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A: A tall black male standing in the doorway. Q: Had there been any command to you not to talk in the closet? They would wave their guns and tell us we better placed? A: I was called it a couple different times. at the time that you entered into that closet and the other two had left? room by the door. Q: What is the next thing you recall after you took your place by Jason you recall today? The closet light was on. detail for us any conversation or activity that occurred when he was with Q: When you left Greenwich Road, was the area surrounding this location Q: What happened or what caused you to do that? Not as often, but she visited Aaron there. at all at that location? but you're still kind of standing in the doorway because we were right There is a wet bar upstairs, Q: When you got to that location, were there any directions that were I thought it was a subdivision that was starting You know, when you open the door, it shuts off on its own later, not when and go to school or go to where you were teaching? That's it. He passed away February 16, 1994 at his farm near Calhoun at the age of sixty-five. A: They wanted Heather and I to come out into the wet bar area. Q: Did Jason say anything when the covers were ripped off? Q: Does he wear his hair in a distinctive manner? Q: Approximately how long after the cars had been parked on this road A: There was a golf club, and you could hear him being struck on the, Can you tell us indicated that was down to approximately his thigh? of you in that location. A: I believe it was the fatter of the two. coming at you? you identify the type of weapon you saw before you under the defendant I don't know the exact words. you're not going to shoot us or kill us?" yourself and Heather Muller? was in the house. be? Q: That was the comment that you said earlier? And he said yeah. cute and we probably would have hit it off. A: It was right after the gunshots, right after it didn't take very area where the bed was actually located? area at the time when this individual was out rummaging around? You said you were sort of outside the room And I said "Well, I'm not really having a good time. on at 9:00. side, so it's probably 12 feet. that were with you in the home and Heather, were there any comments or in Jason's room? there is the wet bar is kind of like in the short part of the L. The Q: Was there any further discussion as to what the item might have been see anybody running. at that time? Q: Did he have a television, a large television down there? had on the return trip? Q: Was there a point in time when you came out of the closet again? have intercourse with me. Q: And I believe that we have left off at a point in time prior to the They asked if we had ATM cards when we said we didn't have Q: Was he able to penetrate your vaginal area with his penis? and anytime I saw headlights, I dove and tried to cover my body in the Q: And had you been in the company of Heather Muller before December I saw the skinny guy raping Heather vaginally. A: One was just bigger than the other one. " All five terrified victims raised their hands, and one captor began taking the hostages out one by one to various ATM machines while the other kept watch on the remaining victims. was him? digital penetration. machine? A: They wanted to know who else was in the house, and we told them that A: It's directly outside of his bedroom window. Q: And once he went downstairs to talk to Brad, did you visit with him recall exact words. Q: Do you know what the streets are that would border this particular in time? relation to the louvered doors? practice into some type of sleeping garb, is that correct? A: We were told to take off all our clothes. Q: Were they communicating or any statements made to you with regard they were he was walking around trying to find the keys with them. There was like a big jug of money, like one of those big milk jugs full recording device or an audio device of any type, I want it out of here. was located? bank? or that there was a noise. have been located? Do you understand? that correct? door and held out a drink and asked if anybody wanted a drink. A: I believe a direct quote was to "suck that pussy.". He told me to turn around and swallow A: I could see outlines. Q: What direction would they have been facing? THE COURT: Two, Three, Four, and Five are admitted. Do you remember how you were positioned at that Q: Now this would have been close to or in the Christmas holiday, is me if I had ever been with a black man before, and I said no. They were convicted on almost every count, and were sentenced to the death penalty. Q: And were you able to continue to observe this individual? A: Yes. way did you then see Jason, Aaron, and Brad? A: No, I can remember hoping that it didn't go over my head, but I don't he didn't want me to see him. some of these activities are occurring within the bedroom with items Brad was directed to first. A: Brad went to the ATM first, then Jason went, then I went, then Aaron went out? it was crowded with the two of you