Repeat this process until Eventually, a very large zed, a Juggernaut, will make his way to the house. Publisher You'll get a lot of duplicate Echo Lab guns on your searches, which will not count for the achievement. If that isn't good enough, you have three more large facility slots (four if you clear the barracks) and three small facility slots (four if you clear the kitchen). One or two more tips before you begin: make sure to collect as many parts, scraps of circuitry, and (especially) plague samples as you can as you're playing the game, as you'll need them for later achievements. Head over to his farmhouse and talk to him, agree to help, and he'll ask you to head over to an abandoned military outpost in Marshall. If you don't feel like farming blood plague samples, there is a way to do this achievement without having to make 100 cures, but it involves deleting save files, and thus can be dangerous. You can also convert materials to parts at your base if needed. Drive home, drop off all your stuff, and recover if need be. Accept, to unlock: The Grumpy HunterYou recruited Reba into your Heartland community.2 guides. 5.) Once the iconic site of the original State of Decay game, the towns of Spencers Mill and Marshall are now overrun with an advanced form of blood plague: a more aggressive and far deadlier version than exists anywhere else. The note contains coordinates, which are added to your map as a quest marker. Once all the achievements above are unlocked, you're ready to start a new game. She'll have you go up on the platform next to her and do some scouting. Wait a bit, and Mickey will show up. Now that we've recruited everyone we can in Part Two the missions will go back to the linear fashion we saw in Part One, so no more having to worry about finding survivors or unlocking missions in particular orders. Head to it, and you'll find a small campground amongst some rocks with one Red Talon soldier manning it, Chavez. Like its predecessor, players are required to build a community, manage resources and survive against the horde of zombies. After a few seconds (or when one section of the meter is depleted), the wall will reform the protective shell, and you'll have to start the process over again. If Larisse and Aunt Fi are still alive at this point, you'll unlock: You completed Heartland with both starting survivors alive. Instead, scroll down and see if you can start the second Reba questline or the Chavez questline (the second is easier to kick off). State of Decay 2 incorporates a weight system that adds a new layer of responsibility fans need to keep in mind. Make sure to wait on this one until you meet Diana a second time. Find one of each, take it back to base, use the proper kit on it, and you'll unlock: You used the Vehicle Depot to craft and use all three vehicle upgrade kits. You can take out two of the three meters using busters, incendiary devices, and explosives (and bullets if the explosives didn't damage the wall enough) before having to stop and assist on the fight with the zombies. Another quick note: Plague walls are very susceptible to fire damage once the shell has been removed, so bringing some thermite, Molotovs, or other fire-based incendiary devices will help with the fight tremendously. All versions of the game use Xbox Live to provide a cross-platform multiplayer experience regardless of store choice. 3.) Depending on your play-style, feel free to drop (or delay) the Fabricator Shop and rotate in a Shooting Range or Fighting Gym to get your survivors up to max levels. Enter the building the last plague wall was guarding, and you (and they) will receive: You completed Heartland as the host or client in multiplayer. Face the final plague wall, and turn right. Remember - you'll want to make sure you do the first two Diana encounters before starting this mission, so if you haven't seen Diana twice yet, hold off on this (and the Vic/Isaac mission if you want to recruit both) until you do. Don't do this.). Hey look, it's Xander from our first run! Army Medical Tent off the main road that makes up the northern boundary of the map, a little way west of the small winding road. State of Decay 2:HeartlandDLC features a return to Trumbull Valley in a new story-based adventure. When you feel well armed and armored, head on over to south Marshall by the firehouse on whose roof you met Dr. Hoffman previously, and off a bit to the northeast is the first plague wall of the "Gauntlet". This will unlock: You recruited Chavez into your Heartland community. This guide will assume the selection of Larissa/Aunt Fiona for its initial playthrough, but feel free to swap this out, as you'll cover both set of characters at some point anyway. Be careful, as you can only have one game of Heartland going at a time, so starting a new game will wipe away the old