It also depends on the age of the dogs, temperature of the day, the amount of people coming in, the amount of rest breaks Theres a general rule that dogs should do 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, but what you tend to find at festivals is that they work a lot more at peak times and less at quieter times., It could also come down to how much drugs are on someone if they enter the venue at the same time as a lot of people, or later on in the day. They're extremely expensive, most of the time normal dogs are used to scare people. Think the bottom line is that there will be a small amount of dogs in contrast to a lot of people going into the campsite. Freedom of Information requests found that only 12 percent of those searched as a result of a dog indication were found to be in possession of drugs. However, that doesn't seem to be the way things are going. lol, This made me think about something funny. A coroners inquest into Thoms death is currently being held in Western Australia. The use of sniffer dogs, sometimes known as passive alert detection dogs, is a part of general police practice across the world, having seen their first use in the UK as early as 1888. made festival sniffer dogs. Whilst there isnt a formal definition of search in British law, its traditionally considered to be an action which would be considered assault if grounds for a search did not exist. Regardless, the inquest is yet another reminder of the danger of taking drugs at music festivals across the country, where mixed into a cocktail of heat and alcohol can, and has proven deadly. 1 Bloodhound 2 Basset Hound 3 Beagle 4 German Shepherd 5 Labrador Retriever 6 Belgian Malinois 7 English Springer Spaniel 8 Coonhound 9 German Shorthaired Pointer 10 Pointer The most common trait these dogs share is their long, slender noses. The use of sniffer dogs, sometimes known as "passive alert detection dogs", is a part of general police practice across the world, having seen their first use in the UK as early as 1888 . Its like us when were bored and tired and something interesting comes along, were alert again.. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Do they only smell big quantities of drugs? Anyway to answer your first questions, dogs brains are able to separate individual scents. We're gonna take pretty much exclusively MDMA inside with us. "A sniffer dog came up and sat next to me," one punter who was recently refused entry to another HSU-run festival, Knockout Circuz, shares with The Music. Despite no drugs whatsoever being placed in the experiment space, 225 alerts were issued by the 18 handlers and their dogs, every single one of which was, of course, a false alarm. You have the bite-y ones and then you have the sniffy ones,'' says Michael Nunn, the Head of Dog Section at City of London Police. First Off, Some Background Info Police need to obtain a warrant to conduct a drug dog operation at events. This post may contain affiliate links. In the past, sniffer dogs have regularly policed popular summer festivals such as Stereosonic, Big Day Out, Future Music Festival and Soundwave. bring in glass or weapons! According to Big Thinks Simon Oxenham, the targets sniffer dogs choose may have less to do with the dogs senses and their training, than their police officer handlers, who may be the ones actually calling the shots. Maybe not. The Rockness tragedy and the 2009 death at Big Day Out are just more examples of moral bankruptcy in ongoing war on drugs, which see policy makers focused on fear and punishment at the expense of these young people and their lives. Bail Granted Before All Charges Dropped Over Sexual Assault and Strangulation Allegations, Charges of Sexual Touching Without Consent Dropped, Bail Granted Despite Allegations of Serious Child Sexual Offences, Not Guilty of Sexual Touching Without Consent, Bail Granted Over Alleged $7 Million Money Laundering Operation, Sexual Touching and Assault Occasioning ABH Charges Withdrawn, and No Conviction Recorded for Common Assault, Bail Granted for 4 Charges of Supplying a Prohibited Drug and Possessing Fraudulent ID, District Court Severity Appeal Successful for Middle-Range Drink Driving, No Criminal Record, Licence Disqualification or Fine for Mid-Range Drink Driving, RMS Driver and Rider Licence Suspensions Set Aside on Appeal, RMS Driver Licence Suspension Set Aside for Red P-Plater, No Criminal Record for Mid Range Drink Driving, NSW Police Are Still Using Sniffer Dogs to Arrest Over Tiny Amounts of Cannabis, Sniffer Dogs: False Positives and Limits to Police Powers, Sniffer Dogs, Searches and Your Rights at Mardi Gras, Sniffer Dogs: Providing a Factual Basis for Suspicion, Preventing Deaths from Drug Overdoses: Sniffer Dogs Are Not the Answer, State-Sanctioned Sexual Assault: The Rally to Ban Strip Searches at Silverwater Gaol. He smeared the iconic Aussie yeast spread all over the drug packages in an attempt to get his drug stash past the dogs. Theres a reason why dogs have historically been trained to sniff out contraband, Nunn says: A dog has got something like 250 