Steve had been a pretty steady figure in your life, when you were a kid. He was almost positive that it would take a lot more time for you to feel this comfortable around him but he wasnt going to complain. Are the difficulties in this situation the Avengers? You coyly respond, earning another chuckle from the Director. You were just a kid from D. C., here by scholarship and borrowed dreams. Uncle Sam stood back and gave me pointers, yet I just felt sick to my stomach. Are you sure, (Y/N)? I still cant believe you said yes to getting an apartment with me.. Im here, (Y/N), Steve answered, and a rock from the mountain on your shoulders was taken off. Throwing a wink over her shoulder, she mouthedgood luck.. He never expected you to say that to him, honey. I still wouldnt be able to see what Steve would say because he would have to make the decision at that moment., Why dont you just decide and try to see what will happen? Maybe I didn't want to be Captain America, but I wanted to be like him. Pulling away slowly, you were greeted with long eyelashes fluttering open to reveal your favorite pair of eyes in the whole world. The heat of his lips pressed against yours. I think this is the last one, You huffed, nudging open the front door with your foot. Stories are Reader Insert and include Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Sam Wilson, Peter A Steve Rogers fanfiction Not a goddamned thing, He whispered before finally capturing your lips in his. I would be practically going in blind. Are you ready?. Practically being the Avengers babysitter- ahem, manager- took a lot out of you each and every day. Are you hungry? he asked. The confusion you felt must have read clearly on your face because Steve lept into an explanation. After Howard tragically dies Y/n was captured by HYDRA at a young age. The rest of that checkup you continue in silence, with the beeping of the monitor and Mr. Steven Roger's even breaths. But you just wanted to lay in your bed in misery for a little while longer. ~~~ She ran her fingers through my hair and said,"Shh, baby, it's okay. You rarely left your room, only sneaking out for food when you deemed that the coast was clear. Weve got neighbors now, we have to be quiet!. ", Dad said,"Y/N, you meant what you said. He does, does he? Steve asked and you nodded. Word Count: 1,610. He checked each one, starting to call your name, as he tried to place you. As the song continued, you twirled out from Steve, your dress flaring out beautifully. Yes, Tony says with a smirk. That way, you can still try to look for the future and whichever feels like the best path, you take it. "Good morning, Nurse _______. Right there. Before you could even pick yourself up, a hand was stretched out for you to take. Rating: R Word Count: 2k Warnings: Infidelity, miscarriage, depression, suicidal thoughts Originally posted by giorno-plays-piano No one will tell you what to do when you find out your husband is cheating on you. You formed close friendships with them all, and you are so glad that you took the job. The idea of taking this part away from you felt alien and unnatural. Blushing at the thought of spending more time with them, you began to mentally prepare yourself as you grabbed your things. Everything is going well you are set to be married to Captain America and you are a member of the avengers. Looking at your own, you too realized just how late it was getting and just how hungry you had become. It was Friday and the party was on Saturday. I love you so much, (Y/N), Steve sighed as his lips traveled to your jaw line. Steven Grant Rogers was always in trouble. So am I, Doll, Steve smiled as he leaned down for another breath-taking kiss. You could begin to make out Steves expression in the future. #avengers The vision would be too blurry, too out of focus. I held onto him tightly, and he held me tighter. Just being too cute. What am I doing wrong? Bucky hoped that a familiar environment might help you open up to Steve more. Taking as long as you could in the shower to try to run out the clock, you stepped out and walked towards your closet to decide what exactly you would be wearing tonight. #jessicajones Sam ended up having to go on a impromptu mission today, so Ill be training you. Nice to meet you, (Y/N), Steve said with a smile that captured your heart within a nanosecond. And please, call me Sam, this is a hospital, not a courtroom. Most of the team got their much-needed vacation and either spent their days lounging on the couch or at some special resort that Tony had managed to book at the last minute. Okay, You said as you took a deep breath in. Its my only day off and Id love to eat something that isnt burnt with my best friends., Shrugging off the nickname, Steve opens the van door to find the team once again bickering. His beard lightly scratched you as his lips traveled up your neck, arms wrapping around your waist to pull you into him more. Dont. If they would just stop appearing out of the woodwork like cockroaches then maybe we could get some much needed vacation time, Natasha chuckled, pushing Clints legs back to the ground and taking their spot. A tangle of legs in messy sheets as the morning sun shined through a window. He's just upset, very upset. This is to help you. Every time you went to the kitchen, he was there. Wiping away the tears that came