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Balatazar Hinojosa Ochoa is also accused of coopting with DTOs of the Gulf Cartel while being mayor of Matamoros in 2006. [192], The Gulf Cartel is believed to have ties with the 'Ndrangheta, an organized crime group in Italy that also has ties with Los Zetas. [88] He was one of the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, which was offering $2million for his capture. [249] A confrontation inside a maximum security prison in Nuevo Laredo on 15 July 2011, left 7 inmates dead and 59 escaped. For the most part, the arms trafficking circles of the Gulf Cartel operate directly across the border in the United States, just like most of the criminal groups in Mexico. [1][6] While in power, Cano Flores also worked with Los Zetas, a criminal organization formed in the late 1990s by ex-commandos of the Mexican Army who served as the Gulf Cartel's paramilitary wing. Due to the Gulf Cartel's territory in northern Tamaulipas, primarily in the border cities of Reynosa and Matamoros, they have been able to establish a sophisticated and extensive drug trafficking and distribution network along the U.S.Mexico border in South Texas. The Gulf Cartel during the late 1980s and early 1990s era is briefly portrayed in Netflixs Narcos: Mexico series (2018 - 2021) with Mexican actor Jess Ochoa playing Juan Nepomuceno Guerra and Flavio Medina playing as nephew Juan Garca brego. [321] He is allegedly reported to have been protected by a large private army of gunmen. To use the seas, the cartel also implemented the use of narco submarines. [277] The modus operandi ("mode of operation") of the Gulf Cartel changes whenever the United States attempts to strengthen their domestic policy in reinforcing the borders. [148][149][150], Nevertheless, according to the newspapers The Brownsville Herald and The Monitor from across the border in Brownsville, Texas and McAllen, Texas, around 50 people were killed in the gunfights. Gente Nueva, also known as Los Chapos, in reference to their drug lord Joaqun Guzmn Loera, is a large group of well-trained and experienced gunmen that function as one of the elite armed wings of the Sinaloa Cartel, created to counter, battle and destroy the Jurez Cartel's influence in the Mexican north-west, as well as to battle and destroy La Lnea which is currently the Jurez Cartel's largest remaining cell. [110], Nearly $30million of the former drug lord's assets were distributed among several Texan law enforcement agencies. Their network is international, and is believed to have dealings with crime groups in Europe, West Africa, Asia, Central America, South America, and the United States. When the series begins, he is ex military, 30 years old, and the ruthless leader of 'Los Emes', the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel, which is the top threat to the Sinaloa Cartel. This page was last edited on 29 December 2022, at 03:08. En California, son los apenas 200 miembros de la "Eme" quienes ordenan los asesinatos, secuestros, contrabando de narcticos, robo y otros delitos, a nombre de los crteles mexicanos de la. In Western Europe, the primarily increase has been in the use of cocaine. [265] The federal government is also constructing three military bases in Tamaulipas: in Ciudad Mier, San Fernando and Ciudad Mante. As a high-ranking leader, Cano Flores served as the regional boss of the Gulf Cartel in Los Guerra, a town in the municipality of Ciudad Miguel Alemn, Tamaulipas. [252] CNN mentioned that the state government of Tamaulipas later recognized "their inability to work with the federal government. [325] The Gulf Cartel also bribes journalists to persuade them not to mention any violent incidents in the media. [334] Bank accounts inside the United States also launder millions of dollars for the drug lords of the Gulf Cartel. En la vida real, el brazo armado del Crtel del Golfo son Los Zetas. [264] El Universal released an article which said that the National Public Security System (SNSP) has condemned the cops' salaries, and demanded the state and municipal authorities to create better paying programs for the policemen so they can have a "just wage" for themselves and their families. Professional exterminators at: (909) 467-8531. principales ideas de parmnides; parque de diversiones en lima jockey plaza "[256] They also reported that in Aguascalientes, a state where violence levels are much lower, policemen are paid five times more than in Tamaulipas. Those who were more loyal to the Crdenas family stayed with the Rojos, while those loyal to Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez, like Flores Borrego, defended the Metros. [316] The newspaper La Vanguardia mentioned that the Gulf Cartel receives "large sums of money by extorting businesses" all around Tamaulipas. [9] Cano Flores also has two aliases: Yeyo and Yankee. [182], Some experts have found it difficult to argue that the Gulf Cartel does not impose a direct threat to the state since they "do not seek political change," and that they only want to be left alone with their business. [133] However, Antonio died in an eight-hour shooting with the Mexican government forces on 5 November 2010, in the border city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. [143] La Jornada newspaper mentioned that over 80 SUV's packed with gunmen fought to protect Crdenas Guilln, and over 300 grenades were used in the shootout that day. [353] The Gulf of Mexico also presents a danger to the flow of drugs to Texas; the Port of Houston and the Port of Brownsville enable traffickers to use small vessels and pleasure craft to transport illicit drugs into and