My ex husband n I are suppose to be in court this Thursday he got caught driving on suspended license n with drugs. Just because you have a court order it does not mean the police will do much for you unless they feel the child is in danger (ie- physical abuse, drug/alcohol abuse or kidnapping). The mother thinks its my fiancees responsibility to pick the child up and drop him off even though she lives a mile away and the judge told her she can do one way of transportation. The first is the mother would give up her rights as being custodial as the second is that she is unfit and the child is in danger. Now, it looks like a costly court battle is going to ensue. You will need to file a relocation notice as well. So Randy fired her and got a court appointed attorney. CPS saw my texts and my daughter talking to me all fine. Perhaps also put in the letter some verbiage that non-objection to this request is consider consent. Did she have permission to leave the state with your children? Thank you. What parent wouldnt work with that? She said he isnt supposed to be around my two older sons 8 and 10 because of their behaviors (they live with their paternal grandfather whom i get along with and is not the same grandfather as my 6 year old) She is making my kids, even my 3 year old who lives with me out to be monsters when they are good kids. My son has just filed for custody of his 2 girls that live in Illinois, we live in Iowa. Fathers should NOT be deprived of their children. When you say supposed to where did that come from? That is what I had to do I live in Arkansas she lives in Tennessee and refused to return my children. So sunday was the 2nd supervisied visit and he is to give her medication for bad reflux and both visits he hasnt done it and i have reminded him both visists of it! I am in the process of filing contempt charges against him for non-payment of child support. Have a little more compassion and maybe think of how some us are feeling about this stuff!!!! M.P., 447 Mass. There are no legal custody papers or anything. Help me please. Thank you, We have 50/50 custody of the children but my 11 year old is in middle school and is released at 3:40 pm and the office closes at 4:30 pm. Where is the co/parenting in this remark? Hes going around spreading lies and telling people that my grandson is telling him that we are mean to him. Is it up to.this mom to enforce the law on him? Therefore he can have full custody of his child and the child will be safe. They both was signed the same day BUT the protection order was filed and stamped after the child custody order. Ask her how she feels, how she is doing, what she wants, what you can do to help her if shes having a hard time. That way you have proof she would not respond appropriately when asked. Why ? Now they are divorcing and my sons father moved him in with the grandfather, The grandfather had a restraining order put out on me so I can not come on the property to stop me from coming to get him when school is out in May. Not turning the child over to you for visitation does not fall under that criteria. I took my emergency order to Tennesse found out were she was hiding contacted local TN. I hope this helped you out a little and if I can help any more just let me know. FIRST time the police have ever done anything to enforce an Order!!! referee granted her custody she didnt do a visitation order because she Oh and he would have them swim for hours in the AZ heat to tire them out so he would not have to deal with them, exposing them to future skin cancer. I FINALLY found where my children are, but now supposedly his second wife filed for adoption (I never receieved any court documents regarding this) and when they got divorced she was awarded custody. Many states have grandparent laws that protect grandparents rights and they get communication and visitation. Its whenever. Understand something when you have a disagreement and you have to go to court. A child needs their father in the lives just as much as their mothers. How do i deal with a school that refuses to release records to me when a judge has ordered that i have access to school and medical records. My son is in OSP. Is she explaining why she is keeping the child(ren)? This may require us fathers to unite to change legislation on this matter. I do not know what else can be done and I honestly do not know what Im asking for. The reason for the supervised visitation is because they are falsely accusing me of abusing my wife. I know that they are not admissable in court. it sounds like you have joint physical custody and therefore probably also have joint legal custody as well. My ex has custody of our two teenage daughters in arizona. Well as i picked her up on Saturday afternoon, he replied I will see you guys tomorrow at nine in the morning, I turned to him and gave him a funny look. Child Custody and Parenting Time. One of which is not biologically mine but I signed the b.c. I had to contact a criminal law lawyer. I have sole custody of my son. She constantly tries to change the schedule and then cries in front of people to make them feel bad for her. (a) A person commits custodial interference by taking, enticing or keeping a child from the child's lawful custodian, knowingly, without a legal right to do so, when the person is a