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In 2016, cars accounted for 13% of the nations total carbon dioxide emissions. Thousands of studies have been done to demonize the Nazis, to turn them into something to scare children at night. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Answer (1 of 59): Advanced? Internet Explorer). Northwest Germany's Rhineland holds an annual "karneval" in the shape of its Rose Monday parade in which up to two million costumed visitors throng the streets of Cologne and Dusseldorf. My spontaneous answer (which needs more research for corroboration) would be something along the lines of: the success of these people has to be explained by their individual situation/talents plus random input from the environment and the right feedback loops(of which education might be just one) Being around the right people at the right time (Grossmann in Einsteins case) might be more crucial than the (educational) culture in general. Basically, any very advanced science these days needs big computing horsepower. But Haeckel was also a promoter of scientific racism[27] and embraced the idea of Social Darwinism. With his introduction to calculating with logarithms, Kepler contributed to the spread of this type of calculation. But the facilities were seductive, and as her research became increasingly translational and no longer lent itself to a regular flow of high-profile papers she knew she could rely on secure local funding. The clarity and transparency of this structure appeals to the German order-loving mentality, says Ferdi Schth, a director at the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research in Mlheim. It is not just important to make the internet available to the population, but to provide further support for innovation. The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize is granted to ten scientists and academics every year. This is the case in Germany, where Gauck is the rough equivalent of England's Queen Elizabeth. Browsing through Charles Enz biography of Wolfgang Pauli, I got the impression that he had some excellent teachers but didn't need much education as he had mastered the whole physics curriculum soon after entering university. German (and Austrian) scientists of the late 19th - early 20th centuries seem to have been the backbone of most of modern physics - namely quantum theory/mechanics. The physicist and optician Ernst Abbe (18401905) founded in the 19th century together with the entrepreneurs Carl Zeiss (18401905) and Otto Schott (18511935) the basics of modern Optical engineering and developed many optical instruments like microscopes and telescopes. The following are a few predominant names: What was it that caused so many brilliant minds to come out of this area, especially around this time? There are high-speed ICE trains linking major towns and cities at up to 300 kph. Germany is at the forefront of Engineering. is affecting economies, industries and global issues, with our crowdsourced digital platform to deliver impact at scale. Furthermore, 94% of Germans see renewable energy as vital. The raw output of scientific research from Germany consistently ranks among the world's highest. During a decade of global financial turbulence, her government has increased annual science budgets in a stable, predictable, quintessentially German way. While this might evidently be part of the story it is far from trivial to specify causal chains in this domain. [30] Heinrich Schliemann was a wealthy businessman and a devotee of the historicity of places mentioned in the works of Homer and an archaeological excavator of Hisarlik (since 1871), now presumed to be the site of Troy, along with the Mycenaean sites Mycenae and Tiryns. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was one of the originators of the so-called Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries. The renowned German Professor was among the most respected personalities. One can probably conclude that economic development in the modern era is directly related to the progress of science. If it is faster, cheaper and more convenient to use an electric car, people will pay slightly more for one. That's mostly because of a few factors, including advancement in space technology and the tech industry. And how can the country attract the best talent from around the world if proposals must be written in German, as several funding agencies demand? Under Merkels watch, Germany has maintained its position as a world leader in areas such as renewable energy and climate; and with the guarantee of strong support for basic research, its impact in other sectors has grown. In mathematics, a numerical method for calculating integrals was named former Kepler's barrel rule. I would argue that there is no sufficient evidence. Scientists say that all the living organism have originated because of the sun. Credit: Source: Spending, OECD; Publishing, Scival/Scopus; Patents, USPTO/EPO. Germany has been the home of some of the most prominent researchers in various scientific disciplines, notably physics, mathematics, chemistry and engineering. There are around 110 of these, and 230 Fachhochschulen, universities of applied sciences that cant offer PhDs but train the work force for industry. Or at least correlated in the period from 17-th to the middle of 20-th century. But there are too few opportunities available to researchers after these. Computer science and software engineering! That means that not even the kitchen or bathroom equipment is a compulsory item. Current estimates are that some 35 billion (US$41.2 billion) is needed until 2025 just to keep existing lecture halls and laboratories fit for purpose. Click here for pieces on. Germany is a higher education paradise. [17][18], Justus von Liebig (1803 1873) made major contributions to agricultural and biological chemistry, and is considered one of the principal founders of organic chemistry. In the Thirties of the 20th century the electrical engineers Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll developed at the "Technische Hochschule zu Berlin" the first electron microscope.