from the anger you had for yourself, you felt a rush of bravery wash over you as your feet took you to where all of the Avengers were. The heat of his hands on your lower back, pulling you into his warm chest as he tightly gripped the loose fabric of your shirt. If it weren't for the neat stitches in his face, and the IVs, you would believe that Steve Rogers was sleeping before you. Okay, well, umm Your heartbeat was pounding in your ears. Come sit down, Doll, Steve patted the spot next to him on the couch. The blip also changed everything. Steve Rogers x Daughter Reader 3.2K 98 by batmanwife13 Up next: Thor x Reader + Later: Harley Keener x Reader + Y/N'S POV + " I don't want to be your daughter." + Those dreadful words were the very reason why you were supposed to think before you spoke. I tried to hug Dad, but he took a couple steps back from me. No, Gary, I need those files by two, You said quickly into your phone that was nestled between your ear and shoulder as you tried to balance the stacks of papers in your arms. Steve, I know what its like to be a girl. (Aunt May's dead - Post Homecoming) Only Love Could Hurt Like This (Bucky Barnes x Reader) 146 pages September 6, 2020 Joy . Okay, okay. You had better things to do. The group, shocked, looked over to where Wanda was as she sheepishly held her ravenous stomach. It wasnt much but he could tell you were warming up to him. He wanted you to experience as much as you could as much as he could, and you didnt mind. Grab onto me if you need to. You looked over at Steve to make sure he understood you, and you were met with his blue eyes. Okay, I need your guys help, You said with a shaky breath as your eyes traveled over each and every one of them. Or better yet, love him? Me too, Doll. I did. A fair? Steve asked in shock as you spread your arms out to display the rides and game booths before you. Er, I gotta go, You stumbled back from the chair at the counter. You closed your eyes to the present, but that didnt help either. She just didnt understand why you didnt tell him. Steve, your Steve, loved you? As soon as Thanos had disappeared, you did too, staying holed up in your room. What is it that you wanted to show me? You asked, to which Steve pointed up to the billions of stars above you. It was absolutely stunning and fit you perfectly, accenting all of the right parts of your body. Steve, Id follow you to the ends of the earth., Im glad to hear that, Doll, The corner of his eyes crinkled with the bright smile he was giving you. This made Steve blush as you casually leaned into him. And you weren't a fangirl. Blinking away the shock that your words held, Steve took a step towards you, making you draw a quick intake of breath. Do you not love me anymore?, That snapped you out of it. Whenever you kissed him, without fail, he would start blushing incessantly. I just know how much you loved that movie., A smile grew wide on Steves face as he reached out for one of the lanterns. They quickly became inseparable. When Bucky and Steve rescued you from HYDRA, they knew youd be different. Bucky didnt hate him he just was worried that he would hold his actions in Germany against you. When her fairy godfather appears and magically transforms her reality into a dream come true, Y/n enchants the handsome Prince Steve at the ball, but must face th *Siren - are beautiful yet dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. "Why are you doing this? Swinging your legs over the side of your bed, you begin to walk around your room in search of some comfy clothes. He looked over to the clock that was on the nearby table, I can see why. I think your breakfast got a little burnt, Steve says as he motions towards the black rock of batter that was once your delicious fluffy pancake. I am finally back and actually wrote something! #aos Quickly spinning around from Steve, you ran into the punching bag. A small squeak escaped your lips as he held you bridal-style. You waited day after day and finally, after almost a year, Bucky came back. He had already done your nightly routine so all he had to do was tuck you in. To you, Steve was another man your mother was blindly in love with. hi hi! Gradually and carefully taking the bullet out, you successfully removed it. Morning, Beautiful, Steve replied as he sat up in bed. There he stood, a shocked look sprawled across his features as his baby blue eyes bore into yours. You felt his smile on your skin as he worked his was back up your body towards your lips. When you finally open your eyes, you smiled as you saw Steve in exactly the same position you were in only a few seconds ago. You were always on time for work and always got the mission done, no matter what. Yep, there was Steve punching the boxing bag, sweat glistening on his muscles. I promise he wont hurt you, he kissed you on the forehead before setting you back down on the ground, If you have any problems, just call me, he said to Steve. Mmm, He mumbled, placing his mouth on the soft skin between your shoulder and neck. By the time the clock had hit two, you were in desperate need of a shower. I need them by two because Captain America- A small gasp came from the other line of the phone as you said that. Summary: Set before the events of Infinity War, Steve Rogers spends a day relaxing in the mountains with his best girl. (Y/N), You say with