in prison, his poor health, his lack of exercise, his lack of seeing Former West Memphis Three convict turned movie actor and producer best known for his lead role in the documentary based on his life titled West of Memphis. The other side did the same thing when this happened and without doing any real investigation, they believed it was devil worshipers running wild I am not a supporter who bashes or insults people who dont happen to agree with my opinion and its refreshing to see that either are you. Damien Echols, fdd Michael Wayne Hutchison den 11 december 1974, var en av tre ungdomar som den 19 mars 1994 dmdes fr mord i ett rttsfall som vckte stort uppseende. In this interview Damien sat next to Depp and stated clear as day Johnnys like a brother to me first thing we did when I got out was get matching tattoos. Not one shred of evidence will support Damien, Jason, or Jessie on the victims or at the crime scene. im not totally in the west Memphis 3 camp of theyre innocent, nor do I think that they are without a doubt guilty. The witnesses who claimed to have seen Hobbs with the boys also failed forward. I think not. for someone who acts like they think they are a lawyer, there are a lot of holes in your arguments. Though I can see Echols admitting it one day down the road just because he finds it amusing. they may very well be inncoecnt. Its sad really I feel bad for you and the way you choose to live your life. Thank you. After she finally dumped him for good he thought he was going to end up stuck in trailer park hell forever so he raged & jumped the shark (anti-depressants & alcohol helped this happen) and took Jason & Jessie along with him. Im convinced. Those 3 babies that were murdered were innocent. You are of course, completely entitled to both have your opinion and voice it. The first reason is that to me the West Memphis 3 fit the profile of school shooters. I am inclined to believe that the state of Arkansas would not have offerer them the Alford plea deal if they had a reason to believe the boys would have lost in a new trial. Next he does exactly what the prosecution did when the boys were arrested back in 1993, by neatly boxing them in to stereotypes, then stating that they fit the bill of school shooters and suggesting that if they were born a few years later they would have been prolific as such. First it was the Bojangles guy, then it was Mark Byers, now its Terry Hobbs. It was a rush to find someone who they said did this." Todd and Diana Moore, parents of Michael, say the West Memphis 3 are guilty. He is the Ted Bundy of the 90s. Including such celebrities as Johnny Depp, Natalie Maines, and Eddie Vedder. I just saw the 96 documentary, few days ago, have done some research on this case for the past few days and even looked at court transcripts etc. The wayall these highly-revered artists have abused their power,by putting their weight and money behind a case they so transparently didnt even bother properly researching, on the back of a single documentary,scares me beyond words. So I had to delve deeper and try and find the truth because I knew there was more than meets the eye and I wasnt being presented the whole story. Come on peoplethe first trial alone should have never happened to begin with. Falsetestimony nothing to link them to the murder. You are aware that Damien Echols is an unmedicated bipolar schizophrenic that was admitted 3 times to the psych hospital in the year before killing the little boys. id probably say 80% and they are still fighting to have the verdict reversed, your going to feel real dumb and your going to have to eat alot of crowif they get it reversed so think about that. In the meanwhile, we (me and my familyI wont speak for D and Lorri) are going to kick back and enjoy the hell out of what this life has to offer. I also dont think the motive was of a sexual nature(there was no evidence of rape). My opinion comes from the facts that were left out of the movies such as Echols abuse of animals. It is not a deterrent, as has been demonstrated time and time again throughout history, and it costs more on average to execute. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. I dont think he would have had any mental issues with a different family, different hood. Ive studied this case for so many years, from both sides, and I have YET to find evidence of murder. The supposedly moronic,trashySouthern Christians they so despise vs.a supposedly misunderstood kid who supposedly embodies all the hip individualism and rebellion they ascribe to themselves and adore so. Echols will take information he knows about that night to the grave and the public will never hear it, especially now that hes a free man. Throughout the whole trial and even to today, its as if he drops hints & pebbles of truth . **I am not interested in the cult/insanity aspect of this case. If I can surpass the amount Im looking for, Id like to add an additional disc to the DVD case with visual information on the following provisional topics: Mara Leveritt and the Devils Knot: Grinding A Dull Axe, The Defense Rests: Obfuscation and Omissions in all Defense arguments. Wow, thats like the rain on your wedding day type of ironic. If they were born just 5 or 10 years later I think they would have been prolific school shooters. I can not say he did it, there is no direct evidence. It depends on which one of the supporters you ask and how well theyve been paying attention. The fact that you called someone retarded just blows my mind. More than likely it was the Probation Officer, or a religious Christian nut. Really? Has anyone been able to obtain a report of where that Indeed! They wore black and (purportedly) abused animals, and listened to metal and stuff! Thats bascially ALL it takes! If theyd been born 10 years later, theyd have shot up their school (as if school shootings originated in the late 90s). If you had never heard this before in your life and were introduced Another one of those suckers that PT Barnum talked about. Echols is smart but how soon before he Moves a lot? TCIN: 79306008. There is quite a detailed account from lots of witnesses about the search that ensued for the boys as soon as the alarm was raised. My Trench-sense is tingling. lord knows i am not a lawyer or a criminal investigator, but like johnny depp, i could play one on tv. Check the DNA evidence from 