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[35] Flows from the first stage of Lascar's activity are exposed at its western foot,[54] while lava flows are buried beneath pyroclastic material on the eastern flank. [86], The magma chamber of Lascar appears to lie at depths of 1017 kilometres (6.210.6mi),[87] although the lack of deformation of the edifice during the 1993 eruption indicates that it may be deeper, over 2530 kilometres (1619mi) or even over 40 kilometres (25mi) deep. [110] There are temporal variations in the output: after a decrease in 2009, sulfur output increased in 2012, probably as a consequence of the arrival of new magma at depth. What plate is forming lascar volcano? [12] However, the inhabitants of the town of Camar consider Lascar a protective mountain spirit[13] and in Susques (Argentina) it is believed that snow will fall if Lascar is steaming strongly. On the southeastern flank, the pyroclastic flows formed a fan extending several hundred metres into Pampa Leija. Hikers were near the crater and took video of the eruption. [249] 8,500 years ago, the climate in the region became much drier, and the amount of erosion decreased substantially. [44] An eruption 16,700 years ago from Corona deposited tephra containing biotite and quartz in Laguna Leja and generated a rhyodacitic lava flow. [248], Volcanic activity at Lascar affects neighbouring ecosystems such as the Aguas Calientes crater lake and Laguna Lejia; flamingos disappeared from the latter after the 1993 eruption and did not return until 2007. [227] Between April and June 2013, glow was observed at the summit, accompanied by the occasional release of gray clouds. Research has indicated peculiar patterns, including so called "rapid-fire" events on a background of continuous activity,[232] as well as the occurrence of long-period earthquakes; here and in other volcanoes, this kind of seismic activity is associated with intense fumarolic activity that occurs in the absence of outright eruptions. [95] Later deposits include the Cenozoic sedimentary Quepe strata. What type of plate boundary is creating lascar volcano? [64] The Quebrada Talabre was scoured by pyroclastic flows during the 1993 eruption, exposing bedrock and Tertiary ignimbrites. [39] An alternative dating scheme considers Chaile to be 47,000 16,000 years old and Saltar 167,000 9,000 years old. [46], The 9-kilometre-long (5.6mi) Quebrada de Chaile, the 17-kilometre-long (11mi) Quebrada de Soncor and the 17-kilometre-long (11mi) Quebrada de Talabre canyons run towards Salar de Atacama; they are 3080 metres (98262ft) deep and 80500 metres (2601,640ft) wide. [104] Overall sulfur output ranges between 200 and 2,300 tonnes per day (2.3 and 26.6kg/s). [39] They reach thicknesses of 5 metres (16ft) in the upper unit[133] and 30 metres (98ft) in the lower one. [34] In the centre of the westernmost crater lies a smaller crater, 250 metres (820ft) deep and 300 metres (980ft) wide. Estimated temperatures decreased from 800900C (1,4701,650F) at the vent to 580600C (1,0761,112F) farther down the flows. Afterwards, up to four different units of pyroclastic flows, each 110 metres (3.332.8ft) thick, formed deposits up to 10 kilometres (6.2mi) long. The western edifice generated a complex of lava domes (stage II),[53] which was probably surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped crater open to the west. Lascar is on the centre-left, Aguas Calientes right. Lascar is located close to the Atacama Desert, one of the world's driest deserts. [59] An eruption commenced at 11:35 local time on 18 April 2006. Learn. [86], The Soncor deposit was subsequently affected by glaciation[67] and the stage I edifice by a debris avalanche,[39] which was radiocarbon dated at 22,310 +2,700/2000 years ago in the Quebrada de Chaile. [138] An ice cap formed over Lascar at that time, feeding two glaciers that extended northeast and southeast away from the volcano. [203], This eruption was the most significant eruption of Lascar in the last 9,000 years, with a volcanic explosivity index of 4[35][129] and a duration of 32 hours,[8] and one of the most significant volcanic eruptions in the recent history of Chile. [59][105] This corresponds to about 1% of global volcanic sulfur emissions, and is comparable to Kilauea and Villarica. [156] The frequent smaller explosive events commonly occur unexpectedly and can thus endanger people on the mountain. [128][47] Most present-day activity consists of the release of fumarolic gas with additional vulcanian activity that generates eruption columns several