If a party is sued or suing in a representative or official capacity, that capacity should be set forth in the title. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (19th ed 2010) . Generally, where there is more than one party sharing the same status (i.e. Appeal Bringing Up for Review a Prior Order. Include other punctuation (comma, semicolon, etc.) Chancellor Kent's opinion pointed the way . 3d 279, 281 (2d . Always consult the Bluebook for additional information. VI, 7. The order dated December 20, 1999 denied defendant's motion to hold plaintiff and its counsel in contempt. . ), entered July 10, 2001 and April 30, 2002. David D. Siegel, Practice Commentaries (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR C3219:1) explains . Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law 14.01, Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law __. the case name, the volume and page number of the case reporter in which the case is found, a court designation and. . . The 21st edition of the Bluebook has brought these tables into alignment, creating a unified set of abbreviations across T6, T10, and T13, with one abbreviation per word. . Appendix 2 (D) contains a list of jurisdictions that have adopted a public domain citation. The transactions took place in October 1989 at the Chicago Board of Trade. In either event, use the abbreviations listed in Appendix 1. unofficially reported New York slip opinions. . (Energy Law 12-103, as added by L 1978, ch 649, 1, as amended by L 1980, ch 556, 1). In an appellate action or proceeding title, omit captions of adjunct actions or proceedings (e.g. Test. 1518 [1945]), (Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters, 23 UST 2555, TIAS No. ), entered January 7, 2002 in a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78. Examples have been added to the list showing the style of particular words, with a continuing modern style emphasis on reducing excessive use of hyphens and italics (Appendix 5), and recurrent style inconsistencies have been addressed by new illustrations (e.g. See section 13.7. (R. Franklin Balotti & Jesse A. Finkelstein, Delaware Law of Corporations and Business Organizations on CD-ROM [3d ed 1998]), (Black's Law Dictionary 712 [9th ed 2009]), (Black's Law Dictionary [9th ed 2009], mens rea) [Note: online version], (1 Am Jur 2d, Accession and Confusion 2), (12 NY Jur 2d, Buildings, Zoning, and Land Controls 377), (8 Fletcher, Cyclopedia of Corporations 3890 [2006]) [Note: online version], (8 Fletcher, Cyclopedia of Corporations 3890 at 171 [Perm ed]), (Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged [Merriam-Webster 2002], contaminant [http://unabridged.merriam-webster.com/unabridged/contaminant]) [Note: online subscription version], (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, contaminant [http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/contaminant]) [Note: online free version]. The Appellate Division, with two Justices dissenting, affirmed a judgment of the Supreme Court, Schenectady County (Robert E. Lynch, J. Find the Official Reports "cite-as" case name for United States Supreme Court decisions with the Case Citation Finder available Appeal from two orders of the Criminal Court of the City of New York, Bronx County (Larry R.C. Model colloquy scripts prepared by the Unified Court System Committee for Criminal Jury Instructions and Model Colloquies are cited as follows. If a case has not been officially reported, formulate a case name using the citation naming conventions found in standard citation manuals and apply the abbreviations listed in Appendix 1. (2004 New York State Department of Health, (New York State Department of Health MEVS, (Official Staff Interpretations of Federal Reserve System Board of Governors, 12 CFR part 226, Supp I, 28 [d] [1] [eff Jan. 14, 2008]), (Sex Offender Registration Act: Risk Assessment Guidelines and Commentary at 4, (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78 (transferred to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Third Judicial Department by order of the Supreme Court, entered in Albany County) to review a determination of respondent Public Employment Relations Board. In Court of Appeals summaries, use the past perfect tense to describe the disposition of a court/administrative body that occurred prior to the disposition that is being appealed to the Court of Appeals. The rule (12.4) on redaction of personal identifying information has been revised to accommodate heightened privacy and security concerns driven by greater accessibility of electronic judicial decisions. Each Third Series record is hyperlinked to the full text of the decision on the Law Reporting Bureau's website. Defendants, Appellants), only the name of the first named party of that status should appear in the title followed by "et al." When using the citational footnote style, citations that appear within textual footnotes should not be placed within parentheses. ), "New York decisions shall be cited from the official reports, if any." . Please note that the New Mexico appellate courts will use the most recent edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. Reporter containing cases from CA Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal . Example case or court filing citations: California Supreme Court case. You must indicate both the state name and name of the court, except: You may omit the court name if it is the