million nose receptors and weve got like two million. They can follow any scent that's left on the ground and find where it leads. Not only are drug dogs unnecessarily used to hound citizens over searches resulting in nothing two-thirds to three-quarters of the time, or else uncovering small amounts of cannabis, but, as the coroner has found, their presence at events encourages dangerous drug-taking that leads to deaths. Here it is, the ultimate list of the top ten best drug-sniffing dog breeds in order: The most common trait these dogs share is their long, slender noses. Who doesnt like a few good drug busts to get the clicks or sell some papers? If they were real drug sniffing dogs they would have a heart attack from being so surrounded by drugs. Under Article 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, the police have the power to search someone if they have reasonable grounds to suspect that they are in possession of illegal drugs. What we found was that the majority had come into contact with a drug detection dog in the six months preceding the interview, but they dont really see them as a deterrent, he said. They are untested on humans and they do kill. In a 2008 operation at the UK's Latitude Festival, just 12 percent of searches resulted in a find, and 2016-17 figures from South Australia Police showed a success rate of less than 15 percent. Drugs dogs will be searching at all gates and anyone found attempting to bring drugs into the site may be refused entry via our new gate review teams. Tel Aviv. But the culture of fear around drugs cultivated by police did nothing to protect Thoms, a minor. First off, there were no drugs in the study. Everyone who goes into a festival is searched, but some still sneak in drugs (Image: Rowan Griffiths) It's hard to dislike music festivals. Ahahahaha wouldnt be surprised! And in the Northern Territory, politicians are considering using drug detection dogs in schools. August 22, 2006 at 9:37 am #724811. JavaScript is disabled. Sniffer dog training requires an extensive amount of time and money. Indeed, the state Liberal Nationals government has refused to adequately respond to its own inquiry into the drug ice, which takes the progressive line on drug law reform. to donate towards eFestivals running costs please click here. Started 2 hours ago, By Please edit your content to remove the highlighted words below. fair play that's pretty reassuring! Copyright 2020 by Train That Pooch. At festivals, as at sports events, concerts, and organised parties, the police do not require reasonable suspicion to search you. I feel sometimes the handler is the one looking and using the dog a tool. And what if you wrap ket in clingfilm, put it in a bag inside a Pringles tube and wrap your sleeping bag around it? Trained sniffer dogs can detect coronavirus in human swab samples with 94 per cent success rate, study shows. They know they don't make money if they bust everyone. Whether they do it at an effective rate remains up in the air, but the fact that having drugs on you is very likely to set off a sniffer dog is just conventional wisdom, right? I recently spent a full day at a major music festival observing police drugs dogs sniffing around the entrance, while their handlers bundled off festivalgoers into a nearby tent to have their internal orifices examined by policemen with latex gloves, Oxenham writes. So not only are sniffer dogs completely ineffective, but the presence of these dogs and the fear and intimidation theyre deliberately used for, can in fact be a grave detriment to the health and wellbeing of those who decide to use drugs. They are really focused.. As I watched, I became increasingly convinced that the dog handlers were the ones covertly selecting their targets, rather than the dogs themselves. Turns out, theres research supporting Oxenhams hypothesis. Whilst it firmly states that being indicated by a drugs dog is grounds for a physical search, it also points out that the use of passive drugs dogs isnt a search in itself, as the dogs are encouraged to sniff a general target area, rather than any particular individual. Its time policy makers take a step back and actually look at the numbers. Rolling for the first time. Sniffer dog indications, with a 25 per cent reliability rate, can hardly be called accurate. Meh i'm still bringing a 10 bag. The campaign has been posting warnings about drug dog operationssince late 2014. sniffer dog deployment and training 66 "Super Sniffer" dog squads have been deployed across India and are now in active duty doing their bit for wildlife. marathonsteve Arbitrary sniffer dog searches to stress again, with a 25% reliability rate -- can hardly be called necessary. Whether you need someone for a couple of hours or even a whole month in Wattrelos, Pawshake can help to match you with your perfect dog sitter. In other words, alerts caused by handler bias far outstrip alerts caused by dogs excited by treats. Every year, police and their dog operations return to some of Australias most iconic and loved festivals on the calendar, searching the pockets