a smile, before realizing that you have already introduced yourself. "If you don't mind, maybe leaving for a minute, I need to -,", "Say no more, say no more," Sam beams, joints popping as he stands. Wanda, still recovering from the birth, cries as her little baby is placed in her arms. And man, did that kiss put those fireworks to shame. All you have to do is apologize and make sure your father knows you're still his daughter no matter what. As you broke through the crowd, the air got colder as you found yourself on one of the balconies of the compound. Bucky Barnes x Daughter!reader, Steve Rogers x Child!reader, Ok so I was thinking if you could write something where baby Barnes reader is very shy and only likes to be around Bucky and doesnt talk much bc of hydra and Bucky had to go on a mission or something and asked Steve to watch her or something and Barnes reader slowly takes a liking to him and stuff. Turning in your seat, you dug through the back until you found what you were looking for. Those three months have been great. Who? You ask, your heart no longer beating. idk I really want to read about this hahah, so if this is not a problem Ill be very happy and thank you for your answer, youre so sweet! H.Y.D.R.A. Your date hadnt really started yet and he was already acting like a love-struck puppy! Reader), Sing A Song Of Love (Steve Rogers X Siren Reader), its impossible to love you: Steve Rogers X Reader. I mean, cmon. But, I finally had an idea and then this happened! Yeah, You replied, snapping out of you staring at him. Wrapping his arms around you, Steve looked down at you with a blissful smile gracing his face. I absolutely loved writing this and it was so much fun for me! There the two of you were, leisurely strolling down the dirt path lit up with the various colors from the rides hand in hand. And Ill never get tired of being with you. Tag List: steve rogers x teen!reader steve rogers x daughter!reader steve rogers daughter steve rogers avengers incorrect quotes incorrect quotes marvel mcu. Especially when there's a character like Bucky Barnes. I could have helped., Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. Your face still displayed confusion as you just stood there. You understand?, You nodded and he smiled, kissing your cheek, Alright then, he stood up with you in his arms, adjusting you so you were on his hip, Since youre feeling a bit better, how about we go and get some ice cream? Now, do you want to be the guy that ruins the next Avengers mission because you were too damn lazy to just print out some lousy files and get them to me on time. Taking this as your chance, you soon begin to dance around the room, sliding on the wood floor in your fuzzy socks as you ladle batter onto the griddle. Gulping, you could feel your anxiety spike as you recognized the tall figure with that absolutely gorgeous smile. Clint rolled his eyes before returning his legs back to their spot, this time on top of her thighs. You couldnt help the small smile that graced your lips at his kind words. Although, I do wish our home was a bit warmer though. Theyre idiots. Uh, (Y/N)? As your eyes darted down to his exposed abs, you gulped once again as you too stretched. I know how you are when you mean what you say. You see the Falcon- Samguffawing as he punches Captain- Stevein the arm, causing him to blush. Are you okay? Steve asked just like before as he stretched out his hand. Soon enough she resorted to calling and texting you. Whats stopping you, Mr. Rogers? You asked breathlessly, tilting your head up. "C'mon, (y/n). This time was spent sharing stories and laughing at the antics around you. I can handle this, You grunted as you shifted the heavy box in your arms. But underneath all of that, (Y/N) is a powerful mutant that's been thrust into a As far as the rest of the world knew, Tony Stark was nothing but a billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist. I do not own any marvel characters. Here, they shine so brightly, just like they did back then when there wasnt all the brightness of the city around to block them out. Summary: People requested a Part Two, so I delivered! Also, Mr. Stark wanted me to remind you about the party this Saturday. So how are you? But when you do it for over a decade or more, it begins to wain on the body. Why dont you just tell him about your feelings?. What do you suggest? You asked, playing with the hem of his sweatshirt. I will say that if you don't enjoy books that are full of cute, emotional, or romantic moments, then this book isn't Those dreadful words were the very reason why you were supposed to think before you spoke. Steve walked by your door every hour, hoping he could hear somethin to gauge how you were doing but it was silent. Geez, (Y/N). You could hear your dad talking to Steve. He was worried about everyone but especially you. I fell to my knees before I passed out. Or you couldve called me. Well, its true, You said with a shrug. Hi, everyone! Later on in the day, you made sure each of them went to training and ate healthy. The next morning y "I told my sister I have a boyfriend so she'd stop trying to set me up with people but now she's coming to visit and I'm in too deep I need a fake boyfriend ASAP&qu A collection of Imagines and Miniseries for our favorite men of Marvel. Let me go put them in a vase, Ill