The way my unituses is: Patrols line up inrows, with PLs at the left of the rows, PS at right and the rest inbetween, facing the near end of hall and withthe front Patrol about a metre short of the wall they are facing;the Guiders stand in a lineto the left of the front row, but facing the other waydown the length of the hall. it is easier to quickly sketchtwo lines for the arm positions on paper as they are sent, and once you have them all noted down,use a chart to work out the letters they representand writethem inunderneath your sketches, and thensplit them into words and work out what the message said. 6 Toasties For a quick child-friendly snack, campfire toasties should do the trick. Most Counties would publish annual reports, and many produced regular newsletters too - these may well contain items about local units in yourarea, with information of what the units were doing at meetings and residentials. 7. Lastly, bend forward again, breathing out the last bit of breath in you, and saying the number of times you have done it, in order to keep count. How the Girl Guides helped beat Hitler MENTION Girl Guides to any woman and the reaction will be strong. Scout's Pace is a hybrid between walking and running - walking is a slow (albeit sure) way of delivering an urgent message, enabling you to cover a long distance at moderate pace. Remove the bark andsoak in water for a few minutes, so they are damp (fireproofing, and the steam helps the cooking), and fairlyclean. and when you do arrive, take a couple ofseconds to gather your breath andthoughts so you can give themessage in a clear and logical way, not blurt out what's uppermost then have to waste valuable timeexplaining, orwaffling before you get to the keypoint . I'd suggest: Once you have peeled back enough turf, cut the piece(s) and lay them to one side, grass to grass or earth to earth. Brownies would also have their Test Card (pre-1968)or Pocket Book (1968 - 1990)- a little card or booklet containing the Brownie challenges she was working on, so a sort of mini Adventure book which was designed to bejust the right size to fit in the uniform pocket, for easy reference. She would then step backwards to her place in the Colour Party, and then give the command 'Colour Party Salute the Colour', and they would give Guide salutes. At all times, remember the risks of causing fire in the countryside - always have water to hand to put out your fire in an emergency, make sure the earth is totally cold before you put turf back, make sure your fire is away from overhanging trees, fences etc - and most important of all, have the full approval of the landowner for your firelighting plansbefore you set foot on his/her land. "It made me feel a lot more proud of Guides and realise what a jolly good thing they are". Brownie First Class and Wings - Before 1968, Brownies did not tackle the Adventure books we do now, instead they had set tests to pass - and every Brownie in the country had to learn the very same skills and pass the exact same tests. It sometimes took the initiative of those in authority to spot the potential of Guides. x\[F~?0Ao{&v[B`69uwa}V_lB)YU_j]=g~YG{iK]gw%$FwP=89ew1gW`WvW!%C"e Untilaround the late 1930s, girls wouldnot have worntrousers at any time- only ever skirts or frocks. Bake scrumptious desserts and cakes from all over the world in this top rated FREE ADDICTIVE time-management game! Going on a Cookie Blitz We're going to sell a lot of them We're going on a cookie blitz We're going on a cookie blitz We're going to sell a lot of them I hope we sell enough of them I hope we sell enough of them So we can plan a field trip So we can plan a field trip You could even gift it to a friend or family member if you want to. on: function(evt, cb) { May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause, To sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen. Traditionally, a Patrol Leader would wear a white lanyard which attached to her belt, and on it would be a whistle. So in Norway, some Guides buried their uniforms to keep them safe, and only dug them up after peace was declared. Always ask permission before uploading photos or videos online. Because of this, I provided information on the clauses for each of these badges. Take two other Guides (not First Class) for a half-day's hike, when possible following a map. With the men away and older women called up to the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, Women's Royal Navy, and the Female Aid Nursing Yeomanry, Guides stepped in as much needed nursery nurses and teachers. Be wary of emails that contain unknown links. During World War I there weren't that many Guides - the organisation had only being running for 4 years - yet they did a remarkable amount of work . *Know the first verse of the national anthem. When signalling it's vitalto have