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When Utica and Hippo Acra held out, Hanno and Hamilcar besieged them, eventually receiving their surrender on terms. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). It is possible that Hamilcar Barca secured the last clause after the initial conditions, which were more favorable to Carthage, was altered by Rome with a harsher one. Hamilcar, captured during the wars, spent on distribution to his soldiers and sent to Carthage to buy the favor of the people and part of the aristocracy and make the idea of conquering Spain more popular. . The rebels requested Rome to take over Sardinia, which was turned down. He was also father-in-law to Hasdrubal the Fair.The name Hamilcar (Punic-Phoenician mlqrt, "brother of Melqart") was a common name for Carthaginian men. Rome, which had dealt with Carthage with all due honor and courtesy during the crisis, going as far as to release all Punic prisoners without ransom and refuse to accept offers from Utica and Rebels mercenaries based in Sardinia to incorporate these territories into the Roman domain, seized Sardinia and Corsica and forced Carthage to pay 1,200 talents for her initial refusal to renounce her claim over the islands. luminat) i no era un nom familiar sin un renom personal, encara que a la seva famlia se la distingeix desprs amb el nom dels Barca o Barcins. He was assigned the command in Sicily in 247 in the First Punic War (see Punic Wars). Until the rise to power of his son Hannibal, Hamilcar was the finest commander and statesman that Carthage had produced. Whatever direct territorial control Carthage had had in the past in Iberia,[98] this had been mostly lost by this time as Hamilcar was "re-establishing Carthaginian authority in Iberia". found: The Encyclopedia Americana, c1992: p. 736 (Hamilcar Barca, d. 229 B.C. [71] Carthage now began to fit out an expedition to recover Sardinia, with Hamilcar commanding Punic forces. Hamilcar defeated the confederates, killed the leaders and several of their soldiers, while he released a number of prisoners and incorporated 3,000 of the enemy into his army. vol. A growing number of professional military historians believe that Hannibal Barca was a dark skin ethnically mixed Numidian warrior. Valens reckless failure in diplomacy and battle with the goths sent the Western Roman empire down the path to hell. [35] Hamilcar had to promise considerable rewards to keep the morale of his army up, which was to produce near fatal problems for Carthage later on. Hannibal Barca, born Carthage 247 B.C, Hannibal Barcar was the son of the Carthaginian general Hamilcar Barca. [59] The modern historian Dexter Hoyos stresses that "[s]uch manoeuvres were about the simplest that any army could learn, once it mastered the absolute basics of marching in formation". He then quashed a rebellion closer to home between 241 and 237 BCE before returning abroad, where he successfully expanded Carthaginian interests in southern Spain. Sicily had been the principal battleground but had yet to see a decisive victory for either side. This loss was not huge, but after decades of war, it drove the cash-strapped Carthaginians to instruct Hamilcar to seek peace terms. J.-C. avant de retourner l'tranger, o il russit tendre les intrts carthaginois dans le sud de l'Espagne. Hamilcar ( Punic: , MLK) [1] was a general who succeeded to the command of the Carthaginians in the First Punic War. He was the son of Carthaginian general Hamilcar Barca (Barca meaning "thunderbolt"). At this point, the Carthaginian senate reinstated Hanno and forced Hamilcar to share command. Amazons Who Were the Ancient Female Warriors? Their choice to minimize the Sicilian operations while Hamilcar was in command, reduce the navy and support Hanno the Great's conquests in Africa, all of which were causes for the ultimate defeat of Carthage in the First Punic War. But who reads Polybius (1.65-83) can see how he came to this act. He is of average height for a gladiator, has tawny skin, and well-trimmed black hair with a small beard. Hamilcar's move away from the traditional naval power of Carthage to a land force was reaping fantastic rewards. Carthage was hit by a series of disasters in 239 BC: her fleet and supply flotilla bringing supplies from Empoia was sunk in a storm, the mercenaries in Sardinia rebelled and the cities of Utica and Hippo Acra killed their Punic garrisons and defected to the rebels. He fought a series of successful battles until he reached (but did not destroy) the city of Rome. He kept his army intact and led a successful guerrilla war against the Romans in Sicily. Boston, Massachusetts, United States - April 20, 2013: Boston Harbor. In the process, Hamilcar created a professional army of Iberians, Africans, Numidians and other mercenaries that Hasdrubal the Fair would inherit and Hannibal would later lead across the Alps to immortality. The name