If a president is tethered to the ideas and thoughts of his party constituents that may seek to control him, he will lose his ability to be objective and vigorously open-minded on any particular issue. There is no Myers-Briggs test for successful presidents. Communication is the key to making others know and feel what you know and feel; it is the skill of relaying precise information that is vital to life and effectual in meeting practical needs. When a president is spiritually buoyant he will have the necessary optimism and faith to impart to the people the goodness and hope that is inherent in the dream of America. This is because what strengthens the whole also strengthens the parts- when these parts are properly connected; and what strengthens the parts also benefits the whole because the whole is dependent on the parts. As president, he trampled on the office. It is said a president that will harmonize with any citizen who is reasonable and good, and whose positive energy will displace the animus which so often charges the air in politics will have no energy to fool it. Mitt Romney promises to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with an alternative. In a world where good and evil plainly co-exist, courage is essential because every force of evil along the spectrum of human affairs is increasingly wearing down the moral and spiritual strength of the people and the country. Creativity reveals truth and opens up new possibilities and evolves new pathways to higher collaboration, which destroys the old gridlock that is so commonplace among our elected officials. While most Americans understand that who we elect as President is important, we dont typically understand just how vitally important the election really is. Successful organizations consist of employees who are invested in their work, which means there will be moments of joy, frustration, confusion, exhaustion, and a host of other feelings. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. As a leader, you should aim to praise your team when they perform well and provide constructive criticism to help them improve. A president who lacks native intelligence and common sense will make so many blunders that he will be incapable of acting ahead of the curve. Today the expectation for the presidency (as well as the House and Senate), has become so lowered that we have forgotten to think in terms of greatness.. He demonstrates and enumerates the manifold benefits of being a nation of character and virtue, and inspires the people to be greater citizens. WebThe focus of this lesson is on the executive branch of the philippine government, specifically on the chief executive also called the president. "Talk straight" and honestly to the American people; 2. Americanpresidentsshoulddemonstrateandutilize the behaviors/traits which measure their character andcompetence: 1. In our modern world there are far too many polluting agencies that destroy our planet and that cause our environment to be an unhealthy one. The Presidency is not an office to be either solicited or declined, wrote Rep. William Lowndes of South Carolina in 1821. Only a president with strong moral and spiritual values, common sense, and courage can be a true problem solver, because solving problems requires that one act counter to the political pressures and dysfunctionality that created the problems in the first place. Its probably fairest to match their promises with their skills. Conversely, a president who lacks knowledge will often choose cabinet members who also lack knowledge, thereby guaranteeing a recycling of flawed strategy and policy. Fiscally Efficient and Sound Accountability. Campaigns focus on one opponent, but a president, even if he wants to go on the attack, never has just one jaw to swing at. Our Bill of Rights provides for the protection for all sorts of people in all sorts of circumstances. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Is it possible for a president to short circuit Congress by taking an issue directly to the people? Then, as president, they are forced to make choices which almost always offend some wing of the coalition they built. Methodology: The Yahoo! Presidential Quotes about God in America Because of the size and scope of the federal government, as well as that of the country, the distance between labor and the result of labor is too great to be understood and managed by anybody other than the wisest and most conscientious leaders. President Donald Trump possessesnone of these fundamental and necessary behaviors, characteristics, qualities, traits, etc. Persuasiveness: Do they know how to deliver a good speech? About three-quarters ofTrumpssupporters say he has competence (76%) and 67 percent say Trump takes responsibility. A politically correct president can be neither a transformative problem solver or a true leader, because his duplicity will undermine that which is spiritually correct- which is the action of strength, truth, and goodness soundly applied to all problems. January6, 2021 will go down asa day of infamy and shame for all Americans who love our nation and democratic republic. Get better over time Get on the job training asan American president; 8. A president who fails to communicate effectively opens the door for rumor and misinformation to spread, leaves greatness to chance, and allows for misunderstanding to flourish. 