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Trump told Pelosi and Schumer he could not work with them until they stopped investigating him. [7] Pelosi interned for Senator Daniel Brewster (D-Maryland) in the 1960s alongside future House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. [214] Pelosi's action was criticized by Trump and others. [295], In mid-October 2007, after the House Foreign Affairs Committee passed a resolution to label the 1915 killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide, Pelosi pledged to bring the measure to a vote. Then Nancy Pelosi Million was born, which was a very important time for them to be around. He has had quite a lot from his annual salary that is allegedly believed to be around $174,000. [60][61], On November 14, 2012, she announced she would remain Democratic leader. [12] Burton died on February 1, 1987, just a month after being sworn in for a second full term. [206] Eventually, under pressure from an alliance of left-wing Representatives led by Chair of the House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler, Pelosi backed an impeachement inquiry. [92], At the start of the 116th Congress, Pelosi opposed Trump's attempts to use the 20182019 federal government shutdown (which she called a "hostage-taking" of civil servants) as leverage to build a substantial wall on the American border. [316] Business Insider reported that Pelosi's worth was $26.4million in 2012 and made her the 13th richest member of Congress. He became Baltimore mayor seven years later. [257][258] Pelosi said that "unilateral use of force without first exhausting every diplomatic remedy and other remedies and making a case to the American people will be harmful to our war on terrorism. I don't think it's been successful, and I think we have to remove the travel bans and have more exchangespeople to people exchanges with Cuba. [109], Pelosi was a founding member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, but left in 2003 after being elected House minority leader. [230][231][232][233], In September 2019, Pelosi met with Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong on Capitol Hill; Chinese media responded by accusing Pelosi of "backing and encouraging radical activists". [29], On January 4, 2007, Pelosi defeated Republican John Boehner of Ohio, 233 votes to 202, in the election for Speaker of the House. [262], During the 2006 Lebanon War, Pelosi voted in favor of Resolution 921: "seizure of Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah terrorists was an unprovoked attack and Israel has the right, and indeed the obligation, to respond." [142], Pelosi opposed the welfare reform President Bush proposed as well as reforms proposed and passed under President Clinton. Nancy Pelosi S Re Election Chances As House Speaker Crushes Retirement Speculation . April 15, 2021 November 15, 2022. The American people rejected an open-ended obligation to a war without end.[36]. The first was Washington's Tom Foley, the last Democrat to hold the post before Pelosi. She has expressed concern about the danger of nuclear proliferation from the North Korean regime, and the ongoing problems of hunger and oppression imposed by that country's leadership. Pelosi's voting record shows consistent support for Israel. "[198] Privately, Pelosi expressed concern that focusing on impeachment would imperil the Democrats' House majority; she preferred to focus on other legislation. In the wake of Bush's 2004 reelection, several leading House Democrats believed they should pursue impeachment proceedings against him, asserting that he had misled Congress about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and violated Americans' civil liberties by authorizing warrantless wiretaps. It displays the net worth (the difference between assets and liabilities) for the member and their immediate family, such as a spouse or dependent children. [40] Pelosi strongly opposed the plan, saying there was no crisis, and as minority leader she imposed intense party discipline on her caucus, leading them to near-unanimous opposition to the proposal, which was defeated.[41]. She called Trump's announcement a "Christmas gift to Vladimir Putin". [30][31][32], Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, the incoming chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, nominated Pelosi, and her longtime friend John Dingell of Michigan swore her in, as the dean of the House of Representatives traditionally does.