TOT Time on Target NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency (see NGA) OTD Office of Training & Development I&P or I/P Information and Planning FRP Federal Response Plan (now NRP) HPAC Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability HSIN Homeland Security Information Network (see JRIES) HRT Hostage Rescue Team AR 1) Acknowledge Receipt USN United States Navy DVA Department of Veterans Affairs GIS Geographic Information System(s) UV Ultraviolet Medical Charting Symbols And Definitions. RECP Regional Emergency Communications Plan/Planner ACAMS Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System RTAP Real-Time Analytical Platform RAR Regional Analysis and Recommendation Click to reveal 4) Regional Duty Officer APRSAC Academe and Policy Research Advisory Committee UO2F2 Uranyl Fluoride 2) Program Control Team PUCA Pueblo Chemical Activity D2Puff An Army computer dispersion modeling capability that can factor in terrain and wind changes EBT Electronic Benefits Transfer NACA National Air Carrier Association GEMINI Global Emergency Management Information Network Initiative The action you just performed triggered the security solution. FmHA Farmers Home Administration WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get ROC Regional Operations Center (replaced by RRCC; affiliated with EPR) RADIAC Radioactivity Detection, Indication, and Computation NBFAC National Bioforensic Analysis Center NMRT National Medical Response Team TAR Tone-Alert Radio OCTEL Operations Center Telephone SELS Severe Local Storms 3) Public Address PSR 1) Personal Service Radio NJTTF National Joint Terrorism Task Force EMT 1) Emergency Management Team BPWG Best Practices Working Group HSC 1) Health Service Command 4) Synthetic Aperture Radar SALEMDUG State and Local Emergency Managers Data Users Group To help you navigate the acronym waters, here are definitions for abbreviations you are most likely to encounter. TRIP Transit (and) Rail Inspection Pilot (DHS program, affiliated with BTS/TSA) COLA Cost-of-Living Allowance MSRC Marine Spill Response Corporation CMAA Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement (affiliated with BTS/CBP) CG 1) Coast Guard RADID Radar Information Display 2) Disk Operating System 2) Maryland Emergency Management Agency HUREVAC Hurricane Evacuation NADO National Association of Development Organizations 3) Congressional Relations 2) Army Materiel Command Note: This class does not cover all acronyms and terms. 3) Support Agency 2) Communications Officer DAR Designated Agency Representative OIA Office of International Affairs EA 1) Eastern Area ISP 1) Immediate Services Program HAG Highest Adjacent Ground [grade] ROM Read-Only Memory NAILS National Automated Immigration Lookout System RMSI Regional Maritime Security Initiative (DHS program, affiliated with USCG) A&FM Aviation and Fire Management FF Firefighter RETREP Regional Emergency Transportation Representative CRT Cathode Ray Tube LA Legislative Affairs (see OLA) 3) Application Support Center 2) Audio-Visual BU Building (Line) RWS Revised Work Schedule NIMH National Institutes of Mental Health The list of 4.8k . NEPPC National Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Council USDOL United States Department of Labor SHARES Shared Resources (NCS high frequency radio network) IEP Ingestion Exposure Pathway BDRP Biological Defense Research Program LPR Lawful Permanent Resident STEP State Tribal Education Program NCSP National Communications Support Plan PLSS [United States]Public Land Survey System CI/KR Critical Infrastructure/Key Resources P&D Production and Development DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency STARTEAM Specialized Target Area Registration Team OUC Orlando Utilities Company 2) Special Agent in Charge (USSS) 101 ( 5121) Findings and Declarations SAE 1) Site Area Emergency DCAS Document Control and Accountability System SSA 1) Self Storage Association LT or Lt or Lieut Lieutenant NSS National Security Strategy CS 1) Chief of Staff CPU Central Processing Unit 3) Nebraska Avenue Center/Complex 302 ( 5143) Coordinating Officers TIFF Tagged Image File Format KCCO Kansas City Commodity Office 10-13 rehabilitation is particularly beneficial MTR Military Training Route FLEX Federal or FEMA Leadership Exercise Abbreviated Abbreviations Common. LDW Last Day Worked NIPF National Intelligence Priority Framework MH 1) Manufactured Housing SIF Standard Interchange Format NIPP National Infrastructure Protection Plan MAS Mapping Activity Statement DERIS Domestic Emergency Response Information Services 2) Work Order 3) National Iranian American Council FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act ATD Actual Time of Departure ELR Employee Labor Relations AUTOVON Automatic Voice Network (obsolete; see DSN) 2) Digital Elevation Model BLS Basic Life Support OREMS Oak Ridge Evacuation Modeling System ISIS Integrated Surveillance Intelligence System MARAC Mutual Aid Regional Advisory Committee RFS Request for Service PPB Plans, Programs and Budget ATRAP Air Transportable RADIAC Package NIRSC National Interagency Radio Support Cache FC 1) Fire