1. It is this demand for foresight gained through faith that explains why so few leaders lead from the cutting edge, and why most lead from behind. Being clear about what needs to be done and concisely expressing business visions and all rights reserved. That doesnt mean we cant try to ask these questions anyway. A president who does not understand the source of natural rights will fail to understand their importance in relation to the creative and spiritual well-being of the people. The Founders understanding of natural rights and civil liberties can be summarized in the following three points: Passionate It may have been during his youth as a star customer-service store clerk, or later on in his law career when others observed his intolerance of lying in the courtroom. Because of this, the President must be proactive, both in word and deed, in protecting the air, water, and land that the people depend on for their very health and life. The President must be a man of character because he is the highest representative-statesman of the people; he must embody the best noble qualities that our nations people should aspire to. To be vision driven is to win the competition of what is good, right, and best for the country over and against what is politically correct, insipid, and unhealthy for the country. This is because character is the conduit between the people and a common higher life that can be collectively drawn from, be established by, and remain rooted in. Do they know how to read public opinion? If it is believed by the people that there is a lack of potential greatness among the choices for President in any given election cycle, then the people must turn to the one who is most adequate to hold the country together while greatness is being cultivated in other future presidential candidates. This foresight is essential due to the complexity, diversity, and enormity of the situations and information that the President must process and act upon. Democratsalso tend to value empathy(69%vs. 48%)more highly than Republicans. Were going to be hearing a lot about leadership in the news over the next year, and Im curious. Most leaders struggle with disengagement, dysfunction, and non-productive behaviors with their teams. The consequences of him doing so will not necessarily be experienced immediately, but will be devastatingly so in the near future. He consistently promotes the necessary changes within Government and society that allow for the increase and total prosperity of society, while simultaneously eliminating dysfunctionality. They had to impress the American public enough to be chosen for the job. In evaluating this list, it is important to realize that these qualities are all interrelated and interdependent, each one complements the others and builds on the whole persona and capability of the President. before you proceed with the lesson, list WebConfidence. An unfit government is good at collecting and spending money, but not earning it. The world and society are stuck in the same rut of dysfunctional behavior because the true knowledge about health, life, inspiration, and spiritual principle, are not applied to governance- issues such as healthcare, the economy, education, defense, etc. Presidents must communicate in an appealing manner. 3. I know youll also feel free to critique the reasoning in these articles, and Ill write a follow-up article reframing my thinking based on the best input. He carried a laminated card in his pocket of the key polls in each battleground state, but Vietnam was beyond his ability to micromanage. A patriotic president is someone who truly loves America; he feels the honor and purity of our nations ideals deep within his being. Practiceand provideaccountability:The buck stops with youas Commander in Chief of the American people; I0. He motivates and instructs the people to overcome the obstacles and resistanceboth internally and externally- that are set against him. 2023 www.poconorecord.com. There are those who spend the country for their own advancement, while others who spend themselves for the countrys advancement. True experience is not measured by merely being in a particular position over a period of time, as anybody can occupy a job in an undistinguished fashion. They dont want anyone to ask the how question. Another idea for improving campaigns is to focus more on the character of candidates, which may get us closer to understanding how they would operate in the Oval Office. Problem Solver Ability to learn from the past. Well, nuts. WebBesides being honest, patriotic, loyal, having a background in government and being able to get along with people well, there are many other characteristics a president should have. Employees need to know where the organization is headed and what the expectations are for getting there, both from an individual and team perspective. We deliver training that develops leaders and engages teams to increase your company results. Richard Nixon gives his trademark victory sign while in Philadelphia during his campaign in July 1968. Or is he an ideologue? They want you to assume that a leader can get anything done. The purpose of the campaign would be to test for the skills and attributes actually required for the job. They are concerned with doing what is right and to fulfill a duty. The man of great faith, on the other hand, will remain steady and strong while tethered to the power and light, and have the composure to see the clear way to guide the country towards its highest good through all forms of adversity, uncertainty, and other extreme forms of pressure. All of our natural rights and freedoms first and foremost are dependent on the reality that they come from an ultimate ruling authority. Please share your comments or stories below. American historiansview U.S. presidentsbytheirindividual character andcompetence. In 1974, Jimmy Carter was such a political unknown that no one on the game show Whats My Line recognized him. Must be natural born citizen. Among Republicans, 80 percent say the ability to take responsibility is very important for a president. The concept of America as a Christian nation has been supported by both Republicans and Democrats throughout history in the context of advancing social justice issues. Are they comfortable with the schmoozing, backslapping, and ego-massaging that comes with the job? A president must also be accountable to the Constitution and a conduit to the nations honor and collective history in order to be a vital part of its positive lineage. Begin with these 10 examples of leadership traits. WebNo matter the job market, its crucial to stay committed to your goals, while trying to stay positive and level-headed. Effective Communicator Sense of Timing. Therefore, the experienced person is a tested person- one proved by the refining fires of life. What a presidents critics really mean when they say he isnt leading is that he hasnt announced that he is supporting their plan. Find out team members current challenges and try to give feedback and encouragement so they will grow and do better. