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This time he reminds the nation that the Soviets are in violation of UN resolutions which have passed by an overwhelming majority of the international community. The economy grew 4.6% in 1983, with a decrease in unemployment to 8.3%. The Reagan economic program led to a substantial improvement in economic conditions, but there was no "Reagan revolution." Before the release of this document, it was unclear that a connection existed between the two events. Reagan removed controls on oil and gas, cable television, and long-distance phone service. An official statement released on December 27, 1981 clearly outlines the pressure being put on the Soviets for this war. This was the position of U.S. holding its ground in Lebanon with a continued presence of the armed forces. Sightseeing per itinerary in modern air-conditioned motor coach. There are many parts and functions of th. Question: What did Reagan do to stop communism? Iran-Contra Affair, 1980s U.S. political scandal in which the National Security Council (NSC) became involved in secret weapons transactions and other activities that either were prohibited by the U.S. Congress or violated the stated public policy of the government. Reaganomics reduced taxes and gave specific industries relief from federal regulatory burdens. Carter lost the ballot resoundingly to Ronald Reagan. Reaganomics was influenced by the trickle-down theory and supply-side economics. Without this amendment, implementation of ERTA might not transpire. These remarks moments before signing the act on October 27, 1986 reflect the level of commitment and passion Regan, as well as his wife Nancy, had in combating the drug problem America faced in the 1980s. He raised Social Security payroll taxes and some excise taxes. They did so by allowing OMB to eradicate the publications of regulations that they disapproved, and also mandating the substantive criteria that agencies had to use when issuing regulations. Federal Reserve History. These policies were introduced in response to a prolonged period of economic stagflation that began under President Gerald Ford in 1976. upon taking office, reagan called for a. Reaganomics reduced taxes on individuals and businesses, as well as cutting federal regulations and domestic social programs. Second, the failure to address the savings and loan problem early led to an additional debt of about $125 billion. Additionally, the tax treatment of many new investments changed. The decade of 1980s marked the apex of the new radical rightist religion reaganism. "Federal Excise Taxes: Background and General Analysis," Page 5. Two executive orders, #s 12,291 and 12,498, expanded Reagans control over the agencies. All of the following refer to economic problems in the Reagan years except. In the general election that year, Mondale never offered a jobs program, a concrete economic. (Link:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=39663), Regan declares a fourth Afghanistan Day on March 21, 1985. Reagan worked with the Federal Reserve to reduce the supply of money to lower inflation. Reagan believed in lower taxes on the middle class to stimulate spending and lower taxes on businesses so. Reformers faced intense opposition inside the military, particularly from the Navy, and they likewise faced opposition from Reagan's secretarial assistant of defense. A broader popular consensus on the appropriate roles of the federal government, one or more constitutional amendments, and a new generation of political leaders may be necessary to resolve this inherent conflict in contemporary American politics. Bushs diary between November 4-5, 1986 which note his full understanding of the entire affair. The Reagan Doctrine was a strategy implemented by U.S. President Ronald Reagan intended to eradicate communism and end the Cold War with the Soviet Union.Throughout Reagan's two terms in office from 1981 to 1989, and extending to the end of the Cold War in 1991, the Reagan Doctrine was the focal point of U.S. foreign policy.By reversing several aspects of the policy of dtente with the . This is significant because Bush failed to disclose his diary to investigators and then pardoned several players in the affair. These notes represent the point in which leaders in his own administration disagreed with him and attempted to sway the President from his course. What do we know about inequality of outcomes and. The official announcement was given that the INF Treaty has been signed, and the progress that has been made for U.S.- Soviet relations, not only in terms of arms, but a broad scope of issues. The individual tax brackets were indexed for inflation. (Link:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=44101), In a debate with former Vice President Walter Mondale on October 21, 1984, Regan outlines his vision of dtente with the Soviet Union. Reaganomics is a popular term referring to the economic policies of president ronald reagan. EconTalk podcast, July 23, 2007. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. Reaganomics is important because it gives a historical view of an administration's actions during specific economic circumstances. (Link:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=35314). Senator Ted Kennedy's statement on the opening day of Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings on Bork's Confirmation set the tone for the Bork opposition and had a deep negative impact on the Bork appointment. Reagan resisted tax increases, and Congress resisted cuts in domestic spending. On April 16, 1988, Regan gave a radio address to the nation that updated the public on the progress of the war against drugs. Though Reagan ordered government spending cuts to domestic programs, he increaseddefense spendingby 35% to achieve "peace through strength" in his opposition toCommunismand the Soviet Union. Cutting taxes on businesses will encourage them to hire more workers. Together with globalization and the opening up of China, NAFTA devastated the U.S. manufacturing sector and the middle class with it. This was not only an