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Ive done all I can to restore my marriage and now I am surrendering it all to God. Believe it or not, I still have to remind myself of these things when I get all worked up and emotional. We even think our children will be just fineanother lie. Keep standing and following His example. Thats Part 1 of How God Pursues Prodigals. In Part 2 well discover that being swallowed by a great fish may be the best thing that ever happened to us. The people of the world say to us, Cant you see what is happening? Wow! I had built my life around my husband and now he was goneI felt like I lost the better part of me..I couldnt eat.I couldnt eat .I didnt want to socialize and I forced myself to go to work..but God had a plan.even though all seemed lostGod was turning my situation around even as I was hurting..what the devil meant for evil God was turning around for good. Please, pray that God will give me a new heart to know him. And thats especially evident in the way God uses the encouragement and insight gained when our members share Their Prodigal Perspective. I still cried every day but I also engaged in some radical and spiritual warfare for my husband..I spoke the word of God over my marriage EVERYDAY and I prayed hedges of thorns around my husband EVERYDAY..I pleaded the blood of Jesus over him and claimed my marriage in the name of Jesus. Your sharing speaks such truth!!! He began to party heavily with friends, and lost control of himself, so much so that he frightened his own parentsuntil he found out about God and His plans for him, and did a total 180 with his life. My Father ran with compassion for me. Here is a simple question that can open up a spiritual conversation: Just those six words make such a difference. God bless you and your family. You cry, you raise your voice, you act desperate, you act mean, etc. His decision was very shocking and hurtful. Every step we take out of the will of God hurts those around us. And those things came by the Holy Spirit working in my wifes life. We come home to you, our spouses, and you throw stones at us. But true friendship also means trusting each other enough to wrestle with uncomfortable topics rather than smooth them over and pretend they dont exist. Revelation 3:19 When Martin was nine, his dad left. We praise, worship, give thanks, and march our way to the battlefield, knowing all well that God will deliver his promise to us. But forgiveness is not something we can (or want to) muster up on our own. God Bless you! Satan is defeated and overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our Restored Marriage Testimonies when we stand on the power and promise of Gods Word for the restoration of our marriages and families just as declared in Revelation 12:10-11. Im afraid, and my heart is saturated with anger, shame, and guilt. He was humorous, kind, and inspirational. Prayers for your Prodigal. When last we left the reluctant prophet, he seemed to be on top of the world. But they never gave up, and neither should we. Forgiveness is freedom. Even in hard times, offer God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and keep any vow or promise you have made to Him, and see what He will do! I felt like Jonah who ran from Gods assignment, and ended up in the belly of a giant fish. Love One Another The Overlooked Commandment. I hope that sharing my story gives others great hope for the restoration of their covenant marriage and that they can heal from such devastating circumstances too. I got a bad report that rocked me and then felt horrible because I wondered if Id learned anything in all this time, so my faith needed strengthening. Even if it takes many years, there is hope, and the final result may be more beautiful than you ever dreamed. If they were scared, it must have been a truly terrible storm. What I learned: Bitterness and vengefulness is vain it destroys us from the inside out, and hurts those we love as well. Softly, he wept. Lauren Hillenbrand, Unbroken. I have learned lots during my journey of learning how to be a stander. YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED INTO THIS BATTLE, AND GOD WILL BRING YOUR VICTORY IF YOU DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! 2015 The Prodigal Spouse Moriah Shires . And when our beloved prodigals share how they struggled with feelings of guilt and shame, even though they never let anyone else see that side of their prodigal lifestyle, its easy to understand why God instructs us in Proverbs 3:5-6 to Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory. While Susan knows this deeply wounded her son, he never talked about it much or acknowledged it bothered him. Use this time to complete the work that needs to be done in yourself and let God work on your spouse. Your husband sounds like metrying to fix everything and my wife just keeps running. Today, the family travels around the world telling their story and encouraging others in similar straits but it is a hard-won victory, one you can read for yourself in this gripping duo-biography. Underlying all this are two bits of very important theology: 1. And the prodigals instinctRUN!!! The enemy has me in bondage! *Book title/movie links are affiliate links unless otherwise noted. Its only later that your realize the storm was a severe mercy from the Lord. Our Testimony to Rejoice Marriage Ministries. But, please, dont stop! By Stephanie. Rosaria Butterfield. Just do your partLOVE, LOVE, LOVErespect, support, praise and help. Thank you for your testimony. Not many days later, the wife gathered all she had and flew to the other side of the country. All Rights Reserved. Let the peace of the Holy Spirit that is washing over me right now stay over me and keep