Alex looks at Justin and the others over her shoulder, showing that he's finally coming to accept Jessica and Justin's relationship. Feeling hurt, Alex politely tells her to go. In the second season, Alex is slowly recovering from his injuries and goes back to school together with Jessica. Jessica looks hurt as he leaves. Clay then asks again about the tapes and Alex gives the same answer. Frustrated and depressed, he blames everyone for not being there for him and being overprotective and harsh, but gradually grows out of the insecurities and admits to his wrongs. During the party, Zach received a call from his mom, asking him to come home. It's hiding behind one!Alex to the group, after Tyler suggests using Bryce as a scapegoat to minimize the damage on themselves. In "The Third Polaroid", flashbacks to before Alex's suicide attempt showed him taking MDMA with a group of his friends, including Hannah, Clay, and Jeff. last name), or by a single name if the character does not have a surname. Clay notices a member of staff on the field using a machine that seems familiar, he asks Alex what the staff member is doing and what he is using and Alex tells him that they are chalking the field using a chalk machine. Zach was Alex's first friend among the popular kids. Winston chooses not to do anything with the information, stating that while he'd loved Monty, he also loved and still loves Alex too much to ruin his life.[10]. However, the conversation gets heated as Alex asks her why she chose Justin over him. As they were standing on the roof, Alex kissed Zach. In "Nobody's Clean", Alex confesses to Clay and Ani that nothing in his life felt right even before he shot himself, and later he tells Clay that he has run out of ways to hurt himself. Jessica denies it, but Alex gets depressed and asks if they were ever gonna feel 'normally okay'. At some point when he hung out with them, he threw himself in the pool from feeling miserable. 2010 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards. However, Winston realized the truth. Charlie came near him and gave him a long kiss on the lips. Alex tells him that it surprised him, but then kisses him back. He also offers compassion and help to people around him more often than not, despite their differences. Jessica reminds him that he was the one who stopped talking to her. Alex apologizes to her for everything but she told him not to. She gets mad and tells him that everyone is looking at her like she did something. When Zach saw Bryce, Scott and Monty walking up to them, Zach tried to leave quickly with Alex so the guys wouldnt see them together. And who knows? He also feels guilty for not being able to do anything to stop Bryce raping Hannah, although he wasn't aware. What? He tells Clay that he will hang out around Jessica and piss her off until she loves him back again. Hannah is unaware of her suspicions. Alex wants to attempt suicide for a third time in the third season, after the murder of Bryce Walker. Alex tells him that he can be both, right now it's easier to be mad at him than sad. You're gay. He is also disgusted at the group's willingness to hide the tapes and lie about their actions and to also suggest hiding behind Bryce in order to escape punishment for their actions and he claims that the one thing that is worse than being a rapist is hiding behind one. Alex proposed to attend the dance to keep him company, besides thinking the dance is stupid. For Sale. Jessica pleads him to go at least as friends, but Alex calls her out for only speaking to him when she needs something. Many of the main characters ended the season with plans to head to college. Alex asks Charlie what he knows, to which Charlie tells him that all he knows is that Alex is a good person, and he's sorry if Alex feels bad. Justin was confused as to why Alex cared about a locker search and noticed him throw something away. He immediately apologized. He told Winston he cant do it anymore as he isnt sure hes into guys. In the third season, Alex and Justin still disliked each other. Diego Torres (13 Reasons Why) Tyler Down; Alternate Universe - Soulmates; Slow Burn; Strangers to Lovers; Canon Disabled Character; Mentions of Suicide Attempt; Fate & Destiny; compliant with the events of S01 and S02; Mild Angst; Self-Esteem Issues; Mental Health Issues; Underage Drinking; Summary. Zach told them to shut up and said that he doesnt even like Alex. Justin asks him what right he has in deciding what should come out and when. Jessica doesn't buy this and tells him that they have to take control of this. When seeing the photos, Alex wondered how he could do that to himself. After this conversation, they walk off to the woods together. 33 pages April 27, 2017 Jennalie Clearwater. Before the burial of the tapes. As Alex didn't check himself, he was unaware that what he was actually hearing was Hannah grunting in pain because she was being raped by Bryce in Bryce's hot tub.