The NTSB was never able to pin-point the precise cause, but it was clear that it was from within the tank.. It was one of the two or three most complex accidents I was involved with during my 17 years doing that kind of workin fact, it may have been the most complicated, he says. Evidence of arcing was found in a wire bundle that included FQIS wiring connecting to the center wing tank. TWA 800 was scheduled to depart JFK for Charles de Gaulle Airport around 7:00pm, but the flight was delayed until 8:02pm by a disabled piece of ground equipment and a passenger/baggage mismatch. But for men and women untrained in dealing with trauma -- a group that includes thousands of vacationers who had come to this area for rest and restoration -- the pain of the crash is much harder to bear. David McClaine", "National Transportation Safety Board Safety Recommendation", "Six months later, still no answer to the TWA Flight 800 mystery", "Statement on Petition for Reconsideration of TWA 800 Investigation", "NTSB Refuses to Reopen TWA Flight 800 Crash Probe", "NTSB Denies Petition on 1996 Crash of TWA Flight 800", Many Hits, Some Misses: The Post-Crash Web Rush, "TWA Flight 800 wreckage in Ashburn to be decommissioned", "Rule Readied to Prevent Airliner Explosions", "Pan Am Flight 214 CAB report (PDF) (Historical Aircraft Accident, 1963, Pan Am)", "Report and Recommendations Regarding TWA Flight 800 Crash", "Improvements Resulting From NTSB's Recommendations", "Coping with sudden loss after airplane crashes", "NTSB'S Reconstruction of the TWA Flight 800 Fuselage to be Decommissioned", "Wreckage from TWA Flight 800 to be destroyed 25 years after crash", "After 25 years, NTSB to dismantle TWA 800 reconstruction", "NTSB's TWA Flight 800 Reconstruction to be Decommissioned", Boeing Statement Following the First Day of the NTSB's Flight 800 Sunshine Meeting, Learning from a Tragedy: Explosions and Flight 800, "Skeptoid #99: Reassembling TWA Flight 800", TAM Transportes Areos Regionais Flight 402, 1931 Transcontinental & Western Air Fokker F-10 crash,, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2020, Articles needing more detailed references, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2020, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2005, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the National Transportation Safety Board, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, a light from the burning missile motor ascending very rapidly and steeply for about 8 seconds, the light disappearing for up to 7 seconds, upon the missile striking the aircraft and igniting the CWT, another light, moving considerably more slowly and more laterally than the first, for about 30 seconds, this light descending while simultaneously developing into a fireball falling toward the ocean. [1]:93, The NTSB reviewed the 30-knot target track to try to determine why it did not divert from its course and proceed to the area where the TWA800 wreckage had fallen. When the rare fatal air accident occurs it usually involves a causality chain, including a number of seemingly unconnected small anomalies that, together, create a sort of perfect storm which causes a crash, he says. [63] The NTSB had first recommended such a rule just five months after the incident and 33 years after a similar recommendation issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board Bureau of Safety on December 17, 1963, nine days after the crash of Pan Am Flight 214. [1]:270 The NTSB further concluded, "the witnesses' observations of one or more fireballs were of the airplane's burning wreckage falling toward the ocean". Almost immediately there was speculation that the plane had been the target of a terrorist attack, with many claiming theyd spotted what appeared to be a missile heading toward the plane just before it exploded. Although it could not be determined with certainty, the likely ignition source was a short circuit. Of the accidents that have occurred, spontaneous explosions in mid-air have always been responsible for a very small percentage of the total.. Flight 800 has begun releasing details to family members who request them. SMITHTOWN, N.Y. Passengers in the first-class section of TWA Flight 800 suffered the most extensive injuries of the victims recovered so far, investigators said Monday, strengthening . [1]:3 Witnesses in the area of the crash reported seeing an explosion in the night sky, followed by a shower of flaming debris. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! "[1]:265 In addition, 18 witnesses reported seeing a streak of light that originated at the surface, or the horizon, which did not "appear to be consistent with the airplane's calculated flightpath and other known aspects of the accident sequence. It's no more emotionally stressful than a doctor who deals every day with childhood leukemia. [26][27][28] Since the NTSB does not investigate criminal activity, the United States Attorney General is empowered to declare an investigation to be linked to a criminal act, and require the NTSB to relinquish control of the investigation to the FBI. So losing Flight 800 to an in-flight explosion of another kind was a very rare event indeed.. [44]:5 Included in some of the witness summaries were drawings or diagrams of what the witness observed. They even have been attending to each other, conducting trauma "debriefings" at the end of every long day to relieve stress. [1]:58 The victims' remains were transported to the Suffolk County Medical Examiner's Office in Hauppauge, New York. [1]:263, Only the FAA radar facility in North Truro, Massachusetts, using specialized processing software from the United States Air Force 84th Radar Evaluation Squadron, was capable of estimating the altitude of TWA 800 after it lost power due to the CWT explosion. [1]:257 The breakup also could have been initiated by an in-flight separation of the forward cargo door like the disasters on board Turkish Airlines Flight 981 or United Airlines Flight 811, but all evidence indicated that the door was closed and locked at impact. [1]:89 Attention was drawn to data from the Islip, New York, ARTCC facility that showed three tracks in the vicinity of TWA 800 that did not appear in any of the other radar data. All but one were considered very unlikely to have been the source of ignition. [49]:29 An overpressure event was defined as a rapid increase in pressure resulting in failure of the structure of the CWT. Even as trauma specialists comforted the families of victims at Kennedy airport, they have been attending carefully to the search teams, pathologists and investigators exposed to the human horrors being pulled from the ocean. Death On Flight 800. [32]:3 Ultimately, remains of all 230 victims were recovered and identified, the last over 10 months after the crash. The design and certification concept that fuel tank explosions could be prevented solely by precluding all ignition sources. [1]:6574 The green zone with the aft portion of the aircraft was located the furthest along the flight path. To me, it is impossible for secrets like this to be kept secret very long.. [1]:7174, Pieces of wreckage were transported by boat to shore and then by truck to leased hangar space at the former Grumman Aircraft facility in Calverton, New York, for storage, examination, and reconstruction. "The NTSB was never able to pin-point the precise cause, but it was clear. [1]:3 Intense public interest arose in these witness reports, as did much speculation that the reported streak of light was a missile that had struck TWA 800, causing the airplane to explode. Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), side-scan sonar, and laser line-scanning equipment were used to search for and investigate underwater debris fields. [70], For almost 25 years, the wreckage of Flight 800 was kept by the NTSB and used as an accident-investigation teaching aid. The rule required airlines to pump inert gas into the tanks. [1]:264, The NTSB concluded, "the witness observations of a streak of light were not related to a missile and that the streak of light reported by most of these witnesses was burning fuel from the accident airplane in crippled flight during some portion of the postexplosion, preimpact breakup sequence". [1]:1 All 230 people on board died in the crash; it is the third-deadliest aviation accident in U.S. history. "[41]:4 Meanwhile, the NTSB was required to refute or play down speculation about conclusions and evidence, frequently supplied to reporters by law enforcement officials and politicians. ''They are very cold, chilling documents,'' he said. Additionally, severed cables for the engine #3 thrust reverser were replaced. "We've had marina customers afraid to come down," said co-owner Harvey Gessin. N93119, the aircraft involved in the accident, in May 1995. ")[1]:230 The NTSB witness group concluded that the streak of light reported by witnesses might have been the actual airplane during some stage of its flight before the fireball developed, noting that most of the 258 streak-of-light accounts were generally consistent with the calculated flightpath of the accident airplane after the CWT explosion. [1]:273 Testing by the NTSB and the British Defence Evaluation and Research Agency demonstrated that when metal of the same type and thickness of the CWT was penetrated by a small charge, petalling of the surface occurred where the charge was placed, with pitting on the adjacent surfaces, and visible hot-gas washing damage in the surrounding area. In addition, it restricts lawyers and other parties from contacting family members within 30 days of the accident. The event remains one of the deadliest plane crashes in U.S. history. MOST of the 230 people aboard TWA Flight 800 were killed quickly in mid air by "phenomenal whiplash" when the plane exploded, Tue Aug 20 1996 - 01:00 MOST of the 230 people aboard TWA. First autopsy report released from TWA 800 crash - January 3, 1997. Among the dead were 18 crew members and 212 passengers, including 16 students and five chaperones from Pennsylvania's Montoursville Area High School French Club. [64], The crash of TWA Flight 800, and that of ValuJet Flight 592 earlier in 1996, prompted Congress to pass the Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996 as part of the federal aviation appropriations bill. Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. But he said the pattern of injuries he has seen -- which reflects examinations of less than one-fourth of those on the plane -- would not be consistent with a bomb, plastic or otherwise, in the passenger cabin. It takes a great deal of time and high-tech detective work to piece together the often seemingly disparate events in flight which, together lead up to a major accident., Oakley says the length of the Flight 800 investigation was due to a couple factors. [1]:100 In addition, the locations of pieces of wreckage at the time of recovery and differences in fire effects on pieces that are normally adjacent to each other were evaluated. Expressing frustration at the NTSB's unwillingness to speculate on a cause, one FBI agent described the NTSB as "No opinions. [1]:87 Instead, the NTSB conducted a series of computer simulations to examine the flightpath of the main portion of the fuselage. [1]:93 Military records examined by the NTSB showed no military surface vessels within 15 nautical miles (28km; 17mi) of TWA800 at the time of the accident. [1]:257 The NTSB concluded that "the in-flight breakup of TWA flight 800 was not initiated by a pre-existing condition resulting in a structural failure and decompression. "[1]:265 Regarding these differing accounts, the NTSB noted that based on their experience in previous investigations "witness reports are often inconsistent with the known facts or with other witnesses' reports of the same events. ATC recording (courtesy Allec Joshua Ibay), International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, surge tank fire that destroyed a 747 near Madrid in 1976, AirCraft Casualty Emotional Support Services, "In-flight Breakup Over the Atlantic Ocean Trans World Airlines Flight 800 Boeing 747-131, N93119 Near East Moriches, New York July 17, 1996", "Investigators Focus Closely on Terrorism As Cause of Explosion: Chemicals Found on Jet Victims, U.S. Reports", "Terror on Flight 800: Who wishes us ill? [57] In a press release, the NTSB stated: "After a thorough review of all the information provided by the petitioners, the NTSB denied the petition in its entirety because the evidence and analysis presented did not show the original findings were incorrect. [14] During refueling of the aircraft, the volumetric shutoff (VSO) control was believed to have been triggered before the tanks were full. Flight 800 lawsuit puts focus on fuel pump - Dec . [41]:5 Since the primary objective was to identify all remains rather than performing a detailed forensic autopsy, the thoroughness of the examinations was highly variable. [1]:93 None of these sequences intersected TWA 800's position at any time, either. [33] Many waited until the remains of their family members had been recovered, identified, and released. [1]:93 In addition, the records indicated that the closest area scheduled for military use, warning area W-387A/B, was 160 nautical miles (296km; 184mi) south. "[1]:257, A review of recorded data from long-range and airport surveillance radars revealed multiple contacts of airplanes or objects in TWA800's vicinity at the time of the accident. [1]:290 Finally, the CWT fuel quantity gauge was recovered and indicated 640pounds instead of the 300pounds that had been loaded into that tank. That added some time to the investigation.. [9], The accident airplane, registration N93119 (a Boeing 747-131), was manufactured by Boeing in July 1971; it had been ordered by Eastern Air Lines, but after Eastern cancelled its 747 orders, the plane was purchased new by Trans World Airlines. Any parts of the plane that cannot be recycled will be disposed of in landfills. [1]:363365 NTSB and FBI personnel were present to observe all transfers to preserve the evidentiary value of the wreckage. These tests simulated a fuel-air explosion in the CWT by igniting a propane-air mixture; this resulted in the failure of the tank structure due to overpressure. Plus, investigators applied extra diligence to accommodate a huge amount of pressure applied from many quarters to make absolutely sure this was not the result of a terrorist operation, or an errant missile fired by our, or some other nations, military.. In April 1998, the FBI provided the NTSB with the identities of the witnesses, but due to the time elapsed, a decision was made to rely on the original FBI documents rather than reinterview witnesses. Captain/Check Airman Snyder was seated in the first officer's (right) seat monitoring Kevorkian's progress. As a result of the investigation, new requirements were developed for aircraft to prevent future fuel tank explosions. The NTSB sought and secured language[citation needed] to clarify the issue in 49 USC 1131(a)(2)(B), which was amended in 2000 to read: .mw-parser-output .quotebox{background-color:#F9F9F9;border:1px solid #aaa;box-sizing:border-box;padding:10px;font-size:88%;max-width:100%}.mw-parser-output .quotebox.floatleft{margin:.5em 1.4em .8em 0}.mw-parser-output .quotebox.floatright{margin:.5em 0 .8em 1.4em}.mw-parser-output .quotebox.centered{overflow:hidden;position:relative;margin:.5em auto .8em auto}.mw-parser-output .quotebox.floatleft span,.mw-parser-output .quotebox.floatright span{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .quotebox>blockquote{margin:0;padding:0;border-left:0;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit}.mw-parser-output .quotebox-title{background-color:#F9F9F9;text-align:center;font-size:110%;font-weight:bold}.mw-parser-output .quotebox-quote>:first-child{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .quotebox-quote:last-child>:last-child{margin-bottom:0}.mw-parser-output .quotebox-quote.quoted:before{font-family:"Times New Roman",serif;font-weight:bold;font-size:large;color:gray;content:" ";vertical-align:-45%;line-height:0}.mw-parser-output .quotebox-quote.quoted:after{font-family:"Times New Roman",serif;font-weight:bold;font-size:large;color:gray;content:" ";line-height:0}.mw-parser-output .quotebox .left-aligned{text-align:left}.mw-parser-output .quotebox .right-aligned{text-align:right}.mw-parser-output .quotebox .center-aligned{text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .quotebox .quote-title,.mw-parser-output .quotebox .quotebox-quote{display:block}.mw-parser-output .quotebox cite{display:block;font-style:normal}@media screen and (max-width:640px){.mw-parser-output .quotebox{width:100%!important;margin:0 0 .8em!important;float:none!important}}, If the Attorney General, in consultation with the Chairman of the [NTSB], determines and notifies the [NTSB] that circumstances reasonably indicate that the accident may have been caused by an intentional criminal act, the [NTSB] shall relinquish investigative priority to the [FBI]. They had just announced a booming quarterly earnings report, increasing revenues more than 12% to almost $1 billion, including. CAPTION: A flower shop sign on Highway 25 outside East Moriches carries sentiments felt by many along the south shore of Long Island, closest land to crash site. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. The . ''I would not want to read the autopsy of my loved one,'' Dr. Wetli said in an interview. On July 24, 2012, this FOIA release was re-uploaded to address technical issues. According to Purvis, the safety board addressed the missile idea in its report. [47][48] In addition, the backs of several damaged passenger seats were observed to have an unknown red/brown-shaded substance on them. [42], Although considerable discrepancies existed between different accounts, most witnesses to the accident had seen a "streak of light" that was described by 38 of 258 witnesses as ascending,[1]:232 moving to a point where a large fireball appeared, with several witnesses reporting that the fireball split in two as it descended toward the water. [1]:89, The NTSB addressed allegations that the Islip radar data showed groups of military surface targets converging in a suspicious manner in an area around the accident, and that a 30-knot radar track, never identified and 3 nautical miles (5.6km; 3.5mi) from the crash site, was involved in foul play, as evidenced by its failure to divert from its course and assist with the search and rescue operations. [1]:288 Arcing signs were also seen on two wires sharing a cable raceway with FQIS wiring at station 955. [62], On July 18, 2008, the U.S secretary of transportation visited the facility and announced a final rule designed to prevent accidents caused by fuel-tank explosions. The FBI conducted an investigation. [1]:290 Experiments showed that applying power to a wire leading to the fuel quantity gauge can cause the digital display to change by several hundred pounds before the circuit breaker trips. Analysis revealed that the severity of injury and anatomic injury pattern did not generally correlate with seating position or structural damage. Oakley notes that from the distant perspective of witnesses on the ground, the sequence of the explosion, a sudden shift of gravity and continuing forward momentum that caused a sharp temporary climb, and the planes vertical dive and fiery descent, the crash could have looked like the result of some sort of attack. Trans World Airlines Flight 800 ( TWA800) was a Boeing 747-100 that exploded and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near East Moriches, New York, on July 17, 1996, at about 8:31 pm. . In this case, the victim was a Long Island. [1]:262, Thirty-eight witnesses described a streak of light that ascended vertically, or nearly so, and these accounts "seem[ed] to be inconsistent with the accident airplane's flightpath. FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. [51]:6, As the investigation progressed, the NTSB decided to form a witness group to more fully address the accounts of witnesses. A safety board investigator later reviewed FBI interview notes and briefed other board investigators on their contents. 