kilometres high,[129] typically every three or two years[128] and half of the time during austral spring[7] as well as active deformation of the three active craters observed in interferometric synthetic-aperture radar. Flashcards. Saumya joshi. The seismicity was the most notable recorded since the eruption on 10 December. [6] Toconao and San Pedro de Atacama lie 34 kilometres (21mi) and 68 kilometres (42mi) from the volcano, respectively. [228] The last eruption, on 30 October 2015, created a 2,500-metre-high (8,200ft) column of ash that prompted a raise in the local volcano alert level. How to watch volcanoes? [64] The total volume of these pyroclastic flows is about 0.06 cubic kilometres (0.014cumi). [166] A phreatic eruption around 14:30 on 18 April formed the prelude to the eruption. [152], Later, a new stratovolcano grew over the Soncor vent. On 20 February 1990, an eruption column rose 814 kilometres (5.08.7mi) above the crater,[57] resulting in ash fall over 100 kilometres (62mi) away from the volcano. [178] The first pyroclastic flow was observed around 10:12 on 19 April. The white mushroom eruptive column rose 4000-5000 m high over the summit. [153] The Capricorn Lava overlies the Soncor deposits. It was emplaced after the collapse of the oldest edifice, covering Aguas Calientes' western slopes. Another large-scale feature is a hotspot, where a plate rides over a rising plume of hot mantle, creating a line of volcanoes on top of the plate. [10] Unlike the neighbouring volcanoes Acamarachi, Licancabur and Quimal, there is no evidence of archeological sites on Lascar,[11] possibly because of the volcanic activity. The Alert Level remained at Yellow (the second lowest level on a four-color scale) and the public were warned to stay at least 5 km away from the crater. There are traces of a collapse of the volcano towards the northeast, with an associated horseshoe-shaped scar. [219] No lava domes were recorded in the crater during that period. [85] The overall magma supply rate of Lascar is 0.020.03 cubic metres per second (0.711.06cuft/s). Match. [129] In March 1990, the lava dome had a temperature of 100200C (212392F), with some parts exceeding 900C (1,650F). The importance of the multidisciplinary approach. Carbon in the gases may come from skarn assimilation. [42] Tumisa, to the south of Lascar, was active between 2.5 and 0.4 million years ago,[43] is composed of dacite and surrounded by pyroclastic flow deposits. Preceding historical eruptions did not exceed 2. It was accompanied by a Plinian fall deposit. Match. [47][158] The Tumbres-Talabre flow was originally considered to be of late-19th-century age. [54], Large lava flows are noticeable on the flanks of the volcano,[34] with a total of eight lava flows recognized. In South America, a safety warning was issued by Chilean officials after the Lascar volcano erupted a giant cloud of smoke comprising of volcanic ash and hot gases up to twenty thousand feet into the sky on Saturday. The chamber may be surrounded by skarnic alteration. [104], Gases are partly supplied from shallow magma; the volume of magma erupted is too small to contain all the exhalations. The lava dome had disappeared, but in early 1992, another lava dome formed, eventually reaching a size of 180190 metres (590620ft) width and 40 metres (130ft) height, and was accompanied by explosions. Lascar is a stratovolcano in Chile within the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, a volcanic arc that spans Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. [24], The volcanism of Lascar relates to the subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South America Plate. Science of Geology and Scientific Method 1. [57] This eruption was first noticed when ash fell on Salta, and was accompanied by anomalies in the heat emission from the volcano recorded by satellite. Explosive activity presumably occurs when gases can no longer escape. [9] Lahar deposits are found in adjacent valleys, suggesting that wetter periods had occurred during Lascar's activity. [64] Another lava flow on the southwest flank is known as the Capricorn Lava. [47] Originally considered part of stage III, it was more recently attributed to stage IV given the considerable (6,000 years) temporal gap between the Tumbres eruption and stage III volcanism, and the geochemistry of the rocks. [123] Electrical conductivity data suggest that a hydrothermal system exists beneath Lascar,[124] but the existence of such a system has been questioned. [252] Other reports claim that flamingos remained; other animals like donkeys and llamas were seen around the volcano one day after its eruption.