And now we know they can take orders. 22 years after the original Jurassic Park failed, the new park (also known as Jurassic World) is open for business. Owen, Clarie Mitch and Zack leave. Owen: You're going after her with non-lethals Masrani: We have $26 million invested in that asset. I just saw a bond. Standing big and proud, The Innovation Center can be seen from afar along with Main Street below it with massive amounts of tourists walking back and forth to each attractional building and we pass the roof the innovation center, we see a quick shot of the Helipad. You should hear a four year old try to say "Archaeornithomimus.". She roars to the hybrid, and she knocks her away. LOWERYThat's a bad idea.The board assigned emergency opsto iNGen's privatesecurity division.This guy Hoskins is in charge.And he has this insane plan to usethe Raptors to hunt the Indominus. [An American Airlines Boeing 757 touches down on the tarmac in Costa Rica. OWEN (exasperated, to Masrani)I would have a word withyour people in the lab.That thing out there,that's no dinosaur. Blue responds. CLAIREWe've been pre-booking tickets for months. Something enormous begins moving through the trees at the far end of the enclosure. CLAIRE: The good news? Something isn't quite right. Up ahead, Claire sees something, pointing. The hybrid gets tossed like a ragdoll near the lagoon, and she roars, and so does Rexy and Blue, but the mosasaurus pounces out, dragging her into the water. CLAIRE: But consumers want them bigger. ACU OFFICER: ( He spots the Indominus, ) 10 o'clock!By the birdcage! Suddenly the truck is violently knocked aside, flying through the air and crashing noisily to the ground upside-down, leaving the supervisor sitting out in the open completely exposed. Come on.Get in there.If you need me,I'll be right up front.Just open that window.Okay? Oh, but wedo own them. CLAIREYeah.That road goes straightback to the park. Proper attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all times. Get caught in the fray as she's confronted by her archrival, the Tyrannosaurus rex, in an epic battle for the ages. There is no denying that Jurassic Park has had a major pop culture impact, as seen with the more recent Jurassic World films. "Scarier." OWENThat's how it is?Easy. ], [She sighs. The Indominus rex isn't showing up. Gray smiles. That's like fifty tons of food a week. New INDOMINUS REX! Zach continues looking sullen and bored, brossing his arms. The famous T. Rex, Rexy, stomps out. Prepare yourself for the evolution of Jurassic World - The Ride. MAN: Did they give youthe green light yet?HOSKINS: They will. A story is truly memorable if people are constantly quoting it in pop culture. She looks down at the Raptors, and begins to make noises that a raptor would make, speaking to Blue. War is part of nature. ?> the soft tissue is preserved because the iron in the dinosaur's blood generates free radicals, and those are highly reactive. Jurassic World - The Ride. It is the first installment in the Jurassic World trilogy and the fourth installment overall in the Jurassic Park film series. ZACHYou think it's out there?I mean, I know for a fact it isdefinitely not out there, all right?We're totally safe.Here, go take this.You're stronger than me.All right. CLAIREOkay. Modified animals are known to be unpredictable. KARENThis was supposed to bea family weekend, Claire.You haven't seenthe boys in forever.And I know how Zach will treatGray if they're by themselves.And he can just be so mean. LOWERY: Why do you have to make it personal? We imagine the world of the dinosaurs, as a world of huge vegetarians, eating their way through the giant swampy forests of the Jurassic and Cretaceous world, a hundred million years ago. We see the Indominus roaring at the dinosaurs, getting them to flap their wings, and they all fly out towards Masrani's helicopter. To a canary, a cat is a monster. Owen revs his engine, and Blue snaps her head towards him. The raptors look towards their old Alpha. Honey, I need you to take care of these. A trooper heads towards the camera, and a stun device in his hand is activated as he does, the blue bolt visible. She walks around the left side as Nick, mustering his courage, peers around the right front bumper. The ever watchful Zara, having removed her shades, is sitting behind them. Ourlittle side project'sabout to get a shot in the arm.I don't want a bunch of lawyersmessing around with somethingthat they don't understand.You get it?Hey?I'm gonna take that as a yes. ZACHUh, seven. More teeth. He backs up to the gate. He screams. His voice gets cut off when the sphere dies. CLAIREShe has an implant in her back! The instructor jerks, startled, finally losing his cool, as Masrani, imitating the bird's cawing sound, swings abruptly right to avoid colliding with the animal. ], [Once the boys are gone, the two adults drop the act, their attitudes becoming cold.]