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There are so many wonderful hit-and-run tactics you can use during group fights. An empty shrine. Its a medium-sized guardian robot who will have an assortment of weapons and shields to use against you, and either a small, medium, or super-sized health pool depending on whether its a minor, modest, or major trial. Again, not-so-subtly showing that Link can climb in this game. But it goes further than that because having the molduga monsters be unique to the desert region adds a lot of character to this area. Exploration. One is the standard sphere version. I know it would have been a lot of work but if each region type had its own unique boss like this it would have made the game a hell of a lot more fun for me. I can sum it up like so: imagine a hypothetical game that was 20 levels long. Every player is going to know this. Stasis allows you to freeze objects in time. If you dodged it, you could pick up the spear and there you go, you have a weapon that could be balanced around this fight that you had to earn for yourself. Write between the lines. Honestly thats the biggest thing I hope is different in hard mode. It simply does a check for the area around Link to see if theres any sources of active damage. Chosen by The Sword That Seals the Darkness. Nothing proves this more than the molduga fights. Even if you only have three hearts and the attack does so much more damage. Simply defeat the nearby Bokoblin and give Hestu his maracas back. His laser does 11 and a half hearts. This could be Links permanent, weak weapon that you could upgrade by questing for lost shards throughout the world. Its a great experience on its own. During combat things are usually fine, except for moblins. The pillar of ice is exactly as it sounds. 36 armor is negating 36 weapon damage. I wish I captured more of the dialogue as I played through the game, but I've included a few gems below along with some of the classics. By lost I mean sidetracked. But he did. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the. Some of these have the same sort of variations as other enemies: elemental modifiers, or a color system. These interactions were usually boring but a rare few stood out. And you can only carry a fixed amount of them. Picking stuff up with magnesis feels clumsy and slow, for example. Dialogue format quirk #8: incorrectly formatting songs. If players can heal themselves instantly of any damage, then it makes sense that enemies should spike damage really high. I died a lot to these early on getting the parry timing down on the lasers. The most interesting thing they can do are when the bats come at you in swarms at night, or when an octorock is on the fringe of a battle youre fighting at a camp. And how Breath of the Wild turned durability into a four letter word. They were all far, far easier than normal enemy groups in the world. It would have also made what happened to me impossible: all the combat shrines I found early on would have all been minor ones, then modest ones in the middle of the game, and major toward the end. Or Link could steal an enemys weapon with a special timed dodge or parry if he currently has no weapons available. It is not an exact copy of the text in the game, but it is very similar and includes several special characters that are not used in the game. The open world mechanics are really so good though, and its amazing how much of it is accomplished by just removing the hand holding that most other open world games have. Upload your PDF on PubHTML5 and create a flip PDF like Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt . OUR light. Despite only being three, theyre all quite similar. It starts with that sweeping shot when you first see daylight. This section is going to be long and overly detailed because I intend to prove it, instead of just whining about it. So balls wont roll down a declinewhich is how the shrine tests you on the mechanicand that any series of strikes you land on something while in stasis will compound by the end. So if I have armor on that adds up to 36 defense, then that red bokoblin with a 36 damage Royal Sword wont be able to hurt me. After that, these were never a threat to me. And the lower the inventory slots, the more likely you are to use all of your weapons and not end up agonizing over decisions more often than anything else. And for a while I thought well its a big reward, maybe it really is meant to be that tight.. But I am certain youre not meant to find all of theseyoure not even meant to find MOST of them. Your breath is an anchor you can return to over and over again when you become distracted by thoughts. Its that I was literally incapable of killing this monster without better gear. You can revisit their hometowns and learn more. Burn enemy weapons to nothing. And this gets even more true later on when the harder types of enemies begin spawning in the world. It is possible to get this right but it requires very precise timing that is honestly well beyond any other timing challenge in the game. By that I mean, Nintendo could have made a set list of shrines from 5 to 120, and dynamically changed which shrine you load into