[209]. Data is available for free at doi.org/10.5880/GFZ.2.1.2016.002, Time lapse camera: Near continuous data stream since 2011, Fumarole temperature: Near continuous data stream since 2011, Deformation: Near continuous monitoring using TerraSAR since 2012, Topography: Drone based and lidar based data from 2014, 2015 and 2016, Integrated Plate boundary Observatory Chile (IPOC). The two types of plate boundaries that are most likely to produce volcanic activity are divergent plate boundaries and convergent plate boundaries. The station was operating discontinuously until 2015. [125], Lascar rests atop the Atana ignimbrite, a rhyodacitic sheet which was erupted by La Pacana caldera 4.53.7 million years ago. The flow deposit was later modified by glacial activity. In the deep valleys, groundwater and streams support more plants. Sept. 9, 2022. Lscar Volcano, located in the Chilean Andes 70 km SE of San Pedro de Atacama, is the most active volcano of the Central Volcanic Zone. lascar volcano. It is composed of two separate cones with several summit craters. [3] Immediately east of it lies the eastern cone, which is contiguous with the western cone. [26] The andesitic-dacitic Aguas Calientes is located 5 kilometres (3.1mi) east of Lascar; it may have formed a lava flow close to the summit during the Holocene. [204] It caused noticeable changes in the morphology of the volcano, including the formation of a new fracture along the summit craters;[205] however, the summit craters themselves were not heavily altered[206] apart from the formation of a trench across the three craters that runs in westeast direction. Both plates are capped by oceanic crust. It is about 800 m in diameter and 300 m deep. Divergent Plate Boundaries At a divergent boundary, tectonic plates move apart from one another. [36] Geographically, the area of Lascar is located between the Altiplano and the Salar de Atacama[21] 30 kilometres (19mi) farther west;[37] the terrain at Lascar dips in the direction of the Salar. Walter, Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) is based on the measurement of the time delay between the emission of a laser pulse and the reception of the echos that return from target objects. [45] An area of increased electrical conductivity has been identified beneath Lascar and extends to some neighbouring volcanoes, reaching a depth of over 6 kilometres (3.7mi) south of Lascar. [171], Vulcanian explosions started on 18 April 1993, and on 1920 April 1993, a major eruption occurred. administered through the Department of Geosciences at Oregon State University. During minor explosive eruptions, eruption columns reach heights of up to 5,000 metres (16,000ft). [58] The craters show evidence that activity has migrated westward. [7] As of 2017[update], stockbreeding and farming were the principal economic activities in Talabre. Unmanned aerial vehicles,[236] occasional reconnaissance flights and infrequent visits to the volcano are also used. The deposits left contain both andesite and dacite,[53] with phenocrysts consisting of apatite, augite, biotite, iron-titanium oxides, orthopyroxene and plagioclase in a rhyolite matrix. [127] The volcano persistently features a tall plume of water and sulfur dioxide. There were no injuries[211] or fatalities,[8] however the eruption did lead to water pollution in the region, including increases in cadmium, copper and lead concentrations in local rivers. [165] The eruption itself lasted only about five minutes and consisted of two pulses. 2017-03-03 22:36:33. [154] This debris avalanche is 50 metres (160ft) thick and 25 kilometres (16mi) long. Our expert volcanologists and photographers offer unique travel experiences: Lascar Volcano, Chile (Photo: Jiri VonDrak). [35], About 30% of these flows were formed by ash and 70% by blocks,[174] with larger fragments accumulating on the margins of each flow deposit. [54] Exposures of the basement are often delimited by faults. [183] The southern flank flows at first proceeded along a gully before spreading out. [177], The eruption columns underwent several collapses, creating pyroclastic flows at least seven to nine times. See the station distribution here and the data availability here. [132] Temperatures have been estimated to be 7401,060C (1,3601,940F) for the andesite and 1,1301,220C (2,0702,230F) for the basaltic andesite. Lascar volcano Tyra Watts Embed this Flow Large Medium Small Copy Flow URL: https://flowvella.com/s/9hr/Lascar-volcano Volcano: Lascar