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You are inadequate and incomplete because you have NOTHING, Europe is a continent of nothingness watch it go back to what it was and what it should have been. Hear a word and type it out. please list in full with sources in full the precise achievements of sub-saharan negroid Africans. and see they are not experiencing any of the disease the western world is with their so called technology and advancements. Finally the original owners of England were Black people as confirmed by the accounts of Julius Ceasar on his conquest of Britain. You are going back to that. It is obvious you have an agenda to bring down all non-black and so you are no better than the terrible racist whites you hate so much. White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University-led study finds. WAS IT LOST. I'll be genetically indistinguishable from my Earth - 1 counterpart. Spanish Proverb:- Africa empieza en los Pirineos. But the Cornell study, published in the journal Nature Thursday, indicates that Europeans went through a second population bottleneck, probably about 30,000 years ago, when the ancestral population was again reduced to relatively few in number. White man was made to destroy civilization which that have surely done and continue to do. THIS IS WHAT WAS DONE UNDER WHITE SUPREMACY. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. If were showing that genes have an overwhelming influence on who gets put onto the life-course persistent pathway, then that would suggest we need to know Look at Zaire (Congo). For the record a young year old Nubian princess scored a 150 on IQ test!! NOBODY WAS PUT ON THE MOON LOOK AT THE TROUBLE WE HAVE ON EARTH AND YOU ARE PREOCCUPIED WITH OUTERSPACE, ISNT THAT EVIL? WebYou are descended from the smartest, strongest, most cunning, resilient lifeforms in the history of life. Now i will finish off my discourse in the fine white English language, using the fine white Roman alphabet, using my fine white invented key board,etc But then your intelligence is still below average and your mastery of facts and history is really poor. Well I am white and I have never hurt anyone, oppressed anyone, or did any of the other bad things mentioned above. invented tele communications. Your such an ignorant ass hole, i suppose you have nothing to counter my arguments so name calling is the only response. The article above which is culled from a western owned establishment and written by western scientists is talking about biological and genetic superiority. Mr Pink-Smythe, but the Obamas of this world, the Mandelas, the Ghadaffis, the Zumas, and the the Jahdeys, shall restore the glory of Africa throught the might and power of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. Evidently, these mutations were advantageous among those populations just as the genetic variant promoting milk digestion was advantageous to early Europeans. Smythen barks: Sorry if I hurt your feeling but your rambling does not sound like the product of an educated or sane mind. In trying to prove how racist white people are you have revealed as a huge, angry racist. REMOTE VIEWING WAS FORMULATED FROM THIS KNOWLEDGE. Its a very vague term, when Ive seen it used it typically relates to the misconception that evolution is a ladder and that animals arent as evol They have long been the most intensively studied model organisms, and were among the first life - forms to be genetically sequenced. WebEugenics, the set of beliefs and practices which aims at improving the genetic quality of the human population, played a significant role in the history and culture of the United States from the late 19th century into the mid-20th century. Unfortunately, because of political correctness, it seems that Dr. Lahn has to stop doing his brain research. One mutation, which according to his estimates arose some 40,000 years ago, coincided with the first art found in caves, the paper observed. Recent arrivals, where did they spring from? WebThe meaning of GENETIC is relating to or determined by the origin, development, or causal antecedents of something. I cited you the works of scientists from Cornell University one of Americas leading Universities who concluded that Africans have superior genetic profile than Europeans and you claim that this work is discredit. hey, from my understanding of genetics our genes being inferior to africans means that our genetic material makes us more susceptible to different diseases. Copyright 2009-2023. Studying DNA from several species, the Chicago team found that, over millions of years, the genes had undergone more rapid change in monkeys, apes and humans than in other animals. It began as a degenerate form of gutter French which was need to communicate with the Normans French ruling class who were the masters of the Anglo-Saxon slaves and serfs. Webgenetically inferior to others translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'generically',genetical',genially',geodetically', examples, definition, conjugation .. give your evidence of white people arriving in Europe 400ad. Pleasethe only thing Africa gave the world was resources. Well I never said anything about the stonehenge, I only taught you about the history of the Silures of Britain. , . You are aware that the Arab slave trade in Africa totally dwarfed the slave trade to the now United States, right? Africans are the MOST diverse group of people on the planet, with all facial feature types, skin tones and types, bone structure and hair types. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Jahdey roars We are even ruling United States today without firing a gunshot. Delivered to your inbox! discovered dna Was the article written by an African? EUROPEANS HAVE ALWAYS TRIED TO SHOWED SUPERIORITY, A TRUE SUPERIOR PEOPLE WOULD NOT OPPRESS ANOTHER TO LOOK GOOD, OR DISTORT INFORMATION IN HISTORY, CREATE DISEASE TO WIPE OUT ANOTHER, STEAL THEIR LAND, SODOMIZE THEIR CHILDREN, DEHUMANIZE THEM. By 2010, 80% of Hawaiian papaya plants were genetically modified. You are not white! Below is an excerpt in which I highlight the important conclusion: In recent years, Dr. Lahn has become interested in why the human brain is so large and complex. . All of these events occurred way after the year 300 Anno Domino. They have genes that are not found in other peoples. Everything you just said Europeans contributed.has already been done millions of years ago!!! The in depth studies can be found at the articles source, here: I understand sympathize with your longing for self-esteem, but to replace that with pride in race, especially when it comes packaged with hatred for others, is utter folly. For example, Native Americans show even less genetic diversity than Europeans, having descended from a few thousand people who entered North America about 10,000 years ago. people of european origin put white men on the moon. split the atom. , . The specific Negroid type originated it is believed in west Africa , and the oldest Negroid skull type is much younger than the earliest caucasian type skull. Eh Goofie, the article above was actually written by European descended scientists one of your so-called people. I advise every Black person to read this translation of Aethiogyptian wisdom. This concept doesnt really exist in biology, rather its a term used by laymen in social contexts to denigrate a specific people group. The idea i That is why your western scientists made the discoveries above for youso that in your moment of hubristic jingoism, you will remember your limitations and your origins. Here again is the facial profile of those Africans: That was before you came out of the caves and ate them all up. I think it turns to anger with a lot of kids. Not only undiagnosed but with higher functioning autism. Alot of times kids with high functioning aut Previously, weve been able to look at the genome and say, This part is from Africa, this is from Asia,' explained Virginia research Andrew Singleton to Wired News. But Rasta Africans are back. In the last 40 years, average incomes per person in Africa have stagnated People in our modern data age can find anything to their fancy. Look at the blonde and fair haired mumies from the Taklamakan in western china who date back to the brone age , they came from the Russian steppes and introduced the wheel into China as well as being the decendants of the people who first domesticated the horse, their decendants lived in China until the early middleages and we know them as the Tocharians, they were assimilated into turkic tribes and lost their identity. And remember that the so-called securing of food and water you talk about came through theiving and robbery, murder and pillage, vandalism and rape, kidnapping and enslavement. Please, everyone read this whole answer before judging too quickly Other people will tell you stuff like youre not inferior, youre perfect It is established by setting out clones (as grafts or cuttings) or seedling progeny of trees selected for desired characteristics. , nuchal . Read the article again and click on the link to see the original paper in Cornel University database. Go figure another language like that or with such a history. Also keep your ignorant silly racist assumptions to yourself, you do not know how well educated i am, maybe my pinky ass, as you put it is way better educated than your black ass knows. Sexual reproduction produces genetically unique offspring, allowing for adaptation. Shame on your lack of proper schooling. A third study, published in the journal Science on Friday, may be the most fascinating of all. You are a human and that in itself means you have value. Dr. Lahn and his team further observed that the new mutations are found most frequently outside of Africa. WebSo the phrase Genetic inferiority is a mistake in logic, language and science. Even daily activities are a power struggle, and often those in power remain in power while those inferior remain inferior . Perhaps there are some arguments in some of the ESSAYS written below, but people have a tendency to stray from the topic, when they cant disprove the premise laid out. Ruined it. Which of these items is named for a deadly weapon. In his book titled Civilization or Barbarism, (1981), at page 15-16, Cheikh Anta Diop made the following observation: The Grimaldi Negroids have left their numerous traces all over Europe and Asia, from the Iberian Peninsula to Lake Baykal in Siberia, passing through France, Austria, the Crimea, and the Basin of Don, etc. Go read a proper book instead of hanging around racist websites. You do not have the complete book of life. You are Asiatic from western China. Africa now accounts for only 1% of the total world economic output and 2% of VEGAN DIET, iam studying nutrition and my teacher states it is the western world that is truly primitive, since they are dying from all these disease(heart issue, arthritis,diabetes etc.) Also, you need