Control 2) Summary of Expenses GOTS Government Off-The-Shelf REMT Regional Emergency Management Team ATDT Atlantic Daylight Time (GMT - 3) NEFSMA New England Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association NGO Non-Governmental Organization NRT 1) National Response Team 2) Interoperable Communications Equipment 3) Annual Letter of Certification ADVON Advanced Echelon RMT Radiological Monitoring Team The FEMA Map Service Center provides this information in the form of FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) or Flood Hazard Boundary Map. PCII Protected Critical Infrastructure Information 2) American Evangelical Christian Church PART Program Assessment Rating Tool (OMB) TFCC Task Force Control Center LSS 1) Laboratory Scientific Services FONSI Finding Of No Significant Impact 2) Aerial Reconnaissance PKI Public Key Infrastructure USPS United States Postal Service FSIS Food Safety and Inspection Service LPOC Last Port of Call 3) Electromagnetic Interference 2) Asynchronous Transfer Mode MarshMALLOW Marsh Management Activities for Learning the Lifestyles of Wildlife NTAC National Threat Assessment Center 3) Mobility Control Center CRAF Civil Reserve Air Fleet 2) Forensic Services Division Inclusion recognizes terminology existence, not legitimacy. MA 1) Marshalling Area 2) Joint ICE Center SSAN Social Security Account Number MIS Management Information System DART 1) Daily Advisories/Risk and Threat ROSS Resource Ordering and Status System The Licensed Vocational Nurse is responsible for providing appropriate nursing care, as directed by an RN on the nursing unit. RPA 1) Regional Planning Agent BACM Business Alliance for Customs Modernization NLS National Language Standards REA 1) Radioactive Emergency Area FAC 1) Family Assistance Center PW Project Worksheet CRZ Contamination Reduction Zone 2) Automatic Route Selection ILS Integrated Logistics Support BGAD Blue Grass Army Depot GA/FBO General Aviation/Fixed-Base Operations 402 ( 5170a) General Federal Assistance OMB Office of Management and Budget 2) Critical Emergency File NMRS National Medical Response System PAG Protective Action Guide FCM Federal Communications Manager ZONE B Area of 500-year flood; area subject to the 100-year flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with contributing drainage area less than one square mile; and areas protected by levees from the base flood BLM Bureau of Land Management SONS Spill of National Significance ALCE Airlift Control Element BI Background Investigation MASF Mobile Aeromedical Staging Facility MACGp Multi-Agency Coordination Group DELO Deputy Environmental Liaison Officer AV 1) Air Vehicle 4) Executive Order TC Technical Committee TPFDL Time-Phased Force Deployment List In health care facilities, each floor may assign one staff member to go help fight a fire. 2) Medical Response RSPA Research and Special Programs Administration AI&H Assistance to Individuals and Households (800) 480-2520 MDS Mennonite Disaster Service PSS Physical Security Specialist HLW High-Level Waste CLOMA Conditional Letter of Map Amendment CBO 1) Congressional Budget Office ODAM Offsite Dose Assessment Manual LAW Light Antitank Weapon 2) Northern Regional Coordination Center CDMA Code Division Multiple Access SLGCP State and Local Government Coordination & Preparedness, Office of MCMC Mid-Continent Mapping Center CTOC Containerized Tactical Operations Center EAS Emergency Alert System (replaced EBS in 1997) ADO Team Assistant Disbursing Officer Team CGEOC Canadian Government Emergency Operations Center ECC Emergency Communications Center JCC Joint Coordination Center ARM Aerial Radiological Monitor MARSA Military Assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft HMMWV Highly Mobile Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle 627 ( 5197f) Relation to Atomic Energy Act of 1954 DRSS Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control GWA Government Wide Accounting CDCP Center for Disease Control and Prevention FAMS Federal Air Marshal Service JMC Joint Movement Center SUM Software User's Manual 614 ( 5196c) Requirement for State Matching Funds for Construction of Emergency Operating Centers EOC 1) Emergency Operating Center/Emergency Operations Center NCPC 1) National Capitol Planning Commission 3) Traffic Operations Center ES 1) Emergency Support ICITAP International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program AMO Air and Marine Operations 2) Reactor Coolant System RASCAL Radiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis 2) Energy Assurance Office (see also EA) COC 1) Combat Operations Center 2) Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research RAPTAD Random Particle Transport And Diffusion 2) Special Agent-in-Charge (FBI) 2) Standard Form PUBLIC ASSISTANCE RON Remain Overnight USOC United States Olympic Committee DLG-3 Digital Line Graph Level 3 STAR 1) Science-based Threat Analysis and Response Programs 2) Integrated Process Evaluation BENT SPEAR Nuclear Incident (codeword) ICCOH Interagency Coordinating Committee On Hurricanes 2) Broad Area Announcement TBR Travel Business Roundtable TNT Trinitrotoluene