relative of the child and the child is less than 18 years old. The child would be much better off with us, but we dont know if the courts will make that change based on that. And is always harassing me whether he has our son or I do. In Florida many lawyers volunteer their time to community service for their licensing and benefits. The Court will think youre abusive (not just of the other parent, but of your child because thats who the Court Order is for) because they will know the answer to that question is so obvious it shouldnt even be asked! Hopefully, he will get himself together and be a good father. How do I get to at least check in on my baby? Unfounded. I doubt that he has. hter is in Texas right now for the summer with her grandparents can they still pursue an investigation against the parents These stats show the best interest of the child has NOT been supported by 99% of the time giving custody to the mother automatically. If you go this route you will need to explain very concisely that the childrens home is with you and all of there belongings are at your residence and the kids were taken by the police and given to your ex. Yet a child being a mothers possession or property because she primarily takes care of him/her in their daily needs and does so alone while the father works, is not only the acceptable norm, but something that needs to be commended and applauded, with everyone saying, there goes one strong woman! ? This occured not once but 3 times! my case is exactly as printed here. How does a father go about establishing a parenting plan and custody arrangements when nothing has been filed with the courts but the mother will not allow the father to see the child? I live in the state of California and i have no idea what to do. Optional Information: Visitiation ended on July 27th and I have still not gotten my daughter back. I have no clue what my children even almost look like.. Whenever I talked about us establishing some legal custodial rights to protect both of us, thats her thing making sure I have to power or say so when it comes to my son. Dont GIVE UP darlin reported to the world that I was a stand up parent, better than most. I have physical custody today is the day he comes home and his mother agreed to let him come home early because she was working (we made the plans on Thursday). The police and courts did not care about anything and stated that neither of us (my self or my wife) had any leagle recourse against each other untill there was a court order in place. I have recently been awarded a different timeshare because I am moving from Northern California to Southern California, the judge has granted me permission to move with the children with liberal visitation to their father. methamphetamine drug user and has already in her past marriage lost 3 children due to her addiction and living environment. The mother moved out of tgr home and agreed to let him keep her for one night. I had to file a missing persons report for our son once when she took off. Next evaluate the long term situation. Well I have an issue with this when the kids throw a fit at having to go back t their moms after a visit. I wouldnt let him go with her again until you have legal custody in NC. A new parenting plan was signed by the Judge. Then a homeless shelter, hotel, a drug house, and back to another homeless shelter. This summer I am a little concerned though. Thats my suggestion. Im trying my hardest and only the court can convict of a crime. He cant afford legal consultation. We all know that there is two sides to every story and then there is the truth. On May 14, 2020, the Virginia Supreme Court rejected the attempt to drag mental health professionals and guardian ad litems into court for their role in custody and visitation cases by disappointed, angry, frustrated or vindictive parents on claims of "tortious interference with parental rights" stating "Divorce and custody cases inherently involve enough frustration, heartache, stress . But since he has not seen the children, bring that to court (have specific days & times documented where he missed his parenting time). What a concept.! Best of blessings to you and yourz < 3. REALLY!! His reason he wants to stay home to golf and spend more time with friends. Child custody orders can be arranged after a divorce for children up until the child turns: You don't need a lawyer to file for child custody, but it's highly recommended that you get one if you can, especially if the other parent has one. This counselor doesnt treat my daughter, I dont think shes even met her, and she also hasnt heard my side of the story and hasnt met me. allowed a relationship with my mother or sister but being the fire cracker I He wont let me in the house to get anything. classes under my belt, Im able to be the loving caring mother I have always how long do i have to wait to file a child abduction report? DENIED CONTACT WITH MY CHILD, DCFS CAME AND LEFT HIM IN HIS FATHERS CARE. i was wondering my husband divorce agreement from court with his ex wife stating he gets his children every other weekend we try every weekend only because ever weekend she says it is her weekend so if we ask every weekend one of them got to be his she refuse to let us have the kids she tells us she has plans its her weekend she always has