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The air around him had suddenly turned icy cold. - David Farrant (19 December 2015) Sen Manchester made no claim whatsoever that he had " insisted that he had undertaken Court action and demanded the permanent removal of this session while Court proceedings were pending. a dia As everybody is no doubt aware, things have gone downhill fast for Sean Though the identities and motivations of those responsible were never ascertained, general consensus at the time linked the desecration to events surrounding the Highgate Vampire case. BishopManchester had informed the public on 27 February 1970 that demonic disturbances and manifestations in the vicinity of Highgate Cemetery were vampiric. Ellis, Bill. What the police discovered was a would-be amateur vampire hunter stalking the graveyard with a crudely fashioned wooden stake and a cross. British History Online provided detailed citations of dates and names for the area in question. In a statement he said that he heard the vampire rises out of a grave and wanders about the cemetery on the look-out for human beings on whose blood it thrives. [17] As evidence, Hogg cites a cartoon character named 'Cousin Hoggy' who is shown ascending to heaven after being butchered for a fictional Farrant-Manchester Christmas dinner. These ghosts were described as a tall man in a hat, a spectral cyclist, a woman in white, a face glaring through the bars of a gate, a figure wading into a pond, a pale gliding form, bells ringing, and voices calling. ", And it would've been fine if he left it at that, but he, As I mentioned, I had already answered him with a "no" and explained why. Mr Farrants life-long target for abuse is also the subject of his Bishop Bonkers T-shirt, as illustrated in the image at thefoot of this blog. After about twenty minutes I tracked one down on a blog post discussing the history of West Australian TV. 8, 1973, page 19), hementions helping a man of diminutive stature . [7] According to one UK tabloid, Farrant founded a number of occult or Satanic circles, putting in particular effort to recruit young women, saying, "They are all over 18 and we don't initiate them if we believe they are just coming along for the sex. Anyone who is interested can find them at this link. "This place where we are now is really a battlefield between the powers of good and the forces of darkness." David Farrant's arrest in Highgate Cemetery on 17 August 1970 by police searching for black magic devotees was the beginning of the end for him. I quickly discoveredManchester had selectivelyquoted the article and left out some important bits from his booklike what was the most likelycause of the animal deaths were (an Alsatian). David Farrant and Sean Manchester would like to think they are completely different to one and other, but of course, like most rivals, they were far more similar than they could ever admit. London also beckoned and here he would arrive to conclude his studies and live for much of his life. a vampire, the investigations and activities of Sen Manchester commanded Her father was a flight captain for united at the time. Hogg would like it a lot if vampires were real. Well, Pro Football Talk's Mike Florio believes it is at least for Sean Payton and Tom Brady. Aujourd'hui, c'est au tour de 2 mordus devenus carrment chasseurs de vampires dans les annes 1970 qui ont . Press coverage was very extensive, in both local and national papers, see Ellis (1993) 31-33 and the list of press sources in his note 81. fluentbit failed to flush chunk. real vampires, vampire games and tv shows, movies or films, and vampire books. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Vampire Hypothesis: Is Vampirism Explained Through Homeostasis? Imagine what the rest holds, 5 Reasons Why a Wampyr Didnt Walk in Highgate Cemetery, 5 More Reasons Why a Wampyr Didnt Walk in Highgate Cemetery, a blog post discussing the history of West Australian TV, http://www.barnet.gov.uk/info/200111/local_studies_and_archives/702/local_studies_and_archives, http://watvhistory.com/2010/12/abc-presenters-reminisce-about-the-1960s-70s-and-80s/, http://www.abc.net.au/local/audio/2012/05/09/3499147.htm, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/middx/vol6/pp122-135, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol17/pt1/pp54-62, Cemetery Logistics: How I Tracked the Highgate Vampire, Staking Sean Manchester's Vampire Claims - Erin Chapman, Crisp, Sharp and Dripping with . Rival 'Vampire Hunter' Bishop Sean Manchester of the Old Catholic Church and author of 'The Highgate Vampire' and 'From Satan to Christ', labelled Farrant as 'racist' whose 'minder' in the 1970s/1980s was Kenneth Frewin, a National Front supporter. Sean Manchester is a self-styled bishop who describes