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Theyre inevitable. The surgeon will then correct the big toe joint using screws or pins. After that hubby banned me from crutches so I got good at maneuvering all over the house, up and down small steps and our staircase, on my knee scooter. After many tears and painkillers later, I was sure I reruptured my achilles. It will be 10 weeks after my first surgery. I am scared I may have torn my repaired tendon. accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgerytyrone smith obituary. Like davidk said above, I think it was the calf muscle contracting. Its an incredible source of reassurance. thankfully, I did not. But I blame a recent spurt in running. Let me know if any of yall have had similar feelings and your results. Anyone else have that feeling? To ensure successful bunion surgery recovery: A surgical operation to cut a bone is called an osteotomy. Great to hear youre doing well, Muhammed. Bunionplasty refers to the method with which the skin is handled to limit scarring for a more aesthetic result. I stepped down (in order to avoid slipping and falling) on my post-surgical foot when I still had the soft splint on. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call 736-6001 or visit us here to make an appointment online. healing process cycle after tailor bunion surgery, Simultaneous hammertoe and bunion surgery - how long for rec. Ive been in a mental whirlwind since it happened, and hoping Im ok. minimal scars. The reality TV star, 44, is understood to have undergone an operation earlier this month to remove metal work that had been inserted into her foot around two years ago. Read the ice behind the knee advice in this thread and wanted to say thanks for that. A mild bunion recurrence is well-tolerated by most patients. Just a day or so after 2 weeks, caught the curb of one step on the scooter, instinctively forced injured side down to catch myself (probably instinct to protect my head from hitting ground). No damage. Mine was a complete rupture. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Ill do what they tell me but its such a slow process. Been running my fingers up and down the tendon and it feels to me, intact. I am happy I was able to read the stories on this page. And depending on the type of fracture, the sizes might range from 1.5 mm to 7.3 mm. Here's What Want I Wish My Family And Friends Would Have Known. They said as long as there isnt pain the next day (or that it isnt getting worse) and you dont feel any deformities in your Achilles area, you are fine. Immediately after I put he warp and boot back on elevated and iced it, but for the remainder of the night and into this morning the tightness in the back of calf and heel have me so worries that I really messed something up.. so frustrated with myself. My foot is doing a lot better. I slipped off my scooter and slammed my surgical foot on the floor at exactly 2 weeks post op. Good luck! I didnt have it hurt up in the calf area though. Thanks again, wish me luck. I took a fall while trying to maneuver my scooter; I fell off to the right and instinctively tried catch myself with my right foot. However, the bunion has to be shifted back as it was, in the original position, and to do that, screws are surely needed. Had trouble with wound healing so they silver nitrated the trouble spots for over a month, to the point where one of the stitches holding my Achilles together was poking out and had to be removed. Wish me the best! Stitches not out yet. Dont risk re-rupturing your tendon. They affect about a third of all women over the age of 65, but younger people, including men, can also get them. Currently have my leg propped up and ice being applied. I was worrying too about getting out ahead of the rush. Thought that I re ruptured the tendon. Hi all, Im 14 days post op and in a cast and just about an hour ago I lost balance on my scooter and fell on my nwb leg. Luckily in my fall i didn't wind up moving or fracturing the bone that was realigned. I have to say, these things could use a design upgrade or twoI cant count the number of times the handle has jerked this-way or that after one of the wheels runs over some tiny crack in the floor! Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. Glad to hear you're doing we'll. Four days ago, I lost my balance off my scooter and touched down on my toes. Its beyond frustrating, but what Im realizing after speaking with my doctor and reading posts here is that the boots, casts or splints do a good job of protected the Achilles. Leave this Initially, there was some discomfort on back of achilles near incision and didnt think a ton of it. After surgery, the patient can walk and engage in other weight-bearing activities because of the use of screws. I am 11 days post op (tore Achilles playing soccer), and have an appointment with my Doc tomorrow to assess healing of stitches so that I can be moved into a moon boot with heel lifts. Surgeons prefer not using screws that will hold the bunion correction in only a few cases. The pain is totally gone now, and all seems back to normal, so Im going to assume that no damage has been done. Good luck! She sported a white bandage on her left foot. Hopefully its done its job in protecting me. That day, my foot really hurt; it had actually almost stopped hurting before the fall. Wow this is the blog Ive been looking for. Then later that day one of my crutches slipped out from under me on some slippery concrete in an underground garage, and I put weight on the injured foot again. In fact mine stayed tight, almost to the point of a mild cramp for days. I lost balance on my leg scooter and was about to fall. Update: its totally fine and they said its healing beautifully. I am taking more pain meds today too. I too can say