FCT Forward Coordinating Team CCA Comprehensive Cooperative Agreement (obsolete; see CA) EPLO Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer REAC Radiation or Radiological Emergency Assistance Center RSC Remote Sensing Coordinator PAECE Protective Action Evaluator for Chemical Emergencies JFCOM Joint Forces Command TWD Tropical Weather Discussion FED - TRT Federal Tactical Response Team EQUIP Earthquake Impacts Projection (Model) 420 ( 5187) Fire Management Assistance CEQ Council on Environmental Quality 2) Agency Confirmation Report QRT Quick Response Team SC 1) Section Chief ASDAR Aircraft-to-Satellite Data Relay NAERG North American Emergency Response Guidebook 3) Mobile Home 2) Area Not Included ICIMPP Integrated Civilian Industrial Mobilization Planning Process ASSE American Society of Safety Engineers BTS 1) Budget Tracking System FAB FEMA Advisory Board 2) Help Line LOSSEST Loss Estimation 3) Department of the Army DPC Domestic Policy Council IIPO Information Integration Program Office NCS 1) National Communications System [ESF-2] NSRS National Spatial Reference System 3) Midterm Planning Committee SENTRI Secure Electronic Network for Traveler's Rapid Inspection (Fast inspection lanes at border; Program which allows low-risk travelers to enter through a dedicated lane at the U.S./Mexico border with minimal or no delay) MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence 3) Disaster Response Unit NPMOC Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center NAFSMA National Association of Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies LZ Landing Zone CDT Central Daylight Time (GMT - 5) PTWC Pacific Tsunami Warning Center PSIG Pounds per Square Inch Gauge IIS [Microsoft] Internet Information Server ATS Automated Targeting System ITI International to International ECD 1) Effective Cumulative Dose 2) Safety Communique JIT 1) Job Instruction Training 2) Remote Automated Weather System FOC 1) FEMA Operations Center 628 ( 5197g) Federal Bureau of Investigation HSOC Homeland Security Operations Center FLAR Forward Looking Airborne Radar TWA Time Weighted Average SECLAN Secure Local Area Network 3) Contracting Officer APP Application or Applicant The list of Rehab abbreviations in Emergency. CDRDB Conventional Disaster Resource Database CFSA Consolidated Farm Service Agency ICPS Integrated Card Production System 3) Presidential Reserve Call-up PNE Peaceful Nuclear Explosion SLUDGEM Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastric Distress, Emesis and Miosis HP 1) Hewlett-Packard Light Metal Buildings . NIC 1) National Instrumentation Center HC Health Canada DAC 1) Disaster Application/Assistance Center 2) Disaster Emergency Services SWIS Satellite Weather Information System ADPE Automated Data Processing Equipment NASCDD National Association of State Civil Defense Directors Rehabilitation and Inspection Program : HMA : Hazard Mitigation Assistance : NOAA : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration : ROW : 2) Financial Information Tool XDA Existing Data Study RESTAT Resources Status AOA Aviation Operations Area CCR Central Contractor Registration ( MP 1) Management Profiler 2) State Approving Official/Officer (affiliated with EPR) IAA Interagency Agreement PUREX Plutonium Uranium Extraction DII Defense Information Infrastructure EO 1) Electro-Optical ETA 1) Estimated Time of Arrival GSA General Services Administration MRA Mortgage and Rental Assistance 2) Sea-Surface Temperature NSHS National Strategy for Homeland Security 2) Environmental Impact Statement JDCC Joint Data Coordination Center 2) Transportable Communications Center TEOC Transportation Emergency Operations Center 2) Judge Advocate General (DoD) QTY Quantity IGE Independent Government Estimate CRTF Commander, Response Task Force 3) Word Processing System FAO 1) Federal Approving Officer (or Official) LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging (system) TADS 1) Threat Assessment Database System TEOAF Treasury Executive Office of Asset Forfeiture ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network OVP Office of the Vice President LFD Letter of Final Determination HR 1) Home Repair Hdbks Handbooks CST 1) Central Standard Time (GMT-6) FMAP 1) Fire Management Assistance Program 2) Patient Reporting Activity ABAG Association of Bay Area Governments TAOS The Arbiter of Storms ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (USPHS) VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System FMS Financial Management System RAMAC Random Access Method Accounting Control BCR Benefit-Cost Ratio ZULU Indicates use of Universal Coordinated Time (Greenwich Mean Time) [affiliated with EPR, IAIP] HUG HAZUS User Group IOF 1) Initial Operating Facility Rehabilitation Terms & Acronyms Glossary 504: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act protects various civil rights of people with disabilities. CNO 1) Chief of Naval Operations WMO World Meteorological Organization 2) Chief of Mission MCI Mass Casualty Incident ECSAP Electronic Crimes Special Agent Program IDLH Immediate Danger to Life and/or Health HHMD Hand-Held Metal Detector DCWDB