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A woman with O-negative blood may have Rh incompatibility issues if she is pregnant with an Rh positive fetus. Others say the government abducted them. What effect will it have on me and my baby during pregnancy? 44 and 20/20. Thank you for understanding. The biggest claim to the alien abduction theory is the extra vertebrae. My royal blood have regeneration proteins in the cellwall everybody are envying.Thats why with the right transcription factor can be activated.a gift from my grand grand parents, the lagartos or dinosaurs from out space.we can find out more.are you an expert into this?i will love to give you some info and get some in exchange. I am male and have no childrentried but always ended in miscarriage. Have some of the traits - low BP, large head, inquisitve. I was carded buying a bottle of wine just a week ago. My hair is dark brown with a reddish tint. O negatives are often underestimated due to silence. Learn more about: Cookie Policy. They are also believed to be the only type of Starseed connected with both positive and negative universes. DO RH NEGATIVE PEOPLE HAVE A CERTAIN LOOK? one of my grandchildren has one green eye and one black eye. This has not changed me one bit, nor have I had a "oh wow everything makes sense now" moment. 2 Obsessive perfectionists 3 Thoughtfully reluctant Ringo Starr 4 Highly perceptive Jimmy Carter was known to be a regular blood donor, even while he was President. I am O neg. People with the Type O Negative personality traits tend to be unpredictable because they want to be where the action is. Most pts with that BP are not conscious I was still alert fussy but communicating my symptoms to the Dr. RH Negative Blood Type Characteristics Everything You Should Know, Distinctive characteristics of RH negative, O Negative Blood Type Personality How Your Blood Type Affects Your Personality, Songs About Anxiety The Best Playlist to Get Your Through Depression. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Type it into the search bar below, and it is probably here: Your email address will not be published. Leadership comes naturally to O negatives. I already knew. Here is an article explaining the O negative blood type diet. My ancestor came from a place who mean "Village of Stones". O type Starseeds also have a great deal of empathy for the suffering of others and are often drawn to careers that involve helping others. Suffer from allergies? Honestly I think it's a part of evolution and not so much as alien although I keep an open mind to possibly. I have low body temperature--easily shivered in cold weather conditions as my eyes are sensitive to sunlight as I wear my sunglasses over my RX eyeglasses. I was diagnised high empathy capability by a psychiatrist I saw for my anxiety problems. I was a software engineer for 20 years and I'm still interested in almost every aspect of the sciences. and I never get sick unless it is alergy related and I also have very sensitive skin. Which role did the women play and were they considered equals to men? A lot of ppl are drawn to me but eventually become very suspicious of my intentions because they don't understand me or think like me. Truth! This may be due to their ability to see the grand scheme of things rather than get lost in their emotions and fears. I find it difficult to watch many movies or watch the news. Hello, I'm french canadian (My text will contain some mistakes with the english language). There are more people with RH positive group. O-negative blood type is relatively rare. Take me". What are the rh negative personality traits? Who were the ancient ancestors? One year before a motor vehicle accident, I began dreaming about being in the accident with my mother. Of the 26 traits listed below, I have 22 of them. She had to immediately go under the Bilirubin light IMMEDIATELY after birth and they thought they might have to do a transfusion, but the light worked. My grand-father was a descending of a Briton man (Brittany, France) who became a Lord in Canada near 1700. King Charles III has blood type O negative. If you have the B blood type, then youd have B antigens, but not A antigens. Why is Rh negative blood so frequent among Celtic tribes? I have blonde, slightly reddish hair, pale blue eyes, a big head, different vision in both eyes (one is astigmatic the other is just far sighted), sensitive sense of smell, empathetic illnesses, the floating rib the author explained, low blood pressure, and sensitivity to heat! When I got on my ownnever ever sick again. I tend to believe more in the theory of a long-ago genetic mutation, but I have to admit that I like the alien astronaut idea almost as much as the idea of having monkey ancestors. As to whether I am empathetic and compassionate, I would say yes. I' ve physic dreams and events my entire life, so at least now I know I'm not alone and there are others like me. It's not a bad thing to have rececive Genes because I am also literally the healthiest sibling with no medical problems like my other siblings. These people weigh the consequences of each action, then choose the best option, accepting whatever consequences may come because of it. They are believed to have leadership qualities and are considered innovators and trend setters. Did someone ever tell you they cannot figure you out? I also think that O neg women have more complicated pregnancies, over and above the incompatibility with the Rh pos foetus. I was fortunate enough to live, but he wasn't. For all I know I could have dreamt it up?!? Type A star seeds are passionate and extreme in their