community (and you'll have to run through the game again to get any achievements you failed to unlock before the restart). Note: This needs to be added to your account manually, I will need your information. Accept, and drive Brock and yourself back to Jurassic Junction, and you'll unlock: You recruited Brock into your Heartland community. Try to score as much damage early as you can, as the area will start to be overrun with zombies shortly. Surprise! WARNING: you'll need to take a out a plague heart during this mission, so load up on health and stamina consumables and all the explosives/ Molotovs you can before heading out (you can build some soda can bombs at the Repair Depot if you have the supplies). Talk to him again to accept him into your community. Mickey Wilkerson is a non-player character in State of Decay, part of the Wilkersons enclave who reside in the Wilkerson Farm. Talk to her, and she'll ask you to travel to certain points on the map and read a string of characters over the radio. Consume the Zedeye until you push your infection meter past maximum (it should take between three and four), thereby infecting yourself with blood plague, unlocking: You contracted blood plague from a plague consumable. We have to help our 'father' with a little request!Thank you for watching the video and welcome to Deck o' Cards!I really hope you enjoyed this video and che. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. Talk to Mickey one last time and be gifted the Food rucksack for your base. From there, repair the base in the order you see fit, then start slotting in everything else. This is the main way to recruit more survivors in State of Decay 2. And that's it for playthrough two! Hopefully, about this time you'll also have the Captain Logan mission up and ready (see the info box below for more details). First off, you'll notice when fighting plague walls there will be a meter on your screen, broken into three sections. 4.) Did you get five of six before the spawn spots ran out? Get ready for even more screamers, bloaters and juggernauts as you take this plague wall down. Blood plague screamers, ferals, juggernauts, and bloaters featuring deadly new attacks, Over 8 hours of story-focused gameplay culminating in the Gauntlet, a grueling challenge that requires skill and strategy to overcome, Provides answers players have wanted since the launch of the original game. Anyway, once set up, head on in and with Brock's help, tackle the Plague Heart - open the fight with some soda can bombs, then shoot the heart until dead (or have Brock melee it down for you). 5. It is southeast of the Crashed Plane. State of Decay 2: Heartland is an add-on to the 2018 sandbox action game, in which the players try to survive in a zombie-infested world. by | 30, Oct,2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | 30, Oct,2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments If Diana isn't where you expect, don't worry - try again after the next mission, then the next, and so on until she appears. The dead have risen, and civilization has fallen. If you want a cheap way to take out the second wall, look for a container with solar panels on the roof straight across from the plague wall, and on the other side of it, you'll see that the door of the container is swung open. Unlimited Weight ignores this restriction, removing the weight mechanic entirely. 2023 Undead Labs LLC. Our final recruitment mission will now crop up! Do so, and she'll ask to join or enclave. Fortunately, knowing what I know now, there is an easy and safe way to handle this: read on to see. It's the exact same plague heart as we killed in the first playthrough. Given this, you cannot import characters from other game modes or start with any other characters outside of these two sets (so, sadly, no importing fully levelled, fully stocked characters here). Isaac will be holed up in the blue house in the very southwest of the map - head on in and talk to him. Talk to ray, grab Keesha, Destroy Plague Heart. Talk to him again and accept, and Keesha will once again be added to your team as a follower. Good news - from here on out, no more having to find events or waiting for triggers, as all events will come in over the radio from now on. Entering Marshall, you see her quest marker is set in the fire station along the south-central edge of town. It's the same "brown box trick" as with the third plague wall, but you'll at least be in a safer position this time. It's around this time that Reba showed up at my base, wanting to talk to me. Mission done! 1.) Switch to your follower, and have your new character click on the one who now has the blood plague, and select "Administer plague cure". NOTE: during base sieges, your survivors have a very annoying tendency of walking through the front gates to melee