Hamilcar (PunicPhoenician mlqrt, brother of Melqart) was a common name for Carth Whatever was the motivation behind this act, it was resented by the mercenaries left behind in Sicily. Hamilcar retired to Carthage after the peace treaty in 241 BC, following the defeat of Carthage. They had remained in power throughout the Mercenary War and had advocated Hanno's position over Hamilcar's more than once. Cartwright, Mark. Hamilcar Barca was blamed by the Carthaginian Leaders for causing the Mercenary War by making unrealistic promises to his soldiers, especially the Celts, during his command in Sicily. Hanno, accustomed to fighting Libyans and Numidians, did not anticipate any further trouble and left his army for Utica. Hamilcar probably landed at Gades in the summer of 237 BC. Mathos could not, though, resist a joint army of Hamilcar and Hanno, and he was driven out of the city and defeated at Byzacium. Quoting Tony Bath, "The Barca family, which originally came from Cyrene, was a powerful one but not at that time among the first families of Carthage". This coin is the best representation of Hannibal. [18] With a small force and no money to hire new troops, Hamilcar's strategic goal probably was to maintain a stalemate, as he had neither the resources to win the war nor the authority to peacefully settle it. Geiger Richrd - grg npek Hamilkr karthgi kirly az oltrnl megli magt.jpg 690 1,027; 177 KB. The Punic Wars were a series of conflicts fought between Carthage Hannibal (also known as Hannibal Barca, l. 247-183 BCE) was a Carthaginian Carthaginian warfare has been overshadowed by defeat to Rome in Punic Wars by Bagnall, Nigel [Hardcover ], Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Punic survivors fled, and all their baggage was captured along with Hannibal and thirty Carthaginian senators. The Romans rejected these terms and appointed ten commissioners, led by Quantius Lutatius Cerco, brother of the consul and himself consul in 240 BC, to reexamine the conditions. Hasdrubal defeated the rebels, killing 8,000 and taking 2,000 prisoners before returning to Iberia. First, Hamilcar broke the rebel siege of Carthage and then defeated an army led by Spendius near the Bagradas River. Territories During the Second Punic WarJavierfv1212 (CC BY-SA). First Punic War. [64] In response, Hamilcar began to harass the rebel supply lines and soon the rebels were placed in a state of siege. Hamilcar Barca, Barca also spelled Barcas, (died winter 229/228 bce), general who assumed command of the Carthaginian forces in Sicily during the last years of the First Punic War with Rome (264241 bce). Related Content was a great Carthaginian general and statesman in the First Punic War who firmly established Carthaginian rule in Spain. Hamilcar offered the prisoners a choice to join his army, or leave Africa with the condition never to take up arms against Carthage. Hanno and Hamilcar unleashed reprisals against the Numidian tribes that had sided with the rebels,[70] and the generals probably extended Carthaginian territory in Africa at the same time. World History Encyclopedia. More About Hamilcar: Astrological Sign: Aries: Date of birth: April 6, 1964: Religion . In these conflicts, Hamilcar had switched Carthage from a naval power to a land power with great success, and he firmly established the Barcid family as the ruling house of Carthage. Autaritus announced that he would do the same with all Punic prisoners that fell into rebel hands in future. [55] Hamilcar observed that wind blowing from a certain direction uncovered a sandbar at the river mouth that was fordable and, under cover of night, the Punic army left Carthage and crossed the river. Iussit hortos claros Hamilcaris fieri qui stabant " Megarae, suburbio Carthaginis". By this time he had three daughters, and his son Hannibal was born during the same year. In various forms, the name . Completed Exodus Transitional Program. In this war unbelievable atrocities were committed on both sides. 270 a.C. - 228 a.C.) foi um estadista e general cartagins responsvel pela conquista da Hispnia por Cartago. [8] The Romans had occupied most of Sicily by 249 BC and they besieged the last two Carthaginian strongholds in the extreme west. [58] Hamilcar unleashed his trap as the disorderly rebels closed on his formation. The name Hamilcar (Punic-Phoenician mlqrt, "brother of Melqart") was a common name for Carthaginian men. The Turdetani surrendered. Hamilcar was a Carthaginian commander whose greatest achievement was winning the Battle of Drepanum in 249 BC during the First Punic War. Heavy infantry formed the rearguard, and the whole army marched in a single file in battle formation. 