2007. (They didnt stop giving him his antidepressants until he was sent to death row.) They got the same tattoos. The boys ligatures were a mystery nobody could figure out because of the way they were tied but now it all fits into place. reoffender. One thing that makes the mind numb in the Callahan documents is the incessant back and forth of who talked to who, who went where with who, who KNEW who, who was friends with who. But, Im also interested if anybody can point me to evidence No constitutional error. Three kids that play the system like a pawn store banjo. Having expert witnesses that had credentials from a MAIL ORDER university, and even SAID ON THE STAND That he took ZERO Classes, would have led to a mistrial in most ANY normal court in America. The guards beat him. no one has ever seen you. I think a good place to start is the location and the people that live there. And YOU need to read the court transcripts instead of vegging out in front of HBO watching one sided documentaries. ), lol why do you engage idiots?? Poor pathetic dude probably thinks now that killing children really gave him special powers because (ta daaa) hes famous. Why did Jessie confess multiple times? Trust very few and be open to learning new things always!! read his two bookshes a egotistical sociopath..and he admits one creepy video, that he licked bloodlook it up on youtube. The trial testimonies are available for all to see. ?you are trying to say that only 1 person witnessed this?? nasty despicable little coward. pour your energy there instead of arguing an article without any ammunition. Hell the one who confessed was borderline mentally challenged. trench is spot on, and if he wasnt, there would be evidence compiling to exonerate them instead of trying to get a lame ass, chicken crap petition movement going. So Im guessing you have access to all the West Memphis police records at that time. Isnt he INTENSE? When three 8-year-old boys were found dead in the woods of West Memphis Arkansas, the police immediately turned to Echols and his two friends Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley. These 3 convicted murders got caught. The kids were found naked and underwater. I have read supporters views that the three should be enjoying life, doing whatever it takes to reclaim the last 18 years. But it is hard not to see both step fathers in the same light. I believe one or more of the boys were attacked which led to a violent situation where there was no coming back from for the purpotraters. ability to tell the truth about much, the one thing I do believe is his grief I have to admit I know less than nothing about this case. I think we may never know who really killed those poor little boys the police botched the entire case. get the point? The victims in this travesty and gross mis-justice are Christopher Byers, Michael Moore, Steven Branch and there families. I 8) One of the boys were still alive when he was placed in the water. Both were looking to kill to make them famous. Why exactly? Every single American should demand DNA be done on every crime so no one is wrongly accused or killed and that justice can be really served by catching the real killers. Just look it up!! You can read about the real story of the West Memphis Three in detail here. Info is info facts are facts. Plus Ive been writing about violent teen crimes for 11 years. Prison does not reform, alas nobody would ever return. Someone should have been able to say, Hey Jerry? Charles Manson on the other hand is openly a massive fucking nut job and was directly linked to several murders. Hollywood director Peter Jackson announced last week he secretly If it was done because the kids stumbled on something going on, why kill them that way? Im doing my own research, reading transcripts, listening to audio tapes ect. Join the discussionDamien has had my twitter account suspended.I raised the issue how can convicted child killers profer from hawking their shit on social media for what hes done to animals i would love to run him over. I think that the fact that people are so one-sided in this case is exactly reason it hasnt been solved. We can debate all day about whodunit. i swear this country is ridiculous, a blind man can see they are guilty as hell. He then describes the WM3 as Jason Baldwin and Dylan Klebold-like sycophants. Stop the in-fighting with eachother (cause thats what they are hoping we will do instead of digging and uncovering the truth) if we are caddy, and fighting amongst ourselves nothing will get done. Much like other teen killers that Ive posted about Echols has always maintained that its everybodys fault but his that he was in jail. I agree with you Mr. Reynolds. Yeah, I have to agree either this person is talking out there ass, or theyre fucking insane for making someone whos in prison for murdering three little children (who claims to be Wiccan, no less) the godfather of their child. Echols has been married since 1999 to Lori Davis, a landscape architect first wrote to him on death row after seeing Paradise Lost and immediately concluding he was innocent. The writer s absolutely insane. West Memphis police just had it out for those three and needed to answer the angry parents!!! As for Echolscan he hold it in? He is just a normal dude, slightly nerdy and into goth culture. Apparently, Baldwin and Echols friendship suffered a major blow due to the movie Devils Knot. Echols does not have any hard feelings for Baldwin, but he had a problem with something that was depicted in the movie while Echols was trying to work with the filmmakers to ensure an authentic portrayal. Recently, Hicks has been fighting for access to her son's property and other evidence in the case. You can check out his Facebook page to hear his views on the topic and see how he has participated in protests against the death penalty. She was strong in her interview, but I felt for her because this child she gave birth to and believes in him, dismisses her. Nor, he has shared the details about his educational background. What a liar! Firstly I dont buy this devil worship nonscence as a motive. It was the shedding of their blood to magically bestow power on himself. to you. The kids were in and around the the Hobbs house, that hair could have gotten there in any number of ways besides Hobbs being the killer. It means a lot. Trench Reynolds, supposedly a seasoned crime reporter and Micheal Blatty, who should know fact from fiction if hes read ANY of his fathers books ( although maybe thats where he gets his particular bias from) are conducting their own witch hunt, not one borne out of fear and grief, but quite frankly, one out of small mindedness and prejudice. Satanism, heavy metal music, Stephen King novels etc. what is the deep seeded root of this type psychological behavior? Those who support the WM3 have a right to their opinions, I have just as much right to mine. SHAME on you look at the facts! 