Colonies which have not achieved responsible government are not represented in this election. Seal of the President of the United Federation of Planets, The President of the United Federation of Planets (informally, the Federation President or the President of the Federation) was the elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. The Efrosians were a sentient, humanoid species, whose homeworld was a member of the United Federation of Planets by the late 23rd century. From there, the bill may be sent back to the Council, which may override the veto if a sufficiently large number of councillors vote as such. Protection Detail agents were not members of Starfleet and wore dark civilian uniforms. [10], Like many things in Star Trek, episodes and films may reference entities or laws within the Federation, but viewers are never given a broad view of its inner workings. The president is also required to nominate Federation Councillors to the various sub-councils, with the full Council then being responsible for ratifying such nominations. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost") until 3069 (DIS: "People of Earth"), While in the mirror universe, after seeing that mirror Worf was the regent of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, Rom was so taken aback he exclaimed "Who's the president of the Federation, Gul Dukat!?" Little is known about Jonathan Archer's time as Federation President between the years 2184 and 2192, but his important adventures and discoveries as captain of the Enterprise made him a prime candidate to originate the office. In DS9, "Paradise Lost/Homefront", then president Jaresh-Inyo, mentions that he was content to just be a representative for his world before becoming President. President Akri Hysuda was sworn into office on November 21st, 2429, only seven months after . The Federation President (formally, the President of the United Federation of Planets) is the democratically elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. The president of the United Federation of Planets (informally, the Federation president or the president of the Federation) was the elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. In the event of death, resignation, or other circumstances preventing the President from discharging the duties of their office, the Federation Council will declare one of their own members to be Acting President while a special election is called to fill out the remainder of the Presidential term. There have been a total of 43 Federation Presidents. Tasked with handling the most delicate Federation situation since the founding of the institution in 2161, the human, Bajoran, and Cardassian hybrid Laira Rillak oversaw the rebuilding process of the UFP. READ: Is ancestry com a reliable source? United Federation of Planets "The universe belongs to those brave enough to share it in peace." - Thomas Vanderbilt, First President of the United Federation of Planets, January 7, 2162 The United Federation of Planets (abbreviated as UFP and commonly referred to as the Federation) was founded in 2161. The office of the President of the United Federation of Planets was established on October 11, 2161, with the signing of the Federation Charter. The Office of the President of the United Federation of Planets is the official name for the executive support structure that enables the President of the United Federation of Planets to effectively do their job. The Federation's counterpart in the Mirror Universe is the Terran Empire, a human-dominated authoritarian state which has formed an empire by conquest. Starfleet Security maintained a continuous physical presence within the Palais adjacent to the president, and also was responsible for general security in the Palais. (TNG - Cold Equations novel: Silent Weapons), The president's office is on Floor Fifteen of the Federation's seat of government, the Palais de la Concorde, in Paris, Earth. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The President presides over the Federation Council, and is occasionally referred to as Council President. Over time it has expanded to include many more worlds through peaceful voluntary assimilation. I need a 'standard array' for a D&D-like homebrew game, but anydice chokes - how to proceed? [5], The optimistic view of the future present in the Federation has been highlighted as unique among most science fiction, showing how "evolved" and "civilized" the future could conceivably be. The president received foreign ambassadors and had the authority to control Starfleet deployments and to declare martial law on Federation member worlds. [11], In the timeline of Star Trek, the Federation was founded in 2161,[12] after the events of Star Trek: Enterprise but before those of the other series in the franchise. The president acts as head of state for the Federation government. The Office of the President is created by Chapter XV . (DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost"), Jaresh-Inyo left office sometime prior to 2375. Approved candidates then campaign in a popular election. ( DIS: " The Galactic Barrier ") According to background material created for Star Trek Generations, the vice president of the United Federation of Planets was an elected government official in the United . The dissolution of the Khitomer Accords lead to increased tensions with the Klingon Empire, and the two-part Star Trek: Deep Space Nine story "Homefront"/"Paradise Lost" chronicled the attempted coup of his government which eventually killed his political career, and he left office sometime before 2375. As the Federation Council only met twice a year in the early 2160s, the Council President was expected to act for the Council the rest of the time. Answering questions as to why Jaresh-Inyo put Earth into a state of emergency, Ronald D. Moore stated: During the fifth season, Ron D. Moore in an AOL chat gave a summary of what was going on in the show, ending by joking that Morn had become President of the Federation. [2] In August 1966, Gene L. Coon was hired by Gene Roddenberry as a writer for Star Trek. [3] One of the first teleplays Coon was credited with was "A Taste of Armageddon", where an ambassador on the Enterprise is referred to as a Federation official. (ST - Destiny novel: Gods of Night, TNG - Cold Equations novel: Silent Weapons), For short-range interplanetary transport, the president has use of three private Starfleet shuttlecraft. RELATED: Discovery Season 5 Could Be The Federation's Voyage