27, p. 92, Trace amounts of explosive residue were detected on three samples of material from three separate locations of the recovered airplane wreckage (described by the FBI as a piece of canvas-like material and two pieces of a floor panel). [34]:1[35]:34 This hotel became known as the "Heartbreak Hotel" for its role in handling families of victims of several airliner crashes. It is fair to say that we will never see another accident of this kind involving this aircraft type. The captain commented on the "crazy" readings of the number 4 engine fuel flow gauge about 21/2 minutes before the CVR recording ended. [1]:2 Weather in the area was light winds with scattered clouds,[1]:256 with dusk lighting conditions. As not all components and wiring were recovered, pinpointing the source of the necessary voltage was not possible. [1]:94 Additionally, the occupants of the target track were unlikely to have been able to hear the explosions over the sound of its engines and the noise of the hull traveling through water, even more so if the occupants were in an enclosed bridge or cabin. EDT, 12 minutes after takeoff from John F. Kennedy International Airport, on a scheduled international passenger flight to Rome, with a stopover in Paris. [36][37][38], Grief turned to anger at TWA's delay in confirming the passenger list,[33] conflicting information from agencies and officials,[39]:1 and mistrust of the recovery operation's priorities. CAPTION: On a dock in Brooklyn, a section of the 747 jumbo jet that crashed Wednesday night is hauled away as part of the investigation into the cause. But James K. Kallstrom, who is heading the criminal arm of the investigation for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, told the Medical Examiner last week that he had no objection to the release of the autopsy reports to the next of kin. The aircraft had completed 16,869 flights with 93,303 hours of operation and was powered by four Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7AH turbofan engines. The NTSB and the FBI have designated liaisons to ensure that information flows between agencies, and to coordinate on-scene operations. Various civilian, military, and police vessels reached the crash site and searched for survivors within minutes of the initial water impact, but found none,[1]:86 making TWA 800 the second-deadliest aircraft accident in United States history at that time. I made two visits to the mockup the NTSB assembled from the wreckage in a hangar on Long Island at the time, he says. He acknowledged that families of the victims are extremely impatient for their loved ones to be identified; 16 have been tentatively identified and the dentist colleague has been positively identified along with his wife traveling with him on Flight 800. To honor this agreement made with the families of the victims of TWA Flight 800, the NTSB will work closely with a federal government contractor to dismantle the reconstruction and destroy the wreckage. Investigators believe the explosion began in the center fuel tank, but they say. [1]:6[10][11] On the day of the accident, the airplane departed from Ellinikon International Airport in Athens, Greece, as TWA Flight 881 and arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) about 4:38 pm. Dr. Wetli began releasing them this week, saying the families had to contact him in writing to obtain the documents. Conspiracy theories claim that the crash was due to a U.S. Navy missile test gone awry, a terrorist missile strike, or an on-board bomb. Critical analysis of injuries sustained in the TWA flight 800 midair disaster Critical analysis of injuries sustained in the TWA flight 800 midair disaster Critical analysis of injuries sustained in the TWA flight 800 midair disaster Critical analysis of injuries sustained in the TWA flight 800 midair disaster J Trauma. With todays very sophisticated weather radar and stringent rules for avoiding potentially dangerous weather this virtually never occurs, Oakley says. Vacationer Joanne Bechhoff canceled a birthday party she had booked for tonight on the sandy volleyball court at the water's edge because she said she simply could not bear to be in a place so closely linked to such a huge tragedy. [1]:258 Of the 5% of the fuselage that was not recovered, none of the missing areas was large enough to have covered all the damage that would have been caused by the detonation of a bomb or missile. "It's a matter of sensitivity," she said. Results: All 230 passengers of TWA Flight 800 were recovered as fatalities. Flight 800 has begun releasing details to family members who request them. EAST MORICHES, N.Y. (AP) _ The coroner said today he doubts that TWA Flight 800 passengers experienced the horror of a free fall and thinks most suffered an almost instantaneous death. Purvis says while four years is a long time for an investigation, its not outside the accepted bounds. But Wetli added: "We see Quincy' on TV, and he identifies people very quickly. [1]:261 While the NTSB acknowledged that the test conditions at Bruntingthorpe were not fully comparable to the conditions that existed on TWA 800 at the time of the accident,[1]:261 previous fuel explosions in the CWTs of commercial airliners such as Avianca Flight 203 and Philippine Airlines Flight 143 confirmed that a CWT explosion could break apart the fuel tank and lead to the destruction of