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How does SEMAP improve program performance? Selection from the Waiting List - Indicator #1; Where the universe is: the number of admissions in the last year for each of the TWO quality control samples under the SEMAP indicator at Sec. (7) Provide for regular evaluation of progress toward improvement. ), (iii) The percent of units leased or occupied by homeowners under the voucher homeownership option, or the percent of allocated budget authority expended during the calendar year that ends on or before the assessed PHA fiscal year was less than 95 percent. Indicator # 3 measures if casework is being completed accurately, correctly, and in compliance with the regulations like calculating the housing assistance amounts for each family correctly. (1) The certification must be approved by PHA board resolution and signed by the PHA executive director. Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(1) of this section, HUD may elect not to conduct an on-site review of a troubled PHA, if: (i) The PHA has less than 250 assisted units; and. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. 5 points. hb```\@( \tGa`U.[7x)"8 rGFG0f,h @ZE"w2)131`:p:]/L51d~_@,Bp00fU=/``Z@ M= (2) HUD verification method: MTCS report - Shows percent of newly leased units where the beginning date of the assistance contract is before the date the unit passed HQS inspection. PHAs can use the SEMAP performance analysis to assess their own program operations. HUD will then prepare a SEMAP profile for each PHA which shows the rating for each indicator, sums the indicator ratings, and divides by the total possible points to arrive at an PHA's overall SEMAP score. (ii) The PHA's SEMAP certification does not support the statements in paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section. 985.3 Indicators, HUD verification methods and ratings. (24 CFR 982 subpart K). developer resources. %%EOF (ii) The PHA's SEMAP certification does not support the statement in paragraph (f)(3)(i) of this section. 5 points. 5 points. The certification form requires short answers from HAs concerning HA performance under the 14 SEMAP indicators and assures HUD that HA The following is a list of regulatory waivers eligible for expedited review: HUD must review, consider and provide a final written determination to an PHA on its appeal of its overall performance rating. (b) Notification to PHA. Recording | Slides | Transcript Module 3: Intake and Eligibility SEMAP Training for PHA Staff: Intake and Eligibility This module provides a closer look at indicators 1 and 13 which are related to managing intake. (ii) Fewer than 98 percent of newly leased units passed HQS inspection before the beginning date of the assisted lease and HAP contract. What are the 14 key indicators of performance? (ii) The PHA's voucher program payment standard schedule contains payment standards which exceed 110 percent of the current applicable published FMRs or which are less than 90 percent of the current applicable published FMRs (unless a higher or lower payment standard amount is approved by HUD). (1) This indicator shows whether the PHA has written policies in its administrative plan for selecting applicants from the waiting list and whether the PHA follows these policies when selecting applicants for admission from the waiting list. HUD also uses information reported on the SEMAP certification by initial PHAs concerning FSS families enrolled in their FSS programs but who have moved under portability to the jurisdiction of another PHA. The PHA supervisor's reinspected sample is to be drawn from recently completed HQS inspections (i.e., performed during the 3 months preceding reinspection) and is to be drawn to represent a cross section of neighborhoods and the work of a cross section of inspectors. PHAs that achieve an overall performance rating of high performer may receive national recognition by the Department and may be given competitive advantage under notices of fund availability. This section states the performance indicators that are used to assess PHA Section 8 management. (vi) The PHA has filled fewer than 60 percent of its mandatory FSS slots and less than 30 percent of FSS families have escrow account balances. This indicator becomes initially effective for the second full PHA fiscal year following the date of HUD approval of success rate payment standard amounts. If the HUD verification method for the indicator relies on data in MTCS and HUD determines those data are insufficient to verify the PHA's certification on the indicator due to the PHA's failure to adequately report family data, HUD will assign a zero rating for the indicator. In this online seminar, Quadel's expert trainers will cover everything that has to do with SEMAP, the Section Eight Management Assessment Program. SEMAP, through a four-page questionnaire, provides one way for PHAs to certify their performance to HUD on fourteen indicators. (ii) 5 to 10 percent of all PHA reexaminations are more than 2 months overdue. (2) HUD verification method: The independent auditor (IA) annual audit report covering the PHA fiscal year entered on the SEMAP certification and on-site confirmatory review if performed. SEMAP INDICATOR #1 SEMAP INDICATOR #1 SELECTION FROM WAITING LIST At least 98 percent of families must be selected from the waiting list in accordance with the PHA policy. 