22-year independent crime news and opinion writer. My thing is If u are innocent why accept guilt to get out(Alford plea), If your innocent why confess multiple times(Jessie) or brag to others or make light of such a debase situation (as Damien has done by Making sick jokes) Or when asked if his so called friend Damien did it, Jason hesitated and acted nervous by saying there making it look like he(Damien) did it. Truth stands alone! I think anyone on here posting anything negative towards the WM3 have got to be just as sick as the one(s) truly responsible for the murders of them innocent little boys. Im genuinely curious as to how you can to that conclusion. HIs CSI certification? Which leaves me with one question WTBFH have you been smoking??? Jana, how does one access the 500 page report on Echols? Because, either we are ALL innocent until proven guilty or NONE of us are. (echols) help for Im so disgusted i cant beleive it and what celebs paying for their legal fees and stuff o m g!!! Thats one example compared to countless of other cases where a family member was involved. I totally agree with this article. By all accounts I should be on THAT side of the fence (I want to be) but I see things as you do. now remember before you bring up hobbs, even there own hired guns said that was weak evidence. 100% agree with you all. I believe he will confess on his death bed and have a good laughbefore going to hell, where he belongs. I actually am open to the animal predation theory on the young Byers boy because it is possible(however fortunate for the defence). People could be supportive without becoming a sheep in the Echols flock. I just really dislike when many people, and not just you,link horrible behavior of people as animal like. Echols recently started a podcast called Not Just Idle Chatter. You can listen to the podcast on YouTube here. Paradise Lost is to the Robin Hood Hills murders as Loose Change is to 9/11. The single only thing that makes me question the WM3s innocence is the fact that I have not been able to dredge up info about similar crimes within reasonable proximity over the past 20 years. And then return home after commiting the crime(also with no witnesses). Does any Of this sound like the plight of 3 innocent teenagers?? Damien and Jason are pretty evil. I have no judgement as to his guilt or innocence, but I find the following he has received since is appalling. *sigh* Its so hard to discuss anything rationally with a zealot. or did the famous people read what I had just read? 5 confessions, eyewitnesses putting him at the scene at the time. Thank you. My main reason for this belief is Mr. Echols actions after the crime Same as Casey. I have not yet read all of the information to form an opinion on the subject. She does not speak publicly on the case and keeps to herself. This is all very disturbing stuff. My only issue with Mr. Reynolds is his writing style. The fact that you use the term nons leads me to believe that youre just as judgmental and zealous as you claim their detractors to be. Im so disgusted that these sociopaths have gotten off this (O M G!!!!!!!!) And I dont think they haveany problem whatsoever withcarrying this secret. Scared little one & go hide in a closet. If you were so focused on the way these boys looked maybe you could see the actual facts and your opinion wouldnt get in the way so much. Or the fact that the boys bodies were lying in a creek could have something to do with the lack of DNA. I created almost 20 years of content on this website where .01% of it deals with the WM3 just to hide my tracks. Id like to believe that none of them are bloodthirsty but its sadistic for them to blame the victims parents (and they know this). I just dont feel the evidence was sufficient enough for conviction. And by constitutionally not taking place youre discounting Misskellys many confessions and witness testimony about Echols bragging about it. Simple fact is because that Jury heard of Jessies confession. Where is the innocence??? I have read every document on the Callahan website, up to the Ns in the alphabetical index. I think the police should have taken the help that was offered for this case. You armchair experts are going to tell the guy that caught the Green River Killer and Wayne Williams and dozens of others that hes wrong? A dear friend of mine was a different teen. No but it dose not bode well for his character.. .I would put his guilt at 75 percent. Or maybe Jessie is a lot Just as a side note I find it interesting !Stop watching there movies, buying there books, and lapping up everything they say or do as gospel. guilt or innocence. So to say that kids are around strangers all the time, without the supervision of a parent or trusted relative, is a cop-out. If I hadnt stumbled across the 3rd paradise lost documentary a couple days after watching Devils Knot, it never would have crossed my mind to delve further into it. Let me just break with tradition and state the obvious: The cops had every right to look into him as a suspect based on a mental health history like that. I believe there are people still alive who know the truth, but they arent talking. In fact, out of tens of thousands of pages of documents associated with this case, there is nothing more than a blurb regarding Todd Moore, even though he would have been at the very top of my list of suspects, for obvious reasons. Jan. 20, 2012. why shouldnt we think that you are actually a sick person with a criminal mind? even though jessie has a low he still managed to get some truth out there before and after his conviction so supporters dont try to say he was cruely interrogated for a long time that is just an urban legend. Basically its like pleading guilty without actually admitting guilt.

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