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By the early 1960s, after increasing military involvement, America found itself stepping in for the exhausted French and Southern Vietnamese governments, and leading the campaign against the lethal Viet Cong, the North Vietnamese communist regime. Black guy seen combing hair in night ambush.Pvt Moorhouse (KIA): Killed by short round, while using M60. Sgt. While Chris finds great value in the lives of his platoon members, as well as in the Vietnamese civilians, Barnes does not. How close his troops conform to Barnes conception of soldiers, is how he measures his concern of being a role model. When you know you know. Hundreds of dead American and Viet Cong soldiers bodies are strewn all about the compound and nearby jungle floor. Edit, Yes, it was likely meant as an ironic statement by the tank crew. Chris has a strong hunch that Barnes killed Elias which develops into a theory. Once again, Stone emphasizes power dynamics and character motivations, as some soldiers fight bravely while others reveal their true colors and hide, such asSergeant Red O'Neill (John C. McGinley). Throughout the film, Chris ability and attempts to understand the big picture of war illustrate how he views situations from a holistic, female mental sex standpoint. While the platoon is being extracted via helicopter, they glimpse Elias, mortally wounded, emerging from the treeline and being chased by a group of North Vietnamese soldiers, who kill him. As a result, the platoon becomes cloaked in civil war. This bit of wisdom is the source of extreme tension between Chris and Barnes. The remaining platoon soldiers were being hauled out by helicopter from the ambush area. If they were permanently damaged in some way; such as losing a limb, severe nerve damage, etc. You dont sleep on no fucking ambush! Tips to avoid the fake and spam followers. Matters continue to get worse for the platoon. Barnes controversial behavior and questionable leadership in the village. Throughout the film there are indicators that the U.S. troops are not progressing towards victoryvisually expressed in the loss of lives and in the mounting frustration and stress within the platoon. He is one of the four dead bodies under ponchos. Barnes as the leading commander in the platoon instead of the inexperienced Lt. Wolfe; he doesnt do anything when Barnes and others in the platoon commit war crimes against the Vietnamese villagers; he also doesnt realize that the platoon is about to be caught in a crossfire trap by the Viet Cong. Course Mom and Dad didnt want me to come, they wanted me to be just like them - respectable, hard-working, making $200 a week, a little house, a family. Why did Barnes kill Elias? The others in the platoon view the experienced Sgt. He relies on his knowledge of war to react and perform quickly. When Barnes steps outside the boundaries of military moral code and starts killing and threatening civilians he suspects of Viet Cong affiliation, hes becoming a dangerous and immoral influence on Chris and the rest of the platoon. You've reached the "hub" for any and all Dramatica analysis of Platoon. Thus, the other sergeants, and even Lt. Wolfe, look to Sgt. They are used as bait to lure the entire 167 Viet Cong Regiment into the open. While the platoon is extracting via helicopter, they see a mortally wounded Elias emerge from the treeline being chased by NVA soldiers, who eventually kill him. Elias is missing in the jungle, Chris sets out to find him until hes stopped by Sgt. And the next son of a bitch I catch coppin Z in the bush, Im personally going to take an interest in seein suffer. Barnes. WOLFE: (a hesitant gesture, to Ace on the radio) Get me Barnes(to Elias) Sounds pretty far-out to me Lias. Chris Taylor decides to drop out of college and enlist in the military for active duty in Vietnam; Sgt. RHAH: (puffing on his bowl) How do you know the dinks didnt get him. Staff Sergeant (Platoon sergeant).Ebonhoch (Survives): Seen in foxhole with Rhah just before battle, then seen waving at the end with Tony. I say we frag the fucker. Hes not one to sit around and consider, contemplate, or ponder situations. Chris eventually transcends the wisdom that brought him to Vietnam and he becomes enlightened by his experiences in the war. The war has exposed him to its dehumanizing qualities, and the insensitive depths to which the spirit of men can sink as a result. Seen trying to rape a girl in village scene. As an example, he is able to home in on who it is that is called to war, and who is excused: How does bunny die in Platoon? Barnes believes that Chris fell asleep during his watch, allowing the enemy to sneak up on the platoon. At the village, Sgt. Barnes blames it on the way the men acted, and he gives them a lecture on how they need to be and act when they are on a nighttime ambush: User Reviews In Platoon, Stone suggests that Taylor kills Barnes because of various factors, with the most obvious being that Taylor himself is now an unforgiving killer, a man forced to extremes in the heat of war. Complete Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJua6db54cWl9NBg7hdrh8BjLQMf9PjaaFilm: Platoon (1986)Music Video: Simply Great MusicArtist: Geo. Barnes realizes that Chris is standing behind him with a rifle pointed at him. Specialist 4th class.SGT. The platoon investigates a small village suspected of Viet Cong activity. He is a naive and overly idealistic