29, 2000; 65 FR 16823, Mar. (ii) 5 to 10 percent of all annual HQS inspections of units under contract are more than 2 months overdue. 20 points. L. 108- (B) Based on the PHA's quality control sample of tenant files, the PHA follows its written method to determine reasonable rent and has documented its determination that the rent to owner is reasonable in accordance with 982.507 of this chapter for at least 98 percent of units sampled at the time of initial leasing, if there is any increase in the rent to owner, and at the HAP contract anniversary if there is a 10 percent decrease in the published FMR in effect 60 days before the HAP contract anniversary. (i) The proportion of families issued rental vouchers during the last PHA fiscal year that have become participants in the voucher program is more than the higher of: (B) The proportion of families issued rental vouchers that became participants in the program during the six month period utilized to determine eligibility for success rate payment standards under 982.503(e)(1) plus 5 percentage points; and. Performance indicator means a standard set for a key area of Section 8 program management against which the PHA's performance is measured to show whether the PHA administers the program properly and effectively. In addition, HQS-related SEMAP indicators and their impact on the PHA's SEMAP score are included. If HUD determines that the quantity of MTCS data is insufficient for adequate analysis, HUD will not award points under this bonus indicator. 5 plus 1 for each 50 (or part of 50) over 50. PHAs with SEMAP scores of 60 to 89 percent shall be rated standard. Urban Development (HUD) uses SEMAP scores as the primary tool for assessing a Housing Authority's management of the Housing Choice Voucher Program. SEMAP scores shall be rounded off to the nearest whole percent. (iii) The PHA's SEMAP certification does not support the statements in either paragraph (c)(3)(i) or (c)(3)(ii) of this section. In addition, regulations at 24 CFR 985.103(E)(2) provided that if an independent auditor was unable to determine whether an (b) The PHA must send a written report to HUD describing its correction of any identified SEMAP deficiency. Units assisted under the voucher homeownership option and units occupied under a project-based HAP contract are included in the measurement of this indicator. (1) The indicator: This indicator shows whether the PHA enters into HAP contracts for the number of the PHA's baseline voucher units (units that are contracted under a Consolidated ACC) for the calendar year that ends on or before the PHA's fiscal year or whether the PHA has expended its allocated budget authority for the same calendar year. HUD will prepare a SEMAP profile for each PHA and will assign a rating for each indicator as shown. 0 points. (f) Corrective action plans. Aftercare services Performance Indicators 14 indictors plus Bonus. (o) Family self-sufficiency (FSS) enrollment and escrow accounts. An MTCS report also shows the percent of FSS families with FSS progress reports who have escrow account balances. Knowledge of HUD-established performance standards (for HCV, SEMAP indicators) performance standards as they relate to income and rent determinations. Additional SEMAP points are available to PHAs that have jurisdiction in metropolitan FMR areas and that choose to submit with their SEMAP certifications certain data, in a HUD-prescribed format, on the percent of their tenant-based Section 8 families with children who live in, and who have moved during the PHA fiscal year to, low poverty census tracts in the PHA's principal operating area. Legal framework for renewable energy. This indicator applies only to PHAs that have received approval to establish success rate payment standard amounts in accordance with 982.503(e). (iv) State and regional PHAs that provide Section 8 rental assistance in more than one metropolitan area within a State or region make these determinations separately for each metropolitan area or portion of a metropolitan area where the PHA has assisted at least 20 Section 8 families with children in the last completed PHA fiscal year. The method for selecting the PHA's quality control sample under paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (f) of this section must leave a clear audit trail that can be used to verify that the PHA's quality control sample was drawn in an unbiased manner. (i) The PHA has filled 80 percent or more of its mandatory FSS slots and 30 percent or more of FSS families have escrow account balances. (i) Fewer than 5 percent of annual HQS inspections of units under contract are more than 2 months overdue. This number is divided by the number of mandatory FSS slots, as determined under 984.105 of this chapter. (iii) More than 10 percent of all PHA reexaminations are more than 2 months overdue. The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow Planning for renewable energy expansion. Enhanced content is provided to the user to provide additional context. [63 FR 48555, Sept. 10, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 40498, July 26, 1999]. learn more about the process here. The PHA's SEMAP certification also states that the reinspected sample was drawn from recently completed HQS inspections (i.e., performed during the 3 months preceding the quality control reinspection) and was drawn to represent a cross section of neighborhoods and the work of a cross section of inspectors. (ii) The PHA's SEMAP certification includes the statements in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section, except that the PHA documents its determination of reasonable rent for only 80 to 97 percent of units sampled at initial leasing, if there is any increase in the rent to owner, and at the HAP contract anniversary if there is a 10 percent decrease in the published FMR in effect 60 days before the HAP contract anniversary. (ii) More than 2 percent of PHA tenant rent and family's share of the rent to owner calculations are incorrect. Purpose of SEMAP. (24 CFR 982.405(b)). 