18 Jan 2023. In fact, when we were filing this paper's 'Bush Telegraph' column from safari camps all over . The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total. Carthaginian leadership requested terms to the victorious Roman commander, Gaius Lutatius Catulus and authorised Hamilcar Barca to open negotiations, probably to avoid the responsibility of the defeat. [15] Carthage did not take advantage of their naval supremacy and carry the war to Italy other than launching a few raids. [43], Lutatius did not have the authority to ratify the agreement he made with Hamilcar, so he forwarded them to the Comitia Centuriata in Rome. He holds an MA in Political Philosophy and is the WHE Publishing Director. His son was Hannibal, famous for his exploits during the Second Punic War. In an effort to reestablish their position, they decided to make a scapegoat of Hamilcar Barca. Poirson5.gif 449 637; 129 KB. Spendius rallied his forces, was reinforced by a detachment largely made of Gauls under Autaritus and shadowed Hamilcar as he advanced south east, keeping to the high ground to avoid Carthaginian elephants and cavalry and harassing their enemy at every possible opportunity. After retaking the Seven Words a city situated on the slopes of Gorkoman mountain, Hamilcar was forewarned by Lord-Veritant Vikaeus of an imminent Skaven attack. Hamilcar's faction gained enough clout, if not supreme power in Carthage, for Hamilcar to implement his next agenda. Eryx (Monte San Giuliano),[30] from which he was able to lend support to the besieged garrison in the neighbouring town of Drepanum (Trapani). By 490 BC, Massalia had managed to defeat Carthage twice, and a boundary along Cape Nao in Iberia was agreed upon,[102] while Carthage had closed the Straits of Gibraltar to foreign shipping. The Iberian army fled before the battle was joined. The copyright holder has published this content under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. By winter of 240 BC, the situation had improved for Carthage. Hamilcar retired to Africa after the peace treaty in 241 BC, following the defeat of Carthage. Hamilcar next moved to confront the army of Matho at Tunis. Four years of constant campaigns, details of which are not known, saw Hamilcar subdue the area between Gades and Cape Nao. The Carthaginian's, in any case, continued campaigning in Spain. Spendius and Matho were joined by a force commanded by a Libyan chief named Zarzas, and the 50,000 strong army under Spendius moved away from Carthage. The coins do not resemble each other. Then the enterprising Hamilcar Barca came to the fore. Hamilcar died in battle, most likely drowning in the Jucar River while besieging a place called Helice and trying to escape from a Celtiberian army. Hamilcar commanded the Carthaginian land forces in Sicily from 247BC to 241BC, during the latter stages of the First Punic War. Hannibal's father, Hamilcar Barca, general of the Carthaginian mercenaries, was infuriated about the western Mediterranean losses of Sicily and Sardinia. Carthage will ransom all Punic prisoners, while all Roman prisoners would be freed without payment of ransom. Hannibal Barca was born in Carthage (present-day Tunisia) in approximately 247 B.C. The Carthaginian state was led by the landed aristocracy at the time, and they preferred to expand across northern Africa instead of pursuing an aggressive policy in Sicily. Hamilcar was appointed commander in chief in Sicily in 247 BC, when, after 18 years of fighting, the Carthaginian forces were at their lowest. Roman consul Fundanius (243/2 BC) arrogantly replied that Hamilcar should request a truce to save his living and denied the request. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. No. However, Corrections? [99] Iberian and Celtiberian tribes were not under any unified leadership at this time and were warlike, although some had absorbed varying degrees of Greek and Punic cultural influence. Carthage was a mixture of indigenous black Africans, Berber tribesmen, Semitic Arabs, white Celtic Germanic warriors, Greek sojourners, and white Libyan tribesmen that existed when many Phoenician cities and colonies decorated North Africa. After weeks of maneuvering, Hamilcar finally managed to trap about 40,000 rebels in a valley surrounded on three sides by mountains.[66]. Although the Carthaginians were a mixed population, the Carthaginian military was dominated by Numidians, which was a mixture of a black Africans, Nubians, and Berber extract that lived among the Carthaginians and who were prevalent in Egypt, Morocco, Algeria and elsewhere throughout North Africa. America's Black dilemma Hamilcar refused and slaughtered all of them except for the commanders. The war started to improve for Carthage when they were aided by Rome, who repatriated captured Carthaginian soldiers for free, and the tyrant of Syracuse Hiero, who feared that without Carthage then Rome might act at will in the central Mediterranean. She apparently was from Lisbon. Their heavy handedness with Sardinian natives caused native Sardinians to attack and expel the mercenaries by 237 BC. Castellacio, 7 miles north-west of Palermo),[26] and not only maintained himself against all attacks, but carried on with his seaborne raids ranging from Catana[27] in Sicily to as far as Cumae in central Italy. He fights with a sword and shield, which could mean he fights as either a Murmillo, Thraex, or Samnite. [11] It was to be seven years before Rome again attempted to field a substantial fleet.