emotions. And the paranormal has always interested me. They were used to conduct the study and tests and when those were too hard to come by they used rabbits instead! Source: any ABO Rh blood type compatibility chart, Strangly enough I identify with almost all those things. Just "warp" me to where we need to go, lol! I had forgotten about this since I did not have and my kids are older. I sometimes am cold and hot at same time, usually cold hands and feet but once I get them moving my hands can be like little heaters. It is another way to get stuff done during the day. Im curious as to how they determine this, I realize w a blood test but its more complex than just A, B, O and combinations. As a woman I am more concerned with my unborn baby's health then wondering if I'm related to aliens. Sounds like a science fiction novel that I would love to read! I am a fierce fighter when provoked and am fearless in the face of others who wish me harm. A Starseed with AB blood is not connected to any physical star family. I believe I read this quite some time ago, but came back to review. I wouldn't say I am highly intelligent my IQ score in high school was 125. many are programmable. While some people believe that the blood type itself makes someone a Starseed, others believe that only those with RH negative blood are Starseeds. I became a doctor, I am so empathetic with people, their feelings and illnesses, that I have to build a wall between me and them to keep from taking on the feeling of their signs and symptoms or emotions. Suffered for days. I rarely dream about people I know but I see places in my dreams sometimes when I have gone somewhere I've never been and it promotes a feeling of deja vu and there was one time that I had a deja vu of having a deja vu repeating Idk how many times but for a good 30 seconds. For instance, I have trouble regulating my body temperature, I often feel too hot and less frequently too cold. Why this happened is up for debate. 4. I do care about the planet, I do mourn for the world and the direction we are headed. All in all, I think I cover the common characteristics of being RH- fairly well to say the least. Those with an O blood type would not have any antigens at all. Characteristics that could be scientifically proven or observed: Obviously, there are many people who do not have Rh-negative blood who have many of the above traits, and many people with Rh-negative who do NOT have these traits. O-negative blood groupis the "universal donor" blood group. It is important to note that there is no "O" antigen on the blood cells. And now there are more studies suggesting that Neanderthals may have been responsible for some of the allergic tendencies within us: This is kinda weird I do not even know why I typed AB- personality type into google but here I am with all characteristics except a large head. I think that we come from one of the oldest people in Europe and in the north a Europe they where isolated, so the neandertalian DNA could have been well preserved. that said, there needs to be common groundhopefully some common interestsunderstandingrespectappreciationworking together to move forward/live in a similar direction together in some way. While pregnant, a woman with Rh-negative blood may develop antibodies to the antigens in a baby with Rh-positive blood, but this is preventable with medication. I did Ancestry DNA and it shocked me and I felt it was vague. People with this blood type tend to exude confidence in everything they choose to do. 9. in double-majors of Biology and Chemistry from Gallaudet University with Class of 1981 then I later became computer-literate as "Hi-Tech Savvy" as I cooperate with NASA-ESA in online via Facebook and Twitter. sometimes, trust was an issue since gay men tend to side w/ their male friends and talking about women or the need for them is a problem. When my daughter was born they asked her name is said Simone. * I have very dark, almost black hair, light skin & green/blue/gray eyes. This is the main reason they clash with people who treat opinions as facts. Here are a few important things about A-negative blood type donation. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; Eyes have changed colour over my lifetime from blue to green to hazel with a ring of brown around the pupil when it is small. Hair brown and have that Scottish and Irish ancestry with English mixed in. Although my hands and feet are often cold,the rest of me will be sweaty! I have the low blood pressure and heat sensitivity also. 5 min earlier I told the dr he would save my life. Learn how your comment data is processed. I am rarely moved in any direction when it comes to assumptions based on things like horoscopes and now blood types but I have to admit I am 100% intrigued. 1. You can tune your feelings, and you can take on other persons emotions. Nonetheless, it is interesting to compare yourself against this checklist. As already mentioned, thisblood group means absence of all of the three major antigens ("A", "B" and "Rh") on the red blood cells. I cant stand to see people in pain or hurt it effects me greatly. My eyes are very dark Hazel with more green than brown. I'm O Negative and knew that the Rh factor was connected somehow to the Rhesus monkey, but in no way guessed that it is a factor that we don't have connecting us to the origin. Why are we here? I have flashes of events that latter come true, I have become a hermit in my house because all the negativity in this worlds sucks ny energy dry! I started researching myself a long time ago trying to find some answers, and when I found out I was RH