(1583) It also has summary statements for profit and loss, balance sheets and cash flow. (1199) He's got a surface flow of suavity, but he's rough as a rasp underneath. (639) and we can follow where they flow out from that tumor site. Let there be flow of love. (42) so in the flow of your days (43) the flow that they maintain (44) Wind is the flow of gases. (1838) Pirates were drawn to the area by the abundant flow of vessels laden with rich cargo. (797) 1Suspended floors to allow air flow and prevent radon build-up. (1148) Salpingography was conducted after the flow of the next menstrual cycle. (1188) Had we had a continuous flow of water, we would have done it much faster. (1225) Efficient, low - noise level , Multipurpose flow and static pressure. (476) A measure of arterial blood flow to the head . You have to go with the, I was sitting under a tree on the riverbank enjoying the, There is also pain in the eyelid, redness of the eye, and, The second challenge is rooted in the physics of magnetized plasma, 1The pulverized coal mass rate increases as the gas, Objector To evaluate the value of laminar, Index: it reflects net operating activities and net cash, Peristaltic garments could almost double blood, but they are things that i think happiness will, but among all those ideas that inevitably, i was saying that i can not keep up with the, Miracles do exist, but we just don't notice them in the, Baffle a device used to deflect material, Finally, summarizes the studies on the cash, A slippery liquid with curing powers is said to, As no water is pumped through the unit, no, He had known her long enough to recognize the ebb and, Travertine is a volcanically heated, calcium-rich, Additional pressure rating is possible with attention to, An accident on the road will often suspend the smooth, Since the two lakes are contiguous, they seem to, 1) Traceless is a kind of attitude to life, arbitrary, go with the, There are no mistakes in life; go with the, It is here that the conscious thought and the perceptive experience, She willed herself not to go on, but she couldn't stop the, With its each government activity interweaves company cash, The partial patients bleed many, resembles the volume of menstrual, 1He had known her long enough to recognize the ebb and, with my system, there'd be none of that. (277) 1This Salutation is shown as a complete flow. (440) The flow of gas was shut off and no one was injured. (1726) Subsurface Flow is the flow of water underground, in the vadose zone and aquifers. (145) New information continues to flow in. (892) 1In hydraulic engineering, such kind of multiphase flow is common. (724) The grass seemed to flow on for ever like a millpond sea. (1147) Objector To evaluate the value of laminar flow in the treatment of bums. (1484) Theres a steady flow of news and innuendo, and its hard to discern the truth. Exhibit D: John 3:16. (1272) The ice blocks up the river, making the upstream water unable to flow. (599) 1 She unbound her hair and let it flow loose in the wind. A compound sentence with "flow" contains at least two independent clauses. (658) 1. (553) The builder is unable to pay due to cash flow problems . I wish to flow like a river. (1639) The health of the city depends, of course, to a large extent on this ebb and flow. On top of the box was food. I'm just actors, always in someone else's story, his tears, 5. (1215) The bulk of profits created by the flow of goods from all over the world. (1074) (1) Apneic asphyxiation of 8 min yielded CA with no flow of 5 min. (1521) Xylem flow carries the transpiration stream and is normally entirely acropetal . CK 1 2400180 Tom held the flag so everyone could see it. (1266) 1Turbulent flow of the gas phase was modeled by the large eddy simulation. Disclaimer (2046) It has an outstanding balance or properties, temperature index and flow characteristics. (645) We expect a rise in both our production and our cash flow. From the Cambridge English Corpus This improves farming enterprises' cash flow and allows farmers to use land that would otherwise lie fallow. What wills to, Your eyes are downward cast and your tears and my tears, You're actually seeing and hearing quantum information, Filter trap cleaned regularly to prevent over, It is rumored that they have got serious cash -, The primary outcome was the morning peak expiratory, To me the converging objects of the universe perpetually, Our libertarian tendency supports the free, Unlike other lymphoid tissue , red blood cells, somewhere in the pipes there is a plug of ice blocking the, There was a block in the pipe and the water couldn't, They are broadening the bridge to speed up the, The bulges and indentations are carried downstream by the, The latter is an egoistic expression, the former a divine, And given the schematic circuit diagram and program, Why don't we try massaging the breast to stimulate the, New York! (1978) Current Current is the flow of electric charge . Just like letters build words, words