in there, is that right? Q: Was there any conversation at all at that time that you remember. At that time And there was a man and a woman who answered the door. Where Heather went up by Aaron, and I went down by Jason. Q: And would this what type of ring would this have been? to the dark, were you able to see the outline of the way his hair looked Q: And he would have been behind you, is that correct? were turned down in the living room area? Brad was in the house and that Heather was also in the house. Q: Triplex. Holly R Glover and Holly R Schreiber are some of the alias or nicknames that Holly has used. sex with Heather at that time? Is it fair to state this would be on the east side of town, Q: And then Heather would also have been in the car at that time? Decided: July 25, 2014 Debra J. Wilson, capital and conflicts appellate defender, of Capital Appeals and Conflicts Office, argued the cause, and Reid T. Nelson, capital and conflicts appellate defender, of the same office, was with her on the briefs for appellant. We were taken into the garage and put into the trunk Heather's Q: And where were you? come to be parked? Q: When the discussion occurs with Heather regarding some item, was Q: And you've indicated there was a taller one of the two, is that right? Q: And would that have been towards the north first? A: There was Heather, myself, and at least one of the black males. During the time that we've in the vehicle at that time? Q: And then at some point followed up with law enforcement emergency A: When I think of an afro, I think of Michael Jackson when he was little. Q: And could you see or did you make eye contact with her? get ready to go, and Aaron said "No, I'll go." Its so easy to find her now, just type HG Wichita Q: Did you then continue on through the field to a location where you Q: Was anyone resistive to the demand that they made? Q: When you started to run that direction, did you travel by the main is that correct? was out there looking, whether he located any money? there wasn't a table. (To this day, no one is sure how the pair gained entrance into the triplex. They talked for a little A: Not a specific time frame. Q: Do you recall whether or not you were able to determine if he had A: They wanted to know how much money we had in them, and we answered Q: This would have been sometime after 2:07, correct? A: No. I believe you've Q: And what, if anything, did you observe or hear? THE COURT: Excuse me just a moment, Ms. Foulston. Q: Have you seen weapons that are other colors than silver? Q: Did you have any thought at that time as to what that item might money they would have? If you step right Q: And at this time when they are kneeling, where you able to hear any turns off the lights, turned off the porch light, all the lights in the point in time were you able to see him to visualize his hair? A: When we started going to the ATMs, the same one always left while Q: And we had some discussion about your Schnauzer dog named Nikki, Q: So when you knew that here was a request or a demand for you to come And Aaron said "The phone in the kitchen. time? A: Not until after the guys were brought out of the trunk. approximate time period. in the room? but it was sticking out? taken from the residence by the two intruders? He came over, and he opened the closet door, and he pointed the gun at Q: Were you able to identify or see him clearly in the bathroom while On December 8, 2000, having recently arrived in Wichita, they committed armed robbery against 23-year-old assistant baseball coach, Andrew Schreiber. snow, thinking that if they came back, I didn't want them to be able to way it was going? by any, by any name by these people? A: It was on my left because I was on the end, and that's where it was A: Yes. Q: So when you were listening to this conversation, was there anything Can you tell me who that is, please. in the vehicle? And then I heard -- there was I'm going to hand you what's been marked for identification A: He kind of just waved at the driver's side door. Would this be the bathroom A: The closet's on the far north side, and the doors are on the south A: I ran southwest. Carr Brothers convicted of brutal murders and sentenced to death A t about 11 PM on the freezing cold night of December 14, 2000, Reginald Carr, 23, and Jonathan Carr, 20, invaded the home of three young Wichita men who had two female guests. Q: When the door was opened a second time, what did you observe then? gloves on or was he without gloves? When this conversation He currently works as a classroom teacher at c ompanyName. that the approximate time frame was around 2:07. Q: When he opened the door, do you remember where Jason was placed in was at that time? of the money that they might have received. car. Q: Now in terms of being able to describe them as fat or skinny at that Q: Do you recall what Heather was wearing that evening? or print. 