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The bergamot orange is a citrus fruit cultivated chiefly in Italy and is well known for its use in Earl Grey tea. Both have similar scents. Steam inhalation of the plant can be used for sore throats, and bronchial catarrh [inflammation of the mucus membrane, causing an increased flow of mucus]. Its energies can be directed to helping you spend your money wisely, and being on the alert for new opportunities to bring more into your life. Magically, bergamot is strongly associated with the Sun, and is used in rituals to clear the mind and spirit, dispelling the shadows of depression, despondency, and fogginess that can come from focusing too much on worry and problems. Like all earth-centered spiritual practices, Wicca has a large body of herb lore. Each entry includes original artwork, folklore, a small growing guide, spell suggestions & recipes. An abundant plant in the Oswego region of New York, this plant was used as a tea by the Natives there and by the settlers to avoid taxation on tea by the British. Researchers have looked into bergamot oil's benefits, from relaxation to pain reduction. It would seem it took a fair number of years before it immigrated to other countries. Several citrus oils fall into this category, but bergamot poses a substantially higher risk than any other. Bergamot essential oil for low self esteem, self judgement, feelings of hopelessness Mydoterra.com . It was used by colonists in place of English Tea after the Boston Tea Party, when they threw the English tea in the harbor to protest the high taxes imposed on it by the British.. When I started our research I read stacks of monographs for plant species I wasn't familiar with. The bergamot herbs and the bergamot orange have a similar characteristic floral fragrance and are commonly used in perfumes and as a flavouring. It has been a long-standing Italian remedy for both fever and intestinal parasites or worms as such. While Europeans, astrologers (hence the planetary and elemental aspects), witches, and people from all parts of the world (indicated by it's Traditional Chinese Medicine name) have used Bergamot for generations, this plant's history and saga begin with indigenous North Americans and not with us. Older Post Powers: Draws wealth and abundance, protection, health Add to Compare. *Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)Bergamot is the fruit of a citrus tree, which is related to the orange tree, but far more bitter and not generally eaten on its own. Join to get special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals. Its fragrance balances the spirit, helps fight depression and alleviate stress, anxiety, tension, and fatigue, and is said to help strengthen the immune system. Commonly known as Earl Grey tea, it has been enjoyed worldwide for hundreds of years. It is also used in many classic fragrance blends. May 22, 2022 bee balm, horse mint, wild bergamot. 0000021673 00000 n Also rub the leaves on hands before an interview or important meeting. In fact, its name comes from the Greek word "Argemone" which translates to "a plant that is healing to the eyes.". This aids in digestion, proper absorption of nutrients, assimilation, and decomposition of sugar and the . It means "used in medicine". Keep a dried bergamot leaf in your wallet or purse to ensure money keeps coming in. Some people treat a skin condition called psoriasis by applying bergamot oil directly to the skin and then shining long-wave ultraviolet (UV) light on the affected area. It can be used in mouthwashes, foot baths, and douches to relieve odor and/or itching. Preparation and Dosage: Internally - Drinking orange juice, especially if mixed with blackcurrant juice, reduces inflammation. The Encyclopaedia of Magjical Herbs by Scott Cunningham The use of Agrimony dates as far back as Ancient Egypt. 0000004809 00000 n This along with the huge number of applications makes herbal magick one of the most effective types of magick. Native American Indians made an herb tea from bergamot leaves for . If you are looking for a healthy herb that provides a lot of health benefits, you might want to consider the bergamot plant. . Wild Bergamot was used also as an active diaphoretic (sweat inducer) for ceremonial sweat lodges. This oil soothes frazzled nerves and over stressed bodies. Bergamot tea is useful for fever and stomach problems and can be used as a gentle sleep aid. Newer Post . You may also sprinkle it into your bath water for hex-breaking. O, thou art fairer than the evening air, clad in the beauty of a thousand stars. Planet: Jupiter. It's also quite useful when treating fevers, flu, and cough & cold. Add to Favorites 100 Wild Bergamot Medicinal Plant Seeds, Organic Monarda Fistulosa, Bee Balm, Herb, Purple . It takes its name from the Italian province of Bergamo, where it was first cultivated after being brought to Europe from its native Morocco (it is also native to many parts of Asia). Soak for 20 minutes. In medieval times, calendula was regarded as a magickal herb as well