depending on how many youve done before that. It wasnt that I couldnt dodge him for long enough or anything like that. For the whole game. And its not some brainless alternative to walking either, you have to judge the height of things and compare it to your available stamina. Inconsistencies come primarily in animations and the Flurry Rush ability. These groups are also almost always in encampments in the world that you can approach and plan to engage. Moblins especiallythey feel like theyre just larger bokoblins. This turned me off the combat for dozens of hours after this. Probably. A quest that I got a long time later and watched as it instantly auto-completed in my quest log. Lets go. Similar to that, some food buffs can increase your defense and offense numbers, which might make you wonder how damage and defense is calculated. Surfaces are too slick to climb when theyre wet, but after a few attempts you can notice a pattern to when Link starts to slip. Well talk about enemy variety shortly but its important for everyone to know that there are roaming mini-bosses in Breath of the Wild. On the Great Plateau, these were ranged from starting sticks, bokoblin clubs and spears, to some low level swords, hammers, and axes. And unless Im forgetting an enemy and I dont think I am, thats all there is. That theres THIS much to explore in this game. A simple way to do this would be that raw ingredients dont heal Link. The weapons available here could also have their attack power reduced. And then youre done. Sounds like I enjoyed them a bit more than you, but I tend to agree with your proportions (aka 15 stellar, 15 good, most of the rest merely fine). But Im pointing it out for the sake of just having some basic numbers for you to grasp the system if you havent played the game, and to also show how reliant the game is on gear. Clearing out these camps is the lions share of combat in Breath of the Wild, so lets focus on that for now. However, by reading the dialogue options you can use to respond to NPCs, you're given access to Link's less serious personality, seeing a whole new side of Hyrule's chosen hero. You point out that the game incentivizes you to use one weapon at a time, especially late in the game. Hyrule is now a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting. Obviously I cant do them all but I think youll be able to understand my reasoning, and then decide whether you agree with me or not. When Link finds a korok, it pretty much keeps the same exact dialogue, which is "yahaha, you found me!" However, that changes within the forest walls. I like that there are hordes of enemies to fight. Or maybe they would have to be preserved in special containers after cooking. And thats about as long as I can be vague and spoiler-free. The camera is easy to explain: I shouldnt have to play roulette whenever I break my lock on and reapply it. Thats all there is? after each shrine like this that I finished. If I bump my armor up to 60 then all of it is now gone. And look I also understand that theres an inherent problem here, which could be something another group of people might be screaming that Im wrong about. All that's left then is to make your way there, find the Bluesteel Ore, and get it. For both the most fun and the most challenge, but this is the part of the game that lives up the most to the idea you have to make this fun for yourself. Because holy shit does this combat system fall apart without self-imposed rules and limitations. And by doing that I got to learn the mechanics of every boss. In the immortal words of Shania Twain, this dont impress-a me much. All of his sword slices do 10 hearts. Because although I eventually did find a way to make combat in Breath of the Wild a lot of fun, it wasnt like that after my first hour of game time. And there are the guardian robots. 9 hearts multiplied by 4 quarters in each heart is, of course, equal to 36. The vast majority of your fights will be against these humanoid groups. The Sheikah Slate is essentially a magical smart phone. And through that admission, I hope I can help you understand how conflicted I am on this game and how difficult it is to properly judge it. I have no clue if there was some challenge I skipped over accidentally but I dont think that matters. I learned to dodge its attacksmany of them perfectly to trigger a special Flurry Rush counterattack mode. Now you have to run away from enemies and position yourself to heal instead of somehow being able to eat 20 apples and an entire turkey while reeling on the floor. Ganon tricked everyone, killed Link, and Zelda was left to contain him. For something that appears so mundane on the surface, there is a shocking amount of things you can learn here. In this way, your health isnt just these hearts, its the entire supermarket worth of food youre carrying around with you too. I recommend not doing that and being creative with climbing, the glider, and your bow instead. Without them, we wouldn't exist. These arent terribly interesting on their ownin fact theyre more like a puzzle involving bombs and pretending the sand is lava than a proper fight. So the guess of a conclusion I can come to is that, when the game looks to