some excuse we live in ohio and i dont know how much a divorce agreement holds up but if we showed up at her house on his weekend and she refuses to let him have them can we have the cops called and would they be able to make her let us have the kids since we have the agreement i hope that someone will be able to help me in this because he really wants to see his children she just refuses to let him and he works so hard to pay his child support. Sent certified letters to her of disappearance. Dont worry about the mother. Is this true? So we went amongest our day having a great time. This weekend when I went to pick them up he made me stand out in the cold and rain with him for 2 hrs before he would let me take the kids home. believe he was ever molested by anyone.. Her mother has convinced her that Randy is an awful person. Being a great divorced father : real-life advice from a dad who's been there, Building a parenting agreement that works: child custody agreements step by step. is that true what the girls said. I can provide financially for both of my children, it will be hard, but it is possible. If he cant control himself around you, what does he do when he has them alone???? Utah law states, A person who is entitled to custody of a child is guilty of custodial interference if, during a period of time when another person is entitled to visitation of the child, the person takes, entices, conceals, detains, or withholds the child from the person entitled to visitation of the child, with the intent to interfere with the visitation of the child.. Unemployment is a source of income so the courts should have calculated that as her income or they usually will input minimum wage times 40 hours to come up with the support amount if one of the parents does not work unless one can prove that they cant work. Diapers get dirty. The officers can assist you in the details on how to go about doing everything to make sure this doesnt happen again but make sure you file for contempt! Is it possible that the judge will still allow him some type of visitation now. And come to find out all I had to do is take the money orders to the court and they would have released him but his lawyer told me to do otherwise. It would still be going on if the child had not found her fathers phone number in her mothers wallet while she was passed out, we wouldnt have gotten to see her. In that case, the charge becomes a felony. Any ideas on this. I made a calender for the Judge showing all the violations, with documentation of my attempts to contact his mother. Save any messages or conversations with your children. She use to say I have the prettiest mommy n the entire school. I went the next day to file a report againt him. trying to circumvent my custody. I dont know if this conversation is still open but my husband and I need some advise when I meet my husband his ex gf was in jail . We are in Crawford County, Ga which doesnt know there own State laws so I took the liberty of looking them up. Is this justice? Heres why. I spoke to police and Army officials who either refused to help or simply couldnt locate him based on the information I gave them. He told me that his dad had choked, beaten him, and burned him with a cigarette on his stomach. It is easy and less stress on the kidos. The counselor reported it to CPS and they said there was nothing wrong with this. Be careful aboutfiling police reports as you could be charged with a crime. YOu didnt have a prob. Love the child more than any agenda to fight or control or abuse the legal system for gain. .My question is: How do I go about filing charges ( once again ) if I havnt seen or talked to my children in going on 2 years if they are residents of SD and I am in WA? My husband has not let me contact my son at all stating because I am not paying child support he tells me I no longer have the right to speak with my son until I pay up. My ex and I have joint legal and joint physical my two girls spend two weeks with me and two weeks with him. There is no law about communication between the adults. Judges are not enforcing these gender laws fairly, and few seem to care. My sons dad, Branden, does not stay with his mother or my son, he stays with his sister. If you need assistance, please contact the Trial Court Law Libraries. My step daughter is in an unbelievable situation. It has been 9 days now. Be involved and be in the know when it comes to your son, especially if she is alleging behavioral problems (and blaming you, but that might not be truthful). WOMAN, GROW UP. My neighbor has a 4-month old baby and was living with the babys father until a couple of weeks ago. He has a temporary custody order from Louisiana. All this from default because failure to respond. We as people, parents, grandparents and the like, our main and only concern should be the children. But remember that state laws vary widely. And mediator that clear to him. to file a report for kidnapping and Custodial Interference. The 17 yr old now lives with me. If Father does not consent you will have to file a motion in the family court in your county seeking permission. Im losing hope as I know cant afford an attorney. I have no affiliation with the attached web site, its just helped families I know. The validity and types of custodial interference offenses