to provide citations for your tomfoolery if ever there was such a thing. You lies and whines are inadequate authorities. They were black and had curly hair. Genetic evidence shows the majority of Europeans are survivors from the last ice age . I am not an asiatic from western China you idiot, i know blacks have low IQ,s but learn to remember what you have read. They are not colour coded. and of Arran, generally brown and some of a black complexion. Excuse me? Actually i,m white not pink ..woof woof woof. The Grimaldi graves do not date to the neolithic, they date to the paleolithic only a discrepancy of thousands of years. When did the Vandals get to Hispana-Spain? Right, they're genetically modified organisms. BUT NOT ONE ARGUMENT supporting them NOT being genetically inferior to Africans. I have a friend here from Iceland, and have heard stories from him about the place. Beats me, but they do! Destitute, broke, disease ridden, very dangerous land. Traditionally, ox tendons are considered inferior to wild - game sinews since they have a higher fat content, leading to spoilage. to grow by 5% because of rapidly growing populations. The Evil deeds of your people even in the 60s by not wanting Africans to read, write, speak their own language, and just be human is why many Africans in HATEMERICA and other parts of the world are behind trying to pay catch up in this world. Their next step was to determine if evolution had continued in modern humans. According to Tacituss biography of Agricola, the Silures of Britain were Celts, who had a dark complexion and curly hair. The fierce and proud Bedouin nomads of the Middle East actually have a lot of European and South Asian blood. IT IS NOT LOST TO EVERYONE BUT THE MAJORITY HAS NO IDEA. The Vandals were a European tribe in the classical age, not all of god damned Europe, I hope to God you dont live in a white country you arrogant ignorant prick. A lot to unpack here. PLEASE VISIT DR.HOROWITZ.COM YOU WILL LEARN WHAT ELSE EUROPEANS HAVE INVENTED??? In the end, it is neither French nor Latin. I hear alot of boasting of destructive tendencies, things gained through the non-just, incorrect, unbalanced system of Racism (White Supremacy.). Your time will come when you shall all pay for your crimes against humanity. AIDS, EBOLA SWINE FLU. You guys are nothing but petulant, inferior, barbaric, inhumane animalsAll of your achievements are the reason why this world is insanely fucked up today. The first Africans were neither Negroid or Caucasian, these are later developments. Send us feedback. When each letter can be seen but not heard. Most of those sub-saharan African countries would be rich or well off if they were ran correctly. BRAINS. Robbery and plunder! REMEMBER ONLY THE FITTEST survive and africa is a squalid shit hole, which should be allowed to die, please dont shoot the messenger. Remember Gott mit uns. Many of my authorities are Europeans themselves. TO GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO DO ALL THIS IS OF A INFERIOR NATURE LOOKING FOR POWER YOU CANT HANDLE.. WITH ALL THE SETBACKS AND UNCONCIOUSNESS WE FACE PEOPLE OF AFRKAN DESCENT ARE STILL STRIVING. Further more the racist language in this thread was started by you ,.its there for anybody to see, its obvious that you hate Europeans from your racist derogatory language, personally, i think you and your kind are a joke and are not really worth hating. If we continue life with only consideration of what a white male wants, the power structure not necessarily the individual, then the whole earth would have been destroyed long ago. Original Europeans were black skinned Africans. Furthermore, this entire argument is irrelevant because it matters who you are as an individual not whether or not our race is superior. while they have grown in most of the rest of the world. The genes will propagate rapidly. The point being that your ridiculous statement the European caucasians came into Europe only in 400 AD couldnt be right, and isnt cos there were plenty of caucasians in Europe thousands of years before that. Again this shows you as one stupid unintelligent pink bwoy full of hubris and raw ignorance. TITLE of the article: key phrase GENETICALLY INFERIOR, genetically superior people would not need to destroy others & their environments to live. Jahdey roars: And inferior in different ways because of this but one is not better than the other. WebIts possible that you may be genetically inferior, and its possible that you carry good genes. Nglish: Translation of genetic for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of genetic for Arabic Speakers. NAME ONE GOOD THING THAT CAME OUT OF SPLITTING THE ATOM THAT BENEFITTED THE ENTIRE EARTH IN GOODNESS. says major structural changes are needed if Africa is to catch up with the Yes, it is. cedar park high How to use genetic engineering in a sentence. Although humans and chimpanzees share about 96% of their DNA, human brains are about four times larger. We answerers simply dont know that. Modern English bears no similarity with what was spoken by the Anglo Saxons. They were black people. invented the bow. Genetic. Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/genetic. , , . And so had been his condition since the beginning of time. A category error. It is treating statements referring to genes as though they are value judgements, rather than factual propositions. This is paten Humans with defective copies of either gene are born with brains only about one-third the normal size. Do you want me to take you to the researchers house too? , . Haiti would be a paradise on Earth if those n* were not there! What a load of utter shit jahdey, Europeans did not become so successful because of robbing africans, are you for real?, Africa would be even more backwards then it is today were it not for European involvement in that continent. Genetically modified mice that are modified to disable the LTP mechanism, also generally show severe memory deficits. In truth, the so-called whites (especially the pink ones) are the only tribe on earth that ever claimed that they came from monkey family. Finally, I dont know about your negroid and pinkoid categorizations. Webadj of or relating to genetics, genes, or the origin of something (C19: from genesis) genetically adv English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus See also: Originally, the Eygptians had what was called demotic writing, which differed from hierogylphics writing. THE NAME AFRIKA WE USE BECAUSE THATS WHAT IT WAS CHANGED TO BUT THE CONSCIOUS AMONG OUR PEOPLE KNOW THIS IS NOT CORRECT, THIS IS A DECEPTION FROM THE ORIGINAL NAME(ALKUBULAN OR EDEN). Guess what? According to the research work of the scientists of European descent who are all based in Cornell University Americas leading Ivy league University and other 58. Right, they're genetically modified organisms or seeds, and the farm next to him, well, they did, and basically, their seeds blew over into his crop. Genetically inferior people are less fit for multiple environments..GENETICALLY.. You shouldnt. You should accept that there is an inadequacy and resolve to change it, not for womens approval, but for your own. Dont focus on w If black are superior then why did you all have your head in your ass while the west progressed through the ages? YOU ARE KIDDING THE EGYPTIANS CREATED AND PERFECTED ALL OF THAT, THATS WHERE THE LANGUAGES STEMS FROM SPEAK WITH AN LINGUIST OR PROFESSOR OF LANGUAGES IN ETYMOLOGY. Blacks genetically less intelligent than whites according to Wall Street Journal. He found ways to suggest that in his papers. Shame on you pink fool, it shows you did not go to school. You are nothing special. (PS all naturally living organisms need the Sun) #Imjustsayin, So-called Whites never did survive that frozen tundra; they were so stupid they never even adapted from their carnivorous ways; were it not for the Grimaldi Negro, who taught the last survivors of the Neanderthal extinction to catch fish; and probably had sex with a few Neanderthal women; there would be no White Race. But some of us understand that the Universe is Cause and Consequences and at present Black people are dealing with the sins of our Fathers. Your women are the trash of the world. The same thing as thinking and assuming genetic superiority. Hitler was the last person that made either or assumptions. How can anyone assume what ), Droid aka Mr. Smythen moans: Why did you abandon it and invade foreign land for survival if you had everything going for your inbreeding ases? http://www.theosophical.ca/books/DivinePymanderOfHermesMercuriusTrismegistus,The.pdf. Go argue with them but argue not with Jahdey. Europeans were the first to weave textiles. . Those men and women were horrid, sub-human alien pink pirates, the truth of which the entire globe can testify with me. Your such an ignorant fool, calling ancient Europeans canibals. Perhaps the genes play a role outside of the brain or affect a brain function that has nothing to do with intelligence. Makes them feel shit probably, thinking that a loser like you thinks they can get with them. Yet because neither variant is common in sub-Saharan Africa, there was another potential implication: Some groups had been left out. What the data didnt say was how the mutations were advantageous. Hello, WINNING, goodbye, WHINING! Native Americans had the least genetic diversity of all, indicating that part of the world was settled last. The innate inferiority complex of whites cannot be mistaken for anything. He said the internet. That suggested brain evolution might have occurred in tandem with important cultural changes. Europeans are thieves who steal and carbon copy everything!!! Smh. As would be expected with the out of Africa theory, the researchers found Africans had the greatest amount of genetic diversity, followed in turn by Middle Easterners, then Europeans and South Asians at about equal levels, then East Asians. Your types descended from the troglodytes apes of the Russian steepes and western China.[quote]. You cannot reconstruct the face of prehistoric Europeans on the basis of a few broken skull fragments, that is like saying that in forty thousand years from now a scientist uncovers a fragment of a white south african and asumes that is what all africans looked like forty thousand years prior. Come on say it and hear how ridiculous you would sound: I am pink and proud LoL!!!~. Now we can look past that and say, Its from this part of Africa or Eurasia.'. 58.). If you paid attention earlier, and i know you find it difficult with your apeman IQ, you would have learned that the origin of Sumerian writting and hence phoenician writting came from the Vinca pictograghs in south east Europe. Therefore, I assert that as a whole, Americans are genetically superior to all others." political systems. The cause became increasingly promoted by intellectuals of the Progressive Era.. 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