[24]. Internet use as a percentage of population seems to be more strongly correlated with per capita GDPthan to tech advancement. She won federal elections in 2009 and 2013 and looks set to maintain her position. They deliberately copied the German education institutions. These ideals have weathered dramatic political upheaval. Merkel immediately argued that such accusations shouldnt matter to his current job; he was not acting as a scientific assistant. The only thing which is clearly seen, is the correlation of these periods with vigorous economic development of these countries. But there's much more to this large country sitting in the middle of Europe than stereotypes and war jokes. Schth says that it simply comes down to her roots. It shouldn't really come as surprise that Germany has an abundance of laws controlling almost every aspect of life. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. How many grandchildren does Joe Biden have? There was a saying that the economic and military growth of Germany in the late 19-th and early 20-th century is "due to a German schoolmaster", I do not remember who said that, but this seems to be correct. Id love it if our science-policy and budget decision-makers in the US were willing to take lessons from Germany again today, says Kenneth Prewitt, a political scientist at Columbia University in New York City. The reasons behind Germanys success go beyond science budgets or some sort of Merkel effect, says Wolfgang Schn, a director of the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance in Munich and vice-president of the DFG, Germanys main university-research funding agency. Displaced German Scholars classifies academics by their fields of study and details their work history in Germany. Then, when a start-up she had founded was bought out, she became chief executive and chief scientific officer of Medigene, an immunotherapy company in Munich. Unlike in any other country, in Germany you will find many worldwide ranked universities, countless courses to choose from, globally valued degrees that promise high employability to you and affordable living costs. And no wonder. About seven million relatively happy passengers and 1,138,000 tons of freight daily make 26,000 train trips on its 33,000-kilometer network. Even the most deserted villages got their Volksschule. I don't know if my step-son hates me, is scared of me, or likes me? His published artwork of different lifeforms includes over 100 detailed, multi-colour illustrations of animals and sea creatures, collected in his Kunstformen der Natur ("Art Forms of Nature"), an international bestseller and a book which would go on to influence the Art Nouveau (German Jugendstil, youth style). Since 1899 he was the sole owner of the Carl Zeiss AG and played a decisive role of setting up the enterprise Jenaer Glaswerk Schott & Gen (today Schott AG). Staying strong will require huge investment and more international cooperation. Merkels election platform pledges to continue supporting research and innovation, and to raise annual budget increases to 4%. We're willing to. Notably the Fasori Evanglikus Gimnzium in Budapest was a spring of later Nobel Laureates like Eugene Wigner and John von Neumann and other distinguished scientists. Germany has confirmed more than 200,000 cases of Covid-19 and more than 9,000 deaths in a population of more than 83 million. The play, about an elderly dame and her drunken butler, hangs around the repetition of the phrase "same procedure as last year," and culminates with a double entendre punchline that may have been unexpected just after the Berlin Wall went up, but is now worn thin. That still falls well below the average for the European Union. Merkel, who had not been overtly political before, jumped into democratic politics and soon joined the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Alfred Wegener (18801930), a similarly interdisciplinary scientist, was one of the first people to hypothesize the theory of continental drift which was later developed into the overarching geological theory of plate tectonics. Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen discovered X-rays, an accomplishment that made him the first winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901[15] and eventually earned him an element name, roentgenium. Audretsch, D. B., Lehmann, E. E., & Schenkenhofer, J. Wherever the celebrations take place, it all ends on Ash Wednesday when everyone gets back to being serious and efficient, albeit sometimes with a slight hangover. Merkel grew up in this system, graduating from the Karl Marx University in Leipzig in 1978 with a degree in physics and then moving to the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry in Berlin, one of the most prestigious research centres in the DDR. But cities need these charging stations too: in car parks, for example. It's part of the culture. Germany now ranks above the United States for the percentage of papers it publishes among the top 10% most highly cited. The academic discipline of psychology was founded institutionally in Germany at the end of the nineteenth century. But the country is still dotted