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The hearing is continued until Aug. 12 at 9 a.m. in the Delaware County Courthouse located at 117 N. Union St., Delaware. (A) As used in this section, "run" includes a call and an emergency to which a contracting party responds under a contract executed pursuant to section 505.44 of the Revised Code. The sheriff shall not send a bill pursuant to this division if a bill has already been sent pursuant to division (A) of this section for the same false alarm. In lieu of creating the position of township building inspector, the board may assign the duties of the inspector to an existing township officer who is certified pursuant to division (E) of section 3781.10 of the Revised Code. Danbury Township provided a 45% match of $181,462 from estate tax dollars. (4) The board of township trustees of a township described in this division shall determine the number of personnel required and establish salary schedules and conditions of employment not in conflict with Chapter 124. of the Revised Code. There are 1,308 townships in Ohio and they are varied in population size, annual operating budget, and range of services delivered to residents. Ohio townships most commonly provide residents with services such as road maintenance, cemetery management, police and fire protection, emergency medical services, solid waste disposal, and zoning. When the voters of a township determine to issue bonds for the construction or repair of viaducts, or for the purchase or condemnation of the land necessary for such improvements, the authority to make such improvements is hereby conferred and the money arising from the sale of the bonds shall be expended in the manner provided by section 505.35 of the Revised Code. The securities shall be offered for sale on the open market or given to the vendor or contractor if no sale is made. (B) The board shall assign the duties of administering and enforcing the existing structures code to a township officer or employee who is trained and qualified for those duties and shall establish by resolution the minimum qualifications necessary to perform those duties. Twenty days' notice of the election shall be given by the posting of notices by the fiscal officer in ten public places of the township. The owner, operator, manager, or other person in charge of the premises may file a motion in that civil action for a stay of the cease-and-desist order for good cause shown, pending the court's rendering its decision in the action. A board of township trustees may purchase a policy or policies of insurance to indemnify township constables appointed under Chapter 509. of the Revised Code or the chief of police, patrol officers, and other employees of a township police district established under sections 505.48 to 505.55 of the Revised Code against liability arising from the performance of their official duties. A property's useful life shall be determined either by the maximum number of installment payments permitted under the statute that authorizes the board to acquire the property or, if there is no such provision, by the maximum number of years to maturity provided for the issuance of bonds in division (B) of section 133.20 of the Revised Code for that property. (A) The settlor, a cotrustee, or a beneficiary may request the court to remove a trustee, or the court may remove a trustee on its own initiative. (3) Division (D) of this section does not apply regarding an offense that was committed prior to January 1, 1997. The procedure to effect such removal shall be: (A) A petition signed by qualified electors equal in number to at least fifteen per cent of the total votes cast at the most recent regular municipal election, and demanding the election of a successor to the person sought to be removed, shall be filed with the board of elections. Reset Search View Past Events Other Events (A) Whenever the provisions of division (B) of this section do not apply, and when, in its opinion, the township would be benefited, the board of township trustees may lease township real property to any person upon terms agreed upon by the board and the lessee. An item of property on the list shall be donated to the eligible nonprofit organization that first declares to the board or its representative its desire to obtain the item unless the board previously has established, by resolution, a list of eligible nonprofit organizations that shall be given priority with respect to the item's donation. Ohio law also allows that, in addition to this penalty, anyone who violates the law can be subject . Such board may appropriate from its general fund an amount sufficient to pay the dues, subscription costs, or membership charges of such association or nonprofit organization. (A) In calendar year 2018, each township trustee is entitled to compensation in an amount for each day of service in the business of the township, to be paid from the township treasury as follows: (1) In townships having a budget of two hundred fifty thousand dollars or less, forty dollars and forty-one cents per day for not more than two hundred days; (2) In townships having a budget of more than two hundred fifty thousand but not more than five hundred thousand dollars, forty-six dollars and eighty cents per day for not more than two hundred days; (3) In townships having a budget of more than five hundred thousand but not more than seven hundred fifty thousand dollars, forty-nine dollars and sixty-three cents per day for not more than two hundred days; (4) In townships having a budget of more than seven hundred fifty thousand but not more than one million five hundred thousand dollars, fifty-six dollars and seventy-one cents per day for not more than two hundred days; (5) In townships having a budget of more than one million five hundred thousand but not more than three million five hundred thousand dollars, sixty-two dollars and thirty-nine cents per day for not more than two hundred days; (6) In townships having a budget of more than three million five hundred thousand but not more than six million dollars, sixty-eight dollars and six cents per day for not more than