himself as a "modern day vampire hunter" and claims to have exorcised the "vampire" (in the traditional "Bram Stoker . He served a prison sentence for desecrating Highgate cemetery and mailing voodoo effigies to the police. Indeed, Mr Farranthas spent the last four decades disseminating gross defamation about the bishop; seeking to cause him maximum insult and injury. But they do reveal that permission was obtained from Sen Manchester to create a 3D vampire hunting Bishop character of the same name. He says he lifted the lid off one coffin, believing it to have been mysteriously transferred there from the previous catacomb. who was being evictedfrom a controlled tenancy and allegedlysuffered harassment as a consequence. The lone intruder had made his television debut five months earlier, employing on that occasion the name on his birth certificate. Mamas That Love Books, 6 Reasons Why You Shouldnt Buy an Antique Vampire Killing Kit, Can Vampires in New York Legally Bite the Heads Off Pigeons and Drink Their Blood? Do you have a vampire-related question? Shortly afterwards he appeared on television on 13 March 1970 to repeat his theory. [4], Sean Manchester claimed Farrant's "grey figure" was a vampire and the media quickly latched on, embellishing the tale with stories of the vampire being a king of the vampires, or of practising black magic. Sa fortune s lve 300 000 000,00 euros mensuels Sean Manchester, 70, a self-proclaimed vampire hunter, squared off against famed horror writer Ramsey Campbell, 69, in a comment thread stoush that ended poorly for the man who claims to have staked the Highgate Vampire. "The Strange Case of Sen Manchester" in. * Then I addressed the naturalistic possibilities behind the origins of the vampire "myth": Regarding the Hammer-style vampires, I also mentioned: And I then pointed him to a previous explanation, clearly indicating that I don't believe in vampires. Regardez le Salaire Mensuel de Fiction Books To Read 2022 en temps rel. Can Vampires in New York Legally Bite the Heads Off Pigeons and Drink Their Blood? However, it's notable that all of the most glowing reviews come from a single reviewer (posting under the Latin name "Veritas"), who has also posted one-star reviews of vampire-related books which are hostile to Manchester or present Farrant's side of events. on Twitter at @vampires. Find out how Erin first discovered Sean Manchesters Highgate Vampire claims were impossible in Cemetery Logistics: How I Tracked the Highgate Vampire (April 4, 2015). To establish the authenticity of Manchestersvampire, I needed to locate the nobleman that lived at Ashurst House. [5], The ensuing publicity was enhanced by a growing rivalry between Farrant and Manchester, each claiming that he could and would expel or destroy the spectre. http://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Highgate-Vampire-David-Farrant/dp/0951786725/ref=la_B001KC6ECK_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1361555879&sr=1-1, http://www.hecklerspray.com/awesome-or-off-putting-the-highgate-vampire/20079594.php, http://therightreverendseanmanchester.blogspot.com/, http://www.gothicpress.freeserve.co.uk/The%20Right%20Reverend%20Sean%20Manchester.htm, A transcript of BBC's interview with the vampire hunting-bishop, http://www.gothicpress.freeserve.co.uk/From%20Satan%20To%20Christ.htm, http://www.gothicpress.freeserve.co.uk/Byronic%20Legacy.htm, http://www.davidfarrant.org/about/index.html, Lure of the sinister: the unnatural history of Satanism, http://seanmanchester.blogspot.com/2009/02/demoniac.html, http://bishopbonkers.blogspot.com/p/order-details.html, http://friendsofbishopseanmanchester.blogspot.com/2010/10/david-farrant.html, friendsofbishopseanmanchester.blogspot.com, List of British Catholic bishops from Catholic hierarchy. some blogs have downsized or closed their doors. Unless explicitly noted otherwise, all content licensed as indicated by. You know it. This is a perhaps surprising situation, as most people who do believe in vampires generally follow folklore, rather than Universal Monster Movies. Sen Manchester. podcast , criticism's been relatively minora good thing, as far as I'm concerned! You've talked about this elsewhere, and I'd be happy to cite it for you. David Farrant at his black magic altar in 1973. In the wake of my (first ever!) David Thompson Spiritism v - t - e Sen Manchester is a British author and self-proclaimed exorcist best known for his book The Highgate Vampire which was written subsequent to " vampire sightings" in London, England during the 1970s. So, rather than resolve anything, my acquainting myself with, only served to make matters worse because, was someone who had become all too aware of his insincerity and deceitfulness. 