infantry enlistee that has dropped out of school and joined the war in order to gain a sense of pride about himself; to do his share for the U.S., and to become anonymous like the rest of the men in his platoon. Patent #5,734,916; #6,105,046. The extremely inhumane and brutal war crimes Sgt. The ending of Platoon suggests that Elias and Barnes are symbolic of good and evil forces that fight for the soul of Taylor. Events that have already happened are used as a yardstick to measure the progress toward the goal. Its all a blur. If the state of the platoon wasnt bad enough, now theyre forced to face impossible odds. Chris beliefs are derived from the tense, volatile relationship between Elias and Barnes, and the horrible scene where Elias runs from the jungle only to get killed by the enemy soldiers pursuing him. (Stone, p. 21). No on talks. Chris believes Barnes to be dangerous to his own men, and is frustrated at his inability to prove Barnes immorality. Idealistic, patriotic, eager for adventure, Chris Taylor is the kind of earnest middle-class rebel who scandalizes his parents by believing in flag and country in a literal way. Why did Elias smile at Barnes? What's with the booby trap that kills Sal and Sanderson? Chris finally obtains a strong aptitude for the war. Dafoe also had some control over the timing of the detonations. Not one(Stone, p. 88), Sgt. All the characters are concerned with how the war is progressing, and what type of impact the U.S. military is having in Vietnam. The success of Mao Tse-tungs communist revolution in China strengthened Americas support of the French in Vietnam. Hes willing to kill civilians, and even his own men, to support his immoral beliefs. He overpacks his back pack, has difficulty climbing, drinks too much water and cramps up, doesnt yet know how to conserve his energy, and ends up passing out. With Barnes clearly aware that he could potentially be court-martialed, he devises a plan that will prevent Elias from making an official statement. Do my share for my country. Understanding the volatile relationship between Sgt. They are the internal moral pillars all humans have that determine whether man's innate capacity for evil is realized or not. After Ibarra saves his life from a vicious crocodile, Elas swears to protect the young man from his enemies, which are legion. WOLFE: (to Barnes) Who do you want on ambush, Sergeant? Why did Barnes shoots Elias? Kill me. I have no energy to write. Understanding how networked the entire area has become and how hidden and well stocked the Viet Cong are serve as forewarnings that support the consequence. Specialist 4th Class.Pvt Manny (KIA): Abducted by NVA and found strung up with throat slit.Church AmbushPvt Lerner (WIA): Wounded while walking point (the front of the line while the platoon was patrolling the forest), seen stretchered after church battle. This is done as a means of releasing the tension and frustration that has built up from horrific ordeals he and his platoon have recently experienced; While his platoon pillages a small village, Chris rescues a young village girl from being raped by some of the men in his platoon; When Sgt. Noting Barnes' anxious manner, Taylor realizes that he was responsible. If look closely at Dafoes left hand, you can see him carrying the squib detonator, which he used to set off the devices attached to his wardrobe. Bunny refers to himself as "Audie Murphy". Why did Elias smile at Barnes? He was friendly to squad members and smoked marijuana with them, and he became rivals with Sergeant Bob Barnes over his cruelty towards Vietnamese civilians while . When the platoon takes some gruesome losses, an enraged Barnes kills some Vietnamese and orders the burning of their village, outraging the temporarily absent Elias. Promoted to Staff Sergeant (Platoon Sergeant): at end of film.Pvt Rhah (Survives): Given command of Elias's squad and seen waving at film end. Barnes is the antithesis of Hamlet. His cold, insensitive manner confirms what the scars suggest. The FAQ items below may give away important plot points. As he puts it, "Didn't make much sense, I wasn't learning anything. Company. Shot in the lung by NVA soldier. Stone positions his hero directly over the crawling and severely-injured staff sergeant, and makes the audience wonder if Taylor will actually shoot Barnes in the back. There are many illustrations of Chris doing throughout the film, however, the sequence where he and his platoon ravage a Vietnamese village illustrates Chris engaging in activities contrary to his essential nature. Dye stands with actors Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, and Mark Moses on the set of Platoon,deep in the jungle in the Philippines (Image from Orion Pictures). by | Apr 19, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Apr 19, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments I have mixed feelings about the movie Platoon. Barnes shoots a villager he sees running away in the back when they approach the villagea case of shoot first ask questions later. All gave some during the Vietnam War, and some gave all. After an NVA suicide bombing, the U.S. Army changes their strategy and uses air support to take out the NVA. The scar-faced Barnes is a brave and utterly ruthless killing machine. Through all his experiences, Chris has come to learn the true nature of war. The soldiers with a past have an intimate knowledge about the ways of