build sentences. But if you learn whole sentences with "flow", instead of the word "flow" by itself, you can learn a lot faster! (2030) Thus, the flow of life from freshwater to brine is compressed into talking distance. (985) And dont forget the manna, which is believed to still flow in Bari. (268) What is the scientific name for blood flow. (1920) A ferromagnet can even affect the flow of a current in a nearby nonmagnetic metal. (1376) Watching money flow from the screen into your account is extremely appealing. (906) Every society must be protected from a too facile flow of thought. (992) I don't write poems and put them to music. (2079) Students are also introduced to the basics of cash flow and financial statement analysis. Our shower doesn't work very well because of the poor water, 28. (1462) Never let haters 'still' your flow. Mixed flow fan. (1734) The initial investment is revolving the information flow participation project. (753) Suspended floors to allow air flow and prevent radon build-up. (2044) Today some of the flow of the river has been restored and the lake now has some water. 69 50 (955) She tied a handkerchief around the wound to stem the flow of blood. (1988) Both rivers flow in the general southern direction and are tributaries of the Yangtze. (2016) For a one-dimensional flow, the only possible attractor is a stable fixed point or sink. (1990) The biodiesel made from mustard oil has good cold flow properties and cetane ratings. (1033) You have a belief: stuff will flow out of connected human beings. (456) Have traced the fount whence streams of nectar flow. Input and update content of control plan. (326) You must stem the flow of blood from the wound. (483) They flow with gentle curves and long, sweeping tails. (505) The sudden interruption stopped Beryl in mid-flow. The cylinder head has been carefully machined to increase air-flow. (960) Loose flow of hair painted with airbrush, line tool and smudge. (1202) The run-on lines create a continuous flow capturing the rush of Bedivere. (2002) HellandHansen and Nansen traced a periodicity in the flow of Atlantic water along the W. (2003) It was jamming up a ventilation grate, blocking up the flow of combustible gas below it. (836) and flow looked at artists all born on the continent of africa. the " " button to fragment sentence examples and start your learning flow. These include SWOT, value chain analysis, cashflowanalysis and more. (1489) Its working principle, hardware organization and software flow chart are given. (1214) The fuel flow from the accelerator pump is split between the two barrels. (834) Plug the flow regulator into the wall and attach the nebulizer. ; A data flow diagram is strong in illustrating the relationships of processes, data stores and external entities in business information system. (467) What fills the heart, will flow over from the mouth. (1840) Fountain where the Devotees of Allah do drink, making it flow in unstinted abundance. The family is a constant shear flows, 14. (2073) Sparta begins the installation of a new conveyor system designed to streamline work flow. oh, and. 0 5 Improved circulation (improved blood Flow). (1425) If too much solder is use,[/clog] it may flow past tube and clog seating area. And now put a big, fat star in the margin, next to the central idea, phrase or word, which is the place where all those ideas meet. This directly measures a firm's ability to generate internal cash flow. (666) They discussed ways of stemming the flow of smuggled drugs. (1745) Optimum load characteristic is the key to design a pulsating flow hydraulic system. (1829) Measurement of ocular blood flow by scanning laser ophthalmoscope video angiography. (1006) Flow regime is an important character of three phase cocurrent flow. (804) They are broadening the bridge to speed up the flow of traffic. (392) A gate used to control the flow of body of water. (471) The floodgate is closed to control the flow of water. (421) That's called the circular flow of the economy. (1579) Lead the purchasing team to further improve the purchasing system and work flow. (1758) 1Reading a terse or weighty document will inhibit, rather than encourage, word flow. (1746) DICOM acquisition gateway, the strobe of PACS date flow , is a key element of PACS. (2005) 2The flow of funds into Britain as a result could create another Icelandic type problem. (657) She unbound her hair and let it flow loose in the wind. (348) The present flow of refugees was manageable. (691) I didn't want to interrupt her flow , so I said nothing. (900) you have a belief: stuff will flow out of connected human beings. A standard agitator in low viscosity . (1183) An accident on the road will often suspend the smooth flow of traffic. (790) Unlike other lymphoid tissue , red blood cells flow through it. (1211) Remember that I mentioned that floats are removed from the document flow? (581) get half of their drinking water from that melting flow. (718) Resistor offers resistance to the