embarrassment to the Reagan administration, but hurt his relationship with the Senate and created tremendous amounts of ill will. In 1984, growth rose 7.2%, and unemployment fell to 7.3%. He believed that a free market and capitalism would solve the nation's woes. The three goals of reaganomics were to lower taxes, higher defense spending, and curtailed spending for social surfaces. On August 3, 1981 Reagan announces the strike and their unfair demands which would be burdensome to taxpayers. It made him look dishonest. The conclusion of the address was that the Anti-Drug Abuse Act was the right choice to make and that it was delivering its promises. For those who do not view Reaganomics through an ideological lens, however, one's evaluation of this major change in economic policy will depend on the balance of the realized economic effects. (Link:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=44281). Remarks given on September 18, 1987 regarding the Soviet -U.S. diplomatic talks which states that Secretary Shultz and Foreign Minister Shevardnadze have issued a joint statement that agrees to conclude an INF Treaty. The three goals of reaganomics were to lower taxes, higher defense spending, and curtailed spending for social surfaces. This began to lay the framework of the discussions and negotiations between the Soviets and Reagan. The heart is located toward the back of the sternum and midline to the lungs. This is significant because it is the first of several attempts by the administration to produce a unified response to the scandal which was growing in popularity. Learn more by sam desat. Federal ReserveChairmanPaul Volckerhad steadily raised thefederal funds rate to 20%in 1980. 1.what did Reaganomics do apex? President Ronald Reagan championed across-the-board tax reduction and cutbacks in spending for social programs such as job education and welfare. he could answer charges of illegality but he couldn't answer charges that 'big strong President Reagan passed up chance to free hostages. Weinberg and Secretary of State Shultz objected to Reagans position vehemently. December 27, 1987, the eight year anniversary of the Soviet invasion, Reagan addresses the nation and continues his effort to appeal to public support for the withdrawal of the Soviets. They did so by allowing OMB to eradicate the publications of regulations that they disapproved, and also mandating the substantive criteria that agencies had to use when issuing regulations. The reduction in economic regulation that started in the Carter administration continued, but at a slower rate. The decade of 1980s marked the apex of the new radical rightist religion reaganism. This was a very important aspect of Regans efforts to combat drugs. (Links:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=37032 | http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33994 | http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=35578), On April 11, 1987 Regan announced that an agreement has been reached with the Soviets, and that in Geneva they will officially sign a contract solidifying the terms of their withdrawal. Reaganomics or reaganism, refers to the neoliberal economic policies promoted by u.s. Specifically, Reagan called for a massive cut in government spending, an even more drastic cut in taxation (particularly the income tax), a balanced budget by 1984 (that wild-spender, Jimmy Carter you see, had raised the budget deficit to $74 billion a year, and this had to be eliminated), and a return to the gold standard, where money is suppli. Biography of Ronald Reagan, Grolier's Encyclopedia, courtesy of the Encyclopedia Americana, with a partial overview of economic conditions. compare an unconscionable contract with undue influence; what did reaganomics do apexyour body and heat osha quizlet. By reducing government spending and taxes, and making it easier to do business, President Reagan hoped to incentivize economic activity and reduce dependence on the government. (Link:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33627). Two executive orders, #s 12,291 and 12,498, expanded Reagans control over the agencies. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. And in 1986 the base for the taxation of business income was substantially broadened, reducing the tax bias among types of investment but increasing the average effective tax rate on new investment. Reaganomics took the stance that the supply of money had been growing too fast in the years previous, so the monetary policy developed to support the program was to reduce the growth rate of the money supply to more "modest" levels. Ronald Reagan, by contrast, called the War on Poverty a failure, and proposed budgets which reduced spending on social programs while increasing the size and capabilities of the military. (Link:. North proposed that in return for Noriegas assassination of Sandinista leadership and helping the Contras, U.S. pressure would subside in regards to Panamas drug smuggling and the U.S. would help clean up their image. The failure in Lebanon. Key Takeaways. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.". The political process continues to generate demands for new or expanded programs, but American voters continue to resist higher taxes to pay for these programs. This was a very important aspect of Regans efforts to combat drugs. However, federal deficits grew, and the increased wealth gap increased the divide between the rich and the poor. This belief is what drove his pursuit of SDI, despite the uncertainties. The reactions to this idea are almost always subjective. Banks were allowed to invest in a somewhat broader set of assets, and the scope of the antitrust laws was reduced. Check the chart below to see how that debt contributed to the deficit as it related to GDP. "Reaganomics.". The policy of Reaganomics was based on "supply side" economics (which is often criticized as the "trickle down" strategy) to build economic growth. Moreover, these changes were achieved at a much lower cost than was previously expected. Most of the effects of these policies were favorable, even if