fighting in Vietnam, and they must be able to remember and draw from their past experiences in order to be effective in the fight they are currently engaged in. Barnes in the hut at base camp for killing him. The physical and, especially, emotional wounds he has sustained in Vietnam will forever serve to remind him of the shameful dehumanization he endured in the war. Thats a good Gook, good and dead. Would soldiers actually wound themselves to get sent home? Among his followers were Sgt. CHRIS: Yever get caught in a mistake King and you just cant get out of it? Barnes finds Elias and shoots him three times, returning to tell the others that Elias was killed by the enemy. In the speech he gives the head, hes basically telling the men to think his way; be part of the machineCause when the machine breaks down, we break down, an occurrence hes not going to allow. It's about how war is an immoral and evil thing and you must become evil and immoral to survive it.Also anyone who thinks that the movie is "un-American" should also note that the film depicts the NVA as just as ruthless and savage. (to Doc) Doc, tagem and bagem. The light also shines on his eyes, giving them a devilish glow. What many might not know is that the pose wasnt planned out beforehand. Gallery I shit you not! First Cavalry (Stone, p. 72) How many days you short? Chris is thematically focused on understanding how to apply what he knows. Barnes sees Chris as a liability to the platoon: It leaves us with the ominous impression that this is definitely a war America is losing. The war forced Chris to experience and do things that hes not proud of at all, like his platoons involvement in the My-Lai-esque pillage and destruction of a Vietnamese village, and the climatic murder of Sgt. The first casualty of war is innocence. This frustration is derived from past events the platoon has recently suffered, such as the loss of two men in the all night ambush, the loss of two additional men in a booby trapped Viet Cong bunker, and the abduction of another platoon member who is found strapped to a tree, dead and mutilated. Barnes killed Sgt. The acclaimed actor was given a walkie-talkie and was instructed by Stone to run from point A to point B while avoiding all the explosions. I guess having always been sheltered and special, I just want to be anonymous. While the platoon is extracting via helicopter, they glimpse Elias, mortally wounded, emerging . Platoon's medic.LT. He wants to do for his country what his father did in World War II, and what his grandfather did in World War I. Chris sees Barnes for the immoral, ruthless murderer that he is. Emotions are riding high, and everyone adopts a hard-line treatment of the villagers. I say we frag the fucker. Platoon is one among a great many Hollywood movies set in Vietnam which were instead shot in the jungles of the Philippines. Platoon Translator. BARNES: Elias is like them politicians in Washington. (Stone, p. 87) Barnes was a hot headed, gung-ho go getter who actually believed in his cause was was willing to do whatever was necessary to win the war Elias was much less of a fighting man but it can be argued that men like Elias would be better for winning the Hearts and Minds of the population. Elias has his own take on particular causes the platoon faces. KING: You what? In one scene, Barnes is bathed in red light, symbolizing the evil within. He was also the Technical Advisor for the film. Barnes, a combat-loving burnout (Tom Berenger), is the informal leader of the lifers, and Sgt. Is "Platoon" based on a book? In one scene, Barnes is bathed in red light, symbolizing the evil within. The enormous loss of lives sustained in the last battle clearly indicates the U.S. militarys failure in making progress in the Vietnam War. Much of this is illustrated in his letters to his grandmother. The most famous is the My Lai massacre, believed to have been perpetrated by Lt. William Calley. The conflict ends with Barnes ready to kill Taylor, an inexperienced soldier who seemingly doesn't pose a major threat to his standing within the U.S. Army. Lieutenants lead most platoons, and the second-in-command is generally a sergeant first class. Noting Barnes' anxious manner, Taylor realizes that he was responsible. Barnes then returns and tells the others that Elias was killed by the enemy. Platoon Barnes was in co-command of 2nd Platoon along with Sgt. Barnes finds Elias alone and shoots him, then returns and tells Chris that Elias was killed by the enemy. (Stone, p. 95) If their wounds were minor and would fully heal in a few weeks, they'd be sent to a hospital and then once they had healed, sent back to the front line. RHAH: (puffing on his bowl) How do you know the dinks didnt get him. This is a failure story because the Viet Cong ultimately prove themselves more effective in the war than the US military. The morale in the men is low - a civil war in the platoon, half the men with Elias, half with Barnes. Oliver Stone quite plainly wrote the scene to be reflective of My Lai and probably many other lesser known incidents of misconduct by American military personnel. As for Elias, he's the stabilizing force of the platoon - hard enough to intimidate others, smart enough to objectively analyze and assess strategicand psychological dilemmas. For the all night ambush to work as effectively as Sgt. (Stone, p. 9-10) Theres a lot of suspicion and hate. Is there a Nazi flag on the American