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The mine companies were of the opinion that the miners should emplace it themselves as part of their job; the miners insisted that, if specialized timbermen were not employed, they themselves should be paid so many cents-per-foot to do this work. It salvaged some of the Frank smelters equipment and walked away. On a concrete basement exterior walls of hollow tiles rose two storeys, were stuccod and covered with a hipped roof broken by several dormer windows. Built around one Komerak-Greaves press which combined asphalt and powdered coal into lumps, the plant output of 30 tons of briquettes per hour. Crowsnest Pass (sometimes referred to as Crow's Nest Pass, French: col du Nid-de-Corbeau) is a low mountain pass across the Continental Divide of the Canadian Rockies on the AlbertaBritish Columbia border. In 1903 the operation was bought by a Welshman, E.G. In easy retirement, the community spends its time painting its houses, driving school buses back and forth to the Comprehensive High School in Coleman, tending their commercial greenhouses and laying awake some nights trying to distinguish between the rumble of a CP train on the Crows Nest Line and the restless heart of Turtle Mountain. 6.2 km return, 900 m elevation gain. Chas. The population of West Blairmore was large enough by the end of the 10s that the community warranted a school. A swimming pool followed. A new wooden tipple was under construction along with other surface plant. Coaldale is next. As attested to by the buildings on 20th Avenue faced with bricks salvaged from the abandoned Canadian Metals Company smelter in nearby Frank, the early 20s saw a construction boom in Blairmore. Summit Lake on the British Columbia side drains via three intermediary creeks into the Elk River, which feeds into the Kootenay River, and finally into the Columbia River to the Pacific. The bright, white scar on Turtle Mountains grey face and the barrier of broken limestone that covers five square miles of the valleys floor is the first thing for which Frank is famous; the Slide. Another consideration dogging the developer was whether to enter the lucrative coke market or not. 1was completed through the Selkirk Mountains of B.C. Under cover of fog, Bassoff escaped the police dragnet only to be quietly captured on the 11th by CPR police in the railway yards at Pincher Station, some 35 kilometres east on the Crows Nest Line. With the aid of the Dutch Reformed Church in Southern Alberta, it was built at Passburg, a few miles east down the Highway, by Chris Withage of Lethbridge under contract to local Dutch immigrants who just wanted to provide travellers with a place in which to refresh their spirits. Fernau was fascinated, writes Jeremy Mouat in The Business of PowerHydro-Electricity in South Eastern British Columbia, and soon convinced himself that advanced Belgian techniques in smelting would solve the problem. An aspect of Franks history that is often over-looked amid the rubble of its famous Slide is that it was, reputedly, the first town in the Pass to raise a miners co-operative store. On the inside of the curve is the Municipality of Crowsnest Passs west-bound welcoming display; on the outside the scenic side road from Hillcrest joins. Bailey, and RCMP Constable Ernest Usher. In reaction to the drastic curtailment of working hours, Internationals workforce walked out in a seven month-long strike called by the OBU in 1924. The Journal itself was founded in 1921, ten years after the Coleman Miner was suppressed by the authorities for radically labour points of view. Church organizations and moral reformers such as the evangelistic William Aberhart demanded the complete and immediate eradication of demon rum. Availing themselves of Albertas new plebiscite law, prohibitionists badgered Premier Arthur Lewis Sifton into setting July 21st, 1915 as the date upon which to assess Albertans temperate sentiments. Across the Trough to the north Crowsnest Mountain stands in solitude. Unlike MCC, International had made money during the War and in 1948 its directors had begun a program of capital investment in their works. The school had been expanded with the addition of two rooms. Renamed in 1925, it closed as an institution of learning in 1963 and in May of 1999 was bought by speculators from Calgary who intend to convert it into a B&B. Lyon as mayor, the community took a second breath and bloomed into the Troughs major node. The Railways telegraph line was destroyed and RN-WMP Constable Robert Leard had to wire Cranbrook some 75 kilometres away westward to summon assistance. In 1908, in the middle of the general downturn in business that saw C-AC&C shut down for about a year, Henry