0 points. 20 points. (2) HUD verification method: The IA annual audit report covering the PHA fiscal year entered on the SEMAP certification and on-site confirmatory review if performed. HUD must review the adequacy and monitor implementation of PHA corrective action plans submitted under 985.106(c) or 985.107(c) and provide technical assistance to help the PHA improve program management. Comments or questions about document content can not be answered by OFR staff. (l) Pre-contract housing quality standards (HQS) inspections. This rule applies to PHA administration of the tenant-based Section 8 rental voucher and rental certificate programs (24 CFR part 982), the project-based component (PBC) of the certificate program (24 CFR part 983) to the extent that PBC family and unit data are reported and measured under the stated HUD verification method, and enrollment levels and contributions to escrow accounts for Section 8 participants under the family self-sufficiency program (FSS) (24 CFR part 984). Additional SEMAP points are available to PHAs that have jurisdiction in metropolitan FMR areas and that choose to submit with their SEMAP certifications certain data, in a HUD-prescribed format, on the percent of their tenant-based Section 8 families with children who live in, and who have moved during the PHA fiscal year to, low poverty census tracts in the PHA's principal operating area. 10 points. In addition, HQS-related SEMAP indicators and their impact on the PHA's SEMAP score are included. (ii) The PHA's SEMAP certification includes the statements in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section, except that the PHA documents its determination of reasonable rent for only 80 to 97 percent of units sampled at initial leasing, if there is any increase in the rent to owner, and at the HAP contract anniversary if there is a 10 percent decrease in the published FMR in effect 60 days before the HAP contract anniversary. SEMAP uses HUD's national database of tenant information and information from audits conducted annually by independent auditors. MTCS is the Department's national database on participants and rental units in the Section 8 rental certificate, rental voucher, and moderate rehabilitation programs and in the Public and Indian Housing programs. How does SEMAP improve program performance? The HUD notification letter shall identify and require correction of any SEMAP deficiencies (indicator rating of zero) within 45 calendar days from date of HUD notice. (2) HUD verification method: MTCS report - Shows percent of reexaminations that are more than 2 months overdue. The table below lists each of the SEMAP indicators, contains a description of each indicator, and explains the basis for points awarded under each indicator. If the PHA is a unit of local government or a state, the corrective action plan must be signed by the Section 8 program director and by the chief executive officer of the unit of government or his or her designee. HUMo0WhjNlE .A]Xi0H2H-\h|3N mpI36inH Sv\&SEIK yX|>@a&XZ0W+ s6kjzoG l~/.)YSP*QxWV6Nw# 985.3(a) Selection from the Waiting List Quality Control Sample 1: Number of new admissions Quality Control Sample 2: (1) This indicator shows whether the PHA completes a reexamination for each participating family at least every 12 months. Performance indicator means a standard set for a key area of Section 8 program management against which the PHA 's performance is measured to show whether the PHA administers the program properly and effectively. "Published Edition". (ii) The PHA's SEMAP certification does not support the statement in paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this section. 0 points. 5 points. (i) The PHA's SEMAP certification states that an PHA supervisor or other qualified person performed quality control HQS reinspections during the PHA fiscal year for a sample of units under contract which meets the minimum sample size requirements specified in 983.2 under PHA's quality control sample. (ii) 5 to 10 percent of all annual HQS inspections of units under contract are more than 2 months overdue. HUD will prepare a SEMAP profile for each PHA and will assign a rating for each indicator as shown. (2) HUD verification method: PHA data submitted on the SEMAP certification form concerning payment standards. (i) The data submitted by the PHA for the deconcentration bonus shows that the PHA met the requirements for bonus points in paragraph (h)(1)(i), (ii) or (iii) of this section. mo[ /!+)'"#cDW~Rb`HJ&SA`AroihmAWZ'=zffFaviRES1jl)8*JkMQ;h$v#E"L*2wy#bjdcfH+Cyl6'zNF D10gwr (24 CFR 982.54(d)(5), 982.301(a) and 982.301(b)(4) and 982.301(b)(12)). (24 CFR 5.617). Ability to negotiate and mediate issues while utilizing stellar customer service skills. A low poverty census tract is defined as a census tract where the poverty rate of the tract is at or below 10 percent, or at or below the overall poverty rate for the principal operating area of the PHA, whichever is greater. For purposes of this indicator, the PHA's principal operating area is the geographic entity for which the Census tabulates data that most closely matches the PHA's geographic jurisdiction under State or local law (e.g., city, county, metropolitan statistical area) as determined by the PHA, subject to HUD review. 