your arms absolutelystraight andsteady, and clearly positioned, so it's obvious to the readerwhether your arm is definitely meant to bestraight out, straight up, or halfway inbetween! Both Guides and Brownies helped evacuated children adjust to new lives in the country and many guides were taken as prisoners of war in concentration camps. The weekly allowances were generally 100g of bacon or ham, 1s 6d worth of other meat, 50g butter, 50g cheese (vegetarians got extra for returning meat coupons), 100g margarine, 50g cooking fat, 1.2l milk, 225g sugar, 1 egg per week (sometimes per fortnight) 50g tea. Guide and Scout Leaders were arrested, and forced to give details of other Leaders yet to be traced, who would then be arrested too. Be able to use a compass and find the 16 points by the sun and the stars. blitz cooking girl guides Equipment Feb 11, 2016 - RECIPES THAT CAN BE COOKED FOR YOUTH GROUPS IN A FIELD KITCHEN.GIRL GUIDES, SCOUTS ETC. A pace or two from the pole she would command 'Colour Party Halt' and would then walk forward to the flagpole by herself. Holding the match level/sideways and securelynear the end of it'sstick, scrape it firmly but quickly away from you, along the rough surface on the matchbox. . Raise the hands gradually over the head, drawing a deep breath through the nose as you do so - that is, drinking God's air into your lungs and blood. Could you obtain a large metal container such as a galvanised bin, which could be placed on it's side, or create a foil-lined 'cardboard box oven'? But by gradually trying new foods, thinking of better alternatives to your favourite dishes and cooking in healthier ways, youll soon be a pro at cooking delicious, healthy meals. The exact list varied from pack to pack, but typical items included a neatly hanked length of string, a notebook/paper and pencil, a coin to use in a phone box or to pay someone for using their homephone(mobile phones didn't exist! Whats your favourite food? Use and explain four whistle and hand signals. To cook your chilli, use a Dutch oven or cast-iron cooking pot and place it in an area of medium heat so it can cook slowly without drying out. She stacked the bricks to make a three-sidedstructure like a barbecue base to contain a fire, they laid the metal boot scrapers across the top, to provide firm support to balance the scrubbed dustbin on. 14. The Guide in the middle would be in charge of the colour party and is the one who actually unfurls the flag, the other two stand ready to help her if required. <> The percentage of error may not exceed 25%. For longer parades, the flag should be carried 'at the slope' - the flag leant on the right shoulder with the end of the pole held diagonally in front- rather than upright - but if others are carrying the flag upright or the organisers request it, thenyou would follow suit. It was first reported in Liverpool - the army said it would take them a couple of days to mobilise and set up an army'field kitchen' to feed bombed-out families. The government also realised it had a home army of willing volunteers. This training meant they had basic skills in many fields, which could be put to good use in the country's moment of need. Is never furled throughout the world for hope shall never die! The moment that war was declared in 1939, Margaret Collins, at the time a guide living in Maidstone, Kent, knew exactly where she was - helping out in the town hall, where she listened in the Mayor's parlour to the declaration of war. Since the war, Guides have been thought of as rather "uncool", says Ms Hampton, and their contribution to British life forgotten. You should also be aware of natural features which may confuse - does there justhappen to be 3 sticks lying in what could be misinterpreted as a sort of arrow formation, or a stone sticking up with a few others which aresort of in a circle round it, which could be mistaken for part of the trail? . In urban areas chalk can be used to mark small symbols on theinside edge of kerbstones, or small pebbles can be laid in a pattern in the gutter. Hand signals were used, mainly by Guiders, in order to do 'silent drill' with their units. Do them both for a week. When giving commands, you would give the first phrase (e.g. endobj She then goes round and back down the middle of the hall until she is nearly at the bottom, where the last Guides are still marching round. I tend to tell Brownies the following outline story, then get them to act it out in their own way: In 1910, Agnes Baden-Powell was asked to start up an organisation, Girl Guides,based on the Boy Scouts her older brother Robert had started. Take one match out of the box, then close the boxand turn it scraper side up. 10. Brownie Pockets on the Brownie dresses were used to hold all sorts of useful stuff so the Brownie was ready and equipped for doing good turns at any time. The holstershould be adjusted for the individualGuide's height, so that the 'bucket' of the holster hangsdown the outside of the rightthigh at a comfortable mid-thighheight, making it easier to balance the flag's weight (you may need toadjust to make the bucketslightly lower than normalif the flag is being carried indoors by a tall Guide, in order to reduce difficulties with modern low ceilingsand low doorways!). Know how to deal with the following: shock, haemorhage (various methods), asphyxiation (artificial respiration), fire accident and ice accident, unconsciousness from accidents, fits and fainting. 