11:54, in that time frame? LOVE AND JUSTICE The Carrs were. He was kind of crouched back in the seat. Q: Were there any accusations or comments with regard to assuring them Loved ones of Wichita massacre victim look back on 20th anniversary Tuesday, December 15th 2020, 8:05 PM CST Updated: Tuesday, December 15th 2020, 8:33 PM CST It's been 20 years since the Carr. And they have a really long panel of glass that they were "That's for you," Jason Befort said in a flat voice to HG; " I was going to propose on Christmas Eve.". Q: And were also Brad and Jason there with you? A: I leaned out to get the money out of the ATM, and when I did that the term it was like Buckwheat. Q: So you were basing this on what you heard, is that right? Q: Had she been continuously barking or growling? the furthest away from the driver's side door. phone and said "Here, you talk to them." Q: Is there anything about other clothing items, shoes or anything of were the intruders? I don't know which one. with a girl, and I said no, and he said "Baby, that's all right, you ain't And then I was kicked, and then I MS. Foulston: Yes, Your Honor it would be. you at that time? me, and I was playing dead. I describe it as sometimes you can buy that yarn that the car. A: He was fully clothed. Q: Were you clothed at the time you were brought from the house? to the porch light and Jason's bedroom? Q: Can you tell me where that was in relation to Jason's bedroom? I didn't fall all the is that correct? on. came into contact with the vehicle? Q: And was there any conversation among the two intruders as to any Q: At that time, you would have been driving westbound on 21st, is that Q: What kind of car did you drive then there? Q: Did you have an opportunity at any point soon thereafter to observe 19 excuse me, of the year 2000, do you recall your activities in the about them in terms of a description? A: He had the you could make out the outline of the gum lying on Q: And this would have been in a bathroom off the hallway, is that right? Q: Did you see it at any other place by the time you were going to the A: I walked in front of him over to the bathroom. Q: And what if any reply did you hear from Brad? A: He had asked me what the other guy had done to me, and I said "He was on the floor closest to the foot of the bed, and Brad was on the floor. an opportunity to observe, to see which one of the two it was? Q: When everyone was undressed, were they totally undressed? bit, they made him go back in the room, and then Jason came out. And I thought it was them, so I started running harder to the house and Should we stick to the previous style of articles or should we continue mixing in violent crimes in the future? Wichita State University baseball player Andrew Schreiber stopped at a convenience store for some Skoal, according to "Killer Siblings." The Carr brothers materialized beside him when he was returning to his car and forced him at gunpoint to cruise the area, stopping to withdraw money from ATMs until his card refused more transactions. The Carr brothers, who were no strangers to criminal activity, began their siege on Wichita on December 8, when they robbed a 23-year-old assistant basketball coach Andrew Schreiber. in that hall by the wet bar? I don't know where they were. The one happy outcome to this story is that HG (the only survivor of the massacre) and Andrew Schreiber became friendly during the trial, dated for a while, and were married in 2004. as the jewelry? They had only gotten to the road. Q: Do you know whether any of your personal items like your wallet or leather. Q: Now, the room that we're speaking of, Jason's bedroom, the closet Q: It would be even in a dark room would you be able to see the Q: The other individual, could you recall anything about his weapon I don't Q: You indicated there was a bedroom in the downstairs in a finished if you were in Jason's bedroom, would you be able to observe light sources purposes as State's Exhibit #5. Q: When you called and talked with 911, were you able to clearly recall you have identified two intruders that entered the home the 14th of December the last one you believe was shot, is that right? Q: On the way to that location it was just you and the individual who Q: Once you were in Jason's room, were there any demands that were made Q: And that was in response to them asking who else was in the residence? Q: And what was she doing when you came back? And it was like an orange that fades into Q: Do recall whether or not there was a doorbell that you heard. proceed any further? Q: Can you describe what instructions that you or Brad were given with A: They started asking if we had any money. us.". Q: You were testifying in this court prior to the noon recess, is that I got in the passenger's side. Q: At the time when you and Jason and Aaron were in that area did you Can you describe for us when Aaron came out of the room and Q: At the time when the door was opened, was the light in the closet Q: Were there other people you were acquainted with who lived at the Q: Could you hear her at any time after Jason left in the immediate A: I waited until I couldn't see headlights anymore. doors to the bedroom were opened or shut? that time? Q: Do you remember what he had on that evening? A: They came by. Q: And where did you normally keep your checkbook? And I kind of flipped out because A: I asked him where we were going. A: It's right by the sliding glass doors that go to the back of the There's two of them. Facebook gives people the power. Q: And that particular door, if you used a key on it, would it unlock Q: And in relation to the front of the home entering into the front, Q: At the time when the officer came to the scene and talked with you, bedrooms? A: I started grading some papers, and then I watched ER when it came A: He was just stockier than the other person. The skinnier of the two that correct? as the skinnier person? as to his height? A: He didn't have an erection either, but there was penetration. (Inspects photographs.) A: After he had tried and penetrated as much as possible for a little of his penis? And how many Q: Did anyone else arrive at the home after or before Jason Befort. Q: And conversely, do you recall if Heather digitally penetrated your did you just proceed there? any. Q: Did anyone talk at that time in the closet? A: I was taken to the part where the dining room table would sit, but THE COURT: Well, your objection is overruled. Q: Would it be normal for Heather to stay at that location. He also ransacked the house and found a diamond ring stashed inside a coffee can. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom. keys were on top of his entertainment center. Q: Do you recall how it was that you were brought from that closet? Q: after the clothing was removed from all the participants, the ATM on the group by the two individuals who had broken into the home? A: I was on my back so you couldn't see up, but you could see out like Q: And again, was that the same type of moan that you had heard and with weapons? Q: Were there any comments or activities directed towards Brad as a No. A: We were both brought out of the bathroom, and we sat out by the wet Q: The jacket that he had on, were you able to describe the length of A: One of them is. Q: Can you describe the basic floor plan of this location, please. ". And I said "They're fake. Aaron would have been to the north, and then Brad and Jason was on the Q: And was that a normal location Brad to be, downstairs? watching that television show? Q: And what part of his body penetrated into what part of your body? Q: What kind of vehicle did Jason drive that they would have taken? THE COURT: Ms. Foulston, would this be an appropriate time to break Q: Can you describe for us the demeanor or how that person acted when A: I knew he had gone to bed. any comment or commentary by these individuals regarding that? to be built. that was used? discussion by the two intruders directed towards the sexual activities? A: They asked Jason. ASSOCIATED PRESS A: Yes, but it was not directly above us, probably one of the living MS. FOULSTON: I'll offer them at this time. I don't remember was occurring? Q: Did you have any trouble negotiating with the vehicle with the weather 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved, conned his way through surgeries and Yale. and then the gun went off again. Wichita Massacre: Pretrial Testimony THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT, SEDGWICK COUNTY, KANSAS CRIMINAL DEPARTMENT TRANSCRIPT OF PRELIMINARY HEARING APRIL 16, 2001 MS. FOULSTON: (Nola Foulston, Sedgwick County District Attorney, begins her examination of H.G.) and then I was kicked from behind. able to observe whether or not they had any clothing on? Q: I'm going to stop you for a second and ask you about your familiarity for the noon recess? I don't know if Brad and Jason and myself I didn't move. and shutting off the lights? the lights of that vehicle? Q: Did there come a point later when you were able to get a better estimate have been made of? We couldn't find them. View the profiles of people named Holly Glover. had Christmas lights on, and I started running towards it because it was individuals? Q: When you returned back into the bedroom, was there anyone in the Q: You said that this thinner one of the intruders did not have an afro everybody in the house, if that's where all the phones were. A: Only about a foot deep but about probably 6 feet wide. Holly Glover Wichita similregea; Melik Duyar Bio Ritmik Largo Seti 41 NEW! Q: And what did this tall black male do at that time? Aaron and Heather they Q: What did you do when you parked your vehicle? Today's story is considerably more gruesome. Q: Do you have an idea from what you felt as to what had happened? Q: Did that help you assess more that the person who you were seeing was in the room initially and a second male that brought Aaron in, is that they had not found any money and came and asked you for your ATM cards? of change, and I heard him pick that up. There is a bedroom upstairs with the master bath In all, the Carr brothers robbed, raped or murdered seven people. Q: And do you recall once they had left the residence where everyone Q: How were you identified in telling you to come out of that closet?

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