attack zombies outside - make sure you keep an eye out for this so a lone survivor doesn't get overwhelmed out in the front areas. With co-op multiplayer support, you can visit your friends' communities and help them through a tough spot, bringing back rewards for your own communities later. Go to this left-hand door and jump up the door as if you were climbing onto a car. Next up, killing 25 blood juggernauts. Microsoft Game Studios Players must also find and recruit crucial hand-crafted characters in order to build a strong community. Accept for: You recruited IzzBee into your Heartland community. State of Decay 2: Heartland gives me what I was asking for. When you arrive, talk to Captain Logan, and he'll want you to take him to the plague wall at the crashed airplane. Eventually, Keesha will call you on the radio, and ask to speak with you back at the base. More spare time, so feel free to switch to Brock or Malik and scavenge around for more supplies. Start by upgrading the Repair Depot to a Weapons Depot (just like in the previous run, you cannot upgrade to a Vehicle Depot by accident, so you cannot make a mistake here). Learn More $10 Sasquatch Sasquatch from State of Decay One will be added to your community. This is Izzbee, our last survivor who is recruitable that we will meet in-game. Clear out the local area of supplies first, then get in the car, and drive to Jurassic Junction. But given all of your basic needs are met with the build-ins (food, fuel, beds, eventually medicine) you have a lot of room to play with in terms of what to build. Wrong! If you have trouble doing the above method, try using firecrackers or boomboxes to attract hordes without putting yourself in harms way. In the multiplayer zombie survival game State of Decay 2, build a lasting community, working with other players or solo to overcome challenges while exploring your own unique story in a world. Stock up on explosives and health and stamina consumables and drive on over to the new Wilkerson home. Once clear, you can start looting the Fort, looking for the Plague Toxin Distiller (NOTE: the fort will be filled with some good items, so feel free to set up an outpost nearby to drop off loot as needed. Rumour has it that she may only appear during the daytime, so try during the day and see if that helps if you're having trouble spawning the second Diana encounter. Walk up to the plague wall (not too close) and turn right, walking down the sidewalk with the building on your left and a barbed wire concrete barrier on your right. One final thing before you restart - see the Shots in the Dark section below about collecting Echo Lab guns. Let her runoff, as you'll see her again shortly. Description. Loot the bar as it should be clear now and head on out. Here, you'll encounter a northern branch of the road, that itself sections off into three branches (see the map at the top of this page for the exact location). It's at this point you can attack the wall, but only at the vulnerable spot. The one quest to not do until I say so is the Captain Logan quest. Remember: always bring stacks of plague busters with you in case of the protective shell reforms before you can take out the wall health meter. Often, you can complete or partially complete these tasks during the game, saving a bit of time between your playthroughs. Accept of course, and the first spot you'll go to is a gas station. You can beat this wall over and over, and every time you continue, you'll start in the same place. As well, its worth activating the CLEO relay from time to time to call in CLEO drops (though this calls in a zombie invasion of your base, so be ready for that). Walk to the end of the enclosed area, and you'll see a container with a brown box on top. Select the mission, then drive out to the supply drop marked on your map. Fortified Fire Station south of the main road. Loot the heart and the buildings (dropping of excess items at your outpost), grab the detonators, and drive on back to the Wilkerson Farm. Listen to Captain Logan's exposition for a bit, then talk to him to "move on" and get a new quest location. Action & Adventure. From here, you can directly target the final plague wall. Along the way, you'll be told you can get your auto shop up and running again at the repair depot. This ends the very linear "Part One" of Heartland. Aprs avoir rendu service Nat dans la mission Liens de sang dans une partie prcdente de notre guide State of Decay 2 : Heartland, vous faites la connaissance de Mickey, le pre de Larisse qui pointe le bout de son nez directement dans votre base.Il a besoin de votre aide pour l'aider rcuprer un truc auprs de quelqu'un (image1-2). Heartland features a return to Trumbull Valley (Map) in a new story-based adventure. State of Decay 2 is a survival video game developed by Undead Labs and