neg, I added that to the list. The blood type is uncommon. Thus, people with RH Negative blood type characteristics are uncommon and rare. I want to mention my characteristics, and traits: Me and all three of my siblings and mother all have the blood. I have all the traits I am O-/+ every one in my family is positive my antigen is very weak I have extremely sensitive vision. Her name is Dylan Siobhan but she also goes by Selkie, of the mermaid lore. I always feel like I am the only one in a crowded room who is like me. I find the psychic thing is stronger in my boys than me, if the girls are experiencing it they haven't made comment. When that is not possible, you can receive Type O negative because all types will accept it, due to the fact it does not have any antigen markers that signal "enemy." Type O individuals generally have more stamina and are less likely to develop cancer and certain types of bacteria. After it disappeared we immediately turned to one another and said in unison "did you see that!" They ranged from Mayan types to reptile like men! Read at your own risk. A week after they surgically removed the cancer I called my mother just to confirm the day he had it done. the the degree of gayness can make a large difference in the traits of any individual. and have reddish hair and bluish/green eyes. There is a thing called the Celtic toe or Mortons toe. Blood group is determined by the presence of antigen(s) on the membrane of red blood cells. It is a difficult question, Ill have to think about it more. And as for them , my feeling is leaning to the dimensional over the galactic. I even entered. Sorry Mom ;), I have AB- blood, I studied Biology, I have a high EQ, I always feel that i need to so something else, not sure what that is. Recently I have been interested in why the hell I'm so different than literally everybody, ie; star children, empaths, (my family always joked that they found me under a rock in Lake Tahoe) I have a very hard time translating my thoughts and feelings to words. Now that my children have abilities I look at it differently and support them. Tall and thin. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Type it into the search bar below, and it is probably here: Are there physical characteristics which rh negatives are more likely to have? ABO blood group and Rh blood group is determined by the presence of three antigens ("A" and "B" for ABO system, "Rh" for Rh system). Electric storms can be brutal. Any emotion can be useful, including anger and grief, to create a world that is better. big headed babies with odd eyes. Most people with RH negative blood type personalities have one to five friends. I am sure others may look at it like thatbut this list was ME! I think she could probably fly one day. Thanks for the great article! But only to people who do not understand them. Have you noticed how a lot of men with cleft chin have an oval type of face? That is why it is important to get the same blood type as the type that you have. People with these personality traits are also hard workers. I have a high IQ and have my bedroom windows open all year round and I live outside Boston. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; One day I was in the kitchen with my two sons 8 and 12 and my ex husband. These overstressed personalities can lead to self-medicating with alcohol or drugs. If you have the B blood type, then you'd have B antigens, but not A antigens. I get dizzy & feel like I want to pass out if I spend just minutes in the sun. ARE THERE PHYSICAL TRAITS RH NEGATIVE PEOPLE HAVE? If something does not make sense, then they arent going to pursue that option. People with RH negative blood feel like they live on their own island. I have had things happen that I thought about and have projected those thoughts on others. interesting timesill do my best to not become bored. I am a nurse. Hell, this weekend I'm having a date with my best friend from 3rd grade who I haven't seen in 40 years.. There are many different blood types globally, and each one is unique. They will see right through you, and stop any further communication. And I find this article very interesting where I find people who have the same exp as mine and relate to most of the traits except a large head and the hair thiny. However, my mother had the RH negative factor (gave birth to 9 children) and my pregnant daughter discovered yesterday that she also has it. I have a larger than average head. Its freaky scary to me. Indeed the only door that would open was the rear right door, so I rescued my mother pulling her over the seat and out the door. I used to get sick a lot as a child due to poor diet and life style from the parents. send our content editing team a message here, 12 ISFJ Personality Strengths, Weaknesses and Traits, 11 Best Answers to What Does Leadership Mean to You Interview Question, 50 Most Asked Front Desk Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Ways to Answer Sell Me This Pen in an Interview, 10 Most Asked Integrity Interview Questions with Answers, 25 Most Asked Confidentiality Interview Questions with Answers, 50 Most Asked Phone Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Answers to What Are Your Interests and Hobbies, 25 Most Asked Multitasking Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Top Answers to What Can You Bring to the Company, 25 Most Asked Change Management Interview Questions. Her incision split her guts were all over there were many situations over the yrs. Do I feel like an outsider? I am Rh-negitive. People with Type O blood type also can be prone to not so great personality traits like angry outbursts, hyperactivity and even temper tantrums. on the roof of my house. If anyone out there has been told the same thing, it would sure help to know. It's like I can feel and hear every person in the roomjust had to start this over because my phone inexplicably shut down like most electronics do for me. For example much of what you describe is very prevalent in my family but we are rh positive. Many people with the RH negative blood type are born with extra bone. That said, much of this does seem to fit this old guy. She travelled the country for years before cell phones and I would send her messages to call me and she would, sometimes within minutes. Some people will purposely create feelings through their interactions with others to give themselves an extra boost. Experts say that these not so desirable personality traits come from the ancestral need for the flight or fight response to survive in what was a very dangerous world. I however am dark haired and am a sun worshipper who tans like a dream. We are white. eyes, large head high forehead and widows peak which is also common with rh negative women. I meet ALL the criteria in the list but deferred from the public life (fame) even when offered many times. This is why most people with RH negative blood feel lonely. Additionally, people with blood group O negative are less likely to need blood transfusions than those with other blood types. And possible. I can hear a conversation clear across the room. Are there rh-negative monkeys out there? Steven is a young student from San Francisco who is obsessed with computers. Unlike ABO system, an Rh -ve person will not have anti-Rh antibody in the blood unless he/she has been previously exposed to Rh +ve blood. Strange "magical" characteristics that are debatable: some sort of extrasensory and/or psychic ability, tendency to be in close proximity to inexplicable strange events. I do not have light eyes. e.g., I've heard a mans voice say my name loud & as clear as day when I was alone on two separate occasions and many years apart. Coincidence? You can receive blood from A- and O- blood type. Also, I see differently in each eye, am also left handed, Green eyes, Blonde (strawberry). Blood group is determined by the presence of antigen (s) on the membrane of red blood cells. I am open to the idea of actual magical happenings, but I would need a lot of proof. Patty from Cincinatti on December 08, 2017: Too weird, and strangely correct. I was only recently informed of that, dispite having my blood type determined three. 3. I've seem many mentions here of grandmothers having the RH- factor. Are there physical characteristics which rh negatives are more likely to have? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. ". I think that our RH- blood come from the Briton Lord or someone in his bloodline. They would finally order x-rays and find a esophagus ripped off stomach. My BP 80/60 waking Hr 48. I can think of three scientific/physical/provable ways you are related to him (me too, yay!) Were the Neanderthals actually very sensitive individuals? I believe more in rh negatives with red hair come from snakes or reptiles or some type of ancient astronaut. This site was dated from the 1970's. Other sites claim that the Rh negative blood factor is the original blood type , the oldest blood type, which I actually emailed a genetic scientist ,and he replied that type O positive was the oldest. But that is not true. They often seek friendships in interaction with others. My eyes arent fantastic but that could be attributed to medications I have been on known to affect vision. I myself have MANY examples of psychic experiences that have astounded people. Yes, people are social creatures. that "so interesting" comment I posted above was aimed at you, not "J". You staple your pants to your work chair. and I am very curious to think about the things we don't know. Every day seems to be that way for me. People with the O Negative blood type personality traits tend to see emotions as a tool instead of a reaction. This information is useful in a statistical sense for general health care, but it is not predictive for a single individual. 5 Empathetically intuitive Castro pictured in 1955, sans beard. O Neg Blood Type Personality Explained There are four primary blood types that are found in humans: A, B, AB, and O. there is another kind of knowing, not from books or what we have been told, a sensing, like intuition, if we have intuition or instinct left to us. I have had a ND EXPERIENCE AT AGE 16,this was always a major factor in my life. They are known for their creativity and imagination. That being said, I did have lunch with someone I'd never previously met, during which I had a clear vision of his house. I think all souls are connected in a soul-internet, and not only earthlings. I'm AB neg, and I can't stand to be around RH pos , for very long. It took almost an hour and I just assumed I was a bit whimpy. The psychiatrist told me that if I speak with people who have low empathy, they understand nothing of what you say, like if you speak chinese. I have many of the traits mentioned, but not all of them. Interesting but I think its nonsense. Have only a few close friends and often feel like I dont belong. I have very low blood pressure and a low pulse rate. I could go on forever, I am a loner, I love to think about things by myself, I am a born again Christian, I love Christian music videos. Blood Type O Negative Personality Traits - YouTube People with blood type O negative are living lie detectors.

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