depend on the relationship of the parties and any existing court orders. Regardless your best hope is to hire an attorney to keep her in line and get a court order. We live in utah, if my husband was to pick his daughter up and bring her to our house is there anything her mother could do about it? She is moving to a closer state and our 15 year old wants to live with me. Upon that notion document. why wont they leave her alone? what are my rights now that my daughter who has been misbehaving. Our firm will rigorously represent you, so you can get on with your life. that we were residents and he would need my permission in order to take our son He has recently been released and wants to see his daughter. Now, they cannot enforce our agreement since it is not a court order but in NJ I do have the same legal right as parent as mother at least until a court order states otherwise. Nevertheless, I am afraid that I may lose my children whom I currently have full custody of. 6 year old grasp too much of the situation that it is sad Why did mommy have to go to judge and say I cannot be around you guys I told her I wanted to??? Custodial interference is a crime in many instances, and taking a child or keeping a child longer than allowed from the custodial parent can constitute kidnapping. Custodial interference occurs when one parent interferes with the other parent's custodial rights. I live in Ohio and was recent given full custody of my daughter by mutual agreement. I have him 5 days a week and he has him 2 but still demands me pay child support If i mention dropping child support and working our schedules like adults he gets mad and tries punishing me saying he will take my son back and go by the papers.. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. Its scary because she has a different man around monthly because she uses them for what she needs like cigarettes, drugs, shoes or clothes for the kid, a place to stay when she needs it, gas and a free ride to where she needs to go. She calls me the N-word to them. The following day, we met with a CPS investigator and when we were ready to leave, he informed me that my child didnt have any injuries except those which were consistent with the bicycle wreck his dad claimed he had been in; as well as that his dad had accidently flicked a cigarette at him and it had burned through his shirt and onto his stomach. I hate to say it but being a man only puts you behind the 8-ball on the situation as there is great sexual predacious in this matter. I have always been prompt on child support and there are no other issues. This will eliminate all the scumbag lawyers who want this type of conflict so they can extract tens of thousands of dollars from a family divorce. It has been 9 days now. I dont have money for a lawyed but would like a modification of existing order due to parental alienation and abstructing a parents rightful child custody. But, no. They say its a civil matter. Law,police,court orders,judges, DA-they all are full of shit. He and his Father are both pissed because of the amount of support he has to pay and the fact that it has to be supervised and its bothering the schedule of his father!! Have you fought for the rights of your child, been active in their lives or signed over your parental rights or ignored a filing that you may be served. She needs a stable home. Also nor he nor his family have made .mmnattempt to even see her or help me with anything for her in almost a year even though they live 4 houses down from mines. He claims that he believes Im not responsible enough because for all he knows I stay up late and go on dates instead of sleep because I forgot to give our sons teacher $4 one day when I picked our son up from school. The longer you wait the harder your case will be to solve. Each time my ex picks my daughter up she states that she will return her on Sunday. Only after that case has been heard can another custody case be filed once that one has been thrown out. You have to stop it faster with a contempt filed in court, if the police cant get a warrant for interference with custody. If you have visitation of a child and/or children and the actual custodial parent does not come to receive the children you should call the police and get that documented (to avoid beng charged with kidnapping). Is there anything we can do about this? That place is for true kids with real mental problems, my son doesnt have that! Unless you have been forcefully removed from the everyday upbringing of your child by the Court, you can not fathom the emotional distress. Are there rules or limits as to where pick up and drop off takes place? i have told them to either be in their life or stay out and seem it is ok just for birthdays or some holidays to come around, but can go on a 3 plus hr drive to see first grandchild. What is my best course of action? Can I have the police go to his house without me being there and get them. As domestic abuse is so commonly used by women today and you assumed guilty upon the allegations where you must prove your innocence the truth is the cards are stacked against a guy in your state. Can somebody please help me understand what rights I have as my childrens mother. Then they will have to do something and they cant be bias. If your child is no longer a USA Citizen