series showed militarized police clad in body-armored black assault suits with M-16 automatic rifles and various types of grenades to aid them in their performances of daring-do. According to the conclusions of a recent study of police militarization by Princeton University assistant professor Jonathan Mummolo, this is not usually the case in the real world. There are many examples that make police brutality the worst as it is today. Images of police wearing masks, helmets and holding assault rifles are posted all over social media. Do you feel safer knowing there 's a police officer if anything happens or do you get nervous and think you might get pulled over. Advances in technology obviously plays a role in this, but the attacks on the Twin Towers sparked American interest., Although I dont agree with hunting for sport, I understand that it is a right that we, as Americans, have and that taking away the rights to guns seems wrong. RETRIEVED FROM THE ONION. People in todays society feel as though they cant trust Police Officers as they are there to hurt and kill them. Leadership Spotlight: What Skills Can We Learn? This paper begins by discussing the evolution of the police and the military and then later determining the shift in strategy in favor of police militarization. Sir Robert Peel designed beats in hopes that his constables would become known to the public. 991 words. Law enforcement is armed with rifles, but they do not need an armored vehicle or bayonets to fight people against machine guns. The militarization of police, or SWAT units, began midway in the last half of the twentieth century by police adapting weapons and tactics usually employed by the military to respond in dire situations beyond the capabilities of ordinary patrol officers. The key to successful performance is to continue preventing terrorism by completing law enforcement functions and building powerful community partnerships. A negative spin on volunteerism in policing can be put on the Sheriffs posse program. Men and women These raids are done in by police in our communities, and the question always is, do we really need such excessive force with our communities? However, agencies also must have the capability to address the criminal element of society. The narrow wheelbase and tall profile of many MRAP variants makes the vehicle prone to rollovers (Ake). While the 1033 program has some good in it, police militarization overall it is still a terrible. WebThe world of police science is continually evolving and much has changed since the first organized police force was established in 1829. My uncle had a run-in with a drug dealer, where he end up being held for a few days. SWAT was created for emergency situations, however they are being used more frequently to handle situations the community police should be taking car of. Between 1980 and 1983, call outs typically occurred 13 times per year, as compared with 1997, when they averaged weekly. WebPros And Cons Of Police Brutality; Pros And Cons Of Police Brutality. Heavily armed cops can escalate a situation or create a dangerous situation if too much force is used. Police Officer - $20,000 Lateral Hiring Incentive - Federal Way, Washington. / WebThe militarization of police, with shockingly clear threats to our God-given rights, is unconstitutional and needs to be stopped immediately. Would you want police to wear body cameras? Positive and Negative Impacts of Police Militarization., Positive and Negative Impacts of Police Militarization [Internet]. / The Firearms Owners Protection Act, Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, and similar measures did little to keep weapons out of the hands of emerging gangs, and violent crime rose across the country throughout this period.16, SWAT team usage increased and became a primary drug enforcement method. A growing distrust in, the police will lead to a less effective police and more violence from both the police and the people. Leadership Spotlight: I Should Have Eaten More Ice Cream! Guns have been a big part of the United States history and it is hard to try and change that. 18 Balko, Rise of the Warrior Cop; Doug Smith and Kate Mather, 20 Years Ago, a Dramatic North Hollywood Shootout changed the Course of the LAPD and Policing at Large, Los Angeles Times, February 28, 2017, accessed March 9, 2018,; and Columbine Shooting, HISTORY, accessed March 9, 2018, Smith and Mather.20 Botched L.A. Bank Heist Turns into Bloody Shootout, CNN, February 28, 1997, accessed March 9, 2018, Associated Press, Congress Lets Assault Weapons Ban Expire, NBC News, September 13, 2004, accessed March 9, 2018, IACP National Law Enforcement Policy Center Board, The Patrol Rifle: Considerations for Adoption and Use, The Police Chief, February 2007, accessed March 22, 2018, The philosophy for community policing is the ability to develop a sense of trust between members of a community (Stocker et al, 2015). Try entering a keyword or location, or use the filters. The fact is police are allowed to you a step above, whatever they are going against. Between 2001 and 2002 Americans confidence in the military jumped from 44% to 71% and the majority of Americans agreed to having things like facial-recognition software. that would be a situation where Police Militarization would come into play. However, do these tactics have a negative or positive impact in todays communities? 