be right back.. More than you could possibly ever know. Warmth spread through your body at his words, but a fire was ignited in you the moment your lips touched his. In fact, you were now waiting in your office for the team to come back from a mission, waiting to patch up whoever needs it. It's okay now.". See ya, Nat.. Pulling away slightly, you looked up into his steady blue eyes that held so much love for you. Due to being raised by the avengers , everyone seems to think that she has some magical powers or sup. O Great and Powerful (Y/N), will it be rain or shine when we arrive back home? You made your way over to Steve, who was sitting on the couch reading, and tapped him on the arm. PPlease, Dad. It had only been ten days but Steve hadnt really seen you since. Does it? You asked as you looked into Steves eyes. Eyes darkening at your words, Steve smirked back up at you. Will do, Steve hugged Bucky and watched him leave the room and close the door behind him. You recognized that husky voice anywhere. As your fingers tangled with his blonde locks; his hands found the back of your dress, gripping it tightly, afraid you might disappear in a cloud of sweet-smelling perfume like you always do in his dreams. I dont know, You brought your bottom lip between your teeth, biting gently on it. Requests are closed right now but if you would like to be added to my tag list, just send in an ask saying that you want to be added and you will be added! If you've seen CATWS. His friend, an amicable man named Sam Wilson would always sit by him, reading a little book or doing a crossword when you came to do your rounds. In the meantime, check out my masterlist! Could you do a barnes!reader(like 8-9) where she is just not having a great couple days and she just lashes out at him and trys to walk away from him and he grabs her arm and just like gives her a really tight hug so she cant get away and she has like a complete meltdown in his arms and they try and figure things out and help her out with getting it so it doesnt happen again, A/N: Ive always to write those Aus where all the Avengers live in the compound so this is my first attempt at that. I mean unless you count embarrassing situations, A/N: Hi!!! Quickly pulling back, you walked out the door, leaving Steve a blushing, giddy mess as he leaned against his desk, hand touching his cheek where your lips had just been. Also, if you would like to be added to my tag list, just let me know! A rebellious teenager, who relied on the thrill of adrenaline to get her through the rest of Highschool. Everywhere Steve stepped, he was bound to knock something over with his large frame. Your one night stand turns out to be one of your bosses a Y/N was an Eternal, sent to earth to kill the Deviants and protect the humans. Right after the second movie started, he felt you start to inch closer and closer to him. But then they take her away and send her to the red room to train to be a black widow and they wipe Bucky so so he doesn't remember her. You were thinking it, Sam teased as he sat in the chair across from Steve. A man who gets what he wants, and it appears that he wants his starlight. . You opened up to him about it to try and get him to understand some of the things you and your dad went through. A couple of years later and you were quietly doing vigilante work as you tried to stop every last H.Y.D.R.A. You started yelling at him, taking all your pent up feelings out on him. I was just mad, and I didn't think before I spoke. Their emotions ran high as they put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Really? Steves eyes grew wide with hope. So sorry I havent posted in forever, and so sorry that it took me so long to do this request! Where? You asked, but then you saw the blood on his right shoulder. I-Im not sure thats such a good idea, You mumbled. Didn't that usually mea Peter and his life with the Avengers. Steve. Civil Daughter (Steve Rogers x Tony Stark's Daughter) Fandom: Marvel Character/Ship: Steve Rogers x Tony's Daughter/Reader Warning: Fight with Tony, mention of smut (no detail, in a comedy way), Fluff, PLOT TWIST Writer: Cassie Words: 329 Requested by: Two separate Anons on . Still, thanks., Youre welcome, Steve responds with a smile. As long as you are by my side, I am home., Truer words have never been spoken, Doll, Steve smiled as he looked into your eyes. Sitting down next to you, she pulled you up into a sitting position. Bucky was finishing up packing when there was a knock on the door before Steve entered. Quickly ducking his head back into the office, Sam looked at Steve. After minutes of you two looking at each other, you couldnt take it and you broke. Im not some radar that just pings every time we get near a base.. He never wanted to hear those words come out of your mouth. When Steve brings home a stray he could not have forseen how the reader would change not only his life but that of his best friend. From cleaning, re-organizing your furniture, moving back your furniture, even washing all of your dishes by hand. Narrowing his eyes at the super soldier, Sam followed Steves gaze to find it fixed on you. The group soon fell quiet as they continued to eat their less-than sublime breakfast. Get him to my office, You quickly say, leading the trio to your office. As he lead you to his car, Steve held the door open