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. "The Goods" on what you promise theAmerican people; 7. A CEO must possess these certain traits to truly become a great leader: 1. This principle transfers perfectly to governments acquisition and use of the peoples money. In fact when a president promotes any agenda that goes against the essential tenets of God and life, he has already sold the people and the nation out, and even though the consequences may not be apparent at first, disaster is sure to follow. Leaders with high levels of self-awareness can consciously influence situations and positively affect their teams. And I hope youll pitch in to help me. That means Romney will need considerable skill working with the other party to get what he wants. Such an individual can only lead the people towards chaos. It is the fundamentals of human relations that transcend all cultures and countries that best resonates with people, and puts a leader well on his way to being successful at foreign policy. Do they know how to hire a good team? He knows what it takes to get the country from a lower position to a higher one in any practical area of common life. Our Solutions PROGRAMS New Manager As a job seeker, you may only need to impress an employer or hiring manager (as opposed to the entire American population). Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. by Deseri Garcia | Aug 14, 2019 | Leadership Development | 2 comments. In the wake of Presidents Day, we examined which traits can be used to advance your career. A president who is an independent thinker is open to all the brilliance and talent for the benefit of the nation that can be accessed from every credible source that is available from within the nation, regardless of its political or social origins. A smart president therefore comprehends what is happening in and around him and with the country. Effective communication is important, but it requires more than just a basic oral or written transaction between two people. While it is possible to still be a good person and not love America, it is impossible to be a good president and not love America. Good leaders know the importance of fostering a. The spiritual life of a leader will ultimately determine everything vital about him, and inform his judgment on all important matters. Creativity in and of itself connotes positive, useful action, and therefore encompasses both spiritual and natural talent and knowledge. An inspirational president cuts to the heart of the nations people and causes a rekindling in their soul of all that is good and true about America. Patriotic As search consultants, we have a front-row seat to the selection process of college presidents.In an environment of increasing institutional competition, disruption, regulation, and political uncertainty, we are often asked what skills are most crucial these days to Bill Clinton testified on his behalf: If you have any doubt about Senator Obamas ability to be the chief executive,Clinton said at one of Obamas vast rallies in October 2008, just look at all of you. He understands the superiority of what could be rather than what currently is. Does he have the perseverance to handle both jobs? The cheap political critique of Mitt Romney is that he flip-flops. This includes: Environmentalist A smart president will save the country from astronomical amounts of chaos, waste, and stupidity because he acts according to first principles and true design. is a columnist for the Pocono Record. If the President is a truth seeker, he will set the example in this regard for the whole nation. Leadership. WebAmerican presidents should demonstrate and utilize the behaviors/traits which measure their character and competence: 1. Giving and receiving feedback can feel uncomfortable, but failing to do so could seriously hurt the company or organization. The goal is to help us better think about the qualities these presidential candidates may actually need once in office. A good leader of a country respects the constitution, But those who consistently rate at the top are Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Franklin Roosevelt. There are countless incentives to tell the truth, but perhaps none more important than it will eventually come to light, whether you verbally acknowledge it or not. What experience in his background gives us confidence that hell have the tools for the job he assigns himself? The following five essential qualities of all public speakers will bolster your presentations to inspire, influence and make a consequential impact on your audience. You can have inspirational quotes and company values framed on the wall all you want, but modeled behavior will always be more effective. Today the kind of people who get into politics often do so not because they predominantly have the peoples best interests at heart, or have something highly beneficial to contribute to the nation, but because they wish to exercise authority over people, and are on their own ego trips- wishing to contribute to their own coffers. One nation under God is the strongest rallying cry that only a truly patriotic president can give to his countrymen because it places the people under the highest source of power, goodness, and truth. Lewis said: Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.. Creative Presidential campaigns are fantastical places. Strong in Character WebWhat a presidents critics really mean when they say he isnt leading is that he hasnt announced that he is supporting their plan. Only a president of strong character can ultimately gain the respect of the country and influence the people to strive for the noble ideals of the nation. No greater preparation can a man have for the highest office in the land than to have been battle-tested