but there was a custody in place, is that custody in place now voided? Borrow money from someone if you dont have it and go get your child. After being served with processprior to the issuance of temporary or final order determining custody or parenting time rights to a minor child. things be the way it ought to be. Also familiarize yourself with the local and state laws. He said, that is my day to have her on the 4th of July according to reg visitation sch. That parent does not want a better standard of living, a home of morals, a home of rules and respect going up and down the ladder, a place where education is important, a place where their child chooses right over wrong. I havnt seen or spoken with my kids in 2 years now, and they continue to reside in that itty bitty town of Newell, SD.. enticement of children 50 mass. We followed agreement until last week when she wanted to change. It will not be until they are adults that they can ask about them. Ms. R.S. The mother refuses to let anyone know where she lives. and within 2 months I had Caleb living with me 6 days a week. Visit the clerk of court to file a motion asking a judge to enforce the existing child custody order. I have emailed him several times and he is refusing to respond. She left for her parents leaving me with our daughter. Friday the 6th comes around i pack my car and other 2 children up to go pick up my son, and i have a voicemail from my exs attoney saying that my ex was awarded emergency custody due to endangerment of alcoholism. Is there a permanent place of residency for both guardians where the child will be going to visit? No! And on several court ordered dates she has made plans for the child on that day and says that he can come too or take him to the activity instead of allowing him to plan the activity he would like to bond with his child. They both bad mouth me, run me down, including my 17 yr old out of spite and try to hurt my sons image of his momma in his eyes. < 3 You have set the precedence that YOU pick up the child. You may want to sit with an attorney or legal aid on this immediately to get it filed with the courts. Of course, he called his lawyer and was going to try to get me with contempt. I dont text back unless its directly about our son. I cant keep driving up the old neighborhood, he talks about me to the teachers and I am seen as a nuisance. In this instance, the parent removing the child claims to have interfered with normal custody rules because he or she fears for the childs safety. Before the divorce was even final. Resources for parents who are separated, divorced, or never married each other (not specific to Massachusetts). Remember to try to be flexible and collaborative with him since you basically have all the time with your kids and he basically never sees them. What can I do to make that easy on you? Not much time left with her being 15. Marie, if the Court ordered him to have visitation you can not interfere with it no matter what he did in the past or what you are projecting can happen in the future or YOU will be guilty of a criminal offense. (2) he knowingly takes or entices from lawful . There may be mediators or conciliators at the courthouse who volunteer to help you and the other parent come to an agreement. If there is an issue they will take the matter to court and fight along side you and you can not have a better advocate. Yes I can give you advise. My husbands ex-wife, is refusing to let him see his kids. Its all lies. Or am I doomed to failure? She now states that we can only have vistation if we go to south carolina. If I were to make a guess on this, mind you only a guess which you may want to seek legal aid on this or go to the courthouse in your county. $25. More information: The step-grandmother has moved around in the past two years to 4 different places. Until then, you have to keep YOUR word. We have medical insurance coverage for him, and he has never harmed himself while in our care. On my paperwork it does clearly state I am the custodial parent and child physically lives w/ me. any advice will be highly appreciated.. thankyou.. How long until youre 18? (She is now 2). Can anyone please advise? The child knows you have been picking them up all that time and if it has changed and any of those issues MUST be ONLY between the two adults/parents. Does anyone know if they can do that?? After 4 hours I was on my way home with my daughter for my weekend visitation with her. The father doesnt have any money or gainful employment as far as I know. I have joint custody. And have been told to go back to there rooms and not to come out. I went to the police station, clerks office, dispatch office and finally the sherriffs office. And by the time the court would happen she could be long gone already. Daf, generally there is a UCCJEA, that prohibits the moving a without going thru the proper court channels,The UCCJEA has since been adopted by 49 U.S. States, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. L. Rev. My son is a senior in high school. byebye, all done.) My exs attorney and I came to an agreement on custody and parenting time just a week ago. Then, you will have six months there and be able to take care of the divorce there and work out the custody issues.

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