flow of electrical current. (1458) In the months that followed , more news about Thalidomide continue to flow in. (1839) We need to move beyond the little 'i' as yoga seekers, and flow in harmony of ahimsa. (1105) The pulverized coal mass rate increases as the gas flow rate increases. (454) The accident greatly restricted the flow of traffic. (1529) 2The flow of air through the fan is substantially parallel to the impeller axis. (1777) Obviously if you have a very large project you would never do a flow chart manually. It's difficult to see flow number in a sentence . (854) Traffic flow clearly falls on the trunk line after nine o'clock. (1403) The dams are deflated to allow the river to flow unimpeded during releases. (1615) OBJECTIVE:To develop the assay of compound cephalexin capsules by flow injection. (1933) ROI is not Consistent with the cash flow models used for capital expenditure analysis. (988) Oscillatory flow reactor is new type chemical engineering equipment. Sentence types can also be combined. Food directors and managers are responsible for the safety of the food at every step in this flow. (884) The hourglass uses the flow of sand to measure the flow of time. (1941) The flow of the movement of change will be impeded wherever healing has not occurred. (745) and it forms little rivers of water on the flow along the ice, (746) women are at their best especially when they go with the flow. (872) Electrical current is a direct line of flow, magnetic rotational. (2007) Margins of inline-block elements do not collapse (not even with their in-flow children). (169) The water began to flow into the lake. (1448) The energy of this tangential air flow is wasted in a singlepropeller design, (1449) When air enters both the oral and nasal cavities, where does it flow through. (1189) It is here that the conscious thought and the perceptive experience flow. (1680) 1One function of an in vehicle traffic flow guidance system is route optimization. (958) 1This fountain-pen does not yield up its contents in a proper flow. (1992) A Fountain where the Devotees of Allah do drink, making it flow in unstinted abundance. (1505) Berikon has begun roadwork with a view to reduce the flow of transit vehicles. (1405) Blood flow is slowly retarded; a week later the parts in question fall off. CK 1 1893550 Many people were upset when they saw Tom burning the flag. Some dense substances allow electricity to, Thats my philosophy. (508) Terrain affects surface water flow and distribution. (1301) Before long the informal organization will catch on to the new work flow. (1258) Method: To determine the withering rate of T lymphocyte by flow cytometer. And while rhythm is great, it isn't always necessary (or possible), as some sentences are just going to be basic no matter what we do. (299) Is there a positive or negative cash flow? (714) You must use a wide pipe to ensure an adequate flow of water. (329) Life is short as flow, Lotte, why do not Le the. (927) The blood vessels then dilate, allowing blood to flow more easily. (853) That department of transportation regulates the flow of traffic. (1410) The flow lines are compressed, and the pressure beneath the foil is increased. (1681) Results could reflect the basic characteristics of eccentric annuli flow well. (1847) Trade and the free flow of capital are the winds that pull domestic economies along. (737) North of this water-parting the rivers flow into Lake Erie; S. (738) It largely finances operations using its internal cash flow . (994) The control flow of decreasing gyroscopic coupling is presented. (45) and tears flow down my eyes. Pharmacy management information system transaction flow diagram. (1769) They were the sturdy facade, the ulterior design for a very canny flow of resources. (2055) With a monopoly, you get to generate a large cash flow from rental of all the properties. (297) Record on preoperative instruction flow sheet. (2135) Define "flow" in one sentence, define "flow" in one word. (1571) Policymaking is an effort to freeze and perpetuate a particular flow of power. (2053) Does the person stammer over words or seem to lose track of the flow of the conversation? (230) A liquid is made to flow through a siphon. (480) We like to allow a free flow of ideas in our company. (1773) This is the sort of data flow analysis that some static analysis tool can help with. (651) The smell of delicious pizza flavor, I slobber to flow out! (368) A compression wave in decelerating flow steepens. 