somewhat disappointing compared to what the administration predicted. Reaganomics refers to the economic policies promoted by u.s. Raised in small-town Illinois, he became a Hollywood actor in his 20s and later. ", St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank. a. a greatly reduced federal bureaucracy. The supply-side theory, or supply-side economics, holds that economic growth is stimulated through fiscal policies designed to increase the supply of goods and services. in the Sumerian city-state of Lagash. The Presidents first news conference on January 29, 1981 exhibits Reagan feelings on the current state of dtente with the Soviet Union. An Interview with Paul Volcker, Commanding Heights, PBS, September 2000. Reagan's 1981 Program for Economic Recovery had four major policy objectives: (1) reduce the growth of government spending, (2) reduce the marginal tax rates on income from both labor and capital, (3) reduce regulation, and (4) reduce inflation by controlling the growth of the money supply. Words created by the infusion of economics like reaganomics, obamanomics, and how could we forget, freakonomics. Between 1982 and 2000, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) grew nearly 14-fold, and the economy added 40 million new jobs. This document strives to raise support for the amendment to the Gramm- Latta Budget which would implement ERTA. This theory proposes that tax cutsencourage economic expansion enough to broaden the tax base over time. (Link: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB210/16-Diversion%20Memo%204-4-86%20(IC%2002614).pdf), Excerpts from George H.W. (Link: Not Available), On October 23, 1983 a suicide bomber detonated his vehicle inside the marine barracks killing hundreds of servicemen and women. The release of the Air Traffic Controllers who went on strike with demands that would have cost taxpayers $700 million a year. He inherited an economy mired instagflation, a combination of double-digit economic contractionand double-digitinflation. The reduction of nuclear arms with the signing of the INF treaty together with Mikhail Gorbachev on December 8, 1987. Reaganomics the economic policies of president ronald reagan in the 1980s. The heart is a muscle, and its overall function is to pump blood through the circulatory system of the body consistently. He cut domestic programs, but he increaseddefense spendingto achieve "peace through strength" in his opposition toCommunismand the Soviet Union. (Link: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB210/15-Reagan%20Finding%201-17-86%20(IC%2002181).pdf), Personal notes from Oliver North taken in 1986 in regards to his meeting Manuel Noriega. Reagan believes they have been treating it like a one-way street and only concerned with their states own interests. The appointment of Kenneth M. Duberstein as Deputy Chief of Staff to the President on March 12, 1987. "Social Security & Medicare Tax Rates.". - Brainly.com Author:brainly.com Post date:26 yesterday Rating:1(302 reviews) Highest rating:5 Low rated:3 Summary:The main objectives of Reagan's economic policy were the reduction of government spending, the reduction of federal income and capital gains See Details 2.What did Reaganomics do? Ronald Reagan. This clearly shows Reagans mistake of not withdrawing the nomination in the face of certain defeat. The intention was to create economic expansion, job creation and growth by giving the upper class more money to do that. EconTalk podcast, September 03, 2007. (Link: http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/data/popularity.php?pres=40&sort=time&direct=DESC&Submit=DISPLAY), At the conclusion of the invasion, Reagan gave a nationally televised speech on October 27, 1983 that beautifully wove together the core principles of these preceding few months patriotism and anticommunism. Reagan's budgets tripled thenational debtfrom $998 billion at the end of Carter's last budget to $2.9 trillion at the end of Reagan's final budget. Members of the United States Commission on Civil Rights were thought to be insulated from Presidential power. (Link:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43400). Reaganomics refers to the economic policies promoted by u.s. This major address, which was broadcast on radio and television, was the first major rally for support of the program and urged viewers to pressure Congress to approve the ERTA of 1981. An address before a joint session of the congress on the Economic Recovery Tax Act given on April 28, 1981. Raya Lucaria Debate Parlor : How To Defeat Rennala, Queen Of The Full Moon In Elden Ring / Part of the get to site of grace series. Reagan's first tax cuts worked because tax rates were high when he entered office. On August 3, 1981 Reagan announces the strike and their unfair demands which would be burdensome to taxpayers. Additionally, this position was not supported by any of his generals or secretary of defense. (Links: http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33991 and http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/PS157/assignment%20files%20public/TOWER%20EXCERPTS.htm. The President congratulates a committee for completing the Budget resolution for 1982. At the conclusion of the invasion, Reagan gave a nationally televised speech on October 27, 1983 that beautifully wove together the core principles of these preceding few months patriotism and anticommunism. Which of the following ideas is a major element of trickle down economics? One reason for these achievements was the broad bipartisan support for these measures beginning in the later years of the Carter administration. This was done to honor the courageous fighters of Afghanistan and to condemn the evil acts of oppression and aggression by the Soviets. Techradar is supported by its audience. Jeanne Moody Measurements - ShowMe - 10,3 Arcs and Chords / However, little consensus exists as to how. Reagan cut the tax rate again, to 38.5% this time, in 1987growth remained similar at 3.5%, and unemployment fell to 5.7%. The heart is located toward the back of the sternum and midline to the lungs. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. "White House Report on the Program for Economic Recovery.". . In 1988, Reagan cut taxes again to 28%. An increase in Social Security tax rates legislated in 1977 but scheduled for the eighties was accelerated slightly. These notes signify Noriegas. (Link:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43388), On March 10, 1982, Reagan announced that March 21, 1982 will be recognized as Afghanistan Day in the U.S. and other parliaments throughout the world. Tax Foundation. This growth reduction complemented the Federal Reserves' policy of raising interest rates to reduce borrowing and spending. At the end of his term in 1989, Reagan was credited with making a strong contribution to the level of world peace at that time. (Link:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43756), A statement on action by the House of Representatives on federal budget legislation given on June 19, 1981. This last plea showed Reagans seriousness and dedication toward this program and could have influenced many who were unsure just before voting commenced. His philosophy was, "Government is not the solution to our problem. These changes complicated tax measurements so much that the overall results of the changes are difficult to define; therefore, the results remain controversial. Reagan emphasized this and portrayed Bork as the most qualified person for the job. He declared if they do not return to duty in 48 hours, their jobs would be forfeited. Regans remarks given on East-West relations at the Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin. He is a professor of economics and has raised more than $4.5 billion in investment capital. The inflation level decreased significantly, Individual, corporate, and investment taxes were reduced, Deregulation encouraged a more open and free market, Public and social programs were curtailed, Both the national deficit and national debt increased, The divide increased between the wealthy and middle and lower classes. Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down That Wall! And in 1985, the Senate began to wait at a major military reform bill. The scandal related to U.S. policy toward two countries that had undergone revolutionary regime change in 1979, Iran and Nicaragua. Words created by the infusion of economics like reaganomics, obamanomics, and how could we forget, freakonomics. Reagan's plan to help the economy. The Appreciation Of Booted News Women Blog. Remarks given to reports indicate that at that time Reagan was still determined to stay the course in Lebanon. A statement on action by the House of Representatives on federal budget legislation given on June 19, 1981. At the apex of union density in the 1940s, only about 9.8% of public employees were represented by unions, while 33.9% of private, non-agricultural workers had such representation. (Link:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=34503), Statements regarding Borks American Bar Association rating on September 9, 1987. On October 14, 1980, seeking to renergize presidential campaign, Reagan promised to put a women in the first Supreme Court vacancy during his term in office. ANDREW Tate shared a cryptic tweet today claiming "the Matrix has attacked me" amid fears he was rushed to hospital while in jail. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum. These policies garnered reduced inflation, lower unemployment, and an entrepreneurial revolution that later became synonymous with the 1980s. The decade of 1980s marked the apex of the new radical rightist religion reaganism. This part of Reagan's fiscal record, however, reflected only a moderation, not a reversal, of prior fiscal trends. The main idea of a section or a whole article is an important idea that the author wants you to know about the . Bork received the highest rating possible from the ABA. The tax savings offered to the rich did not lead to job creation. In the first year of his presidency, Reagan lowered taxes significantly. ", Federal Reserve History. In hindsight, Reagan's trickle-down effect failed. Extensively controlled and carefully picked appointments under his administration. What actually happened is that the oil crisis eased and the Federal Reserve sent the economy into a recession. ", Federal Reserve History. Reaganomics refers to the economic policies instituted by former President Ronald Reagan. Learn more by sam desat. The Reagan administration developed the Program for Economic Recovery, which focused on four areas: Reaganomics was based on the theory ofsupply-side economics. (Link:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=40850), According to Lou Cannon, Reagan recalled a meeting with the with Joint Chiefs of Staff where they told him that his idea could be implemented. Learn more by sam desat. 5 Reasons Why Supply-Side Economics Does Not Work, Republican and Democratic Approaches to Regulating the Economy, Reduced Corporate, Individual, and Investment Taxes, Advantages and Disadvantages of Reaganomics, Supply-Side Theory: Definition and Comparison to Demand-Side, Trickle-Down Economics: Theory, Policies, Critique, Voodoo Economics: Definition, History, Validation, Neoliberalism: What It Is, With Examples and Pros and Cons, All About Fiscal Policy: What It Is, Why It Matters, and Examples, Labor Force Statistics From the Current Population Survey, Volcker's Announcement of Anti-Inflation Measures, The Economic Consequences of Major Tax Cuts for the Rich. Unemployment was 8.5% in December 1981, then rose to 10.8% by December 1982. Reaganomics or reaganism, refers to the neoliberal economic policies promoted by u.s. (Link:http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=38371), December 27, 1987, the eight year anniversary of the Soviet invasion, Reagan addresses the nation and continues his effort to appeal to public support for the withdrawal of the Soviets. "Yes, there was a boom in the mid-1980s, as the economy recovered from a severe recession," Krugman wrote in the New York Times. Advocates of President Reagan's policies cite "from December 1982 to June 