published by Xbox Game Studios. Talk to her and accept, and this will unlock: You recruited Diana into your Heartland community. The six unique guns you'll need to find are the Echo S-1 Revolver, the Echo S-2 Rifle, the Echo S-3 Shotgun, the Echo S-4 SMG, the Echo S-6 Pistol, and the Echo S-7 Assault Rifle (apparently someone skipped the S-5 model). As well, if you've followed this guide and recruited everyone along the way, you also unlock: Full HouseYou recruited 8 different survivors in a single game of Heartland.5 guides. If one should die early in the game, just restart Heartland. Craft a bunch of these (I did Zedeyes myself since I never tried them before), along with a plague cure. Therein, because you have to defeat the wall several times (due to it having three sections to its life bar), and it calls for help on each stage, you'll have quite the fight on your hands, so prepare for it. Lethal is only challenge Unless you want partr 2 of the 3 part story. State of Decay 2 Wiki 667 pages Explore Table of Contents Guides Expansions in: List of Knowledge An expert in Bomb-Making View source This page is waiting for an Overhaul. You'll probably still be working on gathering parts to make the network weapons, so feel free to ignore radio calls and just gather parts and materials, and once you've finished the Network weapons, you're done for this run. The Heartland DLC is much more story focused . Fortified Camp in the centre of the crop fields, away from any road. If not completed yet, continue calling CLEO drops (you can do this as long as Izzbee is alive). In total, you'll need 155 parts, 30 scraps of circuitry, and 12 materials (if you're short on circuitry, you can use parts to craft extra scraps of circuitry, though this is expensive). NOTE: you'll have to fight a Blood Juggernaut along with a zombie horde during this mission, so be prepared for the Juggernaut to show up! Either way, back to the Vic/Isaac mission. State of Decay 2 - Killing all Plague Hearts EASY with the Car Trick mattskx 7.8K views 3 years ago State of Decay 2 (NIGHTMARE) - Massive CLEO Siege! Now, with your new friend, head to the last plague wall and take it out once again. Both pairs of survivors are on a mission to find people important to them: characters who appeared in the original State of Decay. After some exposition, she'll gift you a blueprint that allows you to upgrade your medical facilities when the blueprint is added to your base inventory. To do this, follow the steps above for about ten rounds, then hit the, Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? If we were nice to her the previous two quests and did what she asked, she'll ask to join our community. It's essentially Nightmare+, where the rules are all set to Nightmare level, save for the added bonus where everything on the map has blood plague. Talk to Captain Logan, and accept his request. Help us fix it by posting in its. After finishing that conversation, Keesha will now want to speak with you. Drive to the Farm. Accept and do so. A horde has been attracted by the CLEO signal, so take them out in your favourite way. Even nightmare is too easy since you can run up to ANY plague heart with an auto rifle+compensator like an AK and kill it with one full clip. Walk up to the right closed door of the container, under the brown box, and do the same trick as before - press the jump button by itself, then at the height of the jump press forward on the left stick. Now that we know what to do, toss a plague buster at the plague wall and begin the fight. Heartland Walkthough, Playthrough One During this playthrough, we are going to attempt to get two difficult achievements: Full House, for recruiting 8 survivors during one Heartland run, and. Once you find the distiller, drive it back to Jurassic Junction and place it in your base inventory. As for the two starting survivors, as you recruit more and more people into your community, start using Larissa and Aunt Fiona less and less, until towards the end of the game where you shouldn't use them at all. Select "Accept Mission Eagerly" (again top choice, a theme in this walkthrough), then head over to the nearby Old Moonshine Barn, where Mickey Wilkerson will be waiting for you. Heartland is available now for all State of Decay 2 players on Xbox and Windows 10, and included for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers. USE THE BACKING UP CAR METHOD TO TAKE THE BLOOD JUGGERNAUT OUT (see the Miscellaneous Tips page if you don't know what this is) -- about 10-12 hits to the Juggernaut should kill him. State of Decay 2 (Video Game 2018) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb Edit State of Decay 2 (2018 Video Game) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by Writing Credits (in alphabetical order) Cast (in credits order) Produced by