15 points. (24 CFR 982.4, 24 CFR 982.54(d)(15), 982.158(f)(7) and 982.507). The Office of the Federal Register publishes documents on behalf of Federal agencies but does not have any authority over their programs. SEMAP Training for PHA Staff: Overview of SEMAP Indicators This module reviews each of the SEMAP indicators in more detail. (c) Troubled rating. In addition, if HQS deficiencies are not corrected timely, the indicator shows whether the PHA stops (abates) housing assistance payments beginning no later than the first of the month following the specified correction period or terminates the HAP contract or, for family-caused defects, takes prompt and vigorous action to enforce the family obligations. [63 FR 48555, Sept. 10, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 40497, July 26, 1999; 64 FR 67983, Dec. 3, 1999; 65 FR 16733, Mar. NOTE: All materials needed for this course are available digitally in the "Getting Started With Your Course" dropdown, which can be accessed by using the "Content" tab above. 0 points. 4. Where the universe is: the number of admissions in the last year for each of the two quality control samples under the SEMAP indicator at 985.3(a) Selection from the Waiting List; the number of families assisted for the SEMAP indicators at 985.3(b) Reasonable Rent, and 985.3(c) Determination of Adjusted Income; the number of units under HAP contract during the last completed PHA fiscal . A separate drafting site (See 985.3 .) SEMAP is used to remotely measure PHA performance and administration of the housing choice voucher program. What happens if a PHA does not perform adequately on any of the 14 indicators or is assigned an overall performance rating of troubled? (24 CFR 982.54(d)(1) and 982.204(a)). l! As used in this part: Confirmatory review means an on site review performed by HUD to verify the management performance of an PHA. As a HUD's Office of Public and Indian Housing has finalized a rule revising the Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) lease-up indicator. (v) The PHA has filled 60 to 79 percent of its mandatory FSS slots, but fewer than 30 percent of FSS families have escrow account balances. (1) This indicator shows whether, following each HQS inspection of a unit under contract where the unit fails to meet HQS, any cited life-threatening HQS deficiencies are corrected within 24 hours from the inspection and all other cited HQS deficiencies are corrected within no more than 30 calendar days from the inspection or any PHA-approved extension. (b) Standard rating. (Information collection requirements in this section have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0215), [63 FR 48555, Sept. 10, 1998, as amended at 66 FR 50006, Oct. 1, 2001]. The corrective action plan must: (2) Identify obstacles to goal achievement and ways to eliminate or avoid them; (3) Identify resources that will be used or sought to achieve goals; (4) Identify an PHA staff person with lead responsibility for completing each goal; (5) Identify key tasks to reach each goal; (6) Specify time frames for achievement of each goal, including intermediate time frames to complete each key task; and. 10 points. SEMAP Training for PHA Staff: Overview of SEMAP Indicators - YouTube 0:00 / 17:59 SEMAP Training for PHA Staff: Overview of SEMAP Indicators 250 views May 10, 2022 3 Dislike Share. This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. Most PHAs are scored under SEMAP every year (small, non-troubled agencies are scored every two years). 985.104 PHA right of appeal of overall rating. (ii) The PHA's SEMAP certification does not support the statement in paragraph (f)(3)(i) of this section. (b) Standard rating. 104% Semap Score. (1) This indicator applies only to PHAs with jurisdiction in metropolitan FMR areas. (24 CFR 982.404). 0 points. This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial. (i) Fewer than 5 percent of annual HQS inspections of units under contract are more than 2 months overdue. In addition, if HQS deficiencies are not corrected timely, the indicator shows whether the PHA stops (abates) housing assistance payments beginning no later than the first of the month following the specified correction period or terminates the HAP contract or, for family-caused defects, takes prompt and vigorous action to enforce the family obligations. site when drafting amendatory language for Federal regulations: 5 points. (2) An PHA that subcontracts administration of its program to one or more subcontractors shall require each subcontractor to submit the subcontractor's own SEMAP certification on the HUD-prescribed form to the PHA in support of the PHA's SEMAP certification to HUD. (i) 98 to 100 percent of newly leased units passed HQS inspection before the beginning date of the assisted lease and HAP contract. You can (24 CFR 982.4, 24 CFR 982.54(d)(15), 982.158(f)(7) and 982.507). The PHA determines the overall poverty rate for its principal operating area using the most recent available decennial Census data. The purpose of this training is to