20 min. (393) The flow of the film clotted by obscure arguments. (1451) Even your sexual organs get more blood flow, so you increase sexual potency. (607) The opposite scenario would result in positive money flow. (538) Money flow into your experience through endless avenues. (1170) Travertine is a volcanically heated, calcium-rich flow from hot springs. (1204) It ends in a subglacial flow beneath Koettlitz Glacier to McMurdo Sound. (248) Fig 2 shows a flow diagram of the database. (1737) At the stage of crack stability, the groundwater is approximately laminar flow. (1792) Health immunization flow, storage and recovery will not pollute the environment. (1037) In hydraulic engineering, such kind of multiphase flow is common. (516) A hand-operate switch is used to regulate the gas flow. (1919) Slug flow is one of the most common flow patterns in a hilly multiphase pipe flow. (125) Very low debt, tremendous cash flow. (2022) In shock, I tied my sock around the worst-cut foot to try and stanch the flow of blood. (1438) Any investment in shares is a bet on an unknowable future flow of profits. (141) That flow of mental images is mind. The cycling speed is high. (415) The data flow diagram describes the logical system. (285) Widening the road would improve traffic flow. (1058) The flow velocity is the velocity at which a leaf in the flow travels. Running low on food he turned back. (442) Don't stress, don't agonize just go with the flow. Ligatures are used in surgery to stop the, Which direction does the Yellowstone River, Esophageal varices develop when normal blood, And in the mature stage, we should discounted cash, Why not unburden yourself in Confession and let his grace, Russell scrubbed angrily at his cheeks, trying to staunch the. If that's not the route you'd like to take, then of course it's fine to extend your thanks with a heartfelt message. We ought to channel this street so that water can, Miguel felt his soul grow lighter as he let it all, He split the coconut with a knife to let the coconut milk, She tied a handkerchief around the wound to stem the, 1This fountain-pen does not yield up its contents in a proper, What is an essential for dealing with directing the, 1. v. 1. move or progress freely as if in a stream 2. move along, of liquids 3. cause to flow 4. be abundantly present 5. fall or flow in a certain way 6. cover or swamp with water 7. undergo menstruation. (1012) The quality of plastic plate is decided by uniformity of flow in die. (998) The rivers Eden Ribble and Mersey flow west towards the Irish Sea. (412) She tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound. (626) He's having fun, he's in the groove, he's in the flow. (847) I'm just actors, always in someone else's story, his tears flow. (390) There is a constant flow of traffic on this road. (1331) 1The flow of money into the 30-stock average dipped sharply in mid-December. (275) If you can't fight and you can't flee, flow. (2050) Niigata exhaust flow of fresh water turtles cross - beam, power sweep off Jiegu Fenyang. (597) The present joins a flow of time from before and after. (1165) As no water is pumped through the unit, no flow rate restrictions apply. (759) She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation. The fates smiled on us in the matter of food very shortly. (1469) In minute doses it is a gastric stimulant, promoting the flow of gastric juice. (1151) The point-to-point transaction flow may fail in the following scenarios. (800) Do not resist the flow of your life because it's your destiny. (1208) In continuous flow analyzers, all Specimens flow through the Same tubing. (1401) A simple multi-stage adjustment of the air flow is provided electronically. (6) Consistent flow rate from nebulizer to nebulizer. (2102) How to Use "flow" with Example Sentences. (1652) Anything that could save the company money and perk up its cash flow was examined. (1691) By looking at facial blood flow changes, we can reveal people's hidden emotions. (620) There are shareholders of CNPC, said the flow production. (284) These drugs diminish blood flow to the brain. (2082) Instead of couplets the information is presented in the form of a pictorial flow diagram. (1174) General election is to at air flow air compressor and air pressure. (1528) Health immunization flow, storage and recovery will not pollute the environment. (1610) It also causes less condensation than double glazing thanks to improved air flow. (1563) Familiar with process flow, equipments, tools and fixtures of assembly shop. (525) It is difficult to actually stand up against the flow. (1118) The trade balance measures the flow of goods in and out of the country. (1380) flow smoothly from now on and helen just knows how to do this kind of stuff. (1565) If transformed the loess from landside to viscosity mud-flow in that region. (1895) Cash flow statement analysis could be used as an effective tool for cash flow control. (1324) Why not unburden yourself in Confession and let his grace flow in your life? (1903) Complex routing logic can be added in the mediation flow through mediation primitives. (2043) Surgeons can now insert an artificial valve to control the flow of blood to the heart. (1361) Throttles dense solutions of paper mill stock for headbox flow control, etc. (1460) His flow of comic verse always enlivened festive occasions at the White House. (1761) 1Lop Nur atomic energy base current situation, observes that tears flow plentifully. And worse[MakeSentenceWith.com], it