see if a flurry rush should activate, it doesnt care about whether you would have taken damage. They would be impossible. This early on in the game, because the lynel didnt have a fancy health bar, I thought this entire region was full of this enemy type so I should go somewhere else instead. Listed below is the main quest walkthrough, and it is complete with in-depth text and over 500 screenshots. The freedom in the many options you have to move through this world. Hetsu the Broccoli Man allows you to carry so many more weapons in exchange for korok seeds. If I could use magnesis on wood then itd be easier. Thats the thing I look forward to the most. Maybe it could be upgraded to create ice blocks even when there isnt water around? More often than not the shrines that require the completion of a quest will be elaborate. Magnesis allows you to lift up metal objects. Well you might not have those weapons anymore when you get there. The name Mega Shrine is sort of weird though. Next up are the Korok Seeds, which reward players for being perceptive and stopping to look at the things they pass. Cups? The former of which is only required to do a handful of quests in the area and a korok seed, while the latter is never used for anything specific at all. I was wondering if anybody would be willing to offer any feedback on the code, ways to improve or possibly implement a . Some areas already do this with unique wildlife. Without being locked onwhether thats at an enemy or empty spaceLink doesnt dart to the side or do a flip. Theres another direction I could have gone and encountered a lynel this early. But stunningly enough, these are all the tools you get. Want to ignore the roads and the paths weve made? All of them. Then you have to go on a different quest to retrieve somethingwhich ends up being a mini dungeon, with another stealth section that I was thrilled to discover you could fight your way through instead of automatically failing. If you mess up the dodge, then youre going to get smacked. And even those are really rare. The dodge button should be the sprint button. Puzzles could be designed around the player always having access to bombs because of that. This one has heavy balls on ropes. They start off simple and gradually increase with each stage of the shrinejust the fact that they had stages at all makes it better than most of them unfortunately. You can feel it when you arrive. The first solution has to do with how the shrines exist in Breath of the Wild in comparison to other open world games. This attack still does damage to me during flurry rush because the weapon is radiating fire damage, yet Ganons doesnt do that even though its the exact same attack. Cryosis could use an upgrade too to make it more practical. Then you have to use the current and a bomb to open your way. Its 15 hearts worth of damage. I totally see why you played this way, but I think it makes the game worse. Do bees count? Direct assaults were what I settled on though. The Legend of Zelda is an American animated television series.The series is heavily based on the first game of Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda video game series, The Legend of Zelda, but includes some references to Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.It was exhibited during the Friday episodes of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!.. Hyrule is so vast, and beautiful, and overflowing with detail. This type of progression can be good. That Lynel encounter was a super unfortunate way to start the game. It comes back to the old Bethesdas Bug idea on these dodge timings. What is the Hylian language in Breath of the Wild? Or finding literal stairs built into the side of the mountain. Not overly great or mindblowing but good. Which I think, after how long this section went on, deserves its own. Breath of the Wild has continued the tradition with clever writing in an overall amazing game. Theres a colosseum near the Great Plateau that has a lynel at the bottom. Tougher enemies start showing up. This breaks in about 10 hits, for a total damage potential of around 20. I would advise other players to *only* use the Master Sword when fighting various versions of Ganon, and to use *all* your weapons at *all* times with total abandon. Freedom is found in messing around with the mechanics. The Great Plateau feels so large at first but it is comparatively tiny to the rest of the game. Because even though every shrine has the same visual style and recycles the same assets over and over, the content inside can be very different. But Im forgetting something, arent I? Like Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt (Classic Folk and Fairy Tales)? It was a great video. The next group are 15 shrines that I consider to be good and interesting. They may emit fire or ice or lightning or just physical damage, but theyre just visual tweaks on the same weapon. This preserves some of the early-game dynamics that you praise: creativity, surprise moments of crisis, variety in fights. Weapon durability. All good points, but I have a caveat or two. Everything scales as you gain power and experience, EXCEPT for the dungeons. This argument makes a bad