two hundred days; (7) In townships having a budget of more than six million but not more than ten million dollars, eighty-eight dollars and nineteen cents per day for not more than two hundred days; (8) In townships having a budget of more than ten million dollars, one hundred thirteen dollars and thirty-eight cents per day for not more than two hundred days. If mediation fails to resolve the differences, the board and the person first shall attempt to resolve the differences through any legal remedies before seeking redress through a court of common pleas. Annually, before the first day of October, the township fiscal officer shall certify to the county auditor the names of the property owners and a description of their lands that are delinquent as to waste disposal service charges. Trustee Greene County - Xenia Township (937)271-1687. (G) If the person receives a written, dated statement from the board as provided in division (F)(1) of this section, the person shall construct, modify, and maintain or finance the construction, modification, and maintenance of improvements as provided in the board's final recommendations and with the approval and oversight of the county engineer. The board may establish a fee for participation in the program in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of administering the program and the cost of the decals. All of those service charges shall be kept in a separate fund designated as the waste collection fund and shall be appropriated and administered by the board. "Personal protective equipment" means equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause workplace injuries and illnesses. We will contact you within 24 hours! The Ohio Revised Code does not permit a local income tax. If the board procures any insurance policies under this section, the board shall provide uniform coverage under these policies for township officers and full-time township employees and their immediate dependents, and may provide coverage under these policies for part-time township employees and their immediate dependents, from the funds or budgets from which the officers or employees are compensated for services, such policies to be issued by an insurance company duly authorized to do business in this state. If payment of the bill is not received within thirty days, the township fiscal officer or joint police district treasurer shall send a notice by certified mail to the manager and to the owner, if different, of the real estate of which the commercial establishment is a part, or to the occupant, lessee, agent, or tenant and to the owner, if different, of the real estate of which the residence is a part, indicating that failure to pay the bill within thirty days, or to show just cause why the bill should not be paid, will result in the assessment of a lien upon the real estate in the amount of the bill. The board shall adopt, during each calendar year, a resolution expressing its intent to sell that property by internet auction. (D) The authority granted in this section is in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other financing authority provided by law. The board may send its officers and firefighters to schools of instruction designed to promote the efficiency of firefighters and, if authorized in advance, may pay their necessary expenses from the funds used for the maintenance and operation of the district. If a majority of all votes cast at such election upon the proposition is in favor thereof, the tax provided for is authorized. Phone: (419) 838-6536 Fax: (419) 838-6732. Any conviction for a violation of this section shall vacate the office of the person so convicted. (3) Employees of the district shall not be removed from office except as provided by sections 733.35 to 733.39 of the Revised Code, except that, to initiate removal proceedings, the board shall designate a private citizen or, if the employee is employed as a firefighter, the board may designate the fire chief, to investigate, conduct the proceedings, and prepare the necessary charges in conformity with those sections, and except that the board shall perform the functions and duties specified for the municipal legislative authority under those sections. (E) Nothing in this section shall be construed to waive the requirement under section 1547.82 of the Revised Code that approval of plans be obtained from the director of natural resources or the director's representative prior to modifying or causing the modification of the channel of any watercourse in a wild, scenic, or recreational river area outside the limits of a municipal corporation. ), public records, land use planning, blight elimination, cable and other franchise management, community centers, building code enforcement, off-road vehicle regulation, streetlighting, public information, and youth programs. (B) "State agency" means all departments, boards, offices, commissions, agencies, colleges, universities, institutions, and other instrumentalities of this or another state. The president or other specified person shall request the local news media to announce that a snow emergency has been declared, the time the declaration will go into effect, and whether the snow emergency will remain in effect for a specified period of time or indefinitely until canceled by a subsequent announcement to the local news media by the president or other specified person. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at 812-853-8835. (C) When the number of townships or municipal corporations comprising a joint police district is reduced to one, the joint police district ceases to exist by operation of law, and the funds, credits, and property remaining after apportionments to withdrawing townships or municipal corporations shall be assumed by the one remaining township or municipal corporation. (4) In addition to any remedies provided by law, if any building is being erected, constructed, altered, repaired, or maintained in violation of the building regulations, existing structures code, or state residential building code in townships in which a certified building department has jurisdiction, the board, the township building inspector, or any owner of an adjacent, contiguous, or neighboring property who would be especially damaged by the violation may institute a suit for injunction, abatement, or other appropriate action to prevent the violation of the building regulations or the state residential building code relating to the erection, construction, alteration, repair, or maintenance of that building. A board of township trustees, by adoption of an appropriate resolution, may remove its emergency medical service organization from the jurisdiction of the state board of emergency medical, fire, and transportation services. The board of township trustees may compound or release, in whole or in part, a debt, obligation, judgment, or claim due the township, from a bank in process of liquidation or operating under a conservatorship, or due the board, except where any member of such board is personally interested as a stockholder of the bank. (4) No person shall be appointed as a permanent full-time paid member of the district whose duties include fire fighting, or be appointed as a volunteer firefighter, unless that person has received a certificate issued under former section 3303.07 or section 4765.55 of the Revised Code evidencing satisfactory completion of a firefighter training program. Such employees shall continue in office until removed as provided by sections 733.35 to 733.39 of the Revised Code. Members of the board of trustees may be compensated at a rate not to exceed seventy-five dollars per meeting, not to exceed fifteen meetings per year, and may be reimbursed for all necessary expenses incurred. 88 east broad street, fifth floor, columbus, ohio 432153506 phone: 6144664514 or 8002820370 fax: 6144664490 www.ohioauditor.gov dear township official: public service is both an honor and challenge. Any moneys remaining after the dissolution of the district or received from the public sale of property shall be paid into the treasury of the township and may be expended for any public purpose when duly authorized by the township board of trustees. If the bid is for a contract for the construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction of an improvement, it shall meet the requirements of section 153.54 of the Revised Code. Townships may establish and operate a park on their own or by joint action with another political subdivision. In no case shall the cost of the construction, rebuilding, or repair of any footbridge exceed the sum of fifteen thousand dollars. The county auditor shall place the costs upon the tax duplicate. A board of township trustees may adopt a resolution prohibiting in the unincorporated area of the township boxing matches or exhibitions to which sections 3773.31 to 3773.58 of the Revised Code apply. Before donating any property under this division, the board shall adopt a resolution expressing its intent to make unneeded, obsolete, or unfit-for-use township property available to these organizations. After adoption of the resolution, the board shall publish, in a newspaper of general circulation in the township, notice of its intent to sell unneeded, obsolete, or unfit-for-use township personal property by internet auction. In the summer of 2002, Dennis received a letter from the State of Ohio Fire Marshall's Office indicating that the Berne Township Fire Department had failed to file reports from April 2001 to July 2002 in violation of Ohio Revised Code ("O.R.C.") 3737.24. (B) In lieu of collecting service charges from owners for the removal of snow or ice from an undedicated road by the board of township trustees as provided in division (A)(1) of this section, the board may enter into a contract with a developer whereby the developer agrees to pay the service charges for the snow and ice removal instead of the owners. The certificate shall identify the lot or parcel on which the building nuisance was abated, and shall state the date the lot or parcel was purchased at the foreclosure, forfeiture, or nonproductive land sale, the date of completion of the demolition or other abatement, the cost of the demolition or other abatement, and the percentage of that cost for which a credit shall be granted. No contract or lease for the drilling or operation of a petroleum or gas well shall be valid for a longer term than forty years from the date of the contract or lease, and no contract or lease for the mining of iron ore, stone, coal, salt, or other minerals shall be valid for a longer term than fifteen years from that date. This division does not authorize a board of township trustees to apply a resolution it adopts under this division to any person invited by an owner or tenant to visit the owner's or tenant's premises to sell, offer for sale, or solicit orders for future delivery of goods. The governing body of the joint police district shall be a joint police district board, which shall include either all of the township trustees of each township and all of the members of the legislative authority of each municipal corporation in the district, as agreed to and established in the joint resolution creating the joint police district; or an odd number of members as agreed to and established in the joint resolution, as long as the members are representatives from each board of township trustees of each township and from the legislative authority of each municipal corporation in the joint police district. maintenance, and removal of anything that is a part of the solar farm. Each bid on any contract shall contain the full name of every person interested in the bid. On or after the first day of January of the year following the adoption of the resolution or ordinance of withdrawal, the township or municipal corporation withdrawing ceases to be a part of the district, and the power of the district to levy a tax upon the taxable property in the withdrawing township or municipal corporation terminates, except that the district shall continue to levy and collect taxes for the payment of indebtedness within the territory of the district as it was comprised at the time the indebtedness was incurred.

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