Mom found out, through friends of mine, where I was living and how I was struggling. Our home, which was both our office and our sanctuary, became like a factory, with people helping us to process the mail; eventually having to return thousands of orders to customers with our deepest regrets that we could not, in all fairness to them, delay their order. What a warm and generous soul. RT is first rate. In the world of food, these things arise from the aura that is woven around the brand name, associations that persistent advertising persuades us to equate with our own sense of pleasure. Makes one 10-inch pie crust. Back to the best things in life as I said in the beginning things like feelings, thoughts and expressions of caring. Obama sold out before he became president. Phil Donahue Salary He earns an average salary of $109,365 per year from his various shows. In fact, non-union employees benefit as well, as employers used to give them a little less, but enough to keep them happy enough to not insist on union representation. We were settling down in our new house in St. Clair, with our office in the basement. I felt that more than ever, when I collaborated with Mom to rewrite her favorite cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Better Cookery Cookbook (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; May 1983), which consumed a couple years of my own life; let alone, the couple of years it took Mom to write the original version. Gloria Pitzer], Toby Goldof WSAY-Radio, Rochester, NY , Toni [Antoinette T.] Harblin of WTNY, Watertown, NY, Bunny Morse of WCMY-Radio, Ottawa, IL (The Morning Mix,currently hosted by Maggie Frost), Pat Rogersof WOAI-Radio, San Antonio, TX host of the show, Cover Story, [Thank you, all, for all of your past support! Thats kind of why I started this blog series, Mondays & Memories of My Mom, in the first place; to carry the torch for Moms legacy and to keep telling her story to those who remember Mom as the Recipe DetectiveTM, to those who wont admit to it because theyve copied (sometimes plagiarized) the ORIGINAL copycat and to the newer, digital generation who probably doesnt even know that there is a history behind the copycat recipes movement and it began with Gloria Pitzer! VHS Collectors Syndicated columnist Jack Anderson is the guest. Obamas the Sanctions Czar too! The Donahue Show people called once more and requested our appearance. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. I couldnt depend on being in a writing mood between our regular office hours of 8 AM to 5 PM. I hope everybody is having an awe-inspiring, magnificently marvelous Monday! I thought my first book was going to be my only book on that subject, but six books later I was still seriously, but lovingly, engaged in the pursuit of new information and challenging recipe imitations. Frankenmuth, Michigan is a city that has been world-famous, for many decades, for their family-style, sit-down, fried chicken dinners. Thats when people began noticeably honoring the wars fallen soldiers by decorating their graves; usually with fresh, spring flowers. Run a cut-up chicken fryer under cold water and let excess water drip off, putting all the pieces into a colander to drain a few minutes. It was an experience of mixed blessings! [However,] we outgrew that arrangement in a short time and rented a larger office uptown. Mom has written her story, about being the Recipe DetectiveTM and how it all began, in many of her self-published books. Such as Todd Wilbur did to Mom in the late 1980s; and which I discussed in an earlier blog, Mother, May I? Im feeling inspired and frightened, all at the same time, to take up that challenge, myself to write the history of copycat cooking its like my mom is on my shoulder telling me, optimistically, to go for it its a meant-to-be! Simply because, a couple of weeks ago, a friend randomly showed me a book, while we were sitting together at a backyard barbeque. John Wayne appears on a 1976 episode of Donahue in front of an audience largely populated by women, and he discusses his life, his career, his stint as a sin. Thanks for watching the video, Frank. We were bogged down with an unexpected response. My country, love it or leave it is a very dangerous ideology. He had just sold that business to the Heublein liquor and food conglomerate, for around $2 million and it was (quote) the dumbest thing I ever did do! He complained that the gravy tasted like wallpaper paste and the chicken was dry as cardboard and that his recipe and technique had been so terribly altered that he was sick about it. Below is just one of those stories, from her book, My Cup Runneth Over And I Cant Find My Mop, and a copy of that recipe. What is it that you believe in Obama? I laid my head on my desk many a time, in tears of anguish and fatigue. The dough becomes difficult to work with as it cools and, then, it crumbles and breaks apart. Mom tried to inspire me, but I just didnt have the self-confidence to promote myself or my talents like her. Elton John performs "Little Jeannie" and "Philadelphia Freedom. Please be aware that works in this archive created by other organisations and individuals are not covered under this license, and you should obtain any necessary permissions before copyright or adapting any such works. Memorial Day (aka: Decoration Day) was established as a U.S. federal holiday in May of 1971, to remember and honor all those whove died, serving in our Armed Forces. Paul Jay , T he R eal N ews N etwork. Our home, which was both our office and our sanctuary, became like a factory, with people helping us to process the mail, eventually having to return thousands of the orders to the customers with our deepest regrets that we could not, in all fairness to them, delay their order. As always, I look forward to Mondays because they are my #52Chances per year, in which I have to share Memories of My Mom! Thanks again for your input. When Heublein Conglomerate bought out the franchise, they paid a few million dollars for The Colonels recipe and technique. And, to anyone else reading this, please contact me at or on Facebook (@TheRecipeDetective) with your memories of my mom! Keep in touch! We know this, and we dont care. All of us soon realized we were mistaken about what we thought we wanted/needed and how to go about getting it. He barely served in office as a Senator, then was propelled by certain interests to run. ", Coauthors Lynette Triere and Richard Peacock ("Learning to Leave -- A Woman's Guide"), A show marking the 10th anniversary of Ms. magazine. After 5 months in the Houston area, my boyfriend and I, along with another couple, moved back to our hometown area in Michigan. Heres a short video report on the top 5 broken promises of Obama: They were very specific that I do our Famous Nameless Cookies and I could not see the reason they absolutely insisted