assumption in that if weapon durability was removed, that it would be the only changethat you would still be finding all of these weapons everywhere and you just keep replacing old ones with better ones. You also talk about how the Master Sword became your go-to pickaxe. At most there are instances where you have to use two abilities together. Tip 2: Let the Dialogue Assist with Character Development. And I came to the incredibly reasonable conclusion that, if the world was this dangerous, then surely the dungeons and Ganon must be even more so? So quests like navigating the huge mazes on the map, or completing the challenges in the lost woods, or Eventide Islandwhich was one of my favorite parts of the game. But the other 5 were terrible. "The history of the royal family of Hyrule is also the history of the Calamity Ganon; a primal evil that has endured over the ages." This guardian laser for example inflicts 14 and a half hearts on a naked Link. I can happily tolerate a stable 30 FPS on console games but the keyword there is stable. Published Sep 3, 2021 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a seemingly infinite abyss of secrets, with fans now discovering pieces of hidden dialogue. But wait, there's more! And this mechanic, with freezing a ball mid-roll, is something taught to you in the tutorial shrine. I like that they all bunch up and try to come at you from different angles and attack togetherit also promotes using spear weapons to pick off stragglers who waddle too far from the group. Do I wish the game had great side quests? And the mountain area is colder than the rest of this part of the map, which is also a feature youll be running into a lot in the larger world: preparing yourself to survive harsh environments. With its captivating story, sprawling landscapes, and. 900 sounds like a lot. Since theres also no way to see durability on weapons, that means youre heavily incentivized to keep using the same weapon once youve started. I never came close to running out. Something as simple as having the game unpaused after selecting food, and having a second or two of downtime while Link eats it, would have solved half this problem just like that. This doesn't mean they have to lie, or deceive, but they can't be on the nose. When you get to Hyrule Castle, thats the first time this version of Link and Ganon have met. This is especially true if the weapon is so cool looking that you dont want to use it. Thats how poorly designed this puzzle is. Note of the author. Theyre very well put together, but theyre also tiny. You can cheese it even more with stasis so those eye shots are even easierwhich is another way you can add to the long list of methods used to destroy the combat system in Breath of the Wild. You can use it to inspect your surroundings and mark things in the distance, which will then also be visible on your map. Problem solved. Tip 1: Let the Dialogue Advance the Plot and Serve a Purpose. When you have so few weapons and theyre all breaking regularly, when switching between them is a really quick decision, or you scramble to steal another weapon that was just flung onto the floor. This is a two-way street and, unfortunately, with the other problems on this list it keeps getting worse. Identified font Rodin Suggested by r21_ROM Suggested fonts The amount of time thats squandered on the loading alone is enough to prove that these werent as well thought out as they could have been. These enemies always have the same mechanics. For me, it was a dead shrine. To allow equipment expansion slots to appear valuable. Theres no clever, grand level design like in many other dungeons in the series. Even breaking your Master Sword can be seen as a little trick you can learn and take advantage of. Youre shown a mysterious old man nearby and then left to do whatever you like. The first finally lives up to that famous line about open world games: See that mountain? These also include the starter shrines on the plateau and the simple ones in the areas closest to that starting area. They likely didnt want the small and medium sized ones out in the world because then the combat shrines wouldnt feel specialbut theyre already overused in that environment. And for the most ridiculous of all, a silver moblin with a shitty spear thats on fire will do 9 and 3 quarter hearts worth of damage. Hell if you did this right Link could get away with just having one weapon slot, period. This was one of many little tricks that I taught myself while playing through experimentation, and its one of the best things that the game doesrewarding player creativity. And while there is a lot of fun stuff you can do with the different combat arenas and encampments throughout the world, you could double this number and it still would be considered low. There are multiple ways up here too, and more than one way to combat the cold. Revali is a characterappearing in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The only place that really felt like that was Hyrule Castle which, depending on how bitter Im feeling when you ask me, might be the only thing I consider to be a dungeon in the game, period.

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