me comforted in your word and promises, Father, today and tomorrow and forever. Some of them once could quote hundreds of Bible verses. I cried DAILY AND HOURLYI felt all hope was gone.I mean how do you get someone to love you again when that person is saying I never loved you at all..YOU CANT.BUT GOD CAN. I have read all of your post on here and some of them multiple times. Prodigal Spouse Testimonies Michael and Wanda, this book has really helped meI now feel I have the tools and encouragement to do what I have to do I am confident that even though my husband has moved out that God is not done with us! I pray that God continues to uphold you in magnificent ways. Lets take a look at how God begins the process of bringing Jonah back home. Please support our ministry by giving here. Reflection for 29 June5 July 2020 The Atonement Rocks! He said he wanted to talk and wanted to know if he could come by the househe wanted to know if I could forgive him for what he did and for us to try again at our Thank you for sharing, Stephanie. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and be unrelenting!! Nabeel, like Rosaria Butterfield (above) had everything to lose and seemingly nothing to gain for rejecting his Muslim roots and turning to Christ. Lost and running in the wrong direction. As far as I could see we were the perfect couplewent out together.stayed home togetherlaughed, joked..we were like two peas in a podof course we had our regular marital problems.no marriage is perfect..in addition to the above we also.. argued and sometimes told each other some harsh words.LIKE EVERY OTHER COUPLEit isnt right but it happens.. One would think that I above all, should know this. I believe when God sees this kind of intense seeking activity, He is really moved, and sometimes that is what will get Him to move to answer the prayer. Unlike most of the people on this list, Nabeel was not a prodigal in any outward way. I too am a testimony of God putting a marriage back together that was broken to pieces, and in our eyes, beyond repair. They dont care enough to be hostile. Joseph's Christian Testimony NEW! We claim to know the living God. THE ANDERSONS: Forgiving the Prodigal Spouse THE SHRIVERS: After the Affair If God has given you a testimony one that could help and encourage others who are living with the horrible pain of infidelity, we would appreciate it if you would send it to us. That has to happen to every prodigal son and daughter, and it cannot be predicted or forced. I know my marriage is being restored; Im giving it all to him and he WILL restore it as promised in his word. This is just what I needed, so thank you for sharing your testimony. He has his narcotics. Jeremiah 24:7. Just look at what God can doHe can do it, you guys!!! So they started the first interfaith prayer meeting in the Bible, each man crying out to his own god. We'd always been committed to our life together and to our children, family, and community. Its not his will for divorce. Why God! you shout in pain. But the movie only tells the first half of Louiss story. To make a long story shortSunday January 16th 2011.I got a text from my husband.who accidently had AGAIN on the 14th January 2011..told me he felt the same way and I should go on with my life. Ive created The Brilliant Writer Checklist to help you clarify your message, reach more readers, and change the world with your words. And I stand on Gods word for restoration with my husband and thank and praise Him for who He is, all He has done and will do!! We dont stop standing until we see our promise come to pass. Gods got your number on Speed Dial. So we are all blessed that the Lord has worked so mightily in the hearts, minds, spirits and circumstances of our prodigal members and that they are willing to share their unique Prodigal Perspective and give us a much clearer understanding of what REALLY happens on the other side of the mountain; because just As declared in Genesis 50:20, what Satan intended for harm and evil, God ALWAYS intended for good and for the saving of many livesand in this case, for the saving of many marriages and families as well! Posted God will keep his promise. So take the word of this testimony to heart and be blessed and encouraged as you use it to defeat and hurl down the devil the next time he comes calling to steal, kill and destroy your marriage (an earthly representation of our relationship with Christ Ephesians 5:29-32 and 1 Corinthians 11:7), the word of YOUR testimony (that overcomes him Revelation 12:10-11) and your righteousness, peace and joy (what the kingdom of heaven is all about Romans 14:17)!). PRAY THEM OUT!!! Prayer to Heal Broken Relationships. Even though I wrestled with what God wanted me to do because I thought I had many reasons not to go home, I was given a second chance to finally obey God and returned to my husband. It took me out of the storm and planted me right back on solid ground today. How else can you explain a politician who breaks the law and then lies with impunity? Your email address will not be published. Consistently being received with love, consistently seeing Christ in my wife, consistently finding an attitude of unconditional forgiveness and compassion is what won the battle. Talent vs. Faithfulness: What is God Looking For? The world generally doesnt care about what we say and do on Sunday morning. Stephanie, Luke 10:19 So began the arduous, years-long journey of one determined mother who prayed and trusted God to save her drug-hardened, cold-hearted son, even while Christopher ran further and further into sex, drugs, and illegal activities. I believe God for the restoration of my marriage; yet with or without my marriage, Im looking for God to also fix me and my part in my current