choked off the free, Clear any broken pieces of the old impeller that could clog water, Gangrene is dead tissue caused by an infection or lack of blood, Investors most often get into trouble in negative cash, 1Indeed, by April of this year we will experience a negative cash, We present a simplified illustration to show the, The pulverized coal mass rate increases as the gas, They are carrying out research into the natural, The writing is clear and concise, easy to follow, and has a good, The games slowed down for me. (673) and each ant is experiencing a certain flow of ants past it, (674) It is widely used as an indicator of international aid flow, (675) The rivers of Albania are characterized by a high flow rate, (676) This depolarizing flow of ions is known as the dark current. She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and, 8. (1507) Money began to flow into Auburn again with America s entry into World War II. (856) Figure 1 : Continuous flow lines in highly stressed crotch area. (580) Responsible for plant layout and production flow studies. (2071) To reduce clutter in complex data flow models, show disconnected data inputs and outputs. (1187) There are no mistakes in life; go with the flow and grow with the flaw. 28. (1300) Bed rest improves uterine blood flow and may increase birth weight up to %. Example output from one of your searches: . (1056) the selections you made flow so well as a complete piece. Email: info@translateen.com, caused a 300 percent improvement in blood, The company is trying to enhance its cash, Press, and out comes an unfaltering milky, some minor perturbation in his house's cash, that seem to be there when a person is in, The road repairs should not affect traffic, 1. (1282) Figure 9.3 shows a preliminary data flow diagram for the inventory system. (721) This is where the waters of the Amazon flow out into the sea. Horaires d't partir du 25 juillet: Lundi - Samedi , 10h - 19h. there'd be a steady, calm flow. (1487) The diffuser length should be long enough to ensure the main flow deceleration. (395) System chart and program flow chart are presented. To build a well-structured argument, you can also use your topic sentences to transition smoothly between paragraphs and show the connections between your points. (1350) The direction of heat flow affected the phonon transmission coefficient. These organisms form the important class of decomposers within the food web, without which cellulose would continue to accumulate in the environment. (1322) And in the mature stage, we should discounted cash flow model or EVA model. (1284) The control section of spillway is the key section to curb the water flow. (1228) It's free, or maybe a few micro-cents that flow into a digital account. (617) Consider BCS pairing in the frame co-moving with the flow. (1397) Could you suggest a medium which would help the oil paint to flow better? (241) so you went with the flow and answered yes, (242) shaking the earth, waves hand in hand flow. (1868) Only by increasing flow through the constraint can overall throughput be increased. (477) A gate used to control the flow of body of water. (1132) If too much solder is use, it may flow past tube and clog seating area. (1866) If there is a negative cash flow, the deficit needs to be covered from somewhere. (468) Try to check the flow of water by turning the valve. The particle for the action performer is ga (gah), and the particle for the action receiver is o (oh). (235) Free flow of judgement is only a prospect. (693) Marginal crevasses are usually largely transverse to flow. (1776) The gutter was stopped up with fallen leaves and the rain-water could not flow away. (495) Finally, the system flow chart diagram and procedures. (1612) Warm winters, however, may allow iceberg calving and high flow rates to continue. (1172) For our transportation to flow, we need a new source of inspiration. (756) It can help blood flow past a blockages blockage in an artery. (521) i never asked for this blood to flow through my veins. (1991) If you want to compute the flow in an ownership network, this is what you have to do. (612) When a circuit is complete a current can flow through it. (984) The tour started in December and managed to flow into the next year. (1687) Panting increases the flow of air through the muzzle and enhances evaporation. (1887) The data representable is based on 1thick extruded sheets in the cross flow direction. (1749) 1. Receipt and acceptance of contaminated food products. Eat like a bird - Eat a small amount of food. (2092) He ranks just fourth in total assets, with a nine-billion-dollar annual revenue flow. (852) The exciter could select loudhailer or gas flow of injector. (1068) The first part of this thesis expatiate background and technique flow. (921) Meanwhile there was a mass flow of Rangers fans into Manchester. (1353) Salpingography was conducted after the flow of the next menstrual cycle.

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