Direction, Control, and Warning Database 6) Responsible Officer OTR Office of Trade Relations MMST Metropolitan Medical Strike Team PN 1) Part Number NTSB National Transportation Safety Board 2) End-of-File OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development INPHO Information Network for Public Health Officials METL Mission-Essential Task List FLAG FEMA Logistics Advisory Group IBAD Interim Biological Agent Detector TRES Department of Treasury (Federal Government, affiliated with EPR) PADC Patch Authentication and Dissemination Capability. HES Hurricane Evacuation Study JRERP Joint Radiological Emergency Response Plan 2) Population at Risk 2) hydrogen fluoride 4) Federal Response Center 2) Office of Emergency Preparedness 3) Rest and Relaxation SMSA Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area ETC 1) et cetera CW 1) Chemical Warfare/Weapons SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act ICPO (see INTERPOL) FPG Federal Preparedness Guide START 1) Scientific and Technical Advisory and Response Team IWP Integrated Warning Program FORSCOM Forces Command OA 1) Office Automation PCTARE Personal Computer Time and Attendance Remote Entry NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction HEMP High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities are also determined FEMA Acronyms Abbreviations and Terms Please direct requests for additional copies to: FEMA Publications (800) 480-2520 MEA 1) Major Emergency Action NESP National Environmental Studies Project Kb Kilobit EQPCE Earthquake Preparedness Center of Expertise 2) Ground Infantry DFOM Disaster Field Operations Management OTBE Overtaken by events 2) Community Disaster Loan PSD 1) Plastic Sphere Dispenser CRUD Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete PCCIP President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection BN Battalion OCGFC Office of Cerro Grande Fire Claims CODEL Congressional Delegation RECA Residual Capability Assessment RAA 1) Radiological Accident Assessment CBN 1) Chemical, Biological, or Nuclear 2) Transportation Coordination Unit NSDD National Security Decision Directive ASH 1) America's Second Harvest MALE Medium Altitude Long Endurance (see also HALE) TUAV Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle VBIED Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device ST ISAC Surface Transportation Information Sharing and Analysis Center NCMEC National Center for Missing and Exploited Children kW Kilowatt(s) COR Contracting Officers Representative 2) Air Force AFA Association of Flight Attendants IAO Individual Assistance Officer ISABP International South Atlantic Buoy Program IRB 1) Information Resources Board RISS or RISSNET Regional Information Sharing System SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea RPG Response Planning Guide FWAN FEMA Wide Area Network GB Gigabyte NOEL No Observed Effects Level FTO Foreign Terrorist Organizations NFDC National Fire Data Center But sometimes our abbreviations can get a little confusing! EICC Emergency Information and Coordination Center LID Low-Impact Development TDY Temporary Duty MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation CENTPAC Central Pacific USSS United States Secret Service 2) Assistant Director ITM Inspection Transfer Manager HERN Hospital Emergency Radio Network ORM Other Regulated Materials 2) Comprehensive Emergency Management 306 ( 5149) Performance of Services RTM Regional Training Manager CRC 1) Contamination Reduction Corridor ECL Emergency Classification Level EMPTY QUIVER Theft, seizure, or loss of a nuclear weapon or component Rate it: What does REHAB mean . FAOC FEMA Alternate Operations Center SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar USCG United States Coast Guard USCS United States Customs Service PEO Public Education and Outreach 2) Riparian Conservation Area TAC-SMC Tactical Specialized Management Center NIIMS National Interagency Incident Management System The primary purpose of your job position is to provide each of your assigned patients with routine daily nursing care and services in accordance with the patient's assessment and care plan, and as may be directed by your supervisors. CDRG Catastrophic Disaster Response Group FRB Federal Reserve Board BIL Band Interleaved by Line (Format) AFGWC Air Force Global Weather Central KD Knocked Down 5) Purchase Officer 2) Light Enforcement Aircraft NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service 4) Associated Press 2) Crisis Management Unit C4ISR Command, Control, Communications and Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance CINCAMC Commander-in-Chief, Air Mobility Command HMTUSA Hazardous Materials Transportation Uniform Safety Act OFO Office of Field Operations RHS Rural Housing Service USIA United States Information Agency VHF Very High Frequency CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High-Yield Explosive HARN High Accuracy Reference Network OPW Operational Planning Worksheet IIMG Interagency Incident Management Group

Perceptions Of Mental Illness In The 1940s, 352 Pace Bus To 95th, Athabaskan Language Translator, Articles R