13 Balko, Rise of the Warrior Cop; and The Vietnam War and The Civil Rights Movement, American Studies Today Online, February 20, 2014, accessed March 5, 2018, Balko, Rise of the Warrior Cop; Ku Klux Klan, Southern Poverty Law Center, accessed March 5, 2018,; Garrett Albert Duncan, Black Panther Party, Encyclopedia Britannica, accessed March 5, 2018,; and Associated Press, Beginning of an Era: The 1966 University of Texas Clock Tower Shooting, NBC News, August 1, 2016, accessed March 5, 2018, Balko, Rise of the Warrior Cop. These images represent an increase in police militarization. Since the 1033 program does supply law enforcement agencies with bullet proof vests and other personal protective equipment I believe that the program should be very limited and have a huge oversight by both the people and the government. Despite that I think that the laws arent super strict and unreasonable. This is due in case to technology and now all there actions are recorded by the people, since everyone has a phone with a camera these days. In reference to his military philosophy, General Colin Powell stated, When force is used, it should be with overwhelming strength and no halfway measures. Legislatures and elected officials increased the authority of police by allowing no-knock warrants and circumventing previous rulings based on the Castle Doctrine that limited officer freedoms in obtaining and executing search warrants. Special Weapons and Tactics teams, or SWAT teams are police units that possess highly specialized military equipment as well as training. According to Smith (2010), the 1033 Program enables LEAs who have sworn officers with the powers of arrest and apprehension, to obtain aircraft, watercraft, tactical and non-tactical vehicles, weapons, mobile command centers, generators and many other items at no cost to them. If all law enforcement agencies are able to obtain any equipment they want, they are going to take advantage of the free equipment. Privacy statement. Community Outreach Spotlight: Team G.R.E.A.T. WebShow More. David Carrick, 48, pleaded guilty to 49 offenses, including 20 counts of rape and charges that included assault, attempted rape and false imprisonment. Whether they attack military or civilians, their goal is to get the attack on television, radio, and the internet to have it seen by millions of people. Some individuals suggest that officers serve as the frontline defense and must have the equipment and training to handle the worst situations. This sometimes has led to officers having a military-like appearance. WebThe term police militarization often brings with it a stigma on the social aspect which revolves around brutality and a lack of rights. And that militarization is a symptom of a larger problempolice viewing black and brown citizens as enemy insurgents, officers entering communities of color as if they were hostile territory. The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. Although many citizens believe it is in the publics best interest for police officers to carry all this equipment, it is in fact ruining public relations with the police. @genevievewood. Swat teams were organized to be responders in emergency situations and are now being sent on drug searches and other situations they are not intended for. Many SWAT team members have former military experience, adding to the paramilitary element. With more and more incidents happening towards minorities, people feel more suppressed, which in return make people not trust police departments and law enforcement due to all the excessive use of military tactics and force directed towards communities. These early American police agencies faced problems that led to the push for professional standards. Copyright 2000-2022. WebOur police are militarized to a degree that shocks the rest of the world. Aside from the police, we have the military, which essentially serves the same purpose as the police to serve and protect but in a larger scale. At first, only a few departments had SWAT teams but the use of SWAT teams expanded throughout the US rapidly as the war on drugs grew. 2023 Departments need to have the training and equipment to carry out their mission while honoring the rights of citizens. For many years in the past, police action particularly police abuse, has come to be unclear. The mission of this organization is based on helping children of vets because they see the need of children not having an ideal home situation if their parent(s) are deployed or MIA or KIA. Decisive force ends wars quickly and saves lives in the long run.36. So after a tragic terroristic attack most Americans greed in the use of military tactics. They also start to look in to certain countries more carefully as they look for terrorist. CONS. The 9/11 has brought awareness about the danger and threats to this country and the advancement of technology has significantly been beneficial by the terrorist. The whole world watched in the early days of the Ferguson protests the huge police response. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. Leadership Spotlight: Are You an Effective Leader? Yes, police brutality and racism still exist, but not all cops are bad. The con of militarizing the policeJesus, look at this shit actually speaks to something that is important for policing policy, the appearance of military grade weaponry gives off the perception that the town is way more messed up than the public thinks, and that alters the publics perception of public safety. All the shootings go one of two ways. Dispatch: (909) 986-6711. The stock market crash of 1929 triggered the Great Depression and the rise of even more such notorious figures, such as Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde, Machine Gun Kelly, and John Dillinger.11, These dangerous criminals used powerful high-capacity weapons combined with military-style assault techniques that forced law enforcement agencies to change their firearms and tactics. Nonetheless, Homeland Security Act of 2002 was deemed unconstitutional, since it had nullified a number of civil rights, such as the rights to: freedom of speech, religion, assembly and privacy; the rights to counsel and due process; and protection from unreasonable searches and, Before 2001, Al Qaedas history was marked up with failed attempts to achieve its most prized goal: the spread of the Al Qaeda ideology and the unification of Islamic people. We, the people, cannot hold ourselves victims as they have ignored the laws they