Country: Chile City: Toconao Continent: South America Presentation By: Kimberly Lema, Jennifer Contreras and Tyra Watts [54] The Soncor flow is found primarily on the western side of Lascar, with part of it also southeast of Lascar. VW is a higher education, k-12, and public outreach project of the Oregon Space Grant Consortium [88] Magma petrology implies that there is another reservoir at 6 kilometres (3.7mi) depth. Today the volcanic complex consists of the dormant western edifice and the active eastern edifice, the latter comprising three overlapping craters. How to make superfans of your brand; Aug. 15, 2022. [27] Given the low population density around many of these volcanoes, there is often little information on their activity. [196] Additional surfaces were covered by ash cloud surges, reaching thicknesses of no more than 5 centimetres (2.0in) on the sides of the pyroclastic flows. The movement of lithospheric plates affects surface features at plate boundaries and within the interiors of both oceanic and continental plates. The name originates from the Atacameo word lskar or lassi (English: tongue), thought to refer to the shape of the volcano. [224] During the following days, additional explosions generated columns up to 3 kilometres (1.9mi) high, with little ash production. The Lascar Volcano is an active andesitic to dacitic stratovolcano that consists of an elongate series of six overlapping craters, trending roughly northeast, with the active, fuming crater located near the center of this cluster. . [227] Such ash falls could potentially hit the towns of San Pedro de Atacama, Talabre and Toconao as well as the Llano de Chajnantor Observatory, the San Pedro de AtacamaPaso de JamaJujuy international road[240] and the Sico Pass. Volcanoes at Plate Boundaries - Geology 101 for Lehman College (CUNY) Skip to content Toggle Menu Primary Navigation Home Read Sign in Search in book:Search Book Contents Navigation Contents I. [54] Six craters are located on the volcano,[29] but sometimes only five craters are counted, in which case the central crater is considered to be the active one. The next day, additional explosions occurred at 15:04, 15:05 and 17:39 UTC, with a maximum column height of 7 kilometres (4.3mi). In this remote territory, where eruptions are poorly recorded, many volcanoes are higher than 6,000 metres (20,000ft). Images of Lascar and neighbouring volcanoes, Note: volcanoes are ordered by latitude from north to south, Observatorio Volcanolgico de los Andes del Sur, San Pedro de AtacamaPaso de JamaJujuy international road, Reporte Especial de Actividad Volcnica Regin de Antofagasta, 10 de diciembre de 2022, 17:30 (horario local), "Vestigios arqueolgicos incaicos en las cumbres de la zona atacamea", "Ritualidad y Extractivismo: La Limpia de Canales y las Disputas Por el Agua en el Salar de Atacama-Norte de Chile", "Contributions of anthropogenic and natural sources of sulfur to SO, "Volcanic gas emissions and degassing dynamics at Ubinas and Sabancaya volcanoes; implications for the volatile budget of the central volcanic zone", "Corrigendum to "Gas and aerosol emissions from Lascar volcano (Northern Chile): Insights into the origin of gases and their links with the volcanic activity" [J. Volcanol. [215] The collapse structures during this activity were larger than those noted in previous activity, possibly because the April 1993 eruption had emptied part of the system. Plate tectonics has an influence on every part of the world. 287 (2014) 5167]", "First geochemical survey of fumarolic gases from Lascar volcano (Central Andes, Chile)", "Linking magmatic processes and magma chemistry during the post-glacial to recent explosive eruptions of Ubinas volcano (southern Peru)", Peligros volcnicos de la Zona Norte de Chile, "Sistema Nacional de Proteccion Civil Centro Nacional de Prevencion de Desastres Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Volcan Popocatepetl Estudios Realizados Durante La Crisis de 1994-1995 Comite Cientifico Asesor Cenapred-Unam", "Satellite images uncertainty: eruption or resuspension? [187] The speed of these flows has been estimated at 100700 kilometres per hour (62435mph). [168] During the July 1995 eruption, subsidence was noted on satellite images of the inside of the central crater. [214] During April 1993, a new lava dome formed in the crater, reaching a diameter of 380 metres (1,250ft). [247] In 1993, yearly precipitation at several towns around Lascar ranged from 2.5 to 20.1 millimetres (0.098 to 0.791in). [140], The lava domes interacted with glaciers, resulting