. [Zach and his girlfriend stare into one another's eyes. He doesn't seem concerned, although Owen is already glancing around, suddenly uneasy. Zach!Gray!My God! CLAIREThat must've been, what? Their loyalty cannot be bought. MASRANII want you to bring him in. Does This Dino Make Jurassic World Look Big? Gray is running enthusiastically up the steps of the building with his brother and Zara trailing behind. GREYIf Mom and Dad get divorced,will one of us be with Momand the other with Dad? She shoots it multiple times, before helping Owen up. CLAIREWe have families here.I'm not gonna turn this placeinto some kind of a war zone! )We're safe in here, right?Zach: ( Reassuring, )Yeah. Masrani tries his best to avoid the reptilian birds, but suddenly, one grabs one officer. The gates of Jurassic Park: The Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood will reopen this summer but this time, visitors can expect a whole new Jurassic world. At the moment, we can't see anything but dense jungle. Eyes of the world. His room is filled with dinosaur and monster movie toys and posters. A high-tech control room consisting of numerous consoles and workstations facing a huge wall of monitors, the center most of which displays a map of the island. So, the proteins and the cell membranes get all mixed up, and and uh act as a natural preservative. You can't put a price on that. The ride features a number of animatronic dinosaurs and takes riders on a thrilling journey through the Jurassic World park. Owen dismisses her, clearly annoyed once more. The ride is full of surprises and is sure to get your heart racing. She goes to one of the thermal imaging consoles and activates it. Now, both dinos are fighting. HOSKINSHell, no.We had an unshakeablebond, you know?Just like you andWhat's his name? Since the day we hired you out of the Navy. She remains braced against her seat, clearly terrified. CLAIRE This is a transcript of the dialogue in the movie Jurassic World. The herbivore bellows again, and swings her dangerous tail, knocking both of the boys away. The original Jurassic Park: The Ride, which operated from June 21, 1996, to September 3, 2018, underwent a major refurbishment and reopened as Jurassic World: The Ride. She grabs a flare and a walkie talkie. CLAIREMr. [He ushers Gray along as they head to the plane. Owen opens the gate and rushes inside to save him. On the other side we see the raptors staring at Leon. Nick is slow and lags behind. GREYI can still ride the Triceratops. PARK ANNOUNCER: Please obey all park rules. GREYYeah, I know. Claire grabs Owen's gun, and smacks the dino in the head, making it yelp. Don't ever turn your back to the cage. On the platform above, hands are shaken and cheers heard. OWENThat's not what you said the last time I saw you. Her phone continues ringing insistently. Mother Nature's way of testing her creations. The Mosasaur grabs the last of the Great-White shark eating it whole then rapidly biting it. HOSKINSI'm afraid that's above your pay grade,honey. Announcements over the P.A. VIVIANHey.They said we had to evacuate.There's a boat.You coming? Hoskins looks upset as he slowly puts his arm down. The vehicles converge on the Indominus Rex. Um "Cooler" (He laughs) I believe is the word that you used in your memo. A new GyroSphere arrives. MAN ON PA:Pregnant women and those who suffer from motion sickness should consult with a doctor before riding this ride. Cut to show Wu is drinking tea behind his desk. MASRANIDid your general ever flyinto battle with you? HENRY WU:You are acting like we are engaged in some kind of mad science. I'm serious. With her foot, Claire nudges a trash can over. [She turns to hand the tickets to Zach. Gray ends up stabbing Echo in the chest with the taser. SCOTT: So much for our last family breakfast KAREN: (annoyed): Why do you have to say things like that? CLAIREOkay, yeah. The Jurassic Park screenplay is full of fun, memorable lines that also serve the story well. SCOTT: Zach, you're not goin' off to war, here. Yes, Jurassic World: The Ride is open. The raptors attack the men. There's a knock on the door.]