25th November 2007, 11:33 PM . Have a book, dvd, or other youd like to send to us for review? We sourced online and print resources, compared narrativesand I reached out to numerous people via email for clarification on details regarding events and claims. WAYNE MILLER is the owner and creative director of EVIL CHEEZ PRODUCTIONS, specializing in theatrical performances and haunted attractions. For his part in disturbing human remains and vandalising a vault, David Farrant was sent to jail. He obtained a doctorate in Occult Studies from Miskatonic University and is an active paranormal investigator. Nothing more was heard of them once they retreated into their former obscurity, but some persisted. This was also the year when he inaugurated the founding of Ordo Sancti Graal on Good Friday 13th April: On taking holy orders he inherited ecumenical lines of apostolic succession in the Old Catholic, Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, plus other mainstream denominations. (I personally think SM should have realized all along that it was Karl Marx wearing fake fangs; after all he was a central European. On the feast of the Precious Blood, 1 July 1993, he was enthroned as the Bishop of Glastonbury, and on the same feast day nine years later he founded the Sacerdotal Society of the Precious Blood, having been elected presiding bishop for the British Old Catholic Church, an umbrella movement for traditional Old Catholic groups based in the United Kingdom. Manchester said that he believed the vampire originated in Turkey, and that its followers "eventually brought him to England in a coffin at . [35][36][37], Documents published by self-described "environmental artist" Aaron Manchester include a lot of boring discussion about getting each shrub in the cemetery to look exactly right and making sure the architecture is accurate. Some notable literary scholars have theorised that the fictional character [2], Highgate and the surrounding area, Hampstead, long known for its bohemian, arty population, were around 1970 at the centre of both the boom in occultism in London and the newly-legal gay scene (both the cemetery and nearby Hampstead Heath were popular gay cruising sites). Charged with being in an enclosed area for an unlawful purpose, he was later released because, in the strict sense of the wording, Highgate Cemetery is not an enclosed area. "The Highgate Cemetery Vampire Hunt", Holly, Donald H Jr; Cordy, Casey E; (Summer 2007), Page, Carol, "Blood Lust: Conversations with Real Vampires, (HarperCollins, 1991, Dell, 1992, Warner, ULK, 1993), This page was last edited on 19 November 2022, at 09:13. [34], In 2013, design student Aaron Manchester (claims to be no relation) published his plans to visualize the vampire-hunting exploits of Sen Manchester in a complex interactive 3D environment modeled after London's Highgate cemetery. His account of the Highgate Vampire has so many parallels to Dracula that Bram Stoker's estate could probably sue if it wasn't in public domain. *Statement issued on 13 December 2013 by Bishop Sen Manchester regarding Forecasts for the day of mobilization, Dubai Police is developing a mechanism to deal with difficult accidents, A European delegation visits Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the occupation arrests 7 Palestinians after clashes in Nablus. Both wrote separate books on the topic of the Highgate Vampire and sometimes publicly challenged each other to "magical duels". . [note 1] When RationalWiki mentioned these claims in this article, and Manchester responded in his blog, the Bishop initially denied all knowledge of Lucard, and insinuated that RationalWiki was perpetuating defamation. Bishop Sen Manchester was recently asked (on the internet) why he engaged inhunting vampires in the first place and continues to this day toexorcise them. The pair has quarreled publicly over the years, taken part in mock "occult duels" and endless debates on Internet forums. Are you familiar with the case or did you just stumble upon my article randomly? El cementerio de Highgate 3. David Farrant had first heard about the sightings in the late 60s and decided to investigate for himself. Regarding "magical duels," the Sunday Mirror, 8 April 1973, reported alongside a photograph of self-proclaimed witch David Farrant and a nude girl: "The bizarre ceremony will involve naked witches, demon-raisings and the slaughter of a cat." Sen Manchester was quoted, saying: "My opponent intends to raise a demon to destroy me by killing a cat - I will be relying solely on divine . This seems to be part of a repeating pattern of internet feuds. The Highgate Vampire was a media sensation surrounding reports of supposed supernatural activity at Highgate Cemetery in London, England, United Kingdom, in the 1970s. David Farrantjoins hands withhis friend Kevin Chesham. . His