyros. Kassandra and Darius intervened in their game, finding Natakas and Elpidos. She discovered that Leiandros disguised himself as the creature to scare the tourists but that it was forced lately by the Cult to doing as his daughter Amara was kidnapped. As he needed his notes to heal his patients, she went to Fort Tiryns but the notes were burnt. Kassandra escorted him to Seriphos and killed Brison, the man charged to kill Phidias. She later opposed the Order of the Ancients, who sought to hunt her down, due in part to her nature as a "Tainted One", and also for her allying herself with Darius. [31][32][33] In her time aiding the army, she discovered a mole witin the ranks supported by a rival mercenary, Hyrkanos[34], and later discovered that he had stolen supplies from the Spartans, blaming the Athenians for the act. . Kassandra accepted to pass the trials, accessing to the first simulation. Kassandra offered her help and Kleta sent her to the merchant Orontas. [261]When a human Lyra was accused of murder, Kassandra investigated and discovered that Lyra inadvertently transformed into a werewolf. In doing so, she discovered that Markos had bought his vineyard with money he borrowed from the Cyclops. As she saw Chara, Phoibe's wood eagle, Kassandra collapsed to mourn her long-lost friend. She saved the helot Rhode who would be executed. After that, Kassandra thanked Eivor to invite her as she didn't do this for a long time. He told Kassandra to speak to Hippokrates in Argos to learn more information. He is eventually tracked down and captured by Abstergo Industries, a front for the modern-day Templar Order. [249] After killing once again the Cyclops, Kassandra said one last time goodbye to her friend who went to Elysium to reunite with her family. Is Kassandra ancestor of Desmond? Mourning her friend, Kassandra placed Chara in Phoibe's hands. After they left, she was contacted by Aletheia who asked her to go to the Tomb of Phaiax. She separated Barnabas from the artifact, leaving his right arm burned. The helot accepted to lead her to the commander if she helped her to free her son Pebble and other helots' children. Kassandra agreed to join her. As she tried to kill Kassandra, the misthios returned the favor. [232], Later, as Kassandra went to Hekate's hovel, Persephone waiting for her. Kassandra stole the letter and discovered the identity of the writer, Pithias, the Dominion planner. [109], While she prepared to assassinate the champion Aristaios, she saw Nikolaos fought and kill the champion. She went to Fort Koroibos to find an antidote. [258] Later, Kassandra met Ampheres who fought a human rebellion in his district. [9], Kassandra negotiating the family's fate with the priest, Afterward Kassandra returned to Markos, who then laid out his plan to repay the Cyclops by stealing his obsidian eye. Believing they were actors hired by Barnabas, Kassandra fought them. [81] Investigating around the Odeon of Perikles, she found a massacre. 6 Why are events condensed in the book Desmond Doss? After the judgment, Kassandra received a key fragment from Atlas. Talking with Barnabas, she explained the situation to her first-mate. [158] In the region of Pephka, she met Leiandros who claimed she could fight the Minotaur and gain a large sum of drachmae. [272], Later, Kassandra confronted Poseidon explaining to him that Isu experimented on humans. The first one was dead but she saved the second before attacking the Spartan fleet, permitting Onomakles to sail to Mytilene. [60], Conversing with other guests, Kassandra met Aspasia. As the bride thanked them, the groom recognized them as the ones who stopped the curse. However, this seems unlikely, as neither woman has similarities to the other in their own story arcs except for their name. As Kassandra told about the trials, Hermes said that the only way to leave Elysium was through Persephone. After killing him, she found a key fragment. [255] As Kassandra was about to beat the Isu on the ground, Poseidon, Hades' brother, appeared through a portal and conjured a repulsive force between the two fighters. Poseidon agreed with her judgment and explained that she could end Atlantis' cycle forever by using the Staff of Hermes and the prizes of Cerberos and Hekatonchires. He told her about the goal of the Order and why they tried to kill her as she brought chaos. [167] In the fort Kassandra also discovered that Akantha, the wife of the ruler of Makedonia, was a member of the Order. As they didn't what he looks like, Kassandra eavesdropped on a meeting between the Order of the Ancients and the Cult Of Kosmos. [169] She