of hundreds of patrons for everything from cannibis, to amphetamines and ecstasy, and everything in between. I had 1/2 oz of stank ass bud on me the whole time, dog never gave a fuck. I live in the US and i have most definitely seen german shepherd's sniff drugs on people. Oh i'm definatly not implying that your running the weed 'racket' this year by freaking out all the paranoid pot heads and then making a killing by selling it on the inside, i'm on to you this is one paranoid pot head you wont be getting the better of. They're also capable of tracking scent through the air. Replacing the dogs with amnesty bins, welfare tents, and, as promoted by forensic testing organisation The Loop, on-site drug testing, could instead create an environment in which festival-goers can feel safe, and lead to some happy results in terms of harm reduction. Only 2.4 percent of detections happened at "dance parties. "Any other expensive and ineffective police program that got it wrong this often would be scrapped," Shoebridge said. You must log in or register to reply here. This argument, she points out, has held in other jurisdictions; in one US case, Kyllo v. United States, the judge ruled that the use of thermal imaging to reveal that the defendant was growing cannabis in his house was a search, and therefore required a warrant. On the first day of the inquest into her death, the court heard that the 17 year old swallowed all her ecstacy tablets as they arrived at the festival because she feared that the pills could be confiscated if police dogs were present. I did a threesome while rolling and it was one of the Amazing night rolling in a beautiful hotel room with a supposed to be a gram, 35 dollars, how much from it best way to take these 300/320mg super mario pills. However, when it comes to finding the best sniffer dog breeds, you should get a bloodhound. They'll also make great companions for when they're not working. Oxenham ends his article by citing a 2012 study of ecstasy users, which found a minority of users responding to the sight of drug dogs by immediately consuming all of their drugs, putting themselves at risk of overdose. Yo all Wanna ask the rollitup users there ways of smuggling smelly items into festivals Im not to sure how to go about it, im going to my first festival in 4 weeks and im not a big drinker Any how my idea was to put the goods in a ballon in a zip bag wraped again in duct tap tight and put. If you see a bloodhound your fucked. But, it did not work. However, the dogs are not 100 per cent reliable. According to Psychological Science, reliable sources have alleged that individuals with interests in drugs dogs have tried to shut down her research. According to Big Think 's Simon Oxenham, the targets sniffer dogs choose may have less to do with the dog's senses and their training, than their police officer handlers, who may be the ones actually calling the shots. In the US the police force use two different types of dogs here. Roger Flett, a former army dog trainer currently working at the National Association of Specialist Dog Users, says: You can train several target scents. The use of sniffer dogs at Manchester Airport has been criticised after dogs there failed to discover any Class A drugs in a seven-month period. - and that way we should avoid any unnecessary queuing! Instead of drugs, sausages were placed in some of the various hidden locations around the church. No test which has an 80 per cent error rate could be considered a reasonable basis on which to conduct an intrusive public search of a citizen going about their daily business, Shoebridge said at the time. Similarly to the cases above, it was introduced after the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the use of surveillance technology, namely phone tapping devices, lacked a basis in legislation and was therefore illegal. I acted as a police escort at a festy in the US where i would yell out loud every few seconds that the cops were coming so they had no chance on sneaking up on anybody. More over looking for the big sashes to insure they're not being sold. Our right to privacy, as enshrined in the 1998 Human Rights Act, complements and underlines this; our privacy, it states, can be breached only in cases of necessity. and now a completely random series of photographs having nothing to do with the op: dont go with the hype/they are explosive dogs,sweated much before realizing that, cops aint gonna let there killer dogs walk up and sniff u and they dont sniff for it unless there told. Most dogs at festivals are bomb dogs not drug dogs. Don't think there's much to worry about really. Drug detection dogs tracing the lines out front of music festivals has become the norm in New South Wales. A sniffer dog and handler at Y Not Festival. The dogs nose is so sensitive that they will pick up on it.. Joined: Apr 24, 2009 Messages: 18,361 Sniffer dogs will pick "everything" up. All of these dogs are going to be able to handle any job you have for them. 17:35, 9 JUN 2019. ", And yet, NSW Police is spendingon averagesome $9 million on its drug