as a medicinal and culinary one. Dripping some directly onto coins and bills is also useful, especially if you then spend that money on items relating to your goal. The Herbalist Gerard, mentioned above, declared that calendula 'ceaseth the inflammation' (Gerard's Herbal, edited 1994, p.169). Included are mint, lavender, basil, mugwort, chamomile, garlic, rosemary, sage, sunflower, yarrow, and more! 0000005335 00000 n Place three drops of the oil on your purse or wallet to attract cash, or use it in a sachet to bring success in all your endeavors. Sensitivity to light (photosensitivity) Nausea. A wash or oil increases effectiveness of all forms of ritual healing, psychic healing, or distance healing. Cumin: an ancient magickal herb from the Middle East used to flavor stews and meats. Bergamot, or citrus aurantium bergamia, is an essential oil commonly used for money and success. For centuries, it was used in Italian folk medicine, but remained largely unknown to the rest of the Western world until more recent times. Add to 25ml base oil. 0000006339 00000 n Sugar. Too much of a good thing, eh? It may. 3 drops cypress. Black Pepper Banish negativity, wards of bad vibes, protection. The spiritual meanings of fragrances and magickal properties of incense will help focus your mind on achieving specific goals. Once used primarily for treating fevers, bergamots antiseptic properties have been applied in modern times to combat infectionsparticularly in the lungs and urinary. Inhale the oil, with or without visualization, to relieve depression and the tension of every day life. 0000001547 00000 n It could actually additionally assist to make sure that you spend correctly and make the most of presents to earn extra. Acacia : Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells Adam & Eve Roots : Love, Happiness Adders Tongue : Healing African Violet : Spirituality, Protection Agaric . This particular plant is a mild emmenagogue but it should be used with extreme caution. For general good spirits, mood-lifting, balance, and confidence, mix Bergamot into a potpourri with other mood enhancing herbs then place bowls full of the potpourri around your home. Bergamot is a powerful uplifting and relaxing oil, which strengthens and boosts ones confidence and security! Propagate by division every few years. This is a good oil blend for people who have trouble falling asleep at night, DO NOT MIX WITH VALERIAN - this has been known to cause vomiting. Other magical associations for bergamot include peace, confidence, and harmony. Pop a pinch of dried bergamot into an incense blend to help develop your psychic abilities. Pure essential oil, for external use only. Bamboo is the stick used to hold the herbs and resins in most stick incense. Your Intuition Led You Here candles crystals mystics. . Magical Uses: Abundance, meditation, dreams, clarity, friendship and Sleep. Its oil gets processed for use in foods, beauty products, and essential oil. Please give us a like and a 5-star rating. SKU: H2032 - HX. Carry in a sachet while gambling to draw luck and money. 0000004155 00000 n Plant Magic. Bergamot essential oil also helps stimulate hormonal secretions, thereby helping to maintain proper metabolic rates. Bergamot is a type of citrus. To attract money, wealth or success in general, place three to five drops of Bergamot oil in your wallet, purse and pockets. Monarda has been used for spells for developing psychic powers, protection, and fertility. In traditional herbology that information is about the physical aspects of the herb. Bergamot side effects include: 18,19. Magical Attributes Household Use Healing Attributes Culinary Use Propagation Blackberries grow everywhere, and especially prefer dry, sandy soil in hedges or at the forest's edge. Bergamot is a herb I am familiar with in magical workings, so it will be interesting to watch it grow and develop in my own garden. As you add the money, state these words: Money earned, Erotic Massage Oil Titania At night, inhale the scent to produce a restful, relaxing sleep. Some of the claimed health. It was first cultivated around Bergamo, from where it takes its name. As herbal medicine, Bergamot is useful for treating boils, cold sores, acne and insect bites. They will not engage because they maintain energetic neutrality. Bergamot is known to be an antidepressant so it can be useful in treating depression and stimulating appetite. Magic Herbs. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Cream. The unique flowers make an attractive garnish. Dizziness. It is our mission to provide the most accurate Pagan, occult and magical information. During crises, panic attacks and emotional breakdown, Bergamot can help to uplift and restore balance. [4] One study has shown potential anticancer properties of bergamot when it comes to bone cancer. Magical abundance blend. magical properties of plants, magical properties of herbs, Plants and Herbs, Herbalist, plant magic, herb magic . Cut leaves as needed. Herbs have been used since ancient times, and are still used today, for their medicinal . 