3 0 obj The tester, who may accompany or join them at any point, should judge them on their general turn-out, manners, care of other people's property, clearing-up, enjoyment, etc, type of food and it's method of cooking. Well, this website's full of facts - so basically, choose any ten whichyou personawllyconsider to be significant ones! A buddy burner is a simple transportable heat source. 13. Not meet up with someone that I have met online and if someone asks me to do so, I will tell a parent/carer. Know ten significant facts about the history of guiding. They kept up morale in bomb shelters, demonstrating 'blitz cooking' with emergency ovens made from the bricks of bombed houses at the request of the Ministry of Food. For teaching purposes you can get someone who knows (perhaps yourself) to lead off for the first time or two, as that way the Guides just have to follow you, and you can stop at the bottom and direct the Patrols to the left and right while you stand there, so they see what to do! Show how to roll, store and care for unit colours. But I certainly didn't have any idea of the extent to which they were involved in the war effort. First, gain permission from an adult in charge of youto light a match. Margaret's story, and many like hers, are told in How Girl Guides Won the War, by Janie Hampton. (It seems that either modern torsos are longer, or necks may belarger, as it's sometimes difficult to get the tie to regulation length at the front and still be able to tie it at the neck without discomfort - in the past older Guides were advised toadd strips of cotton tape to the endsof original ties in order to provide extra length for the tying so that is an option for taller Brownies. When it began in 1909, girls were not supposed to run, or even raise their arms above their head, but soon Guides were learning to swim, cycle, and shoot. When you have done this six times to the right, change the breathing to the other side; breathe in when pointing to the left rear and breathe out to the right.". There is the flag of St George of England -a red + on a white background,the flag of St Patrick of Ireland -a red X on a white background, and the flag of St Andrew of Scotland -a white X on a sky blue background. X=do not go this way - scratched in the ground, two crossed sticks, stones arranged in cross, Circle with dot in middle = I have gone home/end of trail - stone in circle of pebbles, circle of broken sticks, Box shape with a number of stones in the middle ofit, and an arrow pointing to one side = message hidden X number of paces in direction of arrow (X being the number of stones in the middle of the square). A folded napkin/serviette (whichever term you prefer) would either be placed on the mat or on the side plate. Check the ingredients you use to make sure you, or other people eating, are not allergic to them. The government also realised it had a home army of willing volunteers. Occasionally thepack wouldgather round itto 'travel' abroad and 'visit' Brownies in another country before finding out about them and trying activities they might do. . In this eye-opening history, Janie Hampton explores how the Guides' work was crucial to Britain's victory. Were there any units in your area before or during World War 1 or 2? In 1915 four uniform options were suggested - three featuring different forms of brown frock, and one in navy. Plus 350g sweets every 4 weeks, 1 pack of dried egg (equivalent to 2 eggs) every 4 weeks, 450g preserves (jam/marmalade/syrup/treacle) every 2 months. So where could you go that would be a bit different? So if your Guide meetings were to be banned by the Government, what would you try to hide, or protect, in hopes that a day would come when you might be allowed to be a Guide again? The Girl Guides were founded in the early 20th Century by Lord Baden-Powell and his sister in the U.K. shortly after he had founded the Boy Scouts. Your County Secretary and County Archivist will be able to give you some information to start the hunt for your unit's roots if your Leader doesn't know . Brownie Tie Tying - before you start to tie the tie, make sure it is well ironed, and if possible starched - it makes it far easier. So it is important that the signsare clear enough to be seen and understood by the people who are activelytrying to look for them -and yetaren't blatantly obvious toeveryone who passes- no giant arrows in the middle of paths, please! The actual damper mixture has3 ingredients - plain flour, a pinch ofsalt, and water. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. . But - this clause doesn't ask us to do the usual. The best explanation I've seen is on the BOGUK website - In most cases you would fold the flag, attach it to the flagpole ropes, and raise it to the top of the flagpole (still folded) so it was set up and ready to unfurl before everyone gathersfor theceremony itself, leaving it ready with the two ropes wrapped around the cleat on the flagpole - the flag can stay in that position for a short time, until wanted, other than in strong winds. What would be the equivalent things befor thewell-equipped modernBrownie to carry nowadays? You can choose to have a standard blanket to wrap informally around your shoulders, or can opt to cut and bind a saucer-sized hole in the middleso you can wear it as a poncho (if your folks are willing to let you cut a blanket!). These Girl Guides often went on umpteen-mile longall-day hikes into the countryside, carrying alltheirkit in home-made daysacks, exploring, spending some time spotting wildlife and cookinglunch on wood fires, and playing some games, then marching all the way back home again in the evening when it was getting dark. The important thing to remember when teaching anything -is enthusiasm. Thanks, thanks, thanks for food, thanks for all who'rehere. HOW THE GIRL GUIDES WON THE WAR reveals the impact that the Guides had on the Second World War. ), a plaster, a safety pin, a clean (fabric) hanky in a sealed envelope (for first aid), and a smallplastic bag (e.g. 20. LoL Patch 12.23.1 Foldthe long end at a crisp right angle across the front of the short end, then fold it round the back, and right round to the front again, then tuck the longend you've been using upthrough the loop you have created at the front with that first turn you made. A lanyard is a neck cord which is used to hang a useful item so it is to hand - for sailors the itemwould be their Bosun's whistle or sheath knife, for Guides it can be awhistle or even a pen. And refugees and evacuees were assigned to Guide companies. A clenched hand raised rapidly up and down meant run away, and perhaps most importantly, a hand waved several times across the face meant cancel instruction or resume what you were doing! Read about our approach to external linking. Then the Colour Party Leader would say'Colour Party About Turn', and they would all turnto the right on the spot, then 'Colour Party Forward March' until they reached their place in the horseshoe, then 'Colour Party Halt' and 'Colour Party About Turn' sees them back in their place in the horseshoe. Our heritage is really something to be proud of. There is a particular way up which the flag should always be flown - with the Union Flag, as with all national flags, flying the flag upside down is a way of indicating that you are in distress and need rescuing! . Be able to read a map, and know to which places the main roads lead. Set a map with a compass and walk on a bearing. For example, poach eggs, grill food instead of frying, use spices instead of salt and find unrefined alternatives to sugar to sweeten food. For the food we eat, we thank you, for the friends we meet, kind and true. If you can get hold of the old Guide book 'Help Yourself to Knotting and Lanyard Making' it gives knot instructions, measurements,and suggested designs. The wording is: 1. Retired flags must be carefully looked after and treated appropriately, your County Archivist will be able to give suggestions of what can happen to retired flags, usually this would involve finding a suitable location for the flag to be 'laid up'. Or is your unit a younger one, with the possibility that you could get to meet one of the founding members and find out from her what it was like when it first started - or maybe that's a story you can tell first-hand, and record now for future generations to discover? Thy choicest gifts in store, On her be pleased to pour, Long may she reign. Once it is neat, then tie the ends of the tie at the back of the neck, under thecollar of the uniform dress, using a reef knot, andpin the (freshly polished front and back!) 16. Make a single plait with thin rope or cord. Commonly used knots include Turks' Heads, Rolling Boatswain, Flat Sennit, etc. Again, it really happened. National Anthem - the first verse is: God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen. Remember a verbal message and deliver it at the end. And help us now to spread our love to people far and near.

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