with many beautiful castles from bygone days. There are pleasant, leisurely hikes along climb-free trails or physically demanding scrambles up narrow, winding paths. Every funder and institution wants to support promising young scientists, so time-limited programmes abound. Alexander von Humboldt's (17691859) work as a natural scientist and explorer was foundational to biogeography, he was one of the outstanding scientists of his time and a shining example for Charles Darwin. And use of human embryonic stem cells, aside from a few older cell lines, is forbidden Merkel remains unshakeable on this point. Germany's low case fatality rate is therefore partly caused by the fact it has tested more people and, as a result, has identified more mild instances of the disease. Efficiency. It was a natural outgrowth of the progressive German university system, which was hospitable to the development of new disciplines such as linguistics and psychology. West Germanys democratic constitution, which remains in force, declared: Arts and sciences, research and teaching shall be free. To ensure that centralization and abuse of power could never happen again, it created a highly federalized country in which responsibility for culture, science and education lies with the Lnder, or states a feature that was to have negative as well as positive effects on university development. We can fall prey to hindsight bias(we always knew how great the german education system was!) The second pillar were the Universities being even more demanding and selective. Not to drink, but to get out on, sailing, surfing, waterskiing, swimming, kayaking and canoeing and windsurfing -- in any weather. [1] Before World War II, Germany had produced more Nobel laureates in scientific fields than any other nation, and was the preeminent country in the natural sciences. Folklore Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Nature (Nature) Moving research from the bench to the marketplace can bolster Germany's economy, improve people's quality of life and address worldwide health and environmental . In addition to its innovative capacity, Germany's economic stability is also outstandingly good with . With a national election this month, Germany proves that foresight and stability can power research. My reasons for concern relate to the political conditions under which universities and research organizations will have to operate in the 2020s. Apart from that, the US has the most powerful and military advanced technology. The NDSAP is one of the most famous political systems in the history of the earth. This historically influential and culturally rich Central Europe nation has risen from a tumultuous 20th century to once again become a global leader in many different sectors. Primate research, although permitted, is very difficult to do. [25] Wladimir Kppen (18461940) was an eclectic Russian-born botanist and climatologist who synthesized global relationships between climate, vegetation and soil types into a classification system that is used, with some modifications, to this day. The secret to Germanys scientific excellence. Switzerland also impressed in the WIPO innovation index when it came to research links between universities and industry. He was an astronomer, physicist, mathematician and natural philosopher. It is named after the Bavarian physicist Joseph von Fraunhofer (17871826), a pioneer of precision optics. Johannes Kepler (15711630) was one of the originators of the so-called Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries. Germany's mortality rate per 100,000 is among the lowest in Europe . Double-sided tape maybe? Johannes Kepler discovered the laws according to which planets are moving around the sun, who were called Kepler's laws after him. Germans moral outrage can also be brutally swift. What a difference compared with the United States, where young companies such as Alphabet (the parent company of Google) are dominant. Leather shorts. Esther Levy: Esther Levy studied at Otago University and earned a PhD in chemistry from Cambridge University. The country is near the top of global league tables in terms of output, publication quality, and numbers of students and faculty members from abroad (see Germany by the numbers). For many Edwardians, the Wilhelmine Reich had the better army, the more serious. According to the report, "Germany is the current leader in innovation - in part because of the speed it's developing new technologies like driverless cars.". Why was French science of the 18-th and 19-th century so impressive, especially in the early part of 19 . In comparison, in the UK, only people who need medical assistance are being tested and as a result the UK's case fatality rate is much higher, at 4.8%. At universities, the share of women holding top-level academic positions has gone from 10% in 2005 to 17.9% in 2014. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You can try doing that in a BMW -- some of our autobahns have no official speed limit -- but you'll be taking the train home when the engine gives up. In his collection of essays entitled "Brocas Brain", Carl Sagan gives some excellent insight into Einsteins biography: (I think this an accurate reprint of the original piece). 