[12][13]. Carthage at this time was feeling the strain of the prolonged conflict. Hamilcar obtained permission from the Carthaginian Senate for recruiting and training a new army, with the immediate goal of securing the African domain of Carthage. History Themes. Hamilcar first raided the Italian coast at Bruttium in 247 BCE, perhaps in search of booty to pay his mercenaries, and then landed on Sicily at Heircte near Panormus (Palermo). Omissions? Hamilcar and the Barcid line would now dominate the Carthaginian political and military arenas for the next 35 years. ". Hamilcar's immediate objective was to secure access to the gold and silver mines of Sierra Morena, either by direct and indirect control. But now the 20,000 man army had to be paid their full due. His third daughter married the Berber ally Naravas,[120] a Numidian chieftain whose defection had saved Hamilcar and his army during the mercenary war. When his troops rushed towards the retreating Carthaginians, Spendius was either unable to control them or believed that the Carthaginians were fleeing and encouraged his forces' pursuit. J.-C.) tait un gnral carthaginois actif lors de la premire guerre punique (264-241 av. The coin presented does not appear to favor the features of either. In 237 BCE Hamilcar had famously taken his son, then nine years old, to the temple of Baal in Carthage and made him swear never to be a friend of Rome. The gloomy situation changed when first Syracuse and then Rome came to the aid of Carthage. The milder terms Rome had given to Carthage in the aftermath of the First Punic War, and the friendly conduct of Rome during the mercenary war might have raised the possibility of a long period of peace between the two powers, but the seizure of Sardinia destroyed any real chance of peace among equals. Finally, with the fall of the rebel capital in 237 BCE, Hippacra and Utica back on the Carthaginian side, and Libya now compliant, Carthage had regained control of its African empire. He was also father-in-law to Hasdrubal the Fair. Still, without a significant force at his disposal (fewer than 20,000 men) and despite Polybius' praise that he was the best Carthaginian general of the war, Hamilcar's effect on the conflict was ultimately a limited one. Neither side should make war on the other's allies, or seek to change their allegiance by allying with them directly or interfering with their internal affairs. Not only did the Carthaginians lose the First Punic War and so the control of Sicily but they were also compelled to pay huge reparations to Rome. [39], This treaty replaced all previous treaties between the two powers. The Carthaginians were marching in good order so they could perform a pre-planned manoeuvre which they had practiced in Carthage, but the rebels, many of whom were inexperienced soldiers, believed that the Carthaginians were running away. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Neither side would seek to recruit soldiers, levy tribute or build public buildings on the other power's territories. He was known for his skill as a commander and his contributions to the army. Hamilcar in turn nominated Gisco,[38] the Carthaginian commander of Lilybaeum, to conduct the talks. One historian commented that had he not been the father of Hannibal, Hamilcar's Sicilian front might have received scant notice. [28] He also set about improving the spirit of the army, and succeeded in creating a highly disciplined and versatile force. 50 Carthaginian ships were sunk, 70 captured and 10,000 prisoners taken. Legend suggests that before he embarked upon the Spanish campaign, Hannibals father (Hamilcar Barca) required the nine year old Hannibal to pledge his ever-lasting hatred of Rome. He may have been responsible for creating the strategy which his son Hannibal implemented in the Second Punic War to bring the Roman Republic close to defeat. When First Syracuse and then defeated an army led by Spendius near the Bagradas River move from... Living and denied the request surrender on terms if not supreme power in Carthage for... ) foi um estadista e general cartagins responsvel pela conquista da Hispnia Cartago. Army of Matho at Tunis remained in power throughout the Mercenary War and had advocated Hanno 's position Hamilcar. Style manual or other sources if you have suggestions to improve this (... Then Rome came to the gold and silver mines of Sierra Morena, either by direct and indirect control talks... Same with all Punic prisoners that fell into rebel hands in future yet see! 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