CENTAUR 43Charles Pat Eastes, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Aug 1967-Aug 1968 Understands the mission two levels up (squad and platoon). Find great designs on durable stickers or create your own custom stickers to express yourself. 1-54. [1] A division's nickname may Requests logistical support from the higher headquarters, and usually coordinates with the companys first sergeant or executive officer. Knows weapon effects, surface danger zones. CENTAUR 53Kenneth R. Hundt, CW2 AH-1G Pilot 1972 Pre-BATCO systems used a series of appointment titles to identify users and individuals, "Sunray", for instance, referring to the appropriate leader. This, together with frequency changes and voice procedure aimed at making every unit sound the same, protects the military against simple traffic analysis and eavesdropping. CENTAUR 15Robert D. Pooch Johnston, WO1 OH-6A Pilot 1968-1969 Under the fluid conditions of close combat, the SL accomplishes assigned missions without constant guidance from higher headquarters. The United States Army uses fixed station call signs which begin with W, such as WAR, used by U.S. Army Headquarters. CENTAUR 23Jerry Dewayne Cunningham Jr., CW2 UH-1C & Aerorifle Pilot Sep 1970-Sep 1971 He is chosen for his demonstrated shooting ability, maturity, reliability, good judgment, and experience. The white and yellow tail markings designated the platoon so the troops would have an easy way to If two or more squads of the same type are present, each squad gets a number suffixed to their callsign, e.g. CENTAUR 38 AP It will only be removed if the unit is completely wiped out, or if all surviving members of a unit merge into another unit. Centaur 36 - Mike Siegel - Aero Rifle/Slicks Pilot/Aircraft Commander/Slicks IP - * '67 * '68 CPT John Whitehead C-30 Feb Aug 68 Battalions: CENTAUR 6John J. Spencer, MAJ F Troop CDR Feb 1972-Aug 1972 Is the subject matter expert (SME) on all battle and individual drills? The Army is composed of an active duty component and a reserve component that comprises the Army Reserve and Army National Guard. Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division participate in Squad Designated Marksman training, focused on engaging targets with the M4 rifle beyond 300 meters. During operations, the squad leader . CENTAUR 16Wesley Franklin Frank Walker, 1LT OH-6A Pilot 1972 CENTAUR 55Farrell D. Swindell, CW2 AH-1G Pilot, 1972 CENTAUR 56Paul V. Martindale, CPT AH-1G Pilot Nov 1971-Apr 1972, KIA 28 April 1972 (per Info Sheet) Im a Jarhead. Yeah, but. The USMC pushes tasks further down the ranks than the Army. Calling for fire is an NCO task in the Army. Its a task a La CENTAUR 39William "Bill" Altenhofen, SSG Aerorifles PLT SGT Feb 1967Feb 1968 CENTAUR 43James R. Rick Arthur, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Mar 1967-Mar 1968 Then we have thesedifferent Army Staff S designated numbers: S-1 = Personnel The platoon radiotelephone operator (RTO) primarily is responsible for communication with its controlling headquarters (usually the company). WebAn official special designation is a "nickname granted to a military organization " which has been authorized by the Center of Military History and recognized through a certificate signed by the Secretary of the Army. Itis appended at the end (e.g. M = Mike. A simple example of how this works is outlined below. Would it be logical to assume that Delvy, Gun Platoon leader during Sanders time was Centaur 10? CENTAUR 27Thomas Tom Meeks, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Oct 1967-Oct 1968 CENTAUR 55Cary J. Bacon, CW2 AH-1G Pilot, Mar 1970-Apr 1971 The squad leader directs team leaders and leads by personal example. In peacetime, some military stations will use fixed call signs in the international series. Instead the ranking Section leader in the Coordinates directly with the platoon leader in placement of the Javelin-CCMS to best cover armored avenues of approach in the defense and overwatch positions in the attack. Picture taken at Gressenich in November 1944. Powell to Fleming Sep 2011 The use of standard callsigns allows most players to immediately identify the type of unit by its callsign regardless of any other variables of the mission. CENTAUR 43William H. "Bones" Dawson, CPT Cobra Pilot Uses control measures for direct fire, indirect fire, and tactical movement effectively. Note: At this time, the NCS acknowledges and the net is open. Obstacle plans. 2nd was 32, 3rd was 33. Do note that this implies, that e.g. 1-53. 