an airplane. The source of ignition energy for the explosion could not be determined with certainty, but, of the sources evaluated by the investigation, the most likely was a short circuit outside of the CWT that allowed excessive voltage to enter it through electrical wiring associated with the fuel quantity indication system. Medical investigators were holding up remarkably well as they went about their gruesome work -- opening body bags, removing corpses, examining them in painstaking detail -- when a forensic dentist looked up from one of the bodies and told his colleagues: "I know this person.". [1]:293294 This was not considered proof of a source of ignition. [1]:fig. CNN's traffic quadrupled to 3.9 million views per day. 26, p. 91, Primary radar returns that appeared near the TWA 800 after 8:31:12pm: The 30-knot track is at the bottom center of the image. During this time, quenching was identified as an issue, where the explosion would extinguish itself as it passed through the complex structure of the CWT. In the early days and weeks after the accident, the FBI was in charge because there was concern about it being a crime. Flight that exploded and crashed in 1996 off the coast of New York, The reconstructed wreckage of TWA 800, stored at. Web posted at: 10:00 p.m. EST. [1]:8789 None of these contacts intersected TWA 800's position at any time. "[1]:63, Map showing the locations of the red, yellow, and green zones[1]:fig. In this case, the victim was a Long Island dentist who had assisted forensic dentists in the medical examiner's office. [1]:230 Despite the two and a half years that had elapsed since the accident, the witness group did interview the captain of Eastwind Airlines Flight 507, who was the first to report the explosion of TWA 800, because of his vantage point and experience as an airline pilot. [1]:273, Similarly, the investigation considered the possibility that a small explosive charge placed on the CWT could have been the ignition source. [1]:118 According to the seat manufacturer, the locations and appearance of this substance were consistent with adhesive used in the construction of the seats, and additional laboratory testing by NASA identified the substance as being consistent with adhesives. The NTSB found that the probable cause of the crash of TWA Flight 800 was an explosion of flammable fuel/air vapors in a fuel tank, most likely from a short circuit. [29] In the case of TWA 800, the FBI initiated a parallel criminal investigation alongside the NTSB's accident investigation. "[55] Speculation was fueled in part by early descriptions, visuals, and eyewitness accounts of the disaster that indicated a sudden explosion and trails of fire moving in an upward direction. He says fatal incidents tend to occur when an airplane is unintentionally flown into violent weather, usually a thunderstorm or, very rarely, some form of severe clear air turbulence (CAT). [1]:243247 Advocates of a missile-attack scenario asserted that some of these witnesses observed a missile;[1]:264 analysis demonstrated that the observations were not consistent with a missile attack on TWA800, but instead were consistent with these witnesses having observed part of the in-flight fire and breakup sequence after the CWT explosion. [1]:273274 Since none of the recovered CWT wreckage exhibited these damage characteristics, and none of the areas of missing wreckage was large enough to encompass all the expected damage, the investigation concluded that this scenario was "very unlikely". The flight crew started the engines at 8:04 pm. ", "Aviation and criminal experts probe TWA crash", "FBI: No criminal evidence behind TWA 800 crash", "NTSB Board Meeting on TWA 800August23, 2000, Part 4", "N93119 Trans World Airlines (TWA) Boeing 747-100", "Passenger and crew list, TWA Flight 800", "Airplane Performance Study Attachment I: Boeing's TWA Flight 800 FDR Data Summary", "Group Chairman's Factual Report of Investigation Cockpit Voice Recorder", "Group Chairman's Factual Report of Investigation Sound Spectrum Study", "Test Report Number: 03-RPT-0031 Underwater Acoustic Locator Beacon (CVR) Dukane Corporation", "Air Traffic Control Group Chairman's Factual Report", "ASN Aircraft accident Boeing 747-131 N93119 East Moriches, NY", "Stadtmuseum Povelturm, Nordhorn eine Zeitreise", "THE CRASH OF FLIGHT 800: THE PASSENGERS;Reunions and Homecomings Never Fulfilled and Sudden End to a Vacation", "Ana Marie Shorter, Wife of Jazz Musician, Dies On Flight 800", "Montoursville mourns: Flight 800 took away 'part of its future', "Town still mourns 10years after TWA 800", "No Survivors Among 228 In N.Y. Jetliner Explosion", "NTSB Board Meeting on TWA 800August22, 2000, Morning Session", "For Crash Victims' Families, A Painful Return to Routine", "Victims Knew Jet Was In Trouble Airport Inn Becomes Heartbreak Hotel Again", "Hotel Near JFK Airport is Familiar With Airline Tragedy", "A Heartbreak Hotel for Kin They wait, Weep at JFK Ramada", "Navy Retrieves 2 'Black Boxes' From Sea Floor", "Airliner Bombings Are Reviewed For Similarities to T.W.A.

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