Luplin Frank died.20 The company re-organized itself that April as the Canadian Consolidated Coal Company. Despite the companys, problems optimism seemed to reign at Internationals board meetings, for a new tipple erected in steel in 1926. Is Grand Canyon Rim Trail longer than 5.4 mi? Picariello, called Emperor Pic because of his way of living life large and his don-like manner of dispensing favours in the Passs Italian communities, naturally viewed his hotel as a distribution point for the various spirits, both legitimate and otherwise, in which he dealt. In 1951 the Bellevue output 231,567 tons with 316 men. In the east Pass things were radically different. An agreement was reached. Download our mobile app now. for Canadian industry, and though the CPR was responsible for the resultant prosperity, it was resented both for its wealth and its apparent disregard for the little guy. Being a business, and a large, Eastern-owned one at that, it was naturally more concerned with its bottom line than with the convenience of the folks living along its right-of-way. The Smelter, Constant Fernau was a European mining engineer. The washery replaced the inefficient dry picking table operation that MCC had been using since 1909. Meanwhile, development at the Mine proceeded apace. Their saviour were the Japanese, oil poor and energy hungry. By the 1920s, its hopes betrayed, the Hotel gave itself over to act as headquarters to Douglas Allisons horse ranch for a few years before time claimed its due. Alberta does build fine roads, and this one is a far cry from the first rough trail that early Natives broke through the Pass and out onto the Prairies so many centuries ago. Compression of the edge of the North American Plate caused stress fractures which eventually buckled and heaved up to form the Rockies. With his accumulated savings, Picariello bought the Alberta in January of 1918 from Fritz Sick, who by this time had concentrated his brewing business in Lethbridge and was struggling through Prohibition selling 2% alcohol near beer in the Alberta market and exporting full strength lagers to other provinces through a curious loop-hole in the laws. The discord would make the next eight months very tough. It was, however, a poor time to begin a coal mine and the operation never amounted to much. Sustained by its Belgian and French markets, WCC weathered the downturn at the end of the Great War despite a four month long Pass-wide strike in 1919. Calgary Power, with which EKP had interconnected on February 16th of 1930, took over the Sentinel plant which continued to power the Pass until, worn out and redundant, it was stripped and abandoned by its owners in February of 1969. But for the fact that the Crowsnest was so much more receptive to power and pipe line alignments than the other passes, forest weeds would likely be colonizing the cracks in Blairmores sidewalks and prying up the pavement. The best place to base oneself for an exploration of the Crowsnest area is Chinook Lake, a beautiful campsite just a few kilometres north of the main highway, west of Coleman.There are a few choice sites beside the lake itself, and three loops on the forested hillsides above the lake, including a small tenting loop. Their old stories tell of a battle near its base that was cut short by a rock-fall. Thompson and Company, offered the convenience of night shopping, provided a horse drawn streetcar to carry shoppers down lengthy Victoria Avenue, and dominated regional commerce by arranging the delivery of purchases to any home in the Trough. Albertans adopted the habit wholesale, and even on four lanes of highway some folks insist on motoring along full borewhich in Alberta is 65 miles per hour; what?, 110 kilometres?, about 95 feet per seconddown the shoulder, stupidly oblivious to the possibility that somebody might be stopped changing a flat tire or pedalling a bicycle. Nonetheless, it was able to attract enough new customers so that in 1924, when International and other Pass companies were crippled by a seven month-long strike, the company was able to sell much of the record 484,000 tons that it dug in 223 working days that year. First of all, an economically mineable deposit of coal had to be located and assessed. They dewatered the lower levels of the mine which it had been flooded fourteen years earlier to extinguish a stubborn blaze. The grief-tempered prosperity that War brought to Blairmore served to mask the changing times in the coal industry. Not only were there clandestine stills aplenty, but as distilleries and breweries in all of the western provinces were still permitted to bottle product for export, all a shady entrepreneur had to do was cook up the paper work to buy it and then smuggle