for you to climb in. Today is the day. Another shiver racked your body at the feeling of his hot lips against your icy skin, bringing back memories of the night before. That we know of, Clint grumbled, putting up his legs across the adjacent seat next to him. Steve pulled you into his arms before his right hand found the low of your back and his left gently held your hand. Since you were going to be in attendance, Tony made sure all movies were kid-friendly (he didnt want a lecture from either Steve or Bucky about inappropriate movie choices) and that there were enough snacks and drinks for everyone. Dance with me, Doll.. Its going to be a good day, you tell yourself as you grab your phone and headphones. Permission granted, Steve laughed out as he too stood up. Now or never, Rogers, Steve thought as he watched your retreating form. Also please request things and if you want to be added to my taglist let me know. He got up and moved over to the spot next to you before laying down next to you. After lunch, you stayed in the main common room of the compound. The photo was of you and the whole team out in the woods. I like the way you think, (Y/L/N). Pulling you down for another kiss, the fire and the icy room was soon forgotten as hands grasped for one another. agents were exposed, you quickly had to go undercover in fear of being found and killed. They listened to you belt out the lyrics as if you were performing to thousands. He shuffled his way through the boxes towards the one labeled records. Mustering up all of the courage that you could, you forced yourself to turn around and face Steve. Your makeup was flawless, your hair perfectly done. So what that we are on our own? He walked back over to your bed and sat down on the edge but you scooted over and patted the space next to you. The aftermath of the alien invasion in New York, 2012. Humming in content, Steve rolled to the side and pulled you against him so that your legs intertwined and your chests were pressed against each other. And in return he let you help him with MJ and Tonys death. Welcome to the team, (Y/N), Bruce says, offering his hand. When his lips finally settled onto yours, you couldnt help but let your smile break out onto your face as your fingers weaved into his blonde hair. We are not on the lam, You retorted as your intertwined your fingers with his. You didnt see that coming. I could have just forged them for you to make your life easier, yknow. You teased, earning a disapproving glance from Steve. Three months have passed since you first became the Avengers doctor. At night, you would help them figure out their mission assignments and even hold some as they went to sleep in fear of nightmares. You recently became friends with Peter and his friends during school since Fury gently requested that you attend because the last time you were there was back in the 40s. You stayed in the compound most days so there wasnt much he didnt know about your day to day activities. I did the exact same thing when I was in the military, Y/N. Yes, You could feel your face warming with the heat of excitement. You aren't pleased being my daughter.". Bucky nodded, Just for two days. When Uncle Bucky encouraged me to engage in combat with him, I backed away from him. Your daughter wants to speak with you. The music was quieter now, and the cold air felt good against your skin. The drive to the party was comfortable as you both chatted about your day. Seeing him stir just a tad at your touch, you leaned down and placed a feather-light kiss to his plump pink lips. As embarrassment flooded through your body and as Steves face reddened, you quickly turned to Steve to hide your face in his large chest. And this time it ends up hurting her. You even had time to perfectly paint all of your nails to match your dress. You nodded and took the paper from him and grabbed one of the crayons from the table. Nothing like being on the lam with my best girl, Steve chuckled as you playfully smacked his arm. He wanted to tell you but the other two men told him not to. Dont listen to him, Doll, Steve comforted while taking the co-pilots seat next to you. Those three months have been filled with non-stop laughter as you found yourself spending more and more time with the team. At first, he thought it was something he had done to make you upset but after he talked to everyone else in the compound and found out you had been doing the same with everyone, that made him even more worried. However, I could make my own identity and channel what I learned from my patriotic father. Want to talk about it?, Sipping on the tea, you felt the calming sensation pour through your body. If your vision starts becoming clearer, then you know what the outcome will be, right?. Are you okay? Steve had asked with an eye-crinkling smile as he pulled you up. It will be filled with a lot of difficulties, so we needed someone who could handle them.. You could feel your eyes shift focus on the near future to check the weather before you could help yourself. When you took it, your eyes trailed up the very muscular arm to find that it was attached to the one and only Steve Rogers. You knew it wasnt fair but he was the only person around that you could. Shifting the load of papers to one arm, you knocked on the glass door.

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