[33][34]. [96], On February 15, Trump declared a national emergency in order to bypass Congress, after being unsatisfied with a bipartisan bill that had passed the House and Senate the day before. [287] During her visit, she conveyed Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert message for peace, and toured in Al-Hamidiyah Souq,[288] and the Umayyad Mosque. She has not participated in candidates' debates since her 1987 race against Harriet Ross. Nancy Pelosi net worth is $3 Million Nancy Pelosi Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi (/plosi/; born March 26, 1940) is the Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives and served as the 60th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 2007 to 2011. But Pelosi dismissed Obama's compunction, mocking his scaled-back ideas as "kiddie care. [170], Pelosi voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 and earlier attempts at similar bans, and voted against the criminalization of certain situations where a minor is transported across state lines for an abortion (HR 748, passed). [149] On May 1, 2019, Pelosi and Schumer met with Trump about infrastructure funding. She has also voted to remove an amendment that would allow for oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Nancy Husband's $43 million-$220 million depends on the value of the stock market and real estate. [320] The CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, had called Pelosi to lobby her in opposition to the new regulations. [17], Pelosi is a member of the House Baltic Caucus. In the 2006 midterm elections, Pelosi led the Democrats to a majority in the House for the first time in 12 years and was subsequently elected Speaker, becoming the first woman to hold the office. During her first speakership, Pelosi was a major opponent of the Iraq War as well as the Bush administration's attempts to partially privatize Social Security. According to journalist Glenn Greenwald, the Pelosis have traded $33 million worth of tech stocks over the past two years, including Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and Google stocks. I am a strategic, politically astute leader. Pelosi defeated San Francisco Supervisor Harry Britt in the Democratic primary with 36 percent of the vote to his 32 percent,[12][302] then Republican Harriet Ross by more than 2-to-1. She added that Republicans were engaged in a "cover-up campaign" to protect Trump: "House Republicans' pattern of obstruction and cover-up to hide the truth about the Trump-Russia scandal represents a threat to our intelligence and our national security. [151], In August 2018, after Trump signed an emergency declaration for federal aid in combating the Carr Fire in Northern California, Pelosi called the move "an important first step" but requested that Trump accede to California Governor Jerry Brown's request for further aid to other hard-hit areas in California. The archbishop's statement quoted Pelosi as saying the church has not been able to define when life begins. Nancy Corinne Pelosi with her siblings. 1 (107th): No Child Left Behind Act of 2001House Vote #497Dec 13, 2001", "No Child Left BehindThe New Rules | Testing Our Schools", "Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Drilling Amendment", "Pelosi blocks offshore drilling vote GOP wants", "How Nancy Pelosi saved the Affordable Care Act", "Nancy Pelosi HeckledSarah Palin Promises November Vote", "Pelosi declines to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders' single-payer healthcare bill", "Pelosi not endorsing Sanders' single-payer bill", "Pelosi says Democrats willing to deal on health-care fixes if GOP reaches out", "Pelosi: Democrats will 'put a stake in the heart' of ObamaCare repeal after McCain opposition", "Nancy Pelosi pushes for national health care plan during Milwaukee visit", "Pelosi says she'll be Speaker 'to protect the Affordable Care Act', "Representative Pelosi on Abortion Issues", "Archbishop: Pelosi comments on abortion are false", "Pelosi Statement on Supreme Court Overturning Roe v. Wade", "Pelosi calls for 'boldest possible' gun legislation", "Pelosi: Gun victims 'paying the price for our inaction', "Pelosi: Americans 'deserve real action' on gun control after California shooting", "Nancy Pelosi: Trump 'needs sleep' and she's 'worried' about his fitness", "Pelosi: Impeaching Trump 'not someplace that I think we should go', "Pelosi: Trump's 'performance' devoid of 'serious policy ideas', "Pelosi: Focus on Trump's agenda, not Stormy Daniels", "Pelosi: Libby pardon shows that 'obstructing justice will be rewarded' by Trump", "Pelosi: Trump revoking Brennan's clearance a 'pathetic attempt to silence critics', "Venezuelan crisis deepens as Trump backs opposition", "With Sweeping Document Request, Democrats Launch Broad Trump Corruption Inquiry", "Trump vows stonewall of 'all' House subpoenas, setting up fight over powers", "Pelosi once resisted impeachment; now it shapes her legacy", "Nancy Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry of Trump", "Don McGahn won't comply with House Democrats' subpoena", "Democrats subpoena former White House Counsel Don McGahn, but downplay Trump impeachment talk", "Justice Dept. The memo attacked the Federal Bureau of Investigation for its investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. Nancy Pelosi's net worth is estimated to be over $170 million dollars. She mentioned potential bipartisan legislative initiatives that would "create good paying jobs and will also generate other economic growth in their regions". Pelosi s thoughts on visit by Pelosi to. [162] She was a key figure in convincing Obama to continue pushing for health-care reform after the election of Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown in a January special electiona defeat seen as potentially fatal to Democratic reform efforts. She participated in the passage of the Obama administration's landmark bills, including the Affordable Care Act, the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and the 2010 Tax Relief Act. At the same time, she said, "I do believe that Congress should assert itself, though, and make it very clear that there is no previous authority for the president, any president, to go into Iran". "[258], Although Pelosi voted against the Iraq War, anti-war activists in San Francisco protested against her voting to continue funding the war. "[144] She said "this is Armageddon" and argued that the tax bill increased the debt in a way that would adversely impact social insurance spending. . Pelosi won the special election to succeed her, defeating Democratic San Francisco supervisor Harry Britt on April 7, 1987, and defeating Republican Harriet Ross in a June 2 runoff. "[129][139], Pelosi voted against the 1995 Balanced Budget Proposed Constitutional Amendment, which passed the House by a 300132 vote, but fell two votes short of the 2/3 supermajority required in the Senate (with 65 senators voting in favor). [28] Hoyer was elected as House majority leader over Murtha by a margin of 14986 within the caucus. ", "Pelosi says Trump's State of the Union 'had no contact with reality whatsoever', "Nancy Pelosi: Trump impeachment witness Vindman's 'shameful' firing a 'brazen act of retaliation', In 25th Amendment bid, Pelosi mulls Trump's fitness to serve, "Does Your Member Of Congress Vote With Or Against Biden? Pelosi took office a week later. Nancy Pelosi 5 Points On How She Rose To The Top . [178], With regard to Representative Charles Rangel's (D-NY) plan to introduce legislation that would reinstate the draft, Pelosi said she did not support it. In May 2006, with an eye on the upcoming midterm electionswhich offered the possibility of Democrats taking back control of the House for the first time since 1994Pelosi told colleagues that, while the Democrats would conduct vigorous oversight of Bush administration policy, an impeachment investigation was "off the table". [317] In 2014, Roll Call estimated that Pelosi's net worth was $29.35million, ranking her the 15th wealthiest member of Congress. [273], Nancy Pelosi is one of the few members of Congress to have traveled to North Korea. Stylist backs her up", "The Progressive Caucus Has A Chance To Be More Influential Than Ever", "Pelosi: Reauthorization of Patriot Act a Massive Invasion of Privacy", "Final Vote Results for Roll Call 296: H J RES 10", "Pelosi visits detention facility, says DHS secretary should resign", "Pelosi: GOP immigration bill is 'a compromise with the devil', "Nancy Pelosi sparks backlash for saying border on a 'good path' as U.S. sees most unaccompanied minors ever", "Top state Dems criticize S.F. Nancy Pelosi estimated Net Worth is $120 million and Her Salary approx $223 thousand. "[326], On June 29, 2022, Pelosi received Communion at a Papal Mass presided over by Pope Francis in Rome at St. Peter's Basilica. [37][38] At times, centrists, progressive candidates and incumbent Democrats all expressed opposition to her continued tenure. It robs from the future [and] it rewards the rich and corporations at the expense of tens of millions of working middle-class families in our country. As of 2022, She managed to get an amount of $140 Million through her immense hard work and talent. The attitude was, 'We don't care what you do to those guys as long as you get the information you need to protect the American people. She indicated her support for the Republican plan to expand Health Savings Accounts and said the question of Republicans' accepting an expansion of Medicaid was important. [64] After Pelosi agreed to give more leadership opportunities to junior members,[65] she defeated Ryan by a vote of 13463 on November 30. [114] In July, Pelosi characterized the compromise immigration bill by the