found the Ancient and killed him. [282], Later, Kassandra returned to the cave, founding it opened by Eivor. [105], Returning to Sparta, she confronted the Sage before Archidamos, the ephors, the Gerousia, and the Hippeis, which charged Pausanias for his crimes. As the Athenians were slaughtered by the Order, Darius attacked them while Kassandra went to the mine. Paying respect for her father, Kassandra sealed the Atlantis with the Staff. Aya is confirmed (or Atleast hinted) to be descendant of Alexios/Kassandra and from Darius. The good news is that the Federal Reserve seems to be winning its fight against inflation. Database entries Ezio: I heard your name once before, Desmond, a long time ago. They knocked him and his friends. He explained to her that she was in the Fields of Elysium which was ruled by Persephone, Hades' wife. [226], Hekate tasked Kassandra to meet the orator Isidore who could spread the message among humans to join the rebellion. As the two men left, Natakas told her to join them to their hideout below the Rock Arch. During the night, Kassandra and Natakas went into an empty house at Dyme. Kassandra followed his instructions and collected the reward. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. When they were before the Writhing Dread, Bryce was petrified by the monster. [45] After being thrown out from the meeting, she forced entry in the Pythia's house, in the Chora of Delphi. [155] She located him and sank his ship the Kronos. [36] While in in the city, she met a blind Persian that wanted to see the wonders of the Greek world. There is both good and bad news about our country's economic outlook. As she searched for other hostages, she was taken by surprise by a soldier but was saved by a persian archer. She killed Phratagoun who kept the beasts of the Huntsman. As Gergis was dead, Kassandra found a letter from Gaspar indicating she found a strange gate and allied with the Followers of Ares. As the Magistrate of the village didn't do anything, she helped the healer Timosa who was attacked by the Magistrate's guards. Immobilized by Persephone's power, Kassandra was thrown in the Underworld. On the road, she spoke cryptically about her past and explained that the artifact was dangerous, even if Eivor was more appealed to use it. [273], Aletheia showing holograms of the Isu rulers to Kassandra, When holograms of the Persephone, Hades and Poseidon appeared, Aletheia explained each teaching of the trials: Elysium was doomed as its ruler searched for total control, the underworld was devasted by chaos, and Atlantis show her the flawed nature of the Isu. Going to the Cradle of the Underworld, Kassandra recovered a baby's urn containing the ashes of Lilaira's child. As Gyras, the Tempest's chief engineer wanted to flee Achaia, they decided to interrogate him. Kassandra discovered that the thugs were poor people manipulated by a mercenary to kill Metiochos. [281], Around 887, Kassandra went on the Isle of Skye in the Kingdom of the Isles to recover an Apple of Eden. Founding a letter on a follower's corpse, Kassandra localized Gaspar's hideout and kill her. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. What did Ezio say to Desmond? Aletheia tasked Kassandra to find Theras as he knew the location of symbols for the Heir. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Since then, the spear never left Kassandra's side even in her sleep, with her telling her parents that she needed it "to fight the monsters in [her] dreams. It seems that while Bayek can be credited for giving all of Desmonds ancestors a start (he created the group they all eventually join, after all), thats his only relation to the likes of Altair, Ezio, Connor, and the rest. [145], She also tracked members of The Silver Vein. During this quest, she crossed the olympian Testikles. save. [137] There, they found the Petrified Temple closed. In the first Assassin's Creed, Desmond is introduced as a former Assassin leading a simple life as a bartender in New York City. A master of stealth, Kassandra was able to silently assassinate her targets undetected and was also able to utilize the foliage of bushes to remain hidden from her enemies. He willingly gave back Elpidios to his family. After delivering its pelt to the huntress,[51] she tasked her to hunt all the other legendary beasts throughout Greece, in order to earn the trust and protection of the Daughters. [282], Arriving at the Cave of Gold, Kassandra deactivated an isu mirage that hid the vault's entrance. Bayek, Alexios, and Kassandra are all related , however Layla isn't related to them. [274], After six months, Kassandra met Barnabas and Herodotos who searched her after her departure. Up to maybe Assassin's Creed Rogue the answer is yes. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. After killing the thieves, Kassandra retrieved the recipe and chose if she must give the flame to Hermes or Adonis. On his corpse, she found a mask, a robe and a strange shard. [277], Joining Herodotos, the historian told her that Barnabas tried to recover the orb to repair Kassandra's spear. They used it on a man who exploded. [195], The next day, Kassandra and Darius buried Natakas in their house. [150] On Chios, Kassandra was hired by the merchant Thais to kill Kodros, the corrupt leader of the Petrified Islands. He explained that the Cult of Kosmos was once a part of the Cult of Hermes, which worshipped the balance between Order and Chaos, but that the members of Kosmos began to prefer Chaos and used it to have control over Greece. [275], Following the clues given by her friends, Kassandra found another clue. Kassandra is one of the newer protagonists to join the franchise, but technically the oldest in terms of history. save. As she fought them, she was assisted by the Spartan general Brasidas and defeated them. [280], After departing from Greece, Kassandra travelled to her first destination of Egypt. [141] After that, Kassandra met a woman who claimed to have created an elixir to reverse the effect of petrifaction, however, it was a lie. Kassandra decided to recover the key while her friends went to Korkyra Polis to meet an Herodotos' colleague as he was a professor who could read the Doric. Abstergo figured out how to sequence dna more efficiently so they can have anyone do it now with any sample 1 [deleted] 1 yr. ago Play odyssey legacy of the hidden blade and watch last scene 0 Later, Kassandra met again in Darius' hideout where she saw the old man and his son prepared their leaving as they knew that Amorges will track them after the death of Pactyas. In his camp, she found a note on Echion, the Ancient who hired Hylas. Understanding that the lion ate the medallion's other half, she hunted the animal and killed it. Remembering she died in Athens, the young girl explained that she was in Elysium but went into the underworld to find her parents. [162], When it was finished, Kassandra saw in the Sanctuary Aspasia who revealed she was the Ghost. After some time with her son, Kassandra collected shellfish with Natakas while Darius took Elpidios to prepare the feast. The Isu led them to the Forest of Oizys to resume their quest. Exiting the cave, Kassandra met Herodotos outside, who convinced her to join him in a trip to Athens for reporting to Perikles the information she had gathered but, before sailing to Athens, they would meet at Thermopylae to discuss a secret about her spear. Kassandra killed her and found a letter from a Daughter of Artemis indicating that a letter from another Ancient was at their Pedasos Camp. Myrrine chose to follow Brasidas while Kassandra would accomplish the Kings' tasks. [281], Investigating the church, they destroyed the cursed sign, dissipating the fog in the area. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. She also discovered that the Cult was hunting her family to control the bloodline. [130], In Krete, Kassandra went to the ruins of Knossos Palace. Pythagoras gave her the half of a medallion of the Isu and advised her to go to Boeotia to meet his ally Gorgias. Arno is the third of four playable characters not to be related to Desmond Miles, with the first being Aveline de Grandpr, the second being Adwal and the fourth being Shay Cormac. They said that they thought to use Kassandra as a template for their hybrids but seeing her as too human, they created the Hekatonchires and released it to suppress any future rebellion. She. After going to its den, Kassandra emerged victorious from the hunt. [80] Going to see Perikles, she learnt from Aspasia that he was also ill. [72], Arriving in Korinth, Kassandra made contact with Anthousa. He invited Kassandra to go to Atlantis, a proposal she accepted. With his allies standing seemingly still, Juno forces Desmond to move forward and stab Lucy. He threw it in the water, proving he trusted her to protect the family. [125], Completing the medallion, Kassandra returned to the camp and saw that Sphinx's statue disappeared and that Gorgias was dead. The married asked them to make a toast. [138] As they needed the key to open it, Kassandra went to the village of the Daughters of Artemis on Chios and recovered the key.

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