on that recipe. Additionally, according to Wiktionary,to imitate is to follow a model or pattern; or to make a copy, counterpart or semblance of something OR, as it also mentions to plagiarize,which is, basically, stealing someone elses work and passing it off as ones own. Id love to hear from you as well! Story Transcript. Each one became like one of her own children through the whole birthing process! The show had a 26-year run on U.S. national TV, preceded by three years of local broadcast in Dayton, Ohio . Phil Donahue says he believed he was blessed, living in the greatest country on earth - but through hosting his show, speaking to people like Noam Chomsky and the Black Panthers, he came to question what he had thought was true. ), From the Collection: Gloria Pitzer (1982), There are still more thanks to be made, however, theyll have to wait for my next blog. The court ruled in his favor. The Home Show, however, in February 1988, were wonderful to us [Paul and me]. He said he went on to become a streetcar conductor, a farmhand, (to Cuba as) a soldier, a railroad fireman, section hand, insurance agent, a steamboat promoter, gaslight manufacturer, tire salesman and, finally, as a service station operator in Corbin, Kentucky. And she succeeded at this beyond her wildest dreams sometimes to corporate fury and sometimes to its amused acquiescence. Most of the letters requested a sheet of free recipes that were included with the order blank [in exchange] for a self-addressed stamped envelope The offer would have been good for us, if it had only been shown that one time the day on which we appeared on the show but for nearly a year afterward, the requests still came, as did the complaints and the threats to report us to postal authorities for not having sent those free recipes, tore us apart emotionally and physically! On one of the very first pages of Moms last cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press, Jan. 2018), which I helped her to rewrite for the new digital generation from her favorite, self-published cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Better Cookery Cookbook (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; May 1983), is a thank you list, dedicated to some of the stations, talk shows and their hosts, spanning across the country from sea to shining sea; as they had, probably, contributed the most positive ripples to the growing success of Moms Secret RecipesTM, up to that time (1972-1982). Because of Moms appearance, our small post office in St. Clair was swamped with about a million letters, throughout that summer and fall. So glad you watched this, David. There was nothing else like it, on the market, at that time. [As seen in Moms cookbook, The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes Book (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; June 1997, p. 7)] AND a repeat of Moms Kentucky Biscuits imitation, which she prepared on ABCs Home show in February 1988! Beyond Vietnam A Time to Break Silence, by Martin Luther King, Jr. + MLK: Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam. And, as I have mentioned the last couple of weeks, Mondays are even more special to me, now; since, on the last Monday of every month, except for today, I will be sharing even more Memories of My Mom and the behind-the-scene stories of how she came up with some of her famous copycat recipes, over the radio airwaves, on WHBYs Good Neighbor show, with host, Kathy Keene. (Note: Dipping spoon into cold water keeps the dough from sticking.) Today is Memorial Day a solace day, not a happy one. After all, she was part of the public too! Phil Donahue Show Transcripts Prev Next Date 1981/1982 Identifier JDW/2/8/2/12 Location Collection JDW: James D. Watson Collection (1870-2012) Section JDW/2: Personal Papers (1895-2012) Series JDW/2/8: Lectures, Speeches, Interviews (1953-2012) Subseries JDW/2/8/2: Interviews (1970-2011) Author/Creator Watson, James D., 1928- Phil Donahue Show Donahues specialty was leaving the guest(s) and going into the audience with a microphone so the audience could also ask questions to the guest(s). He also suggested browning the chicken in a skillet and then, oven-baking it until tender to achieve a likeness more to the original recipe he had created in 1964. Our favorite picnic standards are very similar to those listed on, in Sara Elliotts informative article, Top 10 Picnic Foods. ABCs Home show began as a half-hour program in mid-January 1988. But he was also being taken to court by the company to which he sold KFC. The whole terrifying experience is like a gigantic sensory explosion. We were settling down in our new house, in St. Clair, with our office in the basement. [See Moms recipe near the end of this blog post.]. The views and/or opinions posted on all the blog posts and in the comment sections are of their respective authors, not necessarily those of Dandelion Salad. Please note that CSHL holds copyright in writings by Watson that are held within Watson's archive in the CSHL Library and Archives, but does not hold copyright in Watson's writings held outside the CSHL Library and Archives. When they could, Harland and his wife, Claudia, enjoy dining at the Elmwood Inn, in Berryville (KY), where as you might expect, his favorite dish was chicken! It might stick otherwise! Even Mom often stated, in her own cookbooks, that she could frequently come up with the same result by using different ingredients; as she often revamped her make-alike recipes to compensate for such things as ingredients that were no longer available, which prompted Moms homemade grocery recipes and subsequent cookbook. That stipulation inadvertently resulted in a record-breaking event! but Pitzer was thrilled. ~ interspersed with occasional banal distractions of a vaguely theatrical nature..but then we all know that ~ which is why Dandelion Salad and its kindred sites are so highly valued. This week, as Pumpkin Season begins, Id like to share Moms favorite butter pie crust recipe from that free sheet, which is also found in her last book (cited above) on page 243. AlsoJackie Olden, Mel Baldwinand Melinda Leeon KNXs Food News Hour [My Cup Runneth Over and I Cant Find My Mop (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Dec. 1989, p. 58)], [Thank you] for introducing me to your west coast audience, which offered me many new restaurants to investigate. Basically, the email tried to point out that writing and publishing are only minor steps in the whole book process compared to marketing; which, it proclaimed, is an authors biggest challenge because it involves so much more personal time and effort. Youre welcome, Lo. Although, when my parents used to travel (especially with their Good Sam friends), Mom would sometimes find a way to fit in a live, in studio radio visit whenever she could.

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