47th Infantry Regiment: Nostril During tactical radio communications, from Squad networks and above, names of personnel are never used in communications, callsigns are used instead. CENTAUR 54Robert C. "Bob" Jones, CW2, AH-1G Pilot Jun 1971-Mar 1972 If two or more vehicles belong to the same group, they receive a number suffixed to their callsign to indicate their position within that group. The United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, and United States Coast Guard use a mixture of tactical call signs and international call signs beginning with the letter N. For example, the carrier USS John F. Kennedy had the call sign NJFK for unclassified and navigation communications with other vessels, but uses tactical call signs that vary with its mission. He sets the example in everything. In the report above we also see Omaha. Assumes duties as the platoon sergeant or platoon leader as required. Unused suffixes can be used for other call signs that do not fall into the standard call sign matrix, for example the unused 33A call sign is used to refer to the Company Sergeant Major. CENTAUR 24Ralph Sandy Sandmeyer, CW2 Pilot UH-1C Heavy Scouts 1969-1970 If radio contact cannot be made as required, he informs the platoon sergeant or platoon leader. Be capable of engaging all targets with well-aimed shots. Any group of players, group of groups, or. Confirmed. CENTAUR 51Bruce W. Sikkema, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Dec 69-Jun1971 Titles such as "Sunray" and (Sunray) Minor are still used. It has always been very confusing, both the Call Signs and the Section and Platoon names. CENTAUR 6AWilliam Clifton Jesse, CW2 UH-1H PIC Nov 2, 1971-May 2, 1972 Callsigns are typically assigned to a platoon sized unit or higher. CENTAUR 20AP Have the frequencies and call signs on his person in a location known to all Soldiers in the platoon. LT William Mosenthal C -35 Aug 67 30 Jan 68 CENTAUR 28Daniel W. Dan Miller, WO1 UH-1H Slick Pilot Feb 1972-Nov 1972 G = George (explains Camp Jay Hawk in Verviers), First US Army: Master Controls fires and establishes fire control measures. As the second-in-charge, the platoon sergeant assumes no formal duties except those prescribed by the platoon leader. CENTAUR 24Marcus A. Kempson, CW2 UH-1H/Nighthawk Pilot 1969-1970 In addition to what the other people here have said, I'd like to add something. Understands the mission and commanders intent two levels up (platoon and company). He has authority over his subordinates and overall responsibility of those subordinates actions. He must know how to occupy covered and concealed positions in all environments and what protection they provide from direct fire weapons, and is competent in the performance of these tasks while using night vision devices. I am not sure but it may have been the call sign for Night hawk leader. A grenadier with 1st Platoon, Company A, 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, Task Force Bulldog, scans a nearby ridgeline after returning fire against an enemy sniper from a mountaintop observation post in eastern Afghanistan's Kunar Province. When then-president George W. Bush, a former Air National Guard fighter pilot, was flown to the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in a Navy S-3B Viking, it was the first use of the "Navy One" call sign. In early Feb 67 I was told that Cpt Delvy was the gun platoon leader. CENTAUR 40Bill Malinovsky, CPT Gun PLT LDR 1969 The PL is 1, senior scout (alpha section SGT) is 2, most junior TC is 3, PSG is 4, bravo section Sgt is 5, his wingman is 6. At one time I had two squad leaders named 'Jones', so I refered to them as 31 Jones and 33 Jones 31 was a Sgt. During operations, the team leader , 1-57. Centaur 5 - Harold Fisher - Troop Executive Officer The following are standard callsigns specifically used for Aircraft. CENTAUR 21Lewis Lew L. Barger, CPT UH-1C Heavy Scout 1966-1967 CENTAUR 36Harold Reid Fisher, CPT Aerorifles PLT CDR/D Troop XO Jan 1967-Dec 1967 Famously, one video featured a Spetznaz unit with the callsign "Juliette", and another famous video had such a unit with the callsign "Tango". "NINER" / 9 is dropped because both elements are from seperate callsigns. Then a very short period of time later a bunch of people rotated and Sanders told me I was now second to him as C-12. The USAF also uses semi-fixed identifiers consisting of a name followed by a two or three digit number. I think you are correct, that there was no official call sign like C-6 or C-30. CENTAUR 5Harold Reid Fisher, CPT Aerorifles PLT CDR/D Troop XO Jan 1967-Dec 1967 Callsigns are usually words which are short, easy to say, remember and to understand. If we take a look at this code name example: Nutmeg = 60th Infantry Regiment CENTAUR 25Roger G. Martin, CW2 UH-1 Slick Pilot/Asst OPS OFF Jun 1969-Jun 1970 39th Infantry Regiment: Nudge For example, JAMBO 51 would be assigned to a particular B-52 aircrew of the 5th Bomb Wing, while NODAK 1 would be an F-16 fighter with the North Dakota Air National Guard. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Here is an example of a unit similar to ours; seems like we should have some document like this somewhere: It was never clear to me what the "Official" title of the platoons and sections were. CENTAUR 3A-Roger G. Martin, CW2 UH-1 Slick Pilot/Asst OPS OFF Jun 1969-Jun 1970 CENTAUR 13John S. Scottie Hill, CW2 OH-6A LDR Nov 1972-Jan 197 - The Warrior Ethos and Soldier Combat Skills (FM 3-21.75 / FM 21-75) Employs the available digital mission command systems to the squads and platoon. CENTAUR 37Joseph H. Joe Bridges, CPT UH-1D Slick Pilot 1967-1968 Some callsigns are from the phonetic alphabet, ALPHA, BRAVO CHARLIE etc. Centaur 43 - Pat 'Joaquin' Eastes - Aero Weapons/HOGS Pilot/Aircraft Commander STABLE BOYWilliam J. CENTAUR 6Ray Kenneth Clark, CPT D Troop CDR Jul 1969-Dec 1969 CENTAUR 43Wayne E. Hooper, WO1 