provide an overview of SEMAP and key information to help PHAs effectively manage their Housing Choice Voucher program for SEMAP success. (C) The PHA uses the appropriate utility allowances to determine gross rent for the unit leased. December 1 2022. Illinois Association of Housing Authorities (IAHA) - Home Page (2) Notwithstanding an PHA's SEMAP score, if the latest IA report submitted for the PHA under the Single Audit Act indicates that the auditor is unable to provide an opinion as to whether the PHA's financial statements are presented fairly in all material respects in conformity with generally accepted accounting principals, or an opinion that the schedule of expenditures of Federal awards is presented fairly in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole, the PHA will automatically be given an overall performance rating of troubled and the PHA will be subject to the requirements at 985.107. The method for selecting the PHA's quality control sample under paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (f) of this section must leave a clear audit trail that can be used to verify that the PHA's quality control sample was drawn in an unbiased manner. (d) Changing rating from . (ii) The PHA's voucher program payment standard schedule contains payment standards which exceed 110 percent of the current applicable published FMRs or which are less than 90 percent of the current applicable published FMRs (unless a higher or lower payment standard amount is approved by HUD). (3) When HUD modifies or withholds a rating for any reason, it shall explain in writing to the PHA the reasons for the modification or for withholding the rating. HUD will use the verification method identified for each indicator in reviewing the accuracy of an PHA's annual SEMAP certification. HUD shall assess and score the performance of a PHA with less than 250 assisted units once every other PHA fiscal year, unless the PHA: (i) Elects to have its performance assessed on an annual basis; or. endstream endobj 373 0 obj <>stream For purposes of this paragraph, payment standards that do not exceed 110 percent of the current applicable published FMRs include exception payment standards established by the PHA in accordance with 982.503(c)(iii). (n) Lease-up. Upon receipt of the certification, HUD rates the PHA's performance under each SEMAP indicator in accordance with 24 CFR 985.3. Attributes of financial and regulatory incentives. 0 points. - Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development, - Office of Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, - Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP), https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-24/subtitle-B/chapter-IX/part-985/subpart-A/section-985.3. (iii) The PHA's SEMAP certification does not support the statements in either paragraph (b)(3)(i) or (b)(3)(ii) of this section. SEMAP Self-Assessment form Computer report listing tenant name, last time unit inspected, current annual inspection PIC Report Indicator 13 Lease-Up Possible Rating 20/15 BCHA Rating 0 The percent of units leased, or the percent of allocated budget authority expended during the last fiscal year average less than 95 percent. (3) An PHA may include with its SEMAP certification any information bearing on the accuracy or completeness of the information used by the PHA in providing its certification. There are fifteen indicators that measure the efficiency and compliance with federal regulations. (1) This indicator shows whether newly leased units pass HQS inspection on or before the beginning date of the assisted lease and HAP contract. For those PHAs, the SEMAP score and overall performance rating will be determined based only on the remaining indicators in paragraphs (i) through (o) of this section as applicable. (iii) More than 10 percent of all annual HQS inspections of units under contract are more than 2 months overdue. Maps to be used by voucher families to locate non-poor neighborhoods and their services (schools, shopping, and religious institutions). There are 3 indicators which require a QC sample from tenant files. (1) This indicator shows whether the PHA has adopted a payment standard schedule that establishes voucher payment standard amounts by unit size for each FMR area in the PHA jurisdiction, and, if applicable, separate payment standard amounts by unit size for a PHA-designated part of an FMR area, which payment standards do not exceed 110 percent of the current applicable published FMRs and which are not less than 90 percent of the current applicable published FMRs (unless a higher or lower payment standard amount is approved by HUD). (c) If an PHA fails to correct a SEMAP deficiency within 45 calendar days as required, HUD may then require the PHA to prepare and submit a corrective action plan for the deficiency within 30 calendar days from the date of HUD notice. %PDF-1.6 % The HUD notification letter shall identify and require correction of any SEMAP deficiencies (indicator rating of zero) within 45 calendar days from date of HUD notice. Semap is used for the treatment of acute and chronic schizophrenic disorders, in which positive symptoms (such as delusions, hallucinations, thought disorders) and/or negative symptoms (such as blunted affect, emotional and social withdrawal) are prominent, including patients characterized by predominant negative symptoms.

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