. The tracking device indicates on the map that the dinosaur is still in Paddock 11. ZACHYeah, wellHeyWe're brothers, okay?We'll always be brothers,and we'll always come back to one another.No matter what. Owen and Ellis skid to a halt as the I. rex emerges from the jungle and blocks their escape. GRAYCytosine, guanine, adenine and thymine. Jurassic World: The Ride is a refurbished version of the Jurassic Park: The Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood themed to Jurassic World. Aren't you supposed to bea genius or something?Look.One, two, three,four. ANNOUNCER: as one-hundred trillion tons of TNT. LOWERYACU is airborne.They took the helicopter. tiny claws scratch through the shell as a titles reads "jurassic world". (yelling over to the instructor)Are you okay? Claire stares defiantly at him, and unbuttons her belt. OWENYou made a genetic hybrid,raised it in captivity.She is seeing all ofthis for the first time.She does not evenknow what she is.She will killeverything that moves. Delta! As she hangs up and reaches the bottom, Gray runs up and hugs her. FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR(holds up two fingers)Two more. Claire is sitting with the boys. Claire sees Zach's broken smashes phone, and walks over. She is free! They're thinking: I gotta eat. He isn't paying attention. Both of the boys turn, seeing her. Claire stares at him with an uncomfortable look and instead of answering, Claire draws attention to his desk. Louder. The elevator dings. Claire nods to herself, and runs off, with the flare. With Claire, Zach, and Gray.CLAIRE: My God. CLAIREOkay, so, um, have fun. They're totally safe. Her head and one arm stick free and she snaps her jaws at Owen. ], [Zach looks sullen and doesn't reply. And Hammond won't be there to protect you this time! Good! The dinos bolt. That is the second time this month. ANNOUNCERThank you for visiting Jurassic World.We hope youenjoyed your adventure.Don't forget to visit the gift shop,and rememberIt's always happyhour at Margaritaville. CLAIREThey say it can sense thermal radiation, like snakes. OWENShe is learning where shefits in the food chain,and I'm not sure you wanther to figure that out.Now, Asset Containmentcan use live ammunitionin an emergency situation.You have an M134 in your armory.Put it on a chopperand smoke this thing! Blue runs off, alone. This is gonna happen. CLAIRE(surprised)Mr. Masrani! WUThe embryos are safe here.They can live up to eightweeks on the generators. Progress always wins, man. I'm just worriedyou're not gettingthe full JurassicWorld experience. CLAIREClean up your workspace. What are you talking about?There.You see? He runs and slides underneath the crane, where he lies hiding on his stomach. Claire runs towards the hybrid, throwing the flare. CLAIRESecurity said the invisible fences were a no-fail. VIVIANSorry, I'm getting new information. Claire notices. HOSKINSChange of plans.Mission took a jog to the left.I'm takingeverything off-site. She adopts a very patronizing, sarcastic tone. system.]. CLAIRE She looks over the island, and lets out a proud, loud roar. BARRY ( To Hoskins. She stops once her name is called. She checks her wristwatch.]. It's close. A herd of Gallimimus flock together with a Tour Jeep driving beside them with amused tourists looking ahead. CLAIREThe lab delivers us new assets and we show them to public. Claire turns towards the boys, and ran towards them hurriedly. MANAGER: (at the tourists)Sorry, folks. CLAIREI'll be in the car. CLAIREAnd what kind of a manshows up to a date in boardshorts? It's chaotic. MASRANI(absently)"The kids"? Zara, trying to keep up, almost doesn't make it through before the doors swing shut. CLAIRE: Damn it, Lowery, be a man and do something for once in your life. The hug lasts a little too long. OWENWe know that sheis in sector five.This is a game we call hide-and-seek.It's a scent drill.We've done it about a thousandtimes with these animals.When they get on target,and they will get on target,wait to engage.Velociraptors are pack hunters.They like to herdthe animal into a kill zone.That's when we take our shot.Get a clear shot,wait on my command,and give her everything you got.We got one good target, gentlemen.Do not shoot my Raptors.Please. OWENYou might have made them in a test tube, but they don't know that. CLAIRE(into the phone)Yeah. CLAIRE: ( Worried. Let these corporations name the dinosaurs. Our shareholders have been patient, but let's be honest, no one's impressed by a dinosaur anymore.

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