in the formation of a glacier run whose deposits are found as far as 10 kilometres (6.2mi) from the volcano. [53] The oldest mafic andesites are less than 43,000 years old, while the Chaile and Saltar pyroclastic flows erupted over 26,500 years ago. The biggest eruption of Lascar in historical time was in 1993 and produced pyroclastic flows, which traveled 8.5 km NW of the summit, and ashfall in Buenos Aires. [36] This limestone formation has been identified as the Yacoraite formation. [67], The stage II activity was accompanied by the eruption of block and ash flows consisting of andesite, and an eruption whose deposits include blocks with sizes of 15 metres (49ft). [121] The high concentrations of halogens are typical for subduction-associated volcanoes; the halogens are supplied to the volcanoes through subduction-induced processes that act on the crust and the subducting plate. It is the most active volcano in the region, with records of eruptions going back to 1848. [193] The pyroclastic flow surfaces subsided after the eruption, with pulses of faster subsidence coinciding with the 1995 Antofagasta earthquake and the 2007 Tocopilla earthquake. [181] These flows reached a thickness of about 510 metres (1633ft) and advanced through the Quebrada de Talabre, which had intercepted the flows on the northern flank. [21] The presence of Mesozoic limestone is indicated by xenoliths in Lascar's lavas; the only place they crop out farther east is in Argentina. Wiki User. The eruption lasted for two hours and formed a 1011-kilometre-high (6.26.8mi) eruption column. The largest eruption of Lascar in recent history took place in 1993, . [248], During the glacial periods, the volcano most likely featured small glaciers. Flashcards. It probably started shrinking in April 1992, although the shrinkage was directly visible only in November. [129] Landsat images taken during this time indicate that a lava lake may have existed in the central crater,[163] generating a plume of volcanic gases and, in September 1986, a vulcanian eruption happened and dropped ash in Salta, Argentina. It is an andesitic to dacitic stratovolcano with six overlapping craters, trending roughly northeast, with the active, fuming crater located near the center. A volcano in the Andes in Chile's north rumbled to life early Saturday, triggering minor earth tremors and sending a plume of smoke and ash 6,000 meters (nearly 20,000 feet) into a clear sky. [117] The presence of argon and nitrogen in low-temperature fumaroles indicates that air is involved in their formation,[100] although a portion of each of these two gases is non-atmospheric. [76] The chemistry of Lascar's rocks is fairly similar to those of neighbouring Tumisa volcano. This way, topographic details can be scanned over large areas with great precision and in relatively little time. [129] Lava bombs with diameters of up to 1.5 metres (4ft 11in) were hurled as far as 4 kilometres (2.5mi) from the crater, presumably as a consequence of the lava dome exploding. Volcanic activity is characterized by constant release of volcanic gas and occasional vulcanian eruptions. A major eruption occurred at the Lascar Volcano. [88] Such tremors may be produced by the movement of liquid materials in the volcano. It is composed of two separate cones with several summit craters. [53] This volcano was formed by andesite-dacite lava flows (stage III) and scoria. The first known activity occurred at the eastern cone and was characterized by lava flows, before shifting to the western cone where lava domes were emplaced. A new western edifice was constructed on top of the Soncor vent, during the Holocene activity then shifted again to the eastern edifice and continues there to this day. [213] The 1993 eruption was followed by a significant increase in the fluorine content of plants covered by the ash. [238] It publishes a volcano alert level for Lascar and has created a volcano hazard map for the volcano. Regulatory limits on concentrations of other elements in water were also exceeded, although only temporarily. [102], Release rates of SO2 amounted to 27 tonnes per day (0.31kg/s) in 1989,[103] and 28 tonnes per day (0.32kg/s) in 2003. [36] The valleys drain the western, northern and southwestern slopes of Lascar. [63] The formation of the first cone at Lascar may have been facilitated by the intersection between the Miscanti Line and another eastwest lineament[72] formed by PliocenePleistocene tectonic compression of the region,[73] and the lineament would have worked as an ascent path for magma. Maintaining