Republicans as a "deal with the devil" and said she had not had conversations with House Speaker Ryan about a legislative solution to the separation of families at the southern border. Nancy Pelosi owns over 10 luxury cars, tens of real estate properties, and millions in stock market investments. [289], Pelosi supported the NATO-led military intervention in Libya in 2011. [103], The day after the January 6 United States Capitol attack, Pelosi demanded that Trump either resign or be removed from office through the clauses of section four the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, threatening impeachment if this did not happen. . A week earlier, she had told The Washington Post that, although Democrats would not set out to impeach Bush, "you never know where" investigations might lead. Of representatives Louise Slaughter and Tim Walz, who drafted the bill, Pelosi said they "shined a light on a gaping hole in our ethics laws and helped close it once and for all". [133] One unnamed U.S. official present during the early briefings said, "In fairness, the environment was different then because we were closer to September 11 and people were still in a panic. Considered one of the richest politicians in the United States, Nancy Pelosi has built a fortune with the help of her husband and lobbying contracts. [157] She has supported the development of new technologies to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil and remediate the adverse environmental effects of burning fossil fuels. Nancy Pelosi was born in Baltimore, Maryland, to an Italian-American family. Nancy Pelosi net worth, age, husband, wiki, kids. She also said Iraq was the major issue facing the 110th Congress while incorporating some Democratic Party beliefs: The election of 2006 was a call to changenot merely to change the control of Congress, but for a new direction for our country. Pelosi also opposes Trump's transgender military ban. [153] She voted for the No Child Left Behind Act,[154] which instituted testing to track students' progress and authorized an increase in overall education spending. [177], In November 2018, after the Thousand Oaks shooting, Pelosi released a statement saying Americans "deserve real action to end the daily epidemic of gun violence that is stealing the lives of our children on campuses, in places of worship and on our streets" and pledged that gun control would be a priority for House Democrats in the 116th United States Congress. It's exactly the same thing," she told Cooper. [87] Ten days later, she announced that she would not seek a Democratic leadership post in the next Congress. "[267] Pelosi condemned Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota for posting controversial tweets related to Jews and Israel. [189] In April, following Scooter Libby being pardoned by Trump, Pelosi released a statement saying the pardon "sends a troubling signal to the president's allies that obstructing justice will be rewarded and that the idea of those who lie under oath being granted a pardon "poses a threat to the integrity of the special counsel investigation, and to our democracy". Pelosi's net worth in 2021 was estimated to be as much as $171.4 million in an October report by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative news outlet that arrived at that figure "by. She added that Republicans had misrepresented their earlier position of opposition to covering people with preexisting conditions during the election cycle and called on them to join Democrats in "removing all doubt that the preexisting medical condition is the lawthe benefitis the law of the land". She was first elected to Congress in a 1987 special election and is now in her 19th term; she is the dean of California's congressional delegation. [23], In the 2006 elections, the Democrats took control of the House, picking up 30 seats. Pelosi opposed the 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade, calling it "cruel", "outrageous" and "heart-wrenching". ", "Christine Pelosi's boot camp trains future politicians to avoid the campaign minefield", "Is This a Wall Around Nancy Pelosi's Home? [132] Two unnamed former Bush administration officials say the briefing was detailed and graphic, and at the time she did not raise substantial objections. [165][166], On March 10, 2017, Pelosi said Democrats would continue battling Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but would also be willing to form a compromise measure if Republicans reached out for support. [85] In 2018, and again in 2020, she had agreed not to stay on as Speaker beyond January 2023, but otherwise avoided questions about her future. [104] On January 10, she issued a 24-hour ultimatum to Vice President Mike Pence, that if he did not