Julia Bianco . Heartland features two starting pairs of survivors: Quincy, an ex-con and member of the Network, and his partner Helena, Larisse, the long-lost daughter of Mickey Wilkerson, and her aunt Fiona, Custom characters including recruitable survivors, Claim your base at Jurassic Junction, the largest homesite in the franchise, All blood plague freaks! Heartland, the biggest State of Decay 2 update yet, is a love letter to the first game. Microsoft Windows, Xbox Live Arcade He'll talk about the newest threat you'll face, the Plague Wall (imagine seven plague hearts smashed together) Once he's done, hop into your car again and travel to the house right next to the crash site. At the start of the game, players will have to choose two fixed characters from two (2) groups: The Network and The Red Talon. The side benefit is that they also start liking you more. Eventually, you'll be called by Captain Logan, who wants your assistance on a mission. Genre(s) During this playthrough, we are going to attempt to get two difficult achievements: Full House, for recruiting 8 survivors during one Heartland run, and Plot Armor, which requires you to have both your starting survivors (in this case, Larissa and Aunt Fiona) alive when completing the final mission. Note: don't forget to cure yourself with your crafted plague cure before the Blood Plague timer runs out. All Rights Reserved. Two down, two to go, and you'll be tasked with taking out the third plague wall by Dr. Hoffman immediately upon defeating the second. Everything has blood plague. Clear out any zombies in the immediate area, then talk to Captain Logan again. Be warned here too - a screamer can knock you off this perch if you're not careful (though its a bit safer than the previous spot). You have some time before your next radio call, so feel free to use the time to loot parts. Rinse, repeat, until you do this 100 times. With this, the game will restart the Vic/Isaac quest line again. Keep checking back until Diana appears. Drive out to meet him. You'll probably have a few minutes of downtime after part one ends, so you'll want to use this time to trigger the Diana series of quests (they're the ONLY quests that don't trigger through your radio, so they're easy to miss). My first playthrough I was killed here, so you have been warned. Now have the new character step next to the wall to pick up some blood plague, switch back to the old character, and apply the blood plague cure to your follower. Playthrough one is complete! Feel free to "autopilot" from here on out as you can't miss anything. Once again she'll refuse, but again will give you another gift for saving here (don't worry, we'll see her one more time). Then, in the newly upgraded repair depot, craft each of the three vehicle kits. (I'm including this one because of its name, but I've never found an Echo weapon here). He'll want you to escort him over to the crashed plane. A preference of mine is the gas station right by the eastern entrance to Marshall, right by where you found Diana the second time). - Return to Ray. You used plague cure on your own survivor 100 times in Heartland. CLEO Can You Hear Me?' Though it may be familiar territory to those who homesteaded here years ago, Trumbull Valley is packed with new dangers and unspeakable horrors. Just make sure Aunt Fi, Larisse, and Izzbee live through these sieges (the former two you'll need for an end-game achievement, the latter you need for more CLEO drops). You may want to hold off on Vic/Isaac though as the double-recruit glitch requires starting the Captain Logan quest. The sequel expanded upon the original with more in-depth mechanics and a wider array of options at the player's. Head back to Vic and the warehouse and now you'll have a decision to make: If you tell Vic that Isaac is dead, Vic will leave the map once you leave the warehouse. Captain Logan; Dr. Hoffmann; Chavez - 25% Off! Almost all survivors you encounter are randomly generated. Part Three kicks off with Dr. Hoffman wanting to meet up with you in Marshall, so head on down when you're ready. Travel all the way across the map to the Industrial Steel Supply Company on the far west border, and clear out the building/immediate area. If you look at the plague wall, you'll see an area that looks like the distended belly of a bloater, though in red. Drive out to the Run-Down Barn and talk to Captain Logan. Be aware you may run into some hoards and screamers around here. features a return to Trumbull Valley in a new story-based adventure. When the coast is clear, hop out and loot the CLEO supply drop. Continue your game, and invite another player in. And with that, we can begin our Heartland walkthrough! State of Decay 2: Directed by Kevin McMullan, Kevin Patzelt, Patrick Seitz. Head to the fire station, circle around back, climb the