dog detection program, by far the largest in the country. The study from Australia's RMIT University also found the prospect of sniffer dogs made people choose to stash pills internally, wrapped in plastic or condoms. We go to great lengths to help users better understand their dogs; however, the content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Had a dog jump in and out of my trunk and they never said anything. Most people will have a quick search made by security. And every year we get the same results. I doubt they'll be up for it though, you seem to know a suspiciously large amount about this. That is, a search uses intrusion, often physical, to reveal information which would not have been revealed otherwise. Advocates say the dogs are a strong crime deterrent and if you dont want to get in trouble, you simply shouldnt use drugs. Like others have said, it's more for show though. Whilst acknowledging that there is an element of error he stressed that the use of the dogs also creates an element of fear in people with drugs., Byron Bay Superintendent Stuart Wilkins was furious after the Splendour bust, 100 were busted with illicit substance at Sydneys Big Day Out just this weekend, a teenager died and two others were hospitalised after takinga designer drug, NSW Government introduced legislation allowing the broad and every day use of sniffer dogs, regularly patrolling music venues looking for all manner of banned substances from the unsuspecting public. Overall, the bloodhound is the best choice because they are big and can be intimidating, easy to train, and more than qualified for the job. Most people will have a quick search made by security. Is this a proportionate, fair response to the threat of a joint, for example? "Based on the NSW Police Standard Operating Procedures and cost-recovery rates, three drug dogs at a festival costs $6,000 per hour," they said in a media release. There are several held annually in London too . is this for getting into the campsite, or for getting into the arena? get the toy holding plastic egg out of the middle of a kinder egg, fill it with whatever, cling film it, get a female friend to put it where the sun dont shine(helps if she doesnt wash down there for a day or so) problem solved. I'm just wondering if you guys have had experience with sniffer dogs before/what your safest methods are to get past them? news. From being loyal companions to bomb-sniffing dogs, they can do it all. Its pretty rare but they can get it wrong they are still animals, he says. The study found that 85 per cent of the 144 expeditions resulted in at least one alert by the dogs despite the lack of any real targets. In 2006, the NSW Ombudsmanreleased a report into state police use of drug dogs, which found that 74 percent of searches following a dog indication result in nothing being found, while 84 percent of the time when something is found, its cannabis, overwhelmingly in a small amount. Jun 14, 2016. Tick to subscribe, untick to unsubscribe from any newsletters below: Get unlimited access to the coverage that shapes our culture. And even then, if they open your bag and search, as long as it's hidden well enough i doubt it'd be a problem. The big headliners, wacky outfits and general feel-good factor they provide will always make them very popular. Their aim, according to police, was to "target drug supply" and "attack the root . We're constantly posting new great articles like this one. Subjecting civilians to a passing search, however, not only turns being out in public into a threatening environment where officers accompanied by dogs are pitted against us, but when somethings detected its usually a small amount of cannabis, which is now a legal act in the capital. They may signal that someone is carrying drugs when they are not, or they might fail to identify someone who does have drugs on them. Started 9 hours ago, By Gnomicide It's a safe bet that most dogs in fesitivals are inexperienced or being trained for crowd control, not actual drug sniffing dogs. The use of any gas canisters or nitrous oxide (NOs) is banned across our entire . Yeah mate 100% agree, feel like mostly the dogs dont actually do much. It sounds like they don't want anyone coming or maybe someone made up the drug dog story. #1. Some of these locations were labelled as containing drugs indicated by a sheet of red paper, Oxenham writes. The experiment was double blind; the experimenters were not aware whether a location was a decoy containing a pair of sausages or a decoy containing what the handlers had been led to believe was cannabis.. And an indication from a drug dog can be all the police need to search you without your. The UK does not have any laws or regulations on . Theres supply because there is demand, no matter how illegitimate we pretend that demand is. In a local court in New South Wales, a magistrate ruled in 2002 that use of sniffer dogs amounted to an illegal search, since it was lacking in reasonable grounds. The Pomeranian Big Dog In a Little Body! They cant literally smell anything, Even the sent on the packaging