In a hymn to Hecate, Hesiod detailed the ways in which the goddess could both allow good fortune and deny it: Whom she will she greatly aids and advances: she sits by worshipful kings in judgment, and in the assembly whom she will is distinguished among the people. This is still a good answer that will tell the interviewer about who you are as a person. The name Hecate comes from the Greek word "Hekatos," which was thought to be a really distant and obscure epithet associated with Apollo, the Greek god of music . It is possible that the representation of a triple Hecate surrounding a central pillar was originally derived from poles set up at three-way crossroads with masks hung on them, facing in each road direction. The Deipnon is always followed the next day by the Noumenia,[103] when the first sliver of the sunlit Moon is visible, and then the Agathos Daimon the day after that. The oldest known direct evidence of Hecate's cult comes from Selinunte (near modern-day Trapani in Sicily), where she had a temple in the 6th5th centuries BC. rent a peloton bike los angeles what is hecate passionate aboutresearch topic about covid 19 vaccine. An offering of food, traditionally known as 'Hecates Supper' include red mullet, (a scavenging fish that was taboo in other cults), sprat, bread, raw eggs, cheese, garlic, cake and honey. Regula, deTraci. Because she was associated with borders, gates, and doorways, Hecate took on a protective role. Fairbanks, Arthur. And she is good to stand by horsemen, whom she will: and to those whose business is in the grey discomfortable sea, and who pray to Hecate and the loud-crashing Earth-Shaker, easily the glorious goddess gives great catch, and easily she takes it away as soon as seen, if so she will. roads, which she carries as she attends her mistress in the sky[68], This speech from the Root Cutters may or may not be an intentional association of Hecate with the Moon. In the course of this beleaguerment, it is related, on a certain wet and moonless night the enemy attempted a surprise, but were foiled by reason of a bright light which, appearing suddenly in the heavens, startled all the dogs in the town and thus roused the garrison to a sense of their danger. The most commonly repeated story of her birth was that Hecate was the daughter of Perses and Asteria, two second-generation Titans. In this next example, well look at how you could answer interview questions about your passion when you applied for a customer service position. Traditionally Hecate's Supper would be eaten outside under the Dark Moon at a crossroads with one plate reserved for Hecate. If you only honour Her once in the year, this is the time to do it! November 30th is the Day of Hecate at the Crossroads. Hecate the wise woman. Proponents of this theory believe that this may have been the case with Hecate. [10] In what appears to be a 7th-century indication of the survival of cult practices of this general sort, Saint Eligius, in his Sermo warns the sick among his recently converted flock in Flanders against putting "devilish charms at springs or trees or crossroads",[62] and, according to Saint Ouen would urge them "No Christian should make or render any devotion to the deities of the trivium, where three roads meet". In fact, Hecate might have been another goddess altogether! See Heckenbach, p. 2776 and references. It is presumed that the latter were named after the tree because of its superiority for both bows and poison. Of course, as with many stories of Hecate there was also a darker version. ", I am the fire that kisses the shackles away. Im not suggesting you lie or be fake in the interview. The second path led to the Fields of Asphodel, for all who'd led a blameless but ordinary life. Hecate's Deipnon is, at its most basic, a meal served to Hecate and the restless dead once a lunar month[102] during the New Moon. where three roads converge Aradia in Sardinia: The Archaeology of a Folk Character. She is variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, night, light, magic, witchcraft, the Moon, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, graves, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery. In the Argolid, near the shrine of the Dioscuri, Pausanias saw the temple of Hecate opposite the sanctuary of Eileithyia; He reported the image to be the work of Scopas, stating further, "This one is of stone, while the bronze images opposite, also of Hecate, were made respectively by Polycleitus and his brother Naucydes, son of Mothon. [28], Hecate was a popular divinity, and her cult was practiced with many local variations all over Greece and Western Anatolia. The yew, cypress, hazel, black poplar and the willow are all sacred to Hecate. The ancient grove near Lake Averno in Italy has long been sacred to Hecate. Biron Clark is a former executive recruiter who has worked individually with hundreds of job seekers, reviewed thousands of resumes and LinkedIn profiles, and recruited for top venture-backed startups and Fortune 500 companies. Even in her origin, Hecate moved between two places. Pp. Dogs, with puppies often mentioned, were offered to Hecate at crossroads, which were sacred to the goddess. [79] Mooney however notes that when it comes to the nymph Perse herself, there's no evidence of her actually