2. It's in Germany. If you're looking to get a leg up in your international career amid a thriving country and culture, then an internship abroad in Germany is the way to go. Agreed by the federal government and the 16 state governments in 2009, this will put a strict upper limit on budget deficits and prevent them from making new debts, especially at the state level. Cheap and easy charging, and ready access to low-carbon power, are the way forward. Computer science would be more like using specific search operators to find something on Google. Although it struggles with the remnants of male-dominated hierarchies and pervasive, inflexible regulations, German research is looking as strong as ever, particularly on a global stage that seems increasingly indifferent to science. The general question is difficult to answer. Historically, it has also referred to a charter or official document of diplomacy.. Only 0.93% of females aged 15-19 have no education. Despite all that traffic, German trains are generally on time -- or at least within five minutes of schedule. If implemented as planned, universities will struggle to maintain or refurbish their infrastructure, let alone acquire new buildings or facilities. RELATED: Why Germany's Chancellor Is So Important. Politicians set about chipping away at the numerous obstacles to cooperation. 1. Germany's excellent rail network is mostly still state-owned, with Deutsche Bahn, or DB, operating the majority of trains on both passenger and freight routes. Germany's position as the world's top innovator is due in part to the sheer number of ideas it comes up with - many in the automobile industry, where it's focusing on digitally-networked mobility, driverless vehicles and electric mobility. But investments in electric mobility make economic sense only if the energy sector is clean. Kyber and Dilithium explained to primary school students? Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Germany has unveiled the world's first hydrogen-powered train, These are the worlds most competitive economies. The secret to Germanys scientific excellence. An added advantage of learning the German language is gaining the freedom of pursuing a highly specialised Master's degree from Germany or even landing a job in Germany. You can see a similar in the effect in the US, which became scientifically dominant after WWII, but maintains that dominance in large part because its the place foreign scientists come to study. If AI was so smart, things would probably develop in a very different way than it did. Policymakers at every level must widen their objectives considerably in terms of what a resilient higher-education and research system should achieve. And things hardly look better in industry; Schendel is one of only 3 female board members out of 160 at the countrys top 30 technology companies. Each region has its own variations -- there are more than 1,500 -- ranging from dark and heavy rye breads in the north to lighter wheat breads in the south. Cars account for almost three-quarters of the kilometres that people travel in Germany. We can't blame you for keeping your distance, just don't judge us. Leadership on the fastest-computer league tables has been traded off many times, between U.S., Japanese and European computing centers. The 19 th century brought an unprecedented expansion of science and technology: knowledge, knowledge production, its organizations and practitioners multiplied and grew ever more diverse.Throughout the period, scholars presented science as an activity beneficial to all humankind, supranational in its codes and values and thus international by nature. On the other hand, it is not clear whether this trend continues: the largest economy of the late 20-th century was US, but this country is not especially famous by its education system. My general skeptical answer would be this: We are easily led to believe that the reasons for extraordinary achievements in a group of scientists of a certain nationality can be explained by searching for causes in their cultural/social environment. Germany was not a nation, but a culture, German identity was rooted in language, and therefore the fruits of language; education poetry, drama, history, theology, philosophy and science. Decisions and changes happen slowly, thanks to the layers of bureaucracy between the federal and Lnder governments. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Materials Technologies and is a Consulting Editor for Advanced Materials, Advanced Science, Small, and Advanced Intelligent Systems. Given the historical circumstances the German education system might or might not have played a significant role in the formation of these scientists. The first is to cut CO2 emissions by at least 80% of 1990 levels by 2050. High-tech start-up firms have not made it into the list of Germanys top 100 companies for decades. That's a question I've frequently wondered about, and one that Lewis Mumford sought to answer in his 1934 classic Technics & Civilization. Strange fan/light switch wiring - what in the world am I looking at, How to give hints to fix kerning of "Two" in sffamily, How Could One Calculate the Crit Chance in 13th Age for a Monk with Ki in Anydice? We have learnt how to act strategically as a university, he says. The Max Planck Society, founded in 1948, now runs 81 basic-research institutes whose directors are given extraordinary budgets and free rein to tread their own paths. Whether we're talking about automobiles, highways, or monumental structures, Germany has it covered. The real humor comes from the reassuring fact that it's been aired in Germany, almost without exception, every New Year's Eve since 1963. "Even when it's 50% foam, our beer is worth jumping for." So says a German correspondent, who has more to add to our ongoing "better than anywhere else . Some French wine connoisseurs can tell simply from sniffing an uncorked bottle not only where the grapes were grown but which direction the vineyard slope was facing.

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