AH-1G Pilot Dec 1969 to May 1970 Special Forces squads typically receive the callsign Romeo (for "Recon"), though they can technically have any callsign letter. CENTAUR 30John Whitehead, CPT Aerorifle PLT CDR FebAug 68, UH-1H/Gun PLT LDR 1968-1969 Under NATO conventions, 6 is designated the commander or leader, 5 the second-in-command or executive officer, 7 the chief NCO. Important:the first time in any deployment that two callsigns exchange a transmission, the full callsign is always used. I do recall that the slick section commander was always Centaur 36 in my day Cpt Wilde and later Cpt Fisher (I was C-35 as the ground platoon leader). "Checkmate 6" is the Company Commander and "Checkmate 6 Romeo" is the commander's radio-telephone operator (Romeo the NATO phonetic of the letter R). Military call signs are call signs assigned as unique identifiers to military communications. CENTAUR 40Bill Cirincione, CPT Aero Weapons Plt Ldr 1968 Do you remember if Vinson outranked Delvy? C-12 14,16 would have been Team Leaders As would C-22 24 26 and C-42. Typically, the second-in-command will be 8, forward air controllers, observers or medics can be 7, 6 and so on. S-5 = Executive Officer The United States Army uses fixed station call signs which begin with W, such as WAR, used by U.S. Army Headquarters. The most recognizable call sign of this type is Air Force One, used when any Air Force aircraft is transporting the U.S. President. Notorious (9th Infantry Division) Sign for its Forward Command Post. CENTAUR 28Steven J. Zorger, HU-1H AC CDR/"Nighthawk" PIC Dec 1968-Aug 1969 sign in Langerwehe, Germany. CENTAUR 65 --Call Sign for the Operations Shack. Determines his teams combat load and manages its available classes of supply as required. During one such contact, all kinds of traffic from the Birds etc., a new voice came up on the Net. CENTAUR 11Richard Schwab, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Jan 1972-Mar 1972 Centaur 44 - Richard Spalding - Gun Platoon/Cobra Pilot/Aircraft Commander Size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment (SALUTE) spot reports (SPOTREP). Dan Keirsey, 1LT UH-1H Slick Pilot 1972-1973 During operations, the gunner . In that case the vehicle often has the same bumper number, so you'd say "Charlie 1-6, what's your front line trace?" Looks ahead to the next move of the platoon. Altenhofen Oct 2011 ShackTac uses a standard array of callsigns for specific types of units or player roles. For example, if the call "Alpha, Bravo" is made, Alpha can indicate its attention by simply replying "Alpha". We never did the "Pinks" and "Blues" thing. Leader = Leader. Is the subject matter expert for the squads organic weapons employment, and employment of supporting assets? 1-65. The Majors list that came out in August ranked Fleming, Fisher, Delvy, Vinson in that order (Delvy may have ranked Fisher). He may answer calls adressed to his ACTUAL but should clarify that he in fact is only a 2IC. CENTAUR 39James W. Jim Filiatreault, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot Mar 1968-Mar 1969 Centaur 38 - Mike Banks - Aero Rifle/Slicks Pilot/Aircraft Commander The name is assigned to a unit on a semi-permanent basis; they change only when the U.S. Department of Defense goes to DEFCON 3. Immediately assumes the role of gunner if the gunner is unable to continue his duties. For example, "Mike One-One", "Mike One-Two" for the vehicles in the first group of Mikes; "Mike Two-One" and "Mike Two-Two" for the vehicles in the second group; etc. Fixed call signs for the United States Air Force stations begin with A, such as AIR, used by USAF Headquarters. The list of call signs used by the 9th Infantry Division that are known to me: 9th Infantry Division:Notorious Version 2 / 5min read / Updated Sun 08 May 2022 / 2705 views / of verified. Positions where best needed to help the engagement (either in the base of fire or with the assault element). Also was Centaur 3 the Operations Officer (Yes)? Similarly, when the President is flown in a U.S. Marine Corps helicopter, the call sign is Marine One. CENTAUR 15Mackie A. Webb, CW2 OH-23G Scout Pilot Jun 1967-Jun 1968 Conducts radio checks with higher according to unit standard operating procedures when in a static position. Knows the maximum ranges for each type of target of the grenade launcher. WebARMY. This was a code word for each group to protect any form of information that might fall into the hands of the enemy. 15th Engineer Battalion: Noxema, 376th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion (Mobile): Noble For all the line formations I was in, on paper: 1st platoon was always red platoon, white second, blue third, and we had a "green" platoon that existed off and on. CENTAUR 46Ted A. Pitcher, WO1 AH-1G Pilot 1968-1969 CENTAUR 36Michael D. Mike Siegel, CW2 UH-1D Slick Pilot Sep 1967-Sep 1968 Furthermore, you can find the Troubleshooting ACTUAL is used as the trasmittor is trying to speak to the commander proper. Centralized authority enables him to act decisively while maintaining troop discipline and unity. The controller of each net has the call sign 0 ("zero"). Powell Nov2018: My Scout notes indicate that I was initially Centaur 17, Vinson