situation. He was tenderhearted and funny, and he loved his little sister. Faith is often fed through (true) stories. The world is waiting for the church to pray. At first, I was a little embarrassed to share it, but I realize that was the enemys condemnation and that I need to use my testimony as God has commanded, which I hope blesses you and will help overcome and hurl down the devil as you stand for the restoration of your marriage and family (Revelation 12:10-11). For my iniquities have gone over my head; like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me. He commands us to love even our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48). Today is March 16th 2011. Thanks for your interest! For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I, I myself will search for my sheep and will seek them out. You cant give up even if you want to. God is so good and he guided me to this site so I could read this. It is no accident that I am reading your post right now because these were words that I really needed. Get up, Jonah. 1 Corinthians 15:10. Thank you for sharing; your story is my story. I was deceived and left my husband for another man. God will show us amazing and wonderful things when we follow what he says. Nabeels story has been updated and is about to be re-released (preorder link, non-affiliate). I cant tell you how much this ministered to me. My husband has left again for the fifth time, claiming that hes not sure if he can love me the way I need. Change). My marriage was over. Take any major American city, including those in the so-called Bible Belt, and you can see it for yourself. The title of this article is, Prayer Secret #6 The Prayer of Agreement.. I have been standing for my marriage for six months now with no communication from my husband. We too often cut ourselves off from Gods help because of shame or self-reliance, when He really does want to help, if we let Him. Several years ago I ran across the work of a Canadian poet named Ethelwyn Wetherald who lived in the early part of the 20th century. I really dont blame her because we lived as strangers for many years, but there always seemed to be a bond that kept us together. The hurt that I caused them was far beyond any words that I could use to describe. 3. We cant pay our bills. Music if Fun matt lanter political views . I found myself in a very bad situation many times, and knew that I had invited misery into my life. He knows whats coming and doesnt want you to give up. Everyday I seek God to fight this battle. I am just reading this post as I an gathering every resource I can find to help me restore my marriage. As a preview to your own restoration, let me be a testimony that when God fully restores your marriage, your prodigal spouse will have . He is that amazing. Nabeel Qureshi. I am so grateful that my husband found inner strength from the Lord to be able to stand for our marriage, no matter what the circumstances were. The son would have said, If only you had left me alone for one more day, I would have made all my money back because I was investing in pork bellies.. Im glad I found this site and that it even exists. I dont want to apportion blame too much here but suffice it to say we had some in-law issues which contributed greatly to our demise.but that is another story and I want to concentrate on how God showed up and showed off in the mist of my situation. Its like God is mad at me or something. 2. Sign up to join over 20,000 subscribers receiving our weekly sermon email. promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved. The term "prodigal" is actually someone who "spends, or has spent, his or her money or substance with wasteful extravagance; a spendthrift." It's someone who "drives away or squanders" what they have. After reading your post, I am encouraged on a new level. Thank you so much for your feedback. I am going through exactly same marriage problem like Crystal. When I feel discouraged because either I or other Christians have fallen short, I am reminded, through stories like the ones listed below, that it is not about me: Not I, but the grace of God. If he had been peaceful, okay with me leaving if thats what I chose to do, and confident, I wouldnt have known what to do with the situation. My heart has gone bitter. I made a promise to God and to myself that WHEN he restored my marriage, I would testify and tell the world.I would share EVERY single detail no matter how shameful and embarrassing it would be, in the hope and knowledge that I would someday be able to bring some kind of hope for a hurting wife or husband who wouldve been going through what I once was. Besides being a fascinating autobiography about a powerful evangelist who sadly passed away last year, this book gives readers a helpful look into Christian apologetics, Islam, and evangelism. I think I either bought or borrowed every book on marriagewarfare.prayeryou name it .every website I could think of.. And I just wrapped my husband up and prayed what ever pray I could even verbatim from some of those same books.I became like a one man army.. At times the devil whispered in my ears and unbelief and doubt settled in.I would call my prayer warriors for encouragement and go to God crying and in a few hours would be right as rain and ready again to go up against the gates of hell for my boo. It's all a LIE, but we don't know that. God knows how to reach us at the right moment. Why cant I just move on?!. It seems so boring and mostly irrelevant, which is why this Sunday and every Sunday most people will not be in any church anywhere. I truly need it as my heart is shattered over my husband leaving and being with another woman. You might think hed be on deck helping the sailors. Required fields are marked *. DONT STOP PRAYING AND FASTING! Your testimony helped me to know that God is not done and that the promises He gave me for the restoration of my marriage, my husband and me still stand . My marriage is falling apart. As you will see when reviewing her testimony below, Crystal was determined she was not going to lose her good marriage over something like this, so she stormed the throne of God asking Him to move to bring her husband back. Eventually, through her interaction with the humble pastor and his wife, and her study of the Bible, Rosaria came to the conviction that God was real and worth believing. Ashleys story was eventually made into a movie. He can send the storm of financial collapse. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony and may God bless you! It wasnt logical nor was it the woman that I had been married to the previous 10 years. Whenever you read a story like this in the Bible, you know there has to be a but coming. I just found this site and Ive been doing everything you said not to do! It was also then that I started to pray for my husbands heart, and God has truly worked wonderful things to bring us to where we are today. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. This is wonderful! Thank you for your testimony, encouragement and hope. God was, but I didnt know that!! But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. I could not understand why God was leading me to go home. Matthew 26, 27, 28 is where you can read and learn more about each stage of the process. My heart has gone bitter. "Equipping and encouraging people to keep believing in Jesus", Copyright 2020 Keep Believing Ministries. And for many of us, intimacy with anything is a terrifying prospect. Get away from this person!! In it's narrowest definition, it doesn't. The bible says he himself (GOD) will bring them home!! Learn more about a small group with opportunity to ask questions and get counseling from Dominic Herbst:https://www.walkingthroughcalvary.comRestoring Relati. O church, why arent we praying? In a single, silent moment, his rage, his fear, his humilliation and helplessness, had fallen away. I have had to accept my spouse is a Prodigal, affairs are not a desired direction they want to go down but a by-product of a wounded heart and . Please ponder these four words: We never sin alone. All Bible verses are from the New International Version 1984 unless otherwise indicated. But it helps, when we hurt, to be reminded that others are on this path too. I was an example of a prodigal wife, just like so many others, who had run from my husband and abandoned my family for months at a time, just to fulfill my selfish desires. My husband of 16 years left me on the eve of our 16th wedding anniversary. Thank You for Following the Lords leading to share your story. And, as with Rosaria Butterfields story: God is worth the sacrifice. In Arms Let your prodigal GO!!! During that process, Ashley Smith broke free of her own drug addiction and not long after, regained custody of her daughter. You say you know God. Sometimes in our attempt to reach out to the prodigals we know, we can intervene too soon. Im just seeking after the heart of God. Remember I wasn't rooted in God so my prayers wasn't as flowing as other people but everyday I gain more and more strength and my faith began to soar..I prayed that God would soften my husband's heart and remind him of the love we once sharedI asked God to send Godly people in his life to speak to him even when I couldn't and God heard me. I finally cried out to God for help and in response God gave me the same instructions that I had been avoiding to go home. But I simply could not imagine that I would end up back in the original place from where I tried to escape for so long! He told me that after he spoke to me on Thursday.he went to God himself and talked to him and asked him to speak and show him what he should do..he said from the time he said that everything just went crazy..everything he saw reminded him of me.. when he went to sleep his dreams were constant replays of our life together.. he started thinking about stuff that happened before and after our marriage that were nothing short of miraculous.. In just a few sentences Prodigal Yet captures the plight of the straying child who isnt quite ready to give up the high life in the far country: Muck of the sty, reek of the trough, Our sin, our compromise, and our deceit always injures our spouse, our children, our friends, and our family. The answer is simple. I just lost my job. I know because I cant quit thinking about you and what Ive done to you. God indeed stopped me and now I am the one praying to God for my husbands heart and I am the one who wants restoration. I'm fighting with God's help. As He tells us, Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and you will find rest for your souls. Hes got our marriages in His hands, so we should be at peace. Do you remember what happened to the prodigal son in Luke 15? In other words, dont befriend someone to convert them everyone can tell. Bob, a returned prodigal, has been asked most often, "What is it like for my prodigal spouse?" In The Prodigal's Perspective, Bob gives answers from his heart . In 2005, widowed single mother Ashley Smith was in the middle of moving when she was apprehended by an escaped murderer and held hostage in her apartment for seven hours. Oh my word! They stay home, stay in bed, wake up late, take a walk, read the paper, watch TV, and in general live as if the church doesnt exist. When we asked about the spiritual temperature of the region, the pastors said that while most people didnt go to church, it wouldnt be right to call them hostile.

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