personal view of the supernatural would be recounted as follows: Bishop Sen Manchester's television debut was on 13 March 1970 on a programme about vampires in connection with Highgate Cemetery. David Farrant withSatanist Jean-Paul Bourre in 1980. Post #385 by Farrant on "David Farrant - Psychic Investigator," James Randi Forum, 12 April 2007. Police keeping watch for followers of a black magic cult arrested him. Las batidas, y psicosis? Reflecting on Vampires: Why Dont They Appear in Mirrors? His theory was a foreign nobleman ventured to London in a coffin and eventually took residence as a vampire in Ashurst House, which is where Highgate Cemetery now stands. Their names were David Farrant and Sean Manchester, and they soon became the chief voices of the Highgate mystery. [23] These declarations were greeted with hilarity by pretty much all recipients. Ofcom, who were handling the complaint, ultimately decided in this case that calling him a "1970's weirdo" was fair comment.[28]. Farrant told police he had just moved to London when he heard people talking about the vampire in Highgate Cemetery. (1946 2019) OBITUARY . David Farrant had first heard about the sightings in the late 60s and decided to investigate for himself. Denn die totden reiten schnell! Good for you, Sean. Someone else came forward and admitted they'd put the body in the car as a joke, but thanks to some photos of vandalized graves found in his possession, Farrant was found guilty of damaging Highgate Cemetery and sending voodoo dolls to authorities. A few months later he was back in court, this time suspected of grave desecration after police discovered a headless corpse propped in the front seat of a local resident's car. On 31 October 1968, a group of young people interested in the occult visited Tottenham Park Cemetery, at a time when it was being regularly vandalised by intruders. According to Don Ecker, Manchester has pictures of a decomposing vampire in his book, and that they were from a time-lapse video played backward (of Manchester in make-up, claimed David Farrant). [11], There was more publicity about Farrant and Manchester when rumours spread that they would meet in a "magicians' duel" on Parliament Hill on Friday 13 April 1973, which never occurred. In part of their weirdo judgment Ofcom stated: So if we follow Ofcom's decisions which His Grace has elsewhere encouraged us to do - there is no doubt that he is a bishop and a weirdo. On 6th March 1970, an article was published stating that David Farrant had found a number dead foxes in Highgate Cemetery whilst exploring there. After all, isnt he supposed to be a Christian bishop? Combien gagne t il d argent ? Follow us on Facebook at About Vampires or Also he conveniently omitted certain parts of the actual article he quotes as a report on pages 116 and 117 of his 1985 account. We shall follow suit. As of writing this I still havent received a reply. Can Crossbows Be Used to Hunt Vampires in Sweden? Want to sponsor a giveaway/contest? The suspected tomb was located and an exorcism performed in August 1970. pero si las obtuvo en el caso de su "colega" y paisano David Farrant. He's scornful of the antics of Farrant and Manchester, but his skepticism is mostly based on lack of "scriptural" support for vampires in the Bible. Mr Farrant nowadays claims shewas no more than his, Theperson who was the target of their malicious attention, of course,was Bishop Sen Manchester who stands head and shoulders aboveeveryone elsewhen it comes to receivingabuse and harassment at the hands ofMr Farrant and company. To double-check my sources, I found a current photo from a 2012article that described Sandras career history dating back to when she worked at ABC in Perthit was definitely her. The judge sentenced him to more than four years in prison. hunt of the twentieth century by members of the public. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. [2] According to a report in the London Evening News of 2 November 1968: These persons arranged flowers taken from graves in circular patterns with arrows of blooms pointing to a new grave, which was uncovered. "The struggle can take many turns and directions." The influence of his parents is touched upon in his memoir: His beloved mother was born at the end of the Great War and it is, Already we begin to discover what set him on a road apart from others and how his interest in the supernatural was sparked. An (Ofcom sanctioned) weirdo who is known to threaten litigation to anyone who even mentions his name online suddenly gives a student who just happens to share his name permission to turn him into a vampire hunting game character. "Mr Farrow" belonged to the latter category. All of them revolve around the matter of how he should be described. David Farrant with his eldest