Home. All Federation citizens within and without UFP territory are allowed to submit their ballots, which are tabulated over the course of a week by two independent auditing firms and by the Federation government before a winner is certified. I'd make a separate question post here for. Every captain of the Enterprise brought something new to the big chair, but Archer truly established what it meant to be a starship captain, and he was also integral in the founding of the Federation itself. Starfleet Admiral and Chief of Starfleet Operations Leyton and Captain Benjamin Sisko advocated increased security on Earth following the bombing, and when the planetary power grid was disabled, Inyo declared martial law on the capital planet. Sulu was elected to the office in 2328 and plans to step down in 2340, after completing his third term in office. The President is also the most senior diplomat in the Federation, though the Federation Council may over-ride the President in this area with a sufficient number of votes. Everyone votes, then several weeks go by and a panel of judges decide who won. The President received foreign ambassadors and had the authority to control Starfleet deployments and to declare martial law on Federation member worlds. (Starship Recognition Series 2). Shenzhou during the Battle of the Binary Stars. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), The President was supported by the Cabinet, a special committee comprising the heads of the executive departments of the Federation government. STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Very well, thank you. The various members of the Federation are organized under the unifying goals of universal liberty, equality, peaceful coexistence, trade, science, exploration, and . Notable presidents who have taken strong steps in defining the role of the presidency include Haroun al-Rashid, Avaranthi sh'Rothress, Kenneth Wescott, Ra-ghoratreii, Thelianaresth th'Vorothishria, Zife (ST novel: Articles of the Federation), and Nanietta Bacco (ST - The Fall novel: Peaceable Kingdoms). The Federation neighbors the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Cardassian Union, and several smaller groups. The Last Unicorn sourcebook for the Federation suggests that the President is elected by members of the Federation Council, similar to a parliamentary government. An election is held every four years, and a president may serve for an unlimited number of terms. The Federation President was the head of government of Starfleet, and was elected by the council using a qualified majority system for a period of five years, although the Council could remove a President by a vote of non-confidence. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} or {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old. The President of the United Federation of Planets was one of the most important offices in the entire Star Trek universe, but out of all the people who held the position who was the best Commander in Chief? Non-canonically, the novel The Assassination Game mentioned a Federation President in the year 2255 named Pellan Fel who was an Andorian and could have possibly been the one in question. The rest of the Presidential staff (including the Presidential Chief of Staff, speechwriters, advisers, etc.) (ST - A Time to novel: A Time to Heal), The president serves as the commander-in-chief of the Federation's armed forces. Despite that, it is clear from her accomplishments in Star Trek: Discovery that President Laira Rillak most exemplified the office of President of the UFP. The Office of the President encompasses the Cabinet, the Civil Service and the staff for the Presidents office at the Palais de la Concorde. The Federation Charter also seems to be a very simple "constitution", like that of the United States, so much of the administrative structure of the Federation would have originated from precedent and rulings of the Federation Council, parliamentary Britain-style. As leader of the Federation, the president is widely considered the most powerful person in the known Alpha and Beta Quadrants. However, Ni'Var's President T'Rina (Tara Rosling) says it was one of many reasons. The Federation President is also the commander-in-chief of all Starfleet forces. Little is said about the V'draysh, except that it is at war with Alcor IV, and that the V'draysh people are searching for artifacts from ancient human history. In addition, Nicole Clemens, President Paramount+ Original Scripted Series, confirmed that the project was still moving forward. The Federation presidency has traditionally been an office considerably less autonomous than the presidencies of many planetary governments. (DIS: "There Is A Tide"), Laira Rillak, the Federation president in 3190, In 3190, Laira Rillak was newly elected when she presided over the reopening of Starfleet Academy and presented the newly built Archer Spacedock. The writer of this episode, Michael Chabon, stated that the name "V'draysh" is intended to be a syncope for the word "Federation".[26]. President of the United Federation of Planets @ Memory-Alpha, President of the United Federation of Planets @ Memory-Beta, "Mister President" if a male (any species), "Madam President" if a female (any species). ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9: " Homefront ", " Paradise Lost ") (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace, ST novel: Articles of the Federation), While a presidential term of office is normally four standard years long, this can sometimes change. Can a private citizen of the Federation legally obtain a starship? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The Last Unicorn sourcebook for the Federation suggests that the President is elected by members of the Federation Council, similar to a parliamentary government. Actor William Shatner credits Coon with injecting the concepts of Starfleet, Starfleet Command and the United Federation of Planets into the show. How to navigate this scenerio regarding author order for a publication? (ST novel: Articles of the Federation, ST - A Time to novel: A Time to Heal), The president has the right to executive review of legislation passed by the Federation Council, and may veto a bill. Ambassador Sarahd was appointed as his Vice-President. (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?") President of the Federation; Federation Council; Federation Supreme Court; Starfleet Command; Military Branches Starfleet. 4 min read. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) If the president was absent, the vice president assumed the powers of the president. The President ascends to the office through a popular election and serves an unlimited number of four-year terms. The President of the United Federation of Planets is the executive head of the Federation government. (Dates not established: mid-22nd century): (Dates not established: late 22nd century): (Exact dates not established: early 2230s, two terms): (Dates not established; during Cardassian first contact). The UFP . (Dates unestablished: late 22nd century): (Exact dates unestablished: early 2230s, two terms): (Dates unestablished; during Cardassian first contact). Elections will occur after a nomination period of at least three days to begin one week prior to the current presidential term ending. pl:Prezydent Zjednoczonej Federacji Planet. fr:Prsident de la Fdration des Plantes Unies (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9: "Homefront") In addition, the president could preside over special courts martial in which the Federation Council served as the judging body. (Star Trek Sticker Book, pg. The president, however, nonetheless serves as the political and inspirational leader of the United Federation of Planets, and is still looked up to for guidance and leadership by the people of the Federation. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. As the leader of the Federation, the President was often considered to be the most powerful individual in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Presidents of the United Federation of Planets: This timeline reflects the un The right to declare war, however, lies solely with the Federation Council. The democratically-elected Federation President is the head of this branch. (TOS movie: The Undiscovered Country), The president has the right to declare a state of emergency on a Federation Member State, a political subdivision of a Member State, or in a political subdivision of the Federation itself. Building off the excitement of the FISU World University Games Winter that start here in Lake Placid this week, the 2029 FISU . (Dragon Ball Z vs. Star Trek: The Way of Infinity), The Kennedy-class diplomatic cruisers were commanded by members of the Federation Diplomatic Corps, not Starfleet. Viewers are rarely given details of the internal workings of the government; however, many episodes refer to the rules and laws that the Federation imposes on the characters and their adventures. The franchise focuses on Starfleet, the exploration and defence arm of the Federation, rather than the government. How do I submit an offer to buy an expired domain? Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library, Star Trek: Federation - The First 150 Years, Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Two, fr:Prsident de la Fdration des Plantes Unies, pl:Prezydent Zjednoczonej Federacji Planet, Starter Pokmon/Games/Starter Pokmon/Base stat comparison when fully evolved, Pokmon world in relation to the real world/Core regions/Unova, File:In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II-attack.png, President of the United Federation of Planets. (DS9: "Paradise Lost") They had the power to pardon criminals. In non-canon sources like the original 1975 Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual, Johnson's Worlds of the Federation, and roleplaying games, the Federation's five founding members were Earth (or Terra), Vulcan, Tellar, Andor, and Alpha Centauri. The United Federation of Planets, also referred to as the Federation or UFP, is an interstellar nation composed of planetary governments and colonies. 'Thank You. Considering the fact that the presidency existed for over 1000 years in the vast Star Trek timeline before its initial dissolution, there were most likely other presidents that have yet to be mentioned who had an important impact on the progress of the future. Can state or city police officers enforce the FCC regulations? The President of the Federation and the duties of the office are the subjects of the novel Articles of the Federation, which tells the story of a year in the life of the newly-elected Federation President in a style similar to that of the television series The West Wing. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation), The president also has the power to pardon criminals. When a president unexpectedly resigns, dies, or is otherwise unable to discharge the powers of the office, the Federation Council declares a councillor to be President Pro Tempore; the President Pro Tempore then serves for a short term length set by law, while a special election is then called by the Council. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country), Jaresh-Inyo, the Federation President in 2372. He currently lives in Los Angeles and pursues writing full time. The novel also names several prior Federation Presidents, including the ones who are canonically "name unknown." Little is known about Jonathan Archer's time as Federation President between the years 2184 and 2192, but his important adventures and discoveries as captain of the . During the fourth season, the Federation is in the process of rebuilding itself; Starfleet Academy is reopened, new shipbuilding facilities are commissioned, and many former member worlds such as Trill, Ni'Var and Earth rejoin. The Federation President (formally, the President of the United Federation of Planets) is the democratically elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. Formally, the President was the chairman of the Federation Council, but in most non-ceremonial situations the Council was chaired by the Parliamentarian. It is customary for each administration to redecorate the Presidential Office and the top three floors of the Palais as that president sees fit. Following the Whale Probe incident (in which Kirk and his crew saved the planet), the President and the Council agreed to drop all but one of the charges against the Enterprise crew, the remaining charge of disobeying orders simply resulting in Kirk being demoted to captain as he wanted all along in gratitude for their service to Earth and the Federation. The President of the United Federation of Planets, commonly known as the Federation president, was the head of the Federation, operating from the Office of the President. Often a thankless position, Star Trek: Discovery mentioned several presidents that have never actually been seen on screen.

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