it to his customers. Shop the collection. The uncertainty of ownership became an acute inconvenience in the aftermath of the disaster that all but wiped out the nearby settlement of Frank in April of 1903. While the hotel was rising, directly across 20thVictoriaAvenue work commenced on more company buildings. One thing most people had in common was a desire to garden and a love of sports. By that Christmas the Coleman Hotel was up and renting rooms for $30 per month. A jack-of-all-trades from a customs officer to a town-founder, he was enough of a mining man to spot a likely prospect and may have risked money on S.W. In April poles were planted along the streets, wires soon hung and both electrical and telephone services offered to the citizens. School classes were quickly moved there from the pool hall. The Hamiltons fancy house was dynamited and the surface works were scrapped. The Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) built the Crowsnest Route line from Lethbridge, Alberta, to Kootenay Landing, British Columbia, through the Crowsnest Pass between 1897 and 1898. But for the single line of trackage arrowing down the middle of the right-of-way and the gazebo, the site is now cleared of everything but its coal-stained ballast. Another 6km (4mi) east, Highway 95 diverges north while Highway 93 merges onto the Crowsnest Highway from a shared alignment. Although the Emperor was Not on the train, legend requires raconteurs to relate that the robbers were hoodwinked out of really big prizes by both Pic and a local utility manager who each alertly secreted their money-rolls in seat cushions. For as much as Albertans tend to deny it, the fact is that their province does see some precipitation, although, truthfully, down here in the southern reaches, not an excessive amount. A year before it abandoned its Blairmore South works in 1914, West Canadian Collieries had begun mining into the bench of the Trough immediately north of Blairmore, on property it likely bought from Fishburn, Baker and Proctor. The wooden bridge which carried Front over the head of the Bellevue ravine was so scorched that it was removed and the defile there filled with mine waste. Fishburn, T.G. All, of course, were dependent to some extent on the Mine. Even at that rate the owners figured that they were under producing by half and, with a fat Balkan coke contract on the table and just awaiting a few additional signatures, tore into 1914 with a will. Blairmores secondary industries, A vibrant, wealth-generating region like the East Pass attracted entrepreneurs aplenty, especially in the field of construction. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Among them was Dr. Geo. Prohibition became Law in Alberta on July 1st of 1916. It was re-christened the Frank Military Hospital and Doctors Ritchie and A.H. Baker came to administer to the sick. Hillcrest-Mohawk shut down the exhausted Mohawk on March 14th, 1952, keeping its cleaning plant and tipple operating on an as needed basis when the Coleman Collieries facility couldnt handle an unexpectedly large order. Simple and efficient, with gravity doing half the work. Eastbound on the Highway from Frank, the traveller turns right onto 219th Street, the old Hillcrest-Bellevue Road. The Second World War called Colemans miners back to work in numbers not seen since the 10s. The main ventilation fan had been reversed immediately after the explosion in an attempt to drive fresh air to the workers, but, likely due to blocked shafts, the effort was unsuccessful. So successful was this enterprise that when merchants again refused credit during the Big Strike of 1911, not only was Franks co-op reactivated, but the Unions locals at Fernie, Coleman and Hillcrest all organized ones for their members and thereby seeded western Canadas Co-operative network of today. The following table lists the major summits and passes, and their general location. The No. Burmis Mountain, 7 January 2017 - peaksandstreams kelowna to vancouver road conditions This is almost twice the elevation gain I had struggled with on the visually spectacular but comparatively gentle Going To The Sun road. Come the end of 1903 Inspector Davidson of the RN-WMPs Pincher Creek detachment would report that every bit of the hustle and bustle for which Frank was known before the Slide had been recovered. Sandwiched between strata of sedimentaries, layers of crumbling coal dip away to the east, staining the ditch water amber. 