son, Jamie Coster. In addition, Highgate cemetery was in 1970 used for filming Andy Milligan's low-budget vampire movie The Body Beneath, shot a few months before the reports of the Highgate vampire emerged, and advertised as "Filmed in the graveyards of England". eminent paranormal researcher Peter Underwood would comment in a book published five years [7], Some months later, on 1 August 1970, the charred and headless remains of a woman's body were found not far from the catacomb. The letter contradicts later claims made by "MrFarrow" whose lone antics heralded worse days ahead for him. , I tackled the vampire stuff once again. In another, the deceased "Hoggy" is discovered haunting Farrant, who orders him captured in a 'ghost trap' and given to aliens for sexual experimentation. ", , Forty-Sixth Anniversary Sullied by Stalkers, Entities and Non-Entities on the 46th Anniversary. It should have ended at that point. Manchester claims to be a skilled "vampire hunter" and to hold the title of bishop of the Old Catholic Church . So, in the. (Nick Redfern) The late David Farrant, who was an expert on the history of Highgate Cemetery. I wasnt sure what to expect. Whilst his rival was rotting in jail, Manchester took the initiative. Sketches posted to his blog reveal plans to move the grave (guaranteed to stir up those restless spirits again) to make way for an IMAX theater, a restaurant, and a golf course on the property.[24][25]. In 2012, a man named Kevin Chesham published photos of a room in Manchester's home which he described as "a massed amount of Nazi paraphernalia; framed photographs of goose-stepping Nazis and German Officers giving the Hitler salute, swastikas on the walls, and most strikingly a photograph of Adolf Hitler in pride of place." " Farrant's allegation is preposterous nonsense. DAVID FARRANT. Manchester has a reputation for being particularly surly with his critics (to be fair, so do I) and he and Farrant were feuding as far back as the early 70s. - Erin Chapman. He refers to the Highgate Vampire as a "case" he's investigating. Manchester, a self-styled vampire hunter, presided over the British Occult Society and founded the Vampire Research Society; Farrant, a wiccan and mystic, established the British Psychic and Occult Society. Sorry.. This proved ineffective as the hauntings and animal deaths continued. It relates directly to his claim that the vampire "Luisa" changed into a giant spider, in their final showdown. The mass vampire hunt at Highgate Cemetery on 13 March 1970, following reports in local and national newspapers, plus a television interview with various witnesses earlier that evening on British television, led to a spate of amateur vampire hunters inflicting themselves on Highgate Cemetery with home-made stakes, crosses, garlic, holy water, but very little knowledge about how to deal with the suspected undead if they encountered it. I live on the Dorset coast, England, while also retaining an ecclesial base 47 "Missing the Point" 28: 41: 14 November 2016 () [33] It would seem that this Veritas also has access to unpublished information about Bishop Manchester, including his private letters. Hard-Boiled Noir: The First Book in Thomas M. Hewletts Twelve Stakes Series, Source of the Vampires Occur Everywhere Meme Quote, The Writing Is Again as Strong: Second Book in Nancy Kilpatricks Thrones of Blood Series, Fifty Years Today: Celebrating the Birth of the Highgate Vampire, As Much Fun as the First Book: The Second Book in the Dark Passage Series, I Made a Vampire Slayers Kit (And You Can Too!) Just letting that sink in. A former friend of Manchester, Chesham says he was photographed in the room by the bishop's wife as a form of blackmail insurance. Hauled before a judge and jury, he was exonerated and let go with a warning. Bishop Manchesterhad made an appeal on the, Police searching the cemetery arrested the amateur vampire hunter five months later. [38] Manchester has issued a counter-blog claiming that his "historical militaria collecting hobby" had been misrepresented, and vilifying Chesham as "the real Nazi". I needed to find a photo from back in the day for a comparison to confirm her identity. Next is a scene at his Muswell Hill bedsitting room where viewers are shown photograph albums containing naked females he had duped into his malefic publicity stunts involving phoney witchcraft and pseudo-. Farrant witnessed a very tall, dark figure, with piercing hypnotic eyes. Later in 1973, he entered the highest of the minor orders, that of the acolyte. Nicola Fern, digital learning developer, Manchester . Facebook, Ghosts of Summer Sadness and Winter Gloom, How do you carbon date a ghost? [13] Manchester has also accused Farrant of having "narcissistic personality disorders", and alleges he is deliberately