and to have been found an overcomer and warrior in the realm of spiritual warfare. Knowledgeable How supporters of each candidate view their choice seems to have a lot to do with whats important to them, ideologically. An inflexible president is a leader who will stubbornly and ignorantly drive a country deeper into disastrous situations when it is a change or modification of direction that is needed. Freeing up charities and faith-based organizations to do what they do best. Never on his watch will he allow the kind of pettiness and manipulation that we are subjected to constantly and of which characteristics are so entirely unbecoming of an honorable person and honorable leader. Is he a pragmatist? Excellence is the first source of useful experience. Politicians arent perfect, but they do know a thing or two about commanding a crowd. Only in this way will there be solutions that are sustainable over time. A leader who understands that winning friends and influencing people (without compromising their values) is 90 percent of the battle when it comes to promoting polices both at home and abroad. This sample was weighted according to gender, age, race, and education based on the American Community Survey, conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, as well as 2016 Presidential vote, registration status, geographic region, and news interest. A truly compassionate president is one who has the drive to act above politics and political correctness and to meet the people at the point of their true, natural needs. They provide clarity. In so doing, he does not allow himself to get cornered by political correctness. WebListening is as important as talking and an effective leader listens more than he talks. Barack Obama has arguably never stopped since he took the oath of office. In these unprecedented, incredibly difficult, and insane times in which he must govern, a presidents faith and character will be significantly tested over and over again. Good leaders are confident in their actions and goals and speak courageously, which helps followers to rally around a goal. However, you are a candidate up for a job against other equally qualified professionals. Reflect on the skills of some of our greatest presidents and how they can be applied to your job search. It would seem obvious that a president should be patriotic, but in truth not all political leaders are necessarily so. Different people will reach different conclusions about how much experience or management ability a particular candidate has, and one attribute may overshadow all the rest given the particular demands of the moment. Such a people are set up to select a straw man that is not needed rather than an iron man that is. Campaigns reward fighters. Being clear about what needs to be done and concisely expressing business visions and goals is vital for effective leadership. It is the laziness underpinning much talk radio, but it misses the essential paradox of the presidency: presidents move between both ends of a spectrum. It is flexibility coupled with spiritual perception that provides a great president the ability to leverage maximum strength at every moment and from every position. But if good campaigners made good presidents, wed have a constant string of successes. Empathy is the ability to listen to other points of views as an American president; 11. Challengers vow to show leadership, but that amounts to little more than saying theyll magically pass the vast programs theyre promising. This series will look at the qualities a president actually needs to do the job as a way to better test for them during a presidential campaign. Confidence. There will be numerous situations and decisive times in the life and course of our nation that will overwhelm the individual who lacks faith; and with only his own resources to rely on, he will either falter and retreat to political correctness, or panic and act stubbornly or foolishly. Teamwork brings unity and strengthens bonds between a leader and members of his or her team. It was a courageous generation that brought America into existence, and it will take future generations of courageous Americans to uphold the countrys greatness. But maybe this exercise can help them see a little more clearly where we might land. If a people elect a president who is not patriotic, the people will increasingly lose the love they have for their own country and grow colder to its idealism. If the people dont understand the purpose of freedom, neither will they understand how to use their freedom to its maximum potential. When voters evaluate a candidates character, they tend to be Manichean: Candidates are only one thing or its opposite. Therefore if a leader is highly creative as well as ethical, no traditional definition of him will be adequate to describe him, and a new, more enlightened one will evolve one that is positive and expansive, rather than negative and contracting. Therefore if Government is allowed to remove the giver of freedom (God) from the national consciousness, especially the educational and legal systems, then the people will eventually lose all their freedom. But it is absolute that a president must exert great effort to continually grow personally and spiritually while he is in office. All too often a president or presidential candidate is identified according to party affiliation or some subcategory within their party. The most important right to protect is that of spiritual and religious freedom. Its a much calmer approach, and everyone in question will react more favorably than if you were to hurl a couple of poorly prepared insults. The promise of America is so great, so bold, so venturesome and cutting edge, that the nation must have a continuous revolutionary spirit working through it in order to keep pace with its inherent genuineness of greatness. Courage is necessary to promote all that is good and true. Each man proved to the American people that he was right for the job, and tried to continually showcase his best traits.

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