tank? Select Page. Barnes easily overpowers Chris and would have killed him if the other men werent there to intervene. Just keep your pecker up and your powder dry, things change. When he is not sitting in front of a laptop, Todd enjoys soaking up everything the Jersey Shore has to offer with his wife, two sons and American Foxhound, Wally. BARNES: Elias is like them politicians in Washington. Barnes and Sgt. And the next son of a bitch I catch coppin Z in the bush, Im personally going to take an interest in seein suffer. Elias' decision to report Barnes' criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding with Barnes and others siding with Elias), and ultimately causes Barnes to kill Elias. CHRIS: Not just me its the way the whole thing works. Since these two view the war differently, their view of certain causes is a source of tension for them. Another important point relating to the range is the fact that the U.S. military is continually losing soldiers to the Viet Cong, and unable to successfully counteract the Viet Congs strategies. The day after suffering its most severe casualties, the platoon and several companies are sent right back into the same enemy-saturated area. Barnes blatant disregard for ethics of war and his dysfunctional code of morals are like a nagging toothache on Chris psyche: The men cower at the blunt prospect of having to kill their menacing sergeant. CHRIS: Not just me its the way the whole thing works. This brief moment of reflection is effectively Oliver Stone talking through his narrator, expressing his own experiences and what he's taken from them: a drive to make the world better. Barnes eyes: They drove me crazy with their goddamn world, Grandma, you know Mom, I dont want to be a white boy on Wall Street, I dont want my whole life to be predetermined by them. Harris (Survives): He's seen briefly at the beginning when on patrol with the platoon but most of his onscreen time comes in the final attack. Does Johnny Depp speak Vietnamese? This often undermines his own credibility when he tries to impose his wisdom on others. In this case, however, the power dynamics are significantly different. Barnes' decision to kill Elias and later, his decision to try and kill Chris, provokes Chris to kill him. Counting days and the six inches in front of my face, not much else. These lines obviously reference the internal conflict amongst his unit, and Taylor statesthat the Vietnam War will always be with him. RHAH: I remember you first came in here Taylor. Progress for the platoon continues in a devastating downward spiral. Elias runs up to him. Get that other cherry up here, Gardner! By the end of the film, the platoon and several other military companies are completely overrun at their base by the enemy. Members of the platoon feel that if they become more accurate in their efforts in the war, their fortunes will turn and they will win the war. M60 (Uses an M16 in the night ambush scene).Pvt Bunny (KIA): Killed in bunker by NVA soldier blowing his brains out. Chris memory of Barnes evil deeds and the memory of Elias and what he stood for, enable him to finally shoot Barnes. Barnes; Chris attacks Sgt. The inhumane, merciless treatment Barnes carries out shocks Chris and rekindles his conscience and sense of morals. Not one. What is not appreciated also illustrates the forewarning. He's also the founding editor at Vague Visages, and has contributed to RogerEbert.com and Fandor. Confronting Chris, he moves on, taunting them all. If you look you can see it is full. I know he did. Just keep your pecker up and your powder dry, things change. Lias, he was full of shit, Lias was a crusader - I got no fight with a man does what hes told, but when he dont, the machine breaks down, and when the machine breaks down, we break down and I aint gonna allow that. Barnes, finds himself taking his aggression and frustration out on the defenseless villagers. CHRIS (V.O. Although Barnes shows signs of being completely lost and crazy, we still see ourselves drawn to him until he murders Elias. This provokes Chris to attack Barnes, signifying that Chris does stand for something, and he honors the beliefs and ideals that Elias stood for. Get that other cherry up here, Gardner! The inference, of course, is that war is such hell that soldiers would do anything to escape it, including causing themselves grave injuries, but inPlatoon, Stone doesn't paint a flatteringpicture of Black soldiers, and he's been called out for it over the years. Well, here I am, all by my lonesome, and ain't nobody gonna know. The young Lieutenant Wolfe, who has not proven himself in war yet, illustrates unproven as the problem in several situations. Company-sized units, 130 to 150 soldiers, are normally commanded by captains. I shit you not! Sgt. Chris wants to go with Barnes to help find Elias, but Barnes threatens to write Chris up on a citation if he doesnt obey orders and return to the helicopter. A platoon is four squads: generally three rifle squads and one weapons squad, normally armed with machine guns and anti-tank weapons. Elias enough to attack Sgt. You got no proof man. Barnes covers the soldiers mouth and demands him to stop screaming and take the suffering, so potential enemies dont locate their position. When Taylor discovers Barnes in Platoon, both men aren't doing well after the NVA attack and the subsequent air raid.

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