1990, Reaganomics created over 21 million jobsmore jobs than have been added since," wrote Arthur Laffer, whose work heavily influenced Reagan's tax cuts. And most of the poor were exempted from the individual income tax. Reagan emphasized this and portrayed Bork as the most qualified person for the job. President Ronald Reagan championed across-the-board tax reduction and cutbacks in spending for social programs such as job education and welfare. The heart is located toward the back of the sternum and midline to the lungs. However, after Regan showed his use of instinct and decisiveness, people in Washington began to take him seriously. On the one hand, it provides solid reviews of. Excerpts from George H.W. the village at sawmill woods affordable housing; 29 mayo, 2022; what did reaganomics do apex . "President Reagan's Economic Legacy: The Great Expansion," Page 26. "But while the rich got much richer, there was little sustained economic improvement for most Americans. This address, which was broadcast on radio and television, was the last appeal to the nation for support of ERTA before it went to vote in early August. The rate of new business formation increased sharply, but the rate of bank failures was the highest since the thirties. (Link: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1P2-1345074.html), A radio address on October 3, 1987 given by Reagan that attempts to gain support and momentum for Bork despite the overwhelming evidence that his nomination will fail. The heart is located toward the back of the sternum and midline to the lungs. Reagan also sought to reduce inflation by tightening the money supply. http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43514, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43755, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43756, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43988, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=44120, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33924, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=34808, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33625, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33806, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=44101, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=39296, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43388, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=42248, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=41077, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=39663, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=38371, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33870, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=37032 |, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33994 |, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=35578, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=35655, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=35296, http://womensissues.about.com/od/genderwarriors/a/HistoryWomenSCOTUS_2.htm, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=44042, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=44281, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=44138, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=42202, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/data/popularity.php?pres=40&sort=time&direct=DESC&Submit=DISPLAY), http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=40696, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=36654, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=36661, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=35685, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=40850, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=41093, http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB210/15-Reagan%20Finding%201-17-86%20(IC%2002181).pdf, http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB210/9-North%20notes%208-24-86.pdf, http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB210/9a-North%20notes%209-22-86.pdf, http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB210/14-Weinberger%20Diaries%20Dec%207%20handwritten.pdf, http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB210/16-Diversion%20Memo%204-4-86%20(IC%2002614).pdf, http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB210/19-Bush%20Diary%2011-4-86.pdf, http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB210/20-Weinberger%20Memo%2011-10-86%20(IC%2003732).pdf, href=http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=36728, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33991, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/PS157/assignment%20files%20public/TOWER%20EXCERPTS.htm, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=34503, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=34771, http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1P2-1345074.html, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33500, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33597, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33627, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=40612, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=40673, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=39694, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=42681, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33911, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=40818, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43592, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43424 |, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=38024, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43400, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=40654, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=40713, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=36956, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=33970, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=34390, http://presidency.lsit.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=35314.

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