being a moon goddess on her own right. Hecate is defined by her powerful magic, being at ease with the night and darkness and in wild surroundings. "[28], Like Hecate, "the dog is a creature of the threshold, the guardian of doors and portals, and so it is appropriately associated with the frontier between life and death, and with demons and ghosts which move across the frontier. I slit the throats of the cruel and drink the blood of the heartless. The sanctuary is built upon a hill, at the bottom of which is an Altar of the Winds, and on it the priest sacrifices to the winds one night in every year. In most accounts . The various statues have also raised questions as to her duties. Next, lets look at an example answer for people who are in a job thats tougher to explain passion for. Criminals or those who had angered the Gods followed the third road to Tartarus, a sunless land of punishment. She is often pictured holding keys because, as the goddess of boundaries, she held the power to open and close the doors to the realm of Hades. [33][127], Hecate is the primary feminine figure in the Chaldean Oracles (2nd3rd century CE),[128] where she is associated in fragment 194 with a strophalos (usually translated as a spinning top, or wheel, used in magic) "Labour thou around the Strophalos of Hecate. The goddess Hecate is one of the lesser-known goddesses of the Greek pantheon. Such triple goddesses were common in ancient religions. For example, "willing" (thus, "she who works her will" or similar), may be related to the name Hecate. She convinced her daughter Eiliethyia, the goddess of childbirth, and the Moirai, the Fates, to prevent the birth. These three goddesses are also linked in the Mystery cults. By approaching the question like this, youll always have an answer that relates to the job youre interviewing for. In art and myth, she is shown, along with Hermes, guiding Persephone back from the underworld with her torches. In Sophocles and Euripides she is characterized as the mistress of witchcraft and the Keres. Hecate is the Titan Goddess of witchcraft, necromancy, ghosts, crossroads (choices), magic and the Moon in Greek Mythology. When Philip of Macedon was about to attack the city, according to the legend she alerted the townspeople with her ever present torches, and with her pack of dogs, which served as her constant companions. She is seated on a throne, with a chaplet around her head; the depiction is otherwise relatively generic. They are associated with certain ideas, occupations, or stages of life. You can say youre passionate about helping others. One theory is that Hesiod's original village had a substantial Hecate following and that his inclusion of her in the Theogony was a way of adding to her prestige by spreading word of her among his readers. [21], William Berg observes, "Since children are not called after spooks, it is safe to assume that Carian theophoric names involving hekat- refer to a major deity free from the dark and unsavoury ties to the underworld and to witchcraft associated with the Hecate of classical Athens. For to this day, whenever any one of men on earth offers rich sacrifices and prays for favor according to custom, he calls upon Hecate. At this time, the sculptor Alcamenes made the earliest known triple-formed Hecate statue for use at her new temple. [e], As Hecate Phosphorus (the 'star' Venus) she is said to have lit the sky during the Siege of PhilipII in 340BCE, revealing the attack to its inhabitants. The moon goddess and the huntress were often linked, and it is believed by some that as Greeks focused worship on the more protective aspects of Artemis they shifted her darker characteristics to Hecate. Greek pantheon was once much smaller than we know. You could explain that this has fascinated you from a young age, and thats one of the reasons you pursued a career in software engineering, web design, or any number of related fields. [28], Hecate's cult became established in Athens about 430 B.C.E. She could not undo the curse, but she made the polecat her sacred servant. Close. In Mytilene on the eastern coast of the Aegean Sea, near what was Troy, there are Temples of Demeter, where the women would go to the annual festival of Eleusis to celebrate fertility rites. Employers love to ask, What are you passionate about? in interviews, and theyre testing you for a few key things. After crossing the RiverStyx, Sunset on November 16th marks the beginning of the Night of Hecate. Hecate took pity on her, though, and brought her back to life as a dog to be her companion. In two fragments of Aeschylus she appears as a great goddess. This will keep your answer simple and easy to remember (and easy to practice). [Hekate] teaches the, Although usually the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, as in, Magliocco, Sabina. Shakespeare mentions Hecate also in King Lear. This incense is the perfect incense to enhance your luck and wealth. Whether or not Hecate's worship originated in Greece, some scholars have suggested that the name derives from a Greek root, and several potential source words have been identified. [25]Webster's Dictionary of 1866 particularly credits the influence of Shakespeare for the then-predominant disyllabic pronunciation of the name. 1. Child of Perses and Asteria, she was the only Titan to retain her control under Zeus' reign. [65] Hecate's association with Helios in literary sources and especially in cursing magic has been cited as evidence for her lunar nature, although this evidence is pretty late; no artwork before the Roman period connecting Hecate to the Moon exists. Her name was derived from the Greek word hekatos which means worker from afar. On any trip to Greece, it's helpful to have some knowledge of the Greek gods and goddesses. Once, Hermes chased Hecate (or Persephone) with the aim to rape her; but the goddess snored or roared in anger, frightening him off so that he desisted, hence her earning the name "Brimo" ("angry"). 