0000075205 00000 n When someone has gone through a long period of time when they couldnt make decisions, or were always told that they'd made the wrong decisions, or were insecure about their decisionsbergamot can be a salve to their spirit and self-esteem. Fennel: Folklore, Growing, Healing & Magickal Uses, Jobs Tears: Folklore, Healing & Magical Uses, Water Hemlock: Characteristics & Magickal Uses. 0000005852 00000 n You can use it in all of the same ways above for protection, hex breaking, courage, and mood-lifting. Native American Indians and European settlers both made types of bergamot tea by extracting its medicinal oils from the leaves. Instagram: @thewandcarver, Bergamot is originally native to Morocco and tropical Asia it is grown commercially in the Ivory Coast and is extensively cultivated in Southern Italy. Erotic Massage Oil Tonight Josephine Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Overview. You can also place a few drops in a sachet or mojo bag with other herbs to carry around. or for people who sleep restlessly. mix 12 drops of bergamot, 3 drops lavender and 3 drops cypress. Home; About Us; Shop Online; Heartburn. We hope you enjoyed it and would very much appreciate if you would share us using the social media buttons below. Bee balm is one of the best plants to use for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden.The flowers and leaves are very good in potpourri and the oils are used in perfumery. Read more about the upcoming full moon here! It belongs to the mint family, and it is truly a native mint of North America. By choosing a magical recipe, you will be able to create your own blend of essential oils. Jasmine 4 drops Magical Properties of Herbs The magic of the plant kingdom is incredibly versatile! The most we publish is two per week so you need not worry about us filling your inbox Warmest blessings to all x, Sources: Incense: Burn for money, prosperity, uplifting of spirits, joy, protection, concentration, alertness, confidence, balance, strength, courage, motivation and assertiveness. medications we already take or it can exacerbate ailments we already have. Check with your doctor. Have you ever had the experience of talking to an individual that's very balanced in their spiritual energy, and you are discussing a concern and they simply nod, smile, and listen politely? We use cookies to improve your browsing experience. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Magical Properties Of Bergamot. Make it your own. Bee balm, or Oswego tea ( Monarda didyma ), was used as a beverage by the Oswego tribe of American Indians and was one of the drinks adopted by American colonists during their boycott of British tea. Pop a pinch of dried bergamot into an incense blend to help develop your psychic abilities. Calamus Root has been used to purify and sanctify spaces for better contact and communication with spirit. Photodermatitis - bergamot contains a substance called bergapten, which is highly phototoxic. Occult, Witchcraft and Magic folklore uses - Associated with money and success. It is also useful as a wash for minor cuts and scrapes. Taste: Hot Pungent Sweet Sour Energy: Cooling Warming Diffusive Stimulating Relaxing Magical Uses Balance Binding Happiness Healing Hex-Breaking Love Money Passion Peace Prosperity Protection Purification Sexuality Sleep Success Sun magic *Bonus: Attracts pollinators, important to so many deities and types of magic Sources (Book) Muscle cramps. Immerse yourself in water and spend in a relaxed state for about 15 minutes. Bergamot even has some aphrodisiac qualities so it can be used to enhance your sex life and bring more passion into the bedroom. The associations and magickal properties of Orange Peel. A perennial garden herb with bright red flowers and large toothed pointed oval leaves. To increase the benefits of your sleep, apply a few drops behind your ears, spreading the excess out over your jawline. In money attraction or luck spells, you can make loose incense with Bergamot and other wealth-drawing herbs.Please note that due to its powdered form, this herb is extremely concentrated. It also aides in circulation and cleanses the blood via the liver, and strengthens the heart. By Isabella @TheWandCarver Spiritually, Bergamot can enhance balance in your life. Bergamot is an herb with a savory and fruity flavor, an aromatic and stimulant, especially improving digestion. Physical effects: Pain-reducing (analgesic), anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anxiety-reducing, and neuro-protective.