enforce the most wholesome and necessary for the public good (Declaration of Independence)., Margaret Thatcher once made a metaphor that publicity is the oxygen of terrorism. For example, no TV shows prior to ADAM-12 and the original S.W.A.T. We should move on to the final question, how will you fix the relationship between the police and the African-American community? After 9/11 we saw another rise in the interest of police militarization. This essay has been submitted by a student. Don't use plagiarized sources. When it was first [], Within the line of duty, upstanding accomplishments are norm; even then, some officers manage to stand out for unparalleled excellence. But, to do the job effectively, agencies need to keep up with the technological and conceptual advances of the criminal element. Society as a whole has many different options as to which form of policing is best and what should be executed in todays government. After browsing through Google I noticed that the driving point for gaining support for military non-profit is patriotism. 450+ experts on 30 subjects ready to help you just now, In early August 1997, reports surfaced of a police brutality scandal in New York City. 3; and Radley Balko, Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of Americas Police Forces (New York, NY: PublicAffairs, 2013).4 Balko, Rise of the Warrior Cop; and Jerome H. Skolnick, Justice Without Trial: Law Enforcement in Democratic Society, 4th ed. Leadership Spotlight: How Do You Live Your Dash? Monday - Friday: 7 AM - 7 PM. However, the way the military does its job is obviously different than the police, they use different forms of military tactics. The military has general tactics such as fire attacks, force concentration, night combat, and smoke screening to name a few. This was a wakeup call for all citizen and government official that are very vulnerable within this country. Now a days, police departments have picked up on a few beneficial military tactics and have incorporated them into how their everyday police jobs. Criminal Legal News, All Rights Reserved, CLN print ISSN: 2576-9987 | CLN online ISSN: 2577-0004, Race-Based Arrests Rampant in San Francisco, Former Balch Springs, Texas, Officer Found Guilty of Murder of Black Teen, Massachusetts Drug Lab Scandal: Thousands More Cases Likely Affected, $225,000 Settlement by Detroit for Unjustified Shooting of Dogs in Drug Case, Why Defining a Credible Witness in Criminal Trials Is a Slippery Slope, Illinois Law on Informants Designed to Avoid Wrongful Convictions, Innocent Man Almost Executed Freed After Decade on Death Row, Washington Governor Expects to Pardon About 3,500 for Single Misdemeanor Pot Convictions, Police Commit Significant Number of Sex Crimes, Which May Shock the General Public but Not Those Familiar with Law Enforcement, Juror Bias Often Triggered by Severity of Crime Charged, Investigation and Arrest of Mail Bomb Suspect Rips Cover Off Postal Surveillance, Campus Cops on Municipal Streets Raises Transparency and Accountability Concerns, Louisiana Ends Jim Crow-era Law: Unanimous Jury Requirement Now in Constitution, Texas Reneging on Deal With Draconian Sex Offender Registry, but Some Are Fighting Back, Montana Supreme Court: Retrial Following Mistrial Declared Without Manifest Necessity Violates Prohibition on Double Jeopardy, U.S. In 1997, an average of 13 percent of departments with teams also had armored personnel carriers, and that number has grown with the increased availability of equipment resulting from troop reductions in the Middle East.34. Municipal governments mainly cared that these units managed their tasks well.15, During the 1980s and 1990s, the War on Drugs, brought on in part by the crack cocaine epidemic, escalated nationwide, as did the emergence of criminal street gangs and associated violence. There as some who are very opposed and then there are others that are pro militarization of modern police. Ever feel like the only difference between the New York Times and Washington Post is the name? 8 Ibid.9 Ibid.10 Radley Balko, As the Drug War Escalates, SWAT Teams Become Bullies with Badges And Guns, Huffington Post, October 25, 2013, accessed March 5, 2018,; and Nathan F. Iannone, Supervision of Police Personnel, 4th ed. and 154). For instance, departments have sent these teams to raid poker games and bingo halls or conduct low-risk search warrants.31, Leaders should put considerable thought into their use policy. In some cases, we should know our rights to prevent such malicious acts from occurring but at the same time we should not have to challenge our every day police officers about a game of who know our civil rights, they are on our side. The military has general tactics such as fire attacks, force concentration, night combat, and smoke screening to name a few. These shootings are making headlines. These functions are known as policing. Officers need to contend with dangerous situations reinforces the masculinity associated with tactical teams. Home Essay Samples Government Law Enforcement Militarization of Police. Whether it 's a police officer or an American citizen that commits the crime, there will always be an organization that supports the offender. Terms of service In policing, programs like this are designed to not only provide opportunities for people who want to donate their time and work in public service, they can, and also to help close the rift between police and the community. YET.for 2016 48,500 children in Montana are food-insecure! The militarization of the police has been a public concern and controversial topic over the recent years. In the beats, Sir Robert Peel assigned his cops to specific geographic zones and held them responsible for preventing and suppressing crimes within the boundaries of their zones. Over the years, lawless individuals and groups have used weapons that continue to become more lethal.

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