from southern Texas. [1] [2] Es ist eines der ltesten mexikanischen Drogenkartelle, welches vor allem die am Golf von Mexiko liegende Grenzstadt Heroica Matamoros beherrscht. Los Zetas, (Spanish: "the Zs") Mexican crime syndicate formed in 1997 as the enforcement arm of the drug-trafficking Gulf Cartel; it broke away as an independent organized criminal enterprise in 2010. [186] The U.S. National Drug Threat Assessment mentioned that the drug trafficking organizations like the Gulf Cartel tend to be less structured in U.S. than in Mexico, and often rely on street gangs to operate inside the United States. [106] In 2010 he was finally sentenced to 25 years in prison after being charged with 22 federal charges;[107] the courtroom was locked and the public prevented from witnessing the proceeding. For example, the drug producers and suppliers,[284] although not considered in the basic structure, are critical operators of any drug cartel, along with the financers and money launderers. [128] The death of Antonio allowed for Costilla Snchez to become the co-leader of the Gulf Cartel and head of the Metros, one of the two factions within the Gulf Cartel. By the end of 2011, Los Zetas had eclipsed the Sinaloa Cartel as the largest operating in Mexico by virtue of their geographic presence. Conspiracy to distribute more than five kilograms of cocaine and more than 1,000 kilograms of marijuana (21 U.S.C. [318] --> [344], Counterfeiting In 1989 Claude was removed from the case for unknown reasons, retiring a year later. [70] Between 2001 and 2008, the organization of the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas was collectively known as La Compaa (The Company). [112] The U.S. federal court awarded two helicopters owned by Crdenas to the Business Development Bank of Canada and the GE Canada Equipment Financing respectively, and both of them were brought from "drug proceeds". [198][199], The rumors of the broken alliance between the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas began on blogs and mass emails in September 2009, but it remained pretty much the same throughout that yeara rumor. [242] Authorities are still trying to understand how the prisoners escaped. [305] When victims are kidnapped by the drug cartels on American territory, kidnappers usually hide them in the trunk of a car and take them to Mexico. The 2017 National Drug Threat Assessment lists leaders of the following Mexican cartels: Los Zetas, the Sinaloa Cartel, the Gulf Cartel, the Juarez Cartel, the Beltran Leyva-Organization. [255], The Exclsior newspaper mentioned that the police forces in the state of Tamaulipas are the "worst paid in Mexico" despite being "one of the states hardest hit by violence. [259] In June 2011, the state government of Tamaulipas requested the federal government to send in troops to combat the drug cartels in the area, to "consolidate actions on public safety" and "strengthen the capacity of their institutions. [345] The products sold can be clothing, TVs, video games, music, computer programs, and movies. "[315], Extortion Se basa en el libro El cartel de los sapos, escrito por el ex narcotraficante colombiano Andrs Lpez Lpez, conocido en el mundo del narcotrfico con el alias de "Florecita" quien escribi el . The agents tried to reason with him that killing U.S. federal agents would bring a massive manhunt from the U.S. government. They began to organize kidnappings;[74] impose taxes, collect debts, and operate protection rackets;[75] control the extortion business;[76] securing cocaine supply and trafficking routes known as plazas (zones) and executing its foes, often with grotesque savagery. [82][83], On 9 November 1999, two U.S. agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and FBI were threatened at gunpoint by Crdenas Guilln and approximately fifteen of his henchmen in Matamoros. [61] His goal was to protect himself from rival drug cartels and from the Mexican military, to perform vital functions as the leader of the most powerful drug cartel in Mexico. [187] The arrest of several Gulf Cartel lieutenants, along with the drug-related violence and kidnappings, have raised concerns among Texas officials that the drug war in Mexico and the drug cartels are taking hold in Texas. [65] Among the original defectors were Jaime Gonzlez Durn,[66] Jess Enrique Rejn Aguilar,[67] Miguel Trevio Morales,[68] and Heriberto Lazcano,[69] who would later become the supreme leader of the independent cartel of Los Zetas. Two such sectors are the Rio Grande Valley and West Texas, near the El PasoJurez metropolitan area. Garca brego bribed the agent in an attempt to gather more information on U.S. law enforcement operations. "[260] The Joint Operation Nuevo Len-Tamaulipas issued in 2007, along with several other military-led operation by the federal government, have brought thousands of troops to restore order in Tamaulipas. [184], The Gulf Cartel has important cells operating inside the United Statesin Mission, Roma, and Rio Grande Cityfor example, and their presence is expanding. They also fought for coastal cities Acapulco, Guerrero and Cancn, Quintana Roo; the state capital of Monterrey, Nuevo Len, and the states of Veracruz and San Luis Potos. [188] The strong ties the Gulf Cartel has with the prison gangs in the United States have also raised concern to American officials. [86] The FBI and the DEA mounted numerous charges against him and issued a US$2million bounty for his arrest. [53] He was one of the top officials of the cartel for more than 40 years, trafficking about 20 tons of cocaine to the United States each month.

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