invoke the 25th amendment, she would proceed with legislation to impeach Trump. [199], In May 2019, the White House intervened to halt former White House Counsel Don McGahn from complying with a subpoena issued by the House Judiciary Committee, instructing the committee to redirect its records requests to the White House. "If evidence of participation by other nations in Iran's nuclear program is discovered, I will insist that the Administration use, rather than ignore, the evidence in determining how the U.S. deals with that nation or nations on other issues. Estimated Net Worth in 2021: Under Review: Previous Year's Net Worth (2020 . Nancy Pelosi has enjoyed an illustrious political career. Nancy Pelosi Wiki, Biography, Boyfriend, Parents, Net Worth:- Nancy is an American politician. [167] In September, Pelosi sent a letter to Democrats praising Senator John McCain for announcing his opposition to the latest Republican effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and called on lawmakers and advocacy groups alike to pressure Republicans in the health-care discussion. Nancy Pelosi", "Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco Home Vandalized With Graffiti, Severed Pig's Head", "Vandals Trash Pelosi's Garage With Pig Head, Stimulus Demand", "Nancy Pelosi's husband makes $5.3 million on timely bets", "Tim Cook called Pelosi to say tech antitrust bills were rushed", "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opposes banning Congress members from owning individual stocks: 'We're a free market economy', "Pelosi faces pushback over stock trade defense", "San Francisco archbishop bars Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion due to abortion support", "Full Text: Archbishop Cordileone's Letter to Nancy Pelosi Banning Her From Holy Communion", "Pelosi receives Communion in Vatican amid abortion debate", "Nancy Pelosi takes Communion in Vatican despite her support of abortion rights", "Intruder Wanted to Break Speaker Pelosi's Kneecaps, Federal Complaint Says", Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, "Trinity Graduates Win Re-election: House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi '62 Poised to Become Speaker, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius '70 Wins Second Term", "Pelosi mines 'California gold' for Dems nationwide: Personal skills, wide network of wealthy donors help party's House leader gather millions", "Opinion | How Nancy Pelosi's unlikely rise turned her into the most powerful woman in U.S. history: A troublemaker with a gavel", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nancy_Pelosi&oldid=1133911331, This page was last edited on 16 January 2023, at 02:47. Pelosi, who had previously urged "Democrats to focus on fact-finding rather than the prospect of any impeachment",[200][201] described Trump's interference regarding McGahn's records as an obstruction of justice, saying that "Trump is goading us to impeach him. They sent Bush a letter reading: [T]here is no purely military solution in Iraq. [176], In February 2018, following the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, Pelosi said Republicans' "cowering" to the gun lobby was "an assault on our whole country" and that the victims were "paying the price for our inaction". This was contrary to regulations enforced at that time preventing service indoors. She was also not a member of any House committees, also keeping with Speaker tradition. Her personal wealth is . [62], In August 2016, Pelosi said that her personal contact information had been posted online following a cyberattack against top Democratic campaign committees and she had received "obscene and sick calls, voice mails and text messages". Tags . "Sheehan considers challenge to Pelosi", by Angela K. Brown, speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, January 2010 Massachusetts special election, Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, 20182019 United States federal government shutdown, Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Constitutional amendment banning flag-burning, state's ban on marriage between same-sex couples, removal of Confederate monuments and memorials, 1995 Balanced Budget Proposed Constitutional Amendment, 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, after more than 500 members of Congress voted to approve them, Venezuelan protests and constitutional crisis, imprisonment of Hong Kong democracy activists. . But women weren't just waiting; women were working. Real Name/Full Name Nancy Pelosi Nick Name/Celebrated Name: Nancy Patricia Pelosi Birth Place: Baltimore, Maryland, United States Date Of Birth/Birthday: 26 March 1940 Age/How Old: 81 years old Height/How Tall: In Centimetres - 164 cm In Feet and