I fall into this category. Wouldnt you know it, thats the same foot i just had an achilles surgery on four days prior. I dont know how manu weight i did put , afterwards it felt uncomfortable but not in constant pain I am really worried that i have done any damage. I also have PTTD symptoms in my better foot, and I can't imagine doing this again. While not the topic of discussion on this post, I was expecting that I would be immobilized in a boot without putting weight on my foot for a lot longer. I am in a walking boot and air brace at night. Im about 10 days away from my first appointment but this has been helpful. The main point he told me was that if you are in a boot or cast, the odds are very slim that you would re-rupture the tendon because your foot cant move in the directions that would cause that to happen. But as a caretaker who works from home and helps every time she has to get up, I am so frightened and have no idea what to do. For mild cases, non-invasive methods, like wraps, splints, and other apparatus can be worn, but these do not correct the bunion. respect of any healthcare matters. Will be far more careful from now on. I sent a message to my doctor and he stated that the cast will protect the foot and it really cant move any direction so I should be fine. Im a little worried I did some damage or worse re-tore the Achilles. Wow ScottG thats an awful, awful story. I am down to two or three pain pills a day.y wrist is still a little sore , but I've been wearing a brace for support. Some bunion deformities worsen more rapidly than others, but they all get worse with time. 9 hours later and I still have pain in my leg. Below, we take a look at what to do if youre experiencing pain with your surgical hardware after an operation. Didnt hurt just felt different I have not have weight on foot for over 2 months. I was in immense pain and agony and it felt like a ripping and tingling sensation, and the paranoid side of me was thinking I pray to god I didnt just re-tear my achilles after all my progress! I had to wait 2 days to see my doctor as I was getting ready to be placed in a boot and the anxiety ate me alive lol. With the boot/splint, it just cant move that much. Im still in my boot on the last wedge which comes out next week and Ill be completely flat foot in the boot. I completely ruptured the Archilles tendon in my left foot. I know its my fault and I aaa being stupid, just wondering if anyone else had similar surgery and experience. I saw the Dr and everything was / is still ok. Im in the boot during the day and normally have to sleep in a splint, but have not been the past few nights. I have my follow up in two days Im hoping I didnt do anything to ruin my progress. Initially there was an incredible amount of pain, took off the boot and the wrap to ensure I didnt tear the stitches open. Yes, I fell hard on my foot. Hi, my name is Denis and Im 27 years old. I couldnt sleep just worried about having to undergo surgery again and reading all these stories. Im four days post-op and in a splint. The DR told me The only way we are going to know if any damage was done, will be after all of my rehab is done, but more then likely i am ok. The pain is most likely a result of muscles that havent been used in a while taking weight, you know? The first time I fell it was 2 weeks post up and I was in a hard cast. The shoe should remain on until seen in the office for your first post-op visit. Sign up for all the best celeb news from the Mirrorhere. I'm doing lots of walking trying to prepare. 10 days post surgery after a complete rupture. I started with a larger baseball player type sock and every week got tighter fitting ones. Ive been using a racket ball to roll out the bottom of my foot and help to stretch the tendon a little. Its always best to check with your doctor, but I wouldnt worry yourself too much. It will dramatically decrease your pain and swelling. I called doctors office was told if additional pain or swelling to come in Im praying there is no additional harm cant handle any more surgery. I am 13 days post op (supposed to be getting my stitches out today), I was on my knee scooter last night and fell. Called the docs office and left a message with the nurse. Hey Serge that was a tough moment let us know if everything is fine. This procedure affects the balance of the patient and also changes the anatomy of the foot. I felt pain immediately, it was a HORRIBLE stabbing burning pain. If I had to guess, Id say I didnt re-rupture it, but it was definitely enough of a fall to freak me out. They have been very reassuring and I would still be panicking if I had not found this page. I've been totally off pain meds for over a week, and only took meds a few times before that. She has difficulty getting out of chairs and cannot hop when using crutches. Now I have a little tingling in that leg and some involuntary twitching in my calf muscle. Put me in a big boot, stitches out on Thursday. Right now my achilles is in no pain. Now flash forward to 3 weeks post op I am out of the cast and now in the big boot. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. I had a similar scare like yours earlier on where it felt like a muscle stretch gone a bit too far. This is generally the moderate stage of the development of a bunion. The pain went away about 30 minutes later, but my incision was bleeding a little still. The former glamour model had screws and metal plates fitted as part of treatment for such at the time. Im lucky as I have a lot of support at home. I didnt hear or feel a pop like I did when I did it the first time, Martin, Im guessing you have a huge cast on your leg yet? Been very diligent about not bearing weight on the injured foot. Can also feel my tendon and everything feels like its right where it needs to be lol. Did any of you do therapeutic pool therapy, and at what point? Looking for some feedback/advice. I was reaching over the side of my scooter (nicknamed Bobo), and I leaned too far, lost my balance and put full weight on NWB foot for about three steps. Was supposed to see him 1/17 to hopefully begin PT and PWB. She was spotted with a bandage on her foot last week whilst leaving the doctors. My Achilles rupture was an a full insertional retraction where the tendon came disconnected from the calcaneus or heel and so my surgery was a little different than others. This morning I lost my balance and fell off my scooter, dull weight in my injured leg with my aircast boot on. slight burn and throb. I know Im pushing things everyday even though I have the fear of a new rupture like the Slower Healing: The healing process for traditional bunion surgery can be painful. for being 2.5 months post op are you able to walk again with no problem? sounds great! I fould that keeping the leg elevated and using ice periodically also really helped keep the swelling down over the first several weeks. Now the tendon doesnt hurt, but it hurts a bit higher up, I guess near the calf muscle. The main reason I am worrisome is the pain is mostly in my heal where my sutures are reconnecting my tendon. This x-ray on the left shows a foot with severe arthritis of the bunion joint , and less arthritis of the smaller toe joints. I woke up today feeling much better with almost no pain. Also, they will ensure long-lasting correction without the possibility of the bunion coming back. Should I call doctor? i want to add that i was given a surgical boot to keep on and an appt to see my surgeon exactly 1 week post op. Scary. There are many that I know that will never be 100% again after injuries that they sustained. Was was the result if you dont mind me asking? Was it re-ruptured? You may be givencrutches or a stick to help you get around your physical therapistwill teach you how to use these and how to safely get up and down thestairs before you are discharged. I had them take a pic and it looked like shredded pork in there. I had a full Achilles tendon rupture, I am now 2 weeks 5 days post op. Pain better now have appt tomorrow so hoping for no I Survived An Eating Disorder. Im sure there is a lesson to be learned from this but Im frustrated. The stitches were not harmed, the wound healed nicely, and there was no swelling. I have been completely off crutches for maybe two months. Took a tumble going down a step using crutches yesterday and put weight on my bad foot on the way down (maybe a split second, not full weight). my surgery Thursday the 10th and I touched ground twice since then, it wasn't painful but I'm alittle concerned cause I have screws in my foot both where the bunion was and tailors bunion was. I am going in tomorrow to have my sutures removed. Hey Meg and Michael, lots of us have had little scares like that - I remember mine very well. My pain level since surgery has been minimal. He has written and lectured on this topic in the United States and is considered an authority in the management of bunion deformity. Torn my Achilles and I was exactly 1 week of surgery and still in my soft cast and was at the movie theater watching Avengers The End Game when it got to the last part with all the action were going on and I was in need to use the rest room, I was sitting up two levels as i was a bit hasty as I was crunching down I trip over the stairs and landed on my bad foot I felt pain admittedly through my foot almost as when I first injured it and felt pain on my Achille, muscle was tweaking a bit, felt pinch all around my bad leg like I took pre-workout C4, that night I went to bed and I felt as my leg was burning and muscle tweaking leg tinkling all night. Now that Im in air walking boot, he did say to take it easy with WBing since area is already stressed/sore and not to over due it. Still feel some dull aching, so i called my doc and am awaiting a response. Last night I slipped and put all weight on nwb foot. The surgeon pushed around on my calf (very uncomfortable for me) and said not to worry. I was still in a soft cast, and my ankle definitely moved forward a lot. People will turn to every possible alternative before arriving at the last resort of conventional foot surgery. Im in a cast for another 3 weeks till I see the doc to get it off. When I pressed him on it, he said that my particular tear was in a bad place and he wanted to go extra slow with it. I have my 2 week post op appointment with my doctor in 2 days and will explain what happened to my doctor. During foot surgery, its common to use screws to hold bones together. 2 weeks from that i will be BOOT FREE. over a year ago, Guest Thank you all for sharing these stories to help others stay calm. Thoughts anyone? That area is tender. Felt a sharp pain for a few min and then it settled in; now mostly feeling light throbbing pain. Well, my body thought otherwise and I torned my Achilles tendon. Felt a whole lot of pain and burning. Since this post made me feel much better, I will follow up after I see the doctor to let everyone know how it turned out. Just a pop towards the bottom of my ankle/incision. Yikes! Im now onto dealing with my surgical wound, and making sure it heals correctly, so wish me luck on that! I do some very light massaging like you and that is a little bit uncomfy, but i dont push that at all. Its has been a month since my peroneol surgery and i got my stitches out today. Im now 10 days post op from the second repair. Glad you are doing better! I was crutching from bathroom to bed and fell. I Slipped off my scooter and planted the wrong foot. My docs office hasnt returned my call yet so Im hoping thats a good thing.

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