[11]. On Alex's birthday, Jessica, Clay and Zach put a 'Happy Birthday Alex' poster up in the hallway. Jessica starts to criticize Zach for his decision to bring her to Prom, but Zach laughs it off and points out that Alex and Jessica are looking like they're attending a funeral instead of Prom. They talked about Alex hair; Justin told him that some guys said he looked gay but he had defended him. Do you wanna know what's worse than being a rapist? Alex replies he'd be mad at her for as long time as he was in love with her. His mother hugs him at this reply. Alex told him that its creepy he knows that and to go away. Zach believed Winston lied to Alex, but Winston said that he cares about Alex and still loves him because hes the kindest person he has ever met. They formed a friendship and not much later a romantic relationship. As he was stumbling while trying to walk, Zach went to support him. He arrived at the house and opened the door and went to Alex's bedroom and entered. In reply, Jessica tells him that she doesn't want to hurt him. His relationship with Jessica becomes rocky after she broke up with him and went back to Justin. Alex rejects her offer outright and sarcastically apologizes. charlie and alex 13 reasons why fanfictionconfusing words examples Toggle navigation. She lives in a world of hurt and lies, denial of her trauma and the beautiful and devastating memories of her sister. They also convinced Zach, who was scared of hospitals due to his fathers death, to see Justin. Alex once kissed Zach, but was rejected as Zach has no interest in guys. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Harry Potter universe. Jessica helps Alex to get in the water. Alex was sure that Hannah wasn't onto him, so he didn't listen to Jessica and Hannah came to know that they were dating. "Oh, I have a great idea!" Diego exclaimed but I . They talked about Alex; Winston asked Zach if hes in love with him. Alex asked her how she could say that and that Tyler is his friend and hes doing well. Jessica thinks it meant that Alex and Hannah had got together and that she was the reason for their break up and the contribution being made. Alex made it his goal to try every beverage on the menu at Monet's, Jess called him weird because of it and he defended himself by saying he is "a searcher". Later, Winston asked him why he did it, if hes sorry and if Jessica was with him. He slapped Justins face to try and wake him up and to roll him over. Even Alex." Luke reasoned. He excitedly shares a bunk with Alex during the camping trip, and confides in Alex that he learned how to make pot cookies while he cared for his ailing mother. Tyler immediately apologized and tried to help him up, but Alex told him hes fine and to continue the fight. He told Zach that his friends suck as they caused Alex to break up with him. Alex was upset as he felt like hes broken forever and wanted to leave. On the way to school, students are crowded round in a circle and Clay enters to see what is happening, Clay sees Alex in a fight with Monty, Mr. Porter breaks it up and sends the decision of what should happen to the Student Honor Board, which Clay is a part of. Clay asks Alex in class if Bryce ever dealt Oxy, Alex denies this and tells him that Bryce didn't sell it because he once asked him and he refused. Carolyn and Bill were eagerly waiting for Alex to open his college acceptance letter. They're next seen together in a school lockdown drill under the table together with Tony Padilla. Tyler and Alex talked at the camping trip. Alex, Zach and Bryce participated in the schools Halloween contest together as Muff Divers. They also attend his funeral. Alex reminded Zach of the night the kissed (which he called a disaster) when he nearly fell from the roof, but Zach pulled him back. As their conversation continued, Winston realized that Zach must know who killed Bryce. Jess gets mad at him and leaves. Throughout the season, he tries to piece together fragments of his past as it will help him uncover his role in Hannah's story. On the tapes, Hannah says Alex stopped coming first, finding some other friends and trading up and then, a little later, Jess. He then asked if he still has a gun and said he wanted to know in case Montys friends would come after him. When Alex almost fell from the roof, Zach caught him and while laughing, Alex took the chance and tried to kiss him. They hugged. He then sees Mr. Porter and is in shock, Justin asks what he's doing at Liberty High since he was fired. He labelled Jessica as having the worst ass and Hannah as having the best assthis, later on, was a thing that contributed to Hannah being sexually harrassed. He also gets into a fight with Justin over Justin's drug addiction and Jessica. When seeing Bryce, Zach proposed to take the side entrance. They also go to Jess's house together and play 'Never Have I Ever', where Alex says that he's never kissed his best friend and Hannah, Alex and Jess end up kissing each other. Alex comes over to Clay's house and finds Justin unconscious on his bed, with a needle in his arm, he realizes that Justin has overdosed and is choking and rolls him over so that he doesn't die. Hannah asked him if there was no Jessica tonight, and he said that