1. In later myths, She is represented as a daughter of Zeus who rules the Underworld and the waning Moon. [10] A 4thcenturyBCE marble relief from Crannon in Thessaly was dedicated by a race-horse owner. As a goddess of childbirth, she was often invoked for rites of puberty, and in some cases watched over maidens who were beginning to menstruate. Such names suggest that Her power is far-reaching. Both facts support the theory that She originated outside Greece. . "Hecate: Greece's Dark Goddess of the Crossroads." 22. What are some good things to be passionate about? [98] According to Hesychius of Miletus there was once a statue of Hecate at the site of the Hippodrome in Constantinople. snort cayenne pepper for sinus. From then on Hecate remained in the Underworld. By all the operations of the orbs While spinning them, they call out unintelligible or beast-like sounds, laughing and flailing at the air. I make the weak strong. Asteria may be the original goddess associated with the Asterion mountain range on the island of Crete. [59], This function would appear to have some relationship with the iconographic association of Hecate with keys, and might also relate to her appearance with two torches, which when positioned on either side of a gate or door illuminated the immediate area and allowed visitors to be identified. Our digital picture encyclopedia resources have easy to understand information with a visual in order to activate understanding and retention. Note that in this answer, you're describing how your passion relates to your industry overall. Hecate or Hekate[a] is a goddess in ancient Greek religion and mythology, most often shown holding a pair of torches, a key, snakes, or accompanied by dogs,[1] and in later periods depicted as three-formed or triple-bodied. 1 Others describe her as a daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and state that she was sent out by her father in search of Persephone; 2 others again make her a daughter of Zeus . Every early Greek representation of Hecate shows Her as a young woman. There are two temples in the country of the Stratonikeians, of which the most famous, that of Hecate, is at Lagina; and it draws great festal assemblies every year.[94]. Hecate probably originated in the mythology of the Karians in southwest Asia Minor and was integrated into Greek religion around the sixth century BCE. It is unclear exactly when Hecate became so closely linked with magic and witchcraft. It is the longest living creature in Europe, and naturally 'resurrects' itself: As the central trunk dies, a new tree grows within the rotting core. As these stories were passed on, though, they often changed. Hecate was one of several deities worshipped in ancient Athens as a protector of the oikos (household), alongside Zeus, Hestia, Hermes, and Apollo. In later myths, Hecate appears as the daughter of Zeus and Hera. An important sanctuary of Hecate was a holy cave on the island of Samothrake called Zerynthos: In Samothrake there were certain initiation-rites, which they supposed efficacious as a charm against certain dangers. Larger Hekataions, often enclosed within small walled areas, were sometimes placed at public crossroads near important sites for example, there was one on the road leading to the Acropolis. "In Byzantium small temples in her honour were placed close to the gates of the city. This Goddess is also known as Hecate and Hekat. As worshippers began to focus on one aspect of a god more than others, that gods secondary purposes were separated into another deity altogether. Some say that Hecate is the daughter of Erebus and Nyx, ageless Goddess of the night, while others believe that She is one of the Furies or the last surviving Titan except for Zeus. (i. I am the velvet depths of the night sky, the swirling mists of midnight, shrouded in mystery. Hecate was a goddess in Greek Mythology. I am the fury which rips the flesh from injustice. Hekate is the goddess of witches, the mother of witchcraft, so creating an altar is a great idea for beginners and experts alike! In the Michigan magical papyrus (inv. The triple goddesses are often referred to as the Maiden, Mother (or Matron), and Crone. "Hecate: Greece's Dark Goddess of the Crossroads." Hecate was sent to the Underworld after incurring the wrath of Hera for stealing a pot of rouge for Europa, who was one of Zeus's lovers. Hecate is usually thought to have originated in Thrace, a wild northern region of Greece that is also known for its tales of Amazons. Polecats hid in dirty holes and, it was believed by the Greeks, had a grotesque and unnatural way of