from you touching it. However, this doesnt necessarily indicate a failure of sniffer dogs olfactory organs; the NSW review also found that 60 per cent of the cases where dog-led searches had produced no drugs, the person stopped had been near drugs recently. True story, was going to a camping festival and had a lot of weed/MDMA/tabs not hidden very well in the car. Mission failed she went back and the ball was nowhere to be found. Which is exactly what happened in the case ofGemma Thoms. Contacted for comment, the NSW Police told VICE they would never comment directly on figures. Some promoters are trying to work the dogs teams too long and dont rotate them enough. Recently, though, is loosely defined -- many of the residual scent admissions which Australian police had gleaned from suspects actually related to drug use that was days, weeks, even months old. The BTP were the police force mainly responsible for the huge number of untargeted, intrusive sniffer dog operations at train and underground stations. Reasonable suspicion, it stipulates, has to be based on accurate information. Tick to subscribe, untick to unsubscribe from any newsletters below: Get unlimited access to the coverage that shapes our culture. Thoms was allowed to leave the first aid tent because she lied that she was over the age of 18. Clear editor. try your own bunghole that way nobody can run away with your shit in thier hole. The ACT legalised the personal possession, use and cultivation of cannabis on 31 January 2020. Doubt they'll be looking for weed anyway, more likely Cocaine, Heroine, Shrooms and other hard drugs. Since Passive Alert Detection dogs (sniffer dogs) were introduced during the 2000 Sydney Olympics, their effectivenesson events like music festivalshave often been brought into question. But one dog, trained to detect illegal animal . But are the police really addressing those dangers by employing the use of sniffer dogs at the entrances to music festivals? And an indication from a drug dog can be all the police need to search you without your consent. A person might have no drugs on them but may have recently smoked a joint, or that person hasnt got drugs on them or smoked anything but sat next to someone on the train who is a heavy cannabis user or had cannabis in their pocket, Nunn says. bring in glass or weapons! The Helsinki University researchers behind the trial, working with sniffer-dog specialists from the organisation Wise Nose, hope that their research will persuade the government to fund a rollout of the dogs for other uses, such as at tourist hotspots or large public gatherings. We need to change our course on this issue. It would have to have a bleach bath and be completely sterile to not be caught by them. Staff. If you agree to a search with security, they can only check your bags, pockets and outer layers of clothing and only on entrance to the premises. I don't think you know what you're talking about, or at the very least, your supposed sheriff friend doesn't know shit. ive been told there is gonna be sniffer dogs there because of that stupid 14 year old twat that ended up in hospital for 3 days the other week through taking drugs at a rave down south so there now saying there gonna try and come down hard at all music festivals this year, well id say theyre just talking bollox really. Secondly, the handlers were told that there were drugs hidden in various places inside of a church. Moving away from using festival dogs towards a more proportionate, less intrusive response would put the police firmly on the right side of festival-goers, and on the right side of the law. Another key shift is that the community is calling for the legalisation of cannabis, as well as the decriminalisation of the personal possession of illicit substances, which basically signals that the public doesnt approve of armed officers harassing civilians over small amounts of illegal drugs. Over 100 were busted with illicit substance at Sydneys Big Day Out just this weekend. After a false positive indication by a sniffer dog, the girl was taken by police to a tent inside the festival grounds and told to remove her clothing. Another hiccup in the world of sniffer dogs, is that they can sometimes also work too well. The officer or security then tells the guy to come with him. So the chances of a dog latching on to anything on you is very small indeed, you've probably got a 1/20 chance of being caught, if that. I feel like most of the time at massive festivals like the one Im going to the dogs are mainly there to detect bombs and weapons and shit. If the dog detected COVID on the mask, that person would be asked to step out of line . Caught with a cocktail of drugs - hash, MDMA, ecstasy, cocaine, ketamine and coke - worth around $3000. Most were picked up at train stations or outside bars or clubs. Since the NSW drug sniffer dog program launched in the early 2000s, there's been a lot of concern around whether it violates civil liberties. In fact, their use in the UK is not regulated by law at all.

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