there wasn't. However, she cheats on Alex with Justin afterwards. Jess and Justin end up fighting. Realizing Jess is at Bryce's house, Alex and Justin go to pick her up. Outside of Monets, Winston asked Alex why he killed Bryce. Tyler asked Alex what had happened between him and Winston because he thought they liked each other. When they finally kiss, Charlie is giddy, leading to an amusing scene where Charlie admits he assumes they're dating now because Alex is "the first actual guy who I've kissed who's kissed me back." They confronted Monty along with the other guys. Alex comes into the reception desk at school with a doctors note, Clay asks how he is doing and Alex sarcastically asks Clay how he is doing. You want to think whatever you did couldn't be why Hannah killed herself. Alex, Justin, Zach, Jessica, Marcus and Courtney met up to talk about what to do concerning Clay and the tapes. On the camping trip, when Alex approaches Zach and Charlie's tent. Alex nearly fell, but Zach caught him. They dish on who could be the one sending threats. Clay and Ani find out from Justin that Alex was using drugs. After the attempt, Tyler had often visited Alex at the hospital and bonded with Alex dad. In the first season, Alex moves to Evergreen County and makes friends with Hannah and Jessica and later, ends up becoming friends with the "popular" crowd in school. Alex started attacking Zach, saying that he doesnt know what hes going through and to hang out with his rapist friends. Warning: Major spoilers for season four of "13 Reasons Why" ahead. He is the younger brother of Peter Standall, the son of Carolyn and Bill Standall, the former best friend of Hannah Baker, the boyfriend of Charlie St. George, the ex-boyfriend of Jessica Davis, the ex-lover of Winston Williams, a former member of Liberty High's jazz band and a member of F.M.L. Tyler showed Alex the pictures he had taken of himself for the past months. About a week later, Charlie stayed the night at Alex's house. Jessica tells Alex that she doesn't want to watch Tyler because he creeps her out, so Alex decides to watch him instead and tells her that he misses her. Everyone is accepting and welcoming. He also wears a gold septum ring. Jessica asks him then why he wasn't with his 'new best friend'. He runs out of things to say and tells him that he believes Ani killed Bryce and he won't cover for her anymore. Spoilers for 13 Reasons Why Season 4, Episodes 1-9. Jessica points out the group is not as close as it used to be. After his attempt, musical instruments and band posters are still seen in his room even if he doesn't really play on-screen. I hope he doesn't cause too much trouble for Alex and the Kings at the Ball. Later, they wait at Monet's together for the verdict. A kid appeared in the room and they realized they broke into the wrong house, and Bryce threatened him. Alex yelled at Bryce, after which Zach told him that he shouldnt do that. Hannah charges Alex after allowing Jessica in for free. Charlie comes out to his father and confirms that he is dating Alex. The two weren't sure how long they remained in place for, but when they got to school they were late for their second period class. In the middle of a meeting, Alex gets a bad stomach ache. In the third season, Jessica and the others meet up at Monet's, where she tells Justin that whatever happened between them the other night was a one-time thing that will never happen again, making it clear that she's not interested in continuing an affair with him and is staying with Alex. They talked about love and Alex thinking Valentine is a waste of time. So what? Alex didnt think it was a good idea. Caleb (13 Reasons Why) Winston Williams. After Ani tells Deputy Standall their cover story the police close the case. The day they come to school after the murder, Jessica approaches Alex and tells him that cops took Clay in. When Alex and Jessica returned to school for the first time in months, Zach ran up to them to say hi and to carry Alexs backpack. After Clay comes home, he and Justin criticize him for hurting her. Justin was looking for a place to stay the night after getting into an argument at home. Alex firmly told him to drop it, but Tyler continued by saying that theyre both really good guys. Eclipse L.A. Press Conference. After Hannah's suicide, however, Alex is shown to be well aware that his actions are indeed part of what led to her suicide and is shown to be completely devastated over her death and hates himself for destroying his friendship with Hannah, her friendship with Jessica and his relationship with Jessica. Alex and Justin both called Clay out for leaking the tapes. Charlie and Alex supporting each other without giving a shit what other people think I Do Stuff I Do Stuff Alex Standall roasting the hell out of everyone for 3 minutes straight I Do Stuff. Jessica and Justin both lie but Alex isn't sold. As Alex watched, he began to wonder if Zach had been threatening the tape subjects because hes still hanging around Bryce. -Zach teaching Alex to dance.

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