mating. here's a secret I'll share Swallow your fear and come to me, and you will discover true beauty, strength, and courage. Use the three masks approach to invoke the multifaceted wisdom approach of Hecate . Modern neopagan and Wiccan religions often include worship of a triple goddess, and of Hecate herself. doi:10.2307/1087735. Generally speaking, if you want to be passionate about something in life, you need to understand yourself first. at the crossroads Hecate was an only child and was worshiped in households of Athens where families hoped to receive protection, prosperity and daily blessings. The hekataion depicted Hecate as three women encircling a central column. Thats one reason I enjoy working in customer service; Ive learned great communication skills, listening skills, and problem-solving skills that help me in my day-to-day work but also in my personal life in terms of confidence, communication, etc.. I first came across hecate in a shop down on a trip down in Cork in Ireland (where in from - ireland) I just feel very drawn to her, and it was 6 months after my mother passed away. Her parentage was given differently by various writers. Also, by picking one thing to focus on, youll also be ready to answer a common variation of this question, what are you most passionate about? Your answer to either question will be the same, which simplifies everything! In late Classical Greece contact with childbirth was impure, so Cabiri plunged Hecate into the Underworld River Acheron to cleanse Her. Hecate became an aspect of the Triple Moon Goddess Diana (the Full moon, associated with Earth), Proserpina (the lunar phases, associated with Heaven), and Hecate (the New moon, associated with the Underworld.). lucozade original 1970; malaysia work permit visa 2022; wisconsin youth state basketball tournaments 2022; scene of the crime 1996 film; with my hounds The broad categories I've listed are a) Health and Wellbeing b) Learning and Growing c) Work and Service d) Living a Good Life e) Love and Relationships. Writings throughout the centuries have woven different tales about Hecate and her role as a goddess. It is the story of how the polecat became one of her companions. [119] Another theory is that Hecate was mainly a household god and humble household worship could have been more pervasive and yet not mentioned as much as temple worship. Hecates powers to protect were passed on from Titan parents Perses and Asteria and covered the heavens, earth and sea., Learn more about Egyptian, Norse, and Greek, *(This Will Start a 2-Week Free Trial - No Credit Card Needed). Take my Love with you everywhere and find the Power within to be who you wish. Then adjust until you feel everythings good and ready for your job interview. Sometimes she is also stated to be the mother (by Aetes[76]) of the goddess Circe and the sorceress Medea,[147] who in later accounts was herself associated with magic while initially just being a herbalist goddess, similar to how Hecate's association with Underworld and Mysteries had her later converted into a deity of witchcraft. what is hecate passionate abouthow to treat plumeria rust fungus what is hecate passionate about what is hecate passionate about. Hecate was associated with borders, city walls, doorways, crossroads and, by extension, with realms outside or beyond the world of the living. [58], It was probably her role as guardian of entrances that led to Hecate's identification by the mid fifth century with Enodia, a Thessalian goddess. Other than in the Theogony, the Greek sources do not offer a consistent story of her parentage or of her relations in the Greek pantheon. Pages 57 to 64, Roscher, 1889; Heckenbach, 2781; Rohde, ii. [14] This has been suggested in comparison with the attributes of the goddess Artemis, strongly associated with Apollo and frequently equated with Hecate in the classical world. Dont pick anything that will sound like a distraction that will take away from your ability to work (for example, I dont recommend saying, Im very passionate about playing video games.). The Athenian Greeks honoured Hecate during the Deipnon. [12] However, no sources suggested list will or willingness as a major attribute of Hecate, which makes this possibility unlikely. Still another school of thought links her, at least linguistically, to Egypt. Female monsters also often came in threes, as was the case with the Gorgons and Graea. In the physical world this could mean anything from doorways to city walls and state borders. I feel like I have more energy when I return to the office on Mondays if Ive spent some time outdoors on the weekend.. They spun the threads of fate at the base of. [citation needed], During the Gigantomachy, Hecate fought by the side of the Olympian gods, and slew the giant Clytius using her torches. One sculpture depicts Hecate with a friendly dog and another with heads of a cow, dog, boar, serpent or horse. Both Goddesses are very ancient, and have been worshipped in Britain for centuries, so who is to say what relationship may have developed between them? [86], Over against the sanctuary of Eileithyia is a temple of Hecate [the goddess probably here identified with the apotheosed Iphigenia, and the image is a work of Skopas.

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