highest court in the jurisdiction. This citation is served upon you as required by law. Some suggested forms of commission and agency document citations in running text are as follows: New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal Advisory Opinion No. Illustrations. Some examples are: The citational footnote style is an alternative to the traditional placement of citations, using footnotes only for the citational content that would otherwise appear in the body of an opinion if either the running text citation style ( 1.2 [b]) or the citations within parentheses style ( 1.2 [c]) were used. Defendant was sentenced to a prison term of 15 years. The order denied defendant's motion, pursuant to CPL 440.10, to vacate the judgment of conviction, without a hearing. Proceedings Transferred to the Appellate Division. A. According to the Reviser's Notes (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 58A, SCPA 2226 [now 2227] at 292 [1967 ed]) . Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of State of New York. Appeal, by permission of the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department, Second, Eleventh and Thirteenth Judicial Districts, from an order of the Criminal Court of the City of New York, Queens County (Barry Kron, J. Bluebook help; Current State Court Abbreviations; Bluebook help. References to parts, subdivisions, paragraphs, subparagraphs, clauses, etc., of sections of statutes cited in parallel hierarchy (divisions of sections of the same rank or hierarchy) should appear within parentheses as follows: The comma is inserted between divisions of the same rank. ), entered September 25, 2000. I must start by thanking the Law Reporting Bureau of the State of New York for inviting me to write the Foreword for the 2012 Style Manual. Supr., _ A.2d _, No. They are cited as follows: (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 1, Statutes 51), (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 62, UCC 2-716, NY Annotations at 258 [2002 ed]), (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 2, Constitution, Constitutional Interpretation 43 [1969 ed]), (David D. Siegel, Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR C3219:1), (Peter Preiser, 1985 Supp Practice Commentary, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 11A, CPL 240.50, 1991 Supp Pamph at 203), (Richard A. Givens, Supp Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 23A, General Obligations Law 5-701, 1991 Pocket Part at 8-9), (Advisory Comm Notes, reprinted following NY CLS, Book 4A, CPLR 105 at 48 [1999 ed]), (William C. Donnino, Practice Commentary, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, 2005 Electronic Update, Penal Law 250.45), (Reviser's Notes, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 58A, SCPA 2226 [now 2227] at 292 [1967 ed]), (Law Rev Commn Comments, reprinted in McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 34A, Mental Hygiene Law 81.10 at 130 [2006 ed]), (Brett S. Ward, Practice Insights, NY CLS, Book 44, Family Ct Act 1051, 2008 Cum Supp at 224), (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 1, Statutes 94, Comment at 190 [1971 ed]), (Bruce A. Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 [ETPA] or Rent Stabilization Law of 1969 [RSL]), using a section sign (ETPA 5). Cite an electronic source if it is the sole source of material referenced or if the print version is not readily available. To cite specific content, provide the name of the author, if any; a description of the content, such as a heading or document title; the publication date; the precise URL; and, in order of preference, the date that the content was last updated or accessed. ), entered April 11, 2001 in favor of the nonparty assignee reinsurer. Rptr. Appeal from judgments of the Justice Court of the Village of Wesley Hills, Rockland County (P. Schnelwar, J. 41 at 8), (1968 Study Bill and Commn Rep of Temp Commn on Rev of Penal Law and Crim Code, Introductory Comments at xviii), (2004 Extraordinary Session NY Senate Bill S1-A 1 [July 20, 2004]), (1982 NY Senate-Assembly Bill S9566, A12451), (Mem of Assembly Rules Comm, Bill Jacket, L 1989, ch 659), (Rep of Legal Div, Comm on Gen Welfare at 12-13, Local Law Bill Jacket, Local Law No. The second and any other sentences contain the balance of the information that summaries traditionally have contained, including relevant decretal portions of the appealable paper and of any orders or judgments brought up for review. . Effective January 1, 2014, the Oklahoma Supreme Court is the official publisher of its own cases and cases from the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals. See section 1.3. The most noteworthy of the changes found in this Manual are: The Style Manual's section on omitting or altering language in quoted material has been reordered for clarity and revised to allow for more precise use of ellipses, to clarify the style where language is both altered and omitted and to provide guidance where emphasis is omitted. Appeal from (1) an order of the Civil Court of the City of New York, New York County (Rolando T. Acosta, J. The drafter may also use summaries found in prior Official Reports 2d or 3d series volumes for guidance, but should adapt the format of a prior summary to conform to these General Rules and Sample Forms. Avoid language that implies that a person as a whole is disabled (e.g. Supreme Court example: Name v. Other Name, 2001 WI 5. Westlaw or Lexis) is permissible only when the case is not published in book form. By decision and order on motion of this Court dated November 12, 2009, the Grievance Committee for the Second, Eleventh, and Thirteenth Judicial Districts was authorized to institute and prosecute a disciplinary proceeding against the respondent and the issues raised were referred to the Honorable Herbert Altman, as Special Referee, to hear and report. A summary should, however, be composed in accordance with the Law Reporting Bureau's formulation rules. . 