6/100 . In 1910 the Mine sent five-ton hunk of coal to amaze the crowds at the Dominion Exhibitionprecursor to the famous Stampedein Calgary. http://www.markquigley.comWe are driving on the No. British Columbia Highway 3, officially named the Crowsnest Highway, is an 841-kilometre (523 mi) highway that travels across southern British Columbia. In an article for Crowsnest and its people (Crowsnest Pass Historical Society, Coleman, 1979), F.E. The rate also correspondingly limited industrial growth in the western provinces as it was cheaper to produce items in eastern Canada and ship them west under the Crow Rate. Franks first endeavour at Burmis, and through them may have heard of the carboniferous riches in the vaults of Turtle Mountain. That summer a wild fire engulfed thousands of trees and to cap off a bad year, on August 23rd the Home Bank of Canada declared insolvency and closed, wiping out the school districts savings along with those of countless families all through the Crowsnest Pass and beyond. The settlements seeming vendetta against downtown greenery has left not a tree to be seen along the streets of the central business district; no grassy park or front yard lawn relieves the greys of concrete and weathered plywood. The American prospector, C.A. The owners called in the police to maintain order and heads were cracked all round. A solitary red-necked grebe hunts, cutting ripples into the glassine waters upon which shimmering light paints perfect reflections of the green-weathered limestone Mountains. In many ways, the Hillcrest was typical of mines in the Trough, though it had the reputation for being best run and the safest. Passburg it became. Earlier that afternoon, while CPs westbound train No. Whether Blairmore welcomed the adventurers or simply regarded them as some sort of bizarre life-form is a question for further research, but the Cavalcade heralded what is now an important industry for the town. On April 1st, 1916, the RN-WMP created their Crowsnest Pass sub-division with one inspector, a sergeant and two constables, and designated Blairmore as their headquarters. Any general slowdown in business, as happened in 1908 and again at the onset of World War One, caused the B.C. 18 in The Ordinances of the North-West Territories passed in the first session of the Second Legislative Assembly as printed by R.B. A year earlier, on August 22nd, 1935, promising social dividends for every family, Bible Bill Aberhart had led the progressive Social Credit Party to power in Alberta. Three-quarters of a million dollars in hand, Remey and Fleutot returned in the spring of 1902 to rename what had previously been known as French Camp for Lille, the hometown of their chief backers, Le Societ Anonym du Chemin de Fer Noullier du Canada. His pay roll would eventually contribute $15,000 a month to the east Pass economy and his Hindu workers add an exotic flavour to the Troughs ethnic mix. At the time there was a professional disagreement as to how the patients should be treated: one side advocating complete rest and isolation, the other proclaiming that fresh air and exercise was essential. So rewarding were operations that by the end of 1946 CM&S had recovered 83.8% of the $3 millions it had invested in McGillivray and International shares. There was a two-storey, log-built boarding house, Orchards butchers shop, and Fabros bakery. Blairmore was ideally situated, and only too happy, to serve travellers. You either love it or hate it. After the dust had blown away and all hope of finding more survivors beneath the jumble of rock and broken houses had died, the people of Frank turned their attention to recovery. The company struggled through the labour problems of the early 20s and by 1927 had introduced several safety measures such as compressed air-powered picks which cut the use of explosives, conveyor belts instead of trains of mine cars to move the coal, and an improved method of distributing limestone powder throughout the Mine to suppress coal dust. When the work was completed and the crews moved on, only a tiny portion of the settlement, anchored by the Lake View Hotel, stayed. Beginning to lose faith in the operation, WCC decided to move its headquarters to Blairmore and concentrate on the extensive measures there. At sunrise on Wednesday, May 2nd, 1923, only six months and three days before Albertans sagaciously voted to abandon prohibition,6 the pair were executed by hanging at Fort Saskatchewan prison near Edmonton. The RN-WM Police built a barracks that year and International Coal and Coke Company had Johnson and Disney build its one-and-a-half-storey, wooden-sided, hipped-roof office building. With sandstone quarried on the property, Scottish masons especially brought over for the project built a three-roomed power house and a fancy managers mansion for the Hamilton family. Click the blue "Elevation Profile" button to create an elevation profile along the path you draw.

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