our website and our free apps does require, however, considerable time and resources. Long-period earthquakes with magnitudes not exceeding 1.3 were also recorded, with a maximum of 209 events noted in May 2015. Imprecise argonargon dating on younger andesites has yielded dates of 14,000 18,000 and 17,000 22,000 years. [180] Ash from this eruption was identified in ice cores from Illimani[200] while sulfates reportedly appeared in ice taken from the Arctic and Antarctica. Its rocks have a pale gray-blue colour, and their composition resembles the Soncor flow, despite more mafic lavas and pyroclastics being erupted in the time period between the emplacement of the Soncor flow and the Capricorn Lava. At the time preceding the eruption, the magma chamber had a thermal stratification;[151] injections of mafic magmas had heated the magma chamber and induced convection. [116] Otherwise, activity between 1993 and 2000 was not accompanied by deformation of the edifice. [47] This Plinian deposit reaches thicknesses of 22 metres (72ft) and fell from a 22-to-30-kilometre-high (14 to 19mi) eruption column. [135] Possibly, the magma chamber of stage I had almost solidified when the injection of basaltic magma at depths of over 5 kilometres (3.1mi) triggered a remelting. Learn. Lascar is a stratovolcano in Chile within the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, a volcanic arc that spans Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. Small explosions accompanied the shrinkage until, by March 1993, the dome had disappeared again. [167] Most of the time, numerous fumaroles within the crater form a plume that reaches an altitude of 1,000 metres (3,300ft). [60] This eruption was the last effusive eruption of Lascar, when later lava domes are excluded. [89] There appear to be two distinct chamber systems, an andesitic one that is responsible for the frequent andesite lava and pyroclastic flow activity, and a dacitic one that was involved in the Piedras Grandes and Soncor activities. [19] It is possible that when these ridges are subducted, the buoyancy they carry disrupts the subduction process and reduces the supply of water, which is important for the formation of melts. [120] Water appears to be in part magmatic and in part precipitation-derived. The equilibrium line at Lascar was at an altitude of 4,7004,800 metres (15,40015,700ft) during the last glacial maximum. [23], About 122 volcanoes with Holocene eruptions exist in the Andean Volcanic Belt, including Ojos del Salado which with a height of 6,887 metres (22,595ft) is the highest volcano in the world. [244] Thallium from the volcano is a pollution hazard in the Talabre area. [89], The oldest volcanic activity at Lascar occurred between 220,000[6] and less than 50,000 years ago. On December 9 small amounts of fine ash were emitted from fumaroles and the next day the activity was back to normal levels with only gas and steam emitted. [78] SiO2 concentrations range from 55.5 to 67.8% by weight, and the rocks have medium to large concentrations of potassium. [180] Explosive eruptions, accompanied by the formation of eruption columns reaching heights of several kilometres, sometimes leading to ash fall in Jujuy, Argentina, occurred on 27 February 1994; in July 1994, November 1994, and March 1995; and on 10 May, 20 July and 18 October 1996. Trenches mark subduction zones. [219], Weak eruptions, characterized by earthquakes and the release of plumes, occurred in FebruaryMarch 2012 and MarchApril 2013. [36][44] Other basement rocks are the sandstone-containing marine DevonianCarboniferous Lila formation, the red-orange Permian Cas formation containing volcanic rocks and granites,[21][37] as well as the volcanic PermianTriassic Peine formation and Cerro Negro strata, which also contain intruded rocks and lake sediments. [55] The extinct western cone (also known as Apagado) is composed of layers of lava and pyroclastics. Eruptions in 1972 and 1974 are uncertain. What makes an effective presentation + effective presentation strategies Aug. 12, 2022 As of 2012[update], it had a population of 50 inhabitants. Volcanoes are most common in these geologically active boundaries. [43][49] Cerro Corona gets its name from a crown-shaped structure at its top. [16] A number of supervolcanoes exist in the Central Volcanic Zone, they are part of the Altiplano-Puna volcanic complex. Also, a volcano that is not presently erupting, but that has erupted within historical time and is considered likely to do so in the future.

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