*. A decoction of the herb was made into hair pomade. This plant is a member of the mint family, with its distinctive square stem and strong-smelling leaves. Herbal magic uses plants to heal, attract good things, and repel the bad. BERGAMOT: Burn for money, prosperity, uplifting of . The tree yields a yellow-green pear-shaped fruit, the peel of which is valued by the flavouring and perfume industries for its essential oil. There are many ways in which to use it to that end. In hoodoo, calamus is used for controlling another person or a situation and is often used in spells of domination. I decided this year to replace them with some that I haven't grown before. As an internal preparation, such as gel caps, Bergamot is often used for digestive complaints, especially those that are flu-like, and for reducing fevers. Those who practice the 'Old Ways' have known since time immemorial of the powers contained in the molecules of "the green". It drives away inner sadness and turns off the feelings of anger and fear. It's a great herb to use externally as well - make a tincture or ointment to apply onto insect bites to relieve itching or swelling. Used in various herbal magic spells. %PDF-1.3 % It is useful against frustration. On the emotional and spiritual levels, bergamot essential oil is great for relieving stress, grief, and depression, and enhancing joy and strength. Gender: Masculine. Oil taken from the peel of the fruit is used to make medicine. I will Cast any of these spells on your behalf. Corrections? Used in love mixtures, mojo bags, amulets, jars and charms. The plant sets seed which are light brown ovals. 0000007918 00000 n Back to: Magick Herbs. [3] Anticancer Potential. 4.5 out of 5 stars (7,030) $ 1.69. Make sure there is good circulation around plants to decrease the risk of mildew. This is the magickal medicine cabinet of the witch, and especially the Green Witch. Oregano: used in Italian food to flavor meat and tomato dishes. Ask the moon and herbs for support in your endeavors. Balm, Lemon : Love, Success, Healing Balm of Gilead : Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing Bamboo : Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes As this was written in the 17th century it would seem that Bergamot had not made it to England yet, however, it apparently had arrived in North America possibly due to the bringing of slaves from Africa where it was grown and I found this from another site [Bee Balm is one of Bergamots American names]: Bee Balm was used as a medicinal plant extensively by Native Americans who recognized four varieties that had different odors. Used in witchcraft foods to promote love and protection. With shipment USPS for $7.95. To create a tea, add 1-2 tsp (4-6 grams) of dried peel to a cup of hot water. Bergamot also has a strong association with prosperity, and is used in plenty of magic related to success. Herbs & their Magickal Properties A Acacia : Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells Adam & Eve Roots : Love, Happiness Adders Tongue : Healing African . Divination and protection. Wild bergamot ( Monarda fistulosa) is a perennial plant that grows 2-5 feet tall. It has a high content of the chemicals esters and alcohols, making it a gentle oil to use. Bergamot is also a member of the mint family. Speaking of Witch Wands & Magickal Things, It is nearly at an end here but a new blog site is dawning, Speaking of Witch Wands & Magickal Things Etsy Shop, the complete herbal and english physician. It is drought tolerant and prefers an alkaline soil. Your email address will not be published. Bergamot is known to be an antidepressant so it can be useful in treating depression and stimulating appetite. Bee balm, or Oswego tea (Monarda didyma), was used as a beverage by the Oswego tribe of American Indians and was one of the drinks adopted by American colonists during their boycott of British tea. Honey. Herbal Teas (113) Herbs (584) Home Decoration (91) Incense (100) Jewelry (549) . Forn Sidr, Heathenism, Northern Paganism, or Faith of the Old Gods. For gambling luck or money luck in general, carry a small sachet full of Bergamot and other money/luck drawing herbs is very effective. The flowers grow at the top of long stems from midsummer onwards. Legend has it that Saturn, the god of hard-earned gains and limitations, governs patchouli, and all spells should be cast on Saturday, the day of Saturn. Health Benefits Bergamot has health benefits include: Reducing Cholesterol Several studies have shown that bergamot may help to reduce overall cholesterol and "bad" LDL cholesterol. It has also been used traditionally to for attraction spells and to control spaces, people and situations. 0000057526 00000 n Element: Air. . Shop for Tea Herbs . It is uplifting to our inner self or soul. bergamot, one of several fragrant herbs of the genus Monarda (family Lamiaceae) or the fruit of the bergamot orange (Citrus aurantium). There's virtually no end to the way these herbs are used; they can be stuffed in sachets, drunk as teas, ground into powders, infused into baths . This strength does not come through as bossy, but rather as an awareness of honour and dignity within yourself. Blackberry Used to invoke the Goddess, protection, healing and prosperity. Calamus Root magical properties. Bergamot can be used internally or externally. Monarda (Monarda spp.) 0000003575 00000 n Visit me at: You are here: Home Herbs and Spices Magickal Uses of Bergamot, Magickal Uses of Bergamot, PLUS WAYS TO USE IT.

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