ladder, then talk to Dr. Hoffman. Make sure though you don't restart the game just yet, as we have some clean up work to do on achievements first. As you need Quincy to make the network weapons, he'll be the only person you need to keep alive. State of Decay 2: Heartland DLC features a return to Trumbull Valley in a new story-based adventure. By the time you finish Heartland, you will probably have already unlocked the achievements for killing 25 plague ferals and 25 plague screamers (the only types of ferals and screamers in heartland are plague versions, so no confusing them with the normal ones here). You'll be prompted to install the Distiller into any of your facilities, so do so (I parked it in the CLEO Relay facility), which will end the mission. Check all 18 spots, and if you don't get all six gun types, restart your game. updated Jun 12, 2018 Welcome to the IGN wiki walkthrough for State of Decay 2! Head on over and she'll ask you to pick up her filling machine from the Wilkersons. Heartland is just Dread(normal) with plague freaks. As well, it may be worth looking at the Playthrough One Achievement Clean up section below to get an idea of the miscellaneous tasks you'll have to perform at the end of the game. Upon opening the tenth CLEO drop, you'll unlock: You completed 10 CLEO sieges using the CLEO relay in Heartland. Assuming you've done this, head over to the Deep Green Farmhouse (again, feel free to drive through farmland as a shortcut) and talk to Captain Logan. Once gathered, run in a circle to corral them into a small area, then toss the grenade at them, hopefully killing at least ten. This is good, as there are achievements tied to recruiting everybody. Search the barn, collect the filler machine, then return it to Reba back at her house (select one of the top two dialog options to give the machine back to her). Red Talon Outpost on the east-west road that goes past the lake. Whatever method you use, you'll eventually cure the plague 100 times to unlock: You used plague cure on another survivor 100 times in Heartland. (You may need to be away from base when Reba and/or Diana show up, so if you have some free time, scavenge a bit and they'll hopefully turn up sooner rather than later). (NOTE: I never found a ECHO gun at this location, but others reported that they have, so it's still worth checking). While its position is pretty fairly "meh" (the Heartland Trumbull Valley map is essentially a big circle, so the base is on the circle road at least, though not near any big towns), Jurassic Junction is absolutely STACKED with awesome built-in facilities (see the Jurassic Junction section below for more details). You recruited Reba into your Heartland community. Essentially, you'll want to be looking for any army areas which contains army equipment (especially guns). State of Decay 2 does not have a "main story" like the first game, being more of a freeform sandbox game. Its been exciting and challenging keeping something this big a secret for that mic-drop moment when Phil Spencer says, and its available now. Woo! See the Shots in the Dark section of the guide as to why. The zombie plague continues in Undead Labs' latest title, State of Decay 2.Anyone who purchased the State of Decay 2 Ultimate Edition has already had a full weekend to gather their survivors, build their fortifications, and raid abandoned houses. Once it's dead, continue down the road to encounter Malik. When you arrive, you'll find the church abandoned, and you will be prompted to search the building for clues. Drive on up, kill all zombies in the immediate area, then use your usual tactics to take out the plague heart (explosives work best). Give the case to Nat, and Brock will ask to join your enclave. You need to trigger the Diana's mission part one before starting Captain Logan's second quest. Each plague wall battle will be part of a pre-set quest. Meanwhile Isaac will be upset and leave the map. Travel to the orchard house, and speak to Xander. A quick note of plague busters: plague busters have a second function - they will automatically kill any zombie that gets in their detonation field (minus juggernauts, who will take about half damage). She'll ask you to dissuade some people from harassing her friends. Talk to Vic, who will ask you to find his husband. When clear, climb up onto the roof (this time the ladder is inside the restaurant - head to the back room and turn around right as you enter, and the ladder will be to your right), and loot the CLEO drop. Narrative-driven single-player adventure with branching storylines. Every bloater, Every Juggernaut. As well, one of the facilities in Jurassic Junction provided four (!) Take the short drive to the Abandoned Barn, enter, then climb the ladder and talk to Dr. Hoffman.

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