peddling a line of defamatory "anti-Bishop Manchester merchandise" such as T-shirts, drinking glasses, and mugs. It gave birth to the Vampire Research Society, which still survives, on 2 February 1970. In the first His Grace didn't like the fact that he was not addressed as Bishop during an interview, and in the second he complained about being referred to as a "self-styled bishop of what he calls the Old Catholic Church". I was disappointed by her response, which arrived the same day: Sadly, not a chance. The regulator decided he was a bishop in each case. Bishop Allows Derogatory, Hateful Comments on His Bishop Finally Acknowledges Pilfering BNP Material Won't Even Admit It, Despite Being Caught Red-Handed. Later he turned to composing. In recent times he has appeared repeatedly on the Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel and various UK television channels. enfin 99% ! Login you asked me that question, so as to give a context for my answers, i.e., if I don't think vampires are real, why would I believe they could transform into giant spiders? (Multiply Site), RV Water Vacuum : You Can Perform This Yourself. ", Manchester has responded on various of his blogs by creating oil paintings that depict Farrant as a demon. Where are they now? The tenant list seemed like the most logical avenue to pursue because if there was no foreign nobleman on the list, Manchester had some explaining to do. Don't worry, Basil's still with us. He was about to drive a stake through the body it contained when a companion persuaded him to desist. I feel as if I need to soak in the feeling of community. For context, David Farrant, who died in 2019 was, my husband and is the main focus of the documentary. Together they concocted all manner of skullduggery for media consumption and their own self-aggrandisement. [4] It claims:[5], In addition to his account of the Highgate saga, Manchester has published several books, including vampire fiction. along with a rhyme intended to convey that, believed only in his own self-aggrandisement and the amount of newsprint his manufactured stunts might attract; a man, moreover, who did not believe in his own rectitude. Can't get much more clearer than that, right? Yoon Se-ah's briquette service Delivering warmth through alleys , Expectations of his departure in the winter transfers.. A battle between two European clubs over the inclusion of Yassin Bono. Farrant was found by police in the churchyard beside the cemetery one night in August, carrying a crucifix and a wooden stake. (Photo: City Varieties ) Forty five years ago, Sean Manchester and David Farrant made the H. Rebutting the Nazi Room. But their most macabre act was driving an iron stake in form a cross through the lid and into the breast of the corpse. Our Chairman, Anne, did mention the newspaper you referred to is still in print today and, even if they do not have archives dating back that far, Barnet council might. He was found to be in possession of a wooden stake and a crucifix. after Farrant had launched his attention-seeking career: On another occasion, she recalled, how she had written, Things began to spiral downwards at an alarming rate as, In another article called "Witch Report," (, magazine [UK], Vol. This page was last edited on 30 September 2022, at 15:17. . how to get sharpness 1000 sword command. Someone who did his dirty work on the internetfor three years is Yorkshire-based Catherine Fearnley. "[6] On at least one blog entry he refers to himself as a "witch" (albeit in quotation marks). He is greatly missed by his friends and followers. So perhaps all it takes to soften the notoriously prickly Bishop and get him in a happy mood is a little good old fashioned flattery. My interest in the Highgate Vampire case has grown with each passing year. The second sighting, a week later, was also brief. "[24] Manchester claims not to be just a member, but the UK Primate of the British Old Catholic Church.[25][26]. The Express connected Farrant's claims of seeing a ghost and finding dead foxes in Highgate Cemetery with Manchester's beliefs that a vampire was loose in the old graveyard. After one ITV broadcast, a mob of thrill-seekers swarmed the cemetery and climbed over the gates despite police efforts to control them. I even concluded it by adding, "So, in other words 'no, I don't' as I said before.". [22][23], Manchester claimed to be a Catholic Bishop in a BBC interview. As of writing this I havent received a reply. He was charged with damaging of local property and disturbing the dead, and went on to serve three years in prison. I believe it was in early 1969." [21], Manchester maintains numerous blogs that contain rants against perceived enemies which appear to number in the dozens.

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