1518 [1945]), Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (23 UST 2555, TIAS No. Again, when in doubt, check the Bluebook, Table T. 1. Supreme Court opinions will have a citation to the U.S. Reports - the official reporter, and parallel citations to the unofficial reporters, . Samples Whenever possible use the Sample Forms of Summaries as a template for summaries. Cases. . The 2012 Edition recognizes the further migration of legal research from print to electronic formats by providing guidance on the elements of electronic citation generally (1.5) and adding source specific rules and sample citations for electronic services (2.4 [a]); Internet material (2.4 [a] [3]; 7.1 [[d]); CD-ROM material (7.3 [c]); New York Law Journal and other online decisions (2.2 [a] [8]; 2.2 [b] [2], [3]); and e-books (7.9). Months should be spelled out when part of a textual sentence in footnotes. Appeal from a judgment of the Onondaga County Court (Laura Maher, J. U.S. Reports: New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254. The following citation rules are set forth in order to maintain uniformity throughout our publications. ]), , 2003 WL 22254692, *2 n 3, 2003 Tex App LEXIS 8550, *5 n 3 [Sept. 29, 2003, No. Citations should appear within parentheses as follows: (Domestic Relations Law 236 [B] [6] [a] [3]). after the first author's name. The form is: (Town Law 198, 199 [1] [a], [b]; [3]; 200). The citation is read: 410 = Volume 410 of the . If the source is Westlaw or Lexis, and access to both is available, cite both services: Citation for tabular cases where the full text is published only on Westlaw and Lexis: (1996 WL 138583, *3, 1996 US App LEXIS 8610, *9). The New York Official Reports Citator provides the approved "cite-as" case name, official book citation, slip opinion citation, decision date, court, Judge and docket number for each decision. Compound words may be open (separate words, no hyphen), closed (spelled as one word) or hyphenated. Capitalize constitution when referring to the specific constitution of any nation or state. Quotations in Appellate Division memorandum decisions are not blocked. Provide the case name, citation, court, decision date and docket or index number. . citation of cases and reports within parentheses. The use of small capitals in the text of opinions and footnotes has been eliminated (13.5). Bluebook Citation. Do not place a comma between the signal and citation. Bluebook Quick Reference: Abbreviations and How-tos. Subsequent references to cases and statutes may be shortened as follows: Subsequent references to periodicals, treatises and similar works may be shortened by omitting the author's name or the title, in whole or in part, as follows: (Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird 49-50 [1982]) [Initial], (David H. Kaye et al., The New Wigmore: Expert Evidence 4.5 at 148 [2004]) [Initial], When a subsequent reference is made to an immediately preceding authority, ", Where parallel citations are provided in the first reference, subsequent references that include a pinpoint page should supply the pinpoint page for each parallel citation. The following question was certified by the Appellate Division: "Was the order of this Court, which reversed the order of the Supreme Court, properly made?" Also, where a party is identified solely by a person's governmental office (e.g. Several jurisdictions have implemented public domain citation for all or some of their courts. This reporter is the United States Reports (U.S.) The Bluebook requires citation only to the official report Supreme Court Opinions are also published in three unofficial reporters: 1. The Code of Federal Regulations is cited within parentheses as follows: Include date if greater precision is required, as follows: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure rule 4 (b), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure rule 8 (a), Federal Rules of Evidence rule 804 (b) (6), Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure rule 9007, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure rule 10. Instead you might: This section is based upon New York State Judicial Committee on Women in the Courts. Appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, New York County (Laura Drager, J. Ordinarily, spell out numbers that begin a sentence (e.g. The County Court had sentenced defendant to a term of five years' probation, to include six months of incarceration in the Dutchess County Jail, directed defendant to pay a fine and administrative fees and to attend a victim impact panel, and required that defendant be placed on an electronic monitor for a period up to one year following his release from jail. Add the date of the version being cited, and provide the word "CD-ROM" in a parenthetical if "CD-ROM" is not mentioned in the title. . Law Revision Commission Comments (reprinted in McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 34A, Mental Hygiene Law 81.10 at 130 [2006 ed]) set forth . The judgment convicted defendant, after a nonjury trial, of attempted kidnapping in the second degree. . INTRODUCTION There is no one prevailing source for citation of legal authorities in documents filed in New York courts. . Tax Law 1132 (e) and 1139 (a) and 20 NYCRR 534.7 provide . L.E. 8208 at 276 [1956]) [Note: pre-1978], (NY Dept of Social Servs Admin Directive 96 ADM-8 at 20), (Dept of Corr Servs Directive No. . When emphasis in the source document is retained in a quotation and the author wishes to add further emphasis, use italics and add a parenthetical, such as: (additional emphasis added). Appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, New York County (Louis York, J. Like the federal courts of appeals, cases from the federal district courts are not compiled in an official reporter. . Appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County (William J. Kent, J. The footnote number should be placed at the point in the text where the citation would appear if the citation were placed in the text. eds., 21st ed. Reargument of a decision of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Third Judicial Department, dated May 22, 2002. 106-45, 1999 WL 33292734, 1999 UST LEXIS 175 [Montreal Convention]), (Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, art II, 2, reprinted following 9 USCA 201), Bermuda Multilateral Telecommunications Agreement (60 US Stat 1636, TIAS No. State court decisions should only retain "State/Commonwealth/People." Omit prepositional phrases of location unless the phrase begins a party name, is part of the full name of a business, or the omission would leave only one word in the party's name. Bill is no stranger to the Law Reporting Bureauhaving started his career there in 1981and I know he will continue the great tradition of providing impeccable service for the entire Unified Court System. The name of the judges at the opening of the opinion in the majority, dissent, etc., and in the vote line at the end of the opinion are set in large and small capitals, e.g. : The Bluebook states the inclusion of the appellate district is optional but its inclusion in the parenthetical is required for the Basic Legal Research class. 1973 = date of the case decision . "The victim was uncertain whether the gunman used an 8-, 10-, or 20-shot handgun"). When greater precision is desired, the following forms may be used: Judiciary Law former 434 provided . For example, consider these substitutes: The use of Latin and other foreign words and phrases is appropriate where the word or phrase has become part of standard English or is a legal term of art. Electronic services (e.g. Rich, Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, 2011 Electronic Update, Limited Liability Company Law at part 3.8), (Patrick M. Connors, 2013 Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR 3012-b, 2014 Pocket Part at 18). Citation to either the annotated or unannotated compilation is acceptable. APPENDIX 2 ABBREVIATION OF CASE LAW REPORTS Where the middle name or names of an attorney are given, use them. . Single-paragraph quotations have quotation marks at the beginning and the end of the quoted language. Provide the uniform resource locator (URL) precisely as it appears in the Internet browser; the case name or document title; the precise identifier, such as case citation or number; and the date of the decision, adding if applicable the date that the decision was updated or corrected. 3d. Appeal, by permission of the Court of Appeals, from an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, entered December 28, 1995. CPLR 5601 (d)Based upon Nonfinal Determination of Appellate DivisionFinal Judgment of Administrative Agency. Furthermore, use any abbreviations provided in an out-of-state compilation's prescribed form of statutory citation. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Figures may be used for dollar amounts of any size: $1, $50, $1 million. eds., 21st ed. To cite a website, provide the name of the website, the uniform resource locator (URL) precisely as it appears in the Internet browser and the date the website was accessed. Proceedings Commenced in the Appellate Division. Use brackets to indicate that language has been added or modified, including the omission or alteration of one or more characters of a word. ); the jurisdictional predicate (by permission, on constitutional grounds, etc. ). 1. State court decisions with the 7. ), entered January 31, 2000. When citing in running text, convert interior brackets to parentheses. The decision reversed a judgment of the Supreme Court, Albany County (John Conner, J. California Supreme Court: This is the state's highest court, and when possible you should use cases from this court because they have the highest level of authority on California law. New rules illustrate the use of an ellipsis with a period (11.1 [c] [2]) and with other punctuation (11.1 [c] [3]). The judgment convicted defendant, [upon a jury verdict] [upon a plea of guilty] [after a nonjury trial], of [name of crime(s), but omit the words 'the crime(s) of'] and sentenced defendant [description of sentence]." If the beginning of the succeeding sentence is omitted, insert an ellipsis after the period that concludes the preceding sentence (last word of preceding sentence.

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