Inches - 5 3 Weight: In Kilograms - 52 kg In Pounds - 114 lbs Eye Color: N/A [272], Pelosi has voiced heavy criticism over Israel's plan to annex parts of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. [313][314], The nonpartisan OpenSecrets estimated in 2009 that Pelosi's average net worth was approximately $58 million, ranking her 13th among 25 wealthiest members of Congress. [18], In March 1988, Pelosi voted in favor of the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (as well as to override President Ronald Reagan's veto). Nancy Pelosi wiki Jennifer Coolidge Age, Net Worth, Wiki, Height, Husband Nancy Pelosi was born on March 26, 1940, in Baltimore, Maryland, in the United States. The CEO out. How Old is Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is the first woman in American political history to lead a political party in Congress. [270][271] She condemned the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel. They moved to New York City before settling down in San Francisco with their children. [140], As Speaker of the House, she spearheaded the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 as part of the 100-Hour Plan. Nancy Pelosi's net worth is $140 Million. As of 2023, The net worth of Nancy Pelosi is around $135 million, which makes her the 15th wealthiest member of Congress. [310][311] Her 2016 financial disclosure report lists among her assets a combined home and vineyard in St. Helena, California, two commercial buildings in San Francisco, and a townhouse in Loomis, California. [39], Shortly after being reelected in 2004, President George W. Bush claimed a mandate for an ambitious second-term agenda and proposed reforming Social Security by allowing workers to redirect a portion of their Social Security withholding into stock and bond investments. "[174], Pelosi stands in favor of increased background checks for potential gun owners, as well as the banning of assault weapons. Nancy Pelosi: Personal Life. [273] Pelosi said that Democrats are taking "a great pride" in Barack Obamas Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that Israel signed with the Obama administration in 2016, for a guarantee of $38billion in defense assistance over a decade. Never losing faith, we waited through the many years of struggle to achieve our rights. [247], In 2008, Pelosi said: "For years, I have opposed the embargo on Cuba. [112], Pelosi voted against the Secure Fence Act of 2006. She was first elected to Congress in 1987. ", "Nancy Pelosi: Israel, don't fear Dems in Congress", "Pelosi shrugs off Bush's criticism, meets Assad", "As One Syria Trip Draws Fire, Others Draw Silence", "Who to Blame If Arming the Syrian Rebels Goes Wrong", "Are Democrats Hypocrites for Criticizing Trump's Troop Withdrawals? In June 2017, Representative Kathleen Rice of New York and a small group of other House Democrats, including Congressional Black Caucus chairman Cedric Richmond, held a closed-door meeting to discuss potential new Democratic leadership. And now the government is going to re-open", "As Congress Passes Spending Bill, Trump Plans National Emergency to Build Border Wall", "The Hill's Morning Report Pelosi makes it official: Trump will be impeached", "House Judiciary Committee announces first impeachment hearing, invites Trump to attend", "Democrats unveil 2 articles of impeachment against Trump", "House impeaches Donald Trump in historic vote, reshuffling U.S. politics on eve of 2020", "Showdown over Trump impeachment trial underscores power of Pelosi and McConnell", "Pelosi, Schumer call for Trump's immediate removal, threaten impeachment", "Nancy Pelosi's ultimatum: 25th Amendment or second Trump impeachment", "Donald Trump becomes the first US president to be impeached for a second time as it happened", "House passes $484 billion relief package after weeks of partisan battles", "Nancy Pelosi seen without mask inside San Francisco hair salon", "Nancy Pelosi says her visit to a hair salon was a 'setup.' [199], The House impeachment inquiry focused on efforts by Trump and Trump administration officials to pressure the government of Ukraine to smear former Vice President Joe Biden, a political rival of Trump's, while withholding $400million in U.S. military aid, and a White House visit, from Ukraine; the inquiry also examined Trump's request in a July 2019 phone call to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to "do us a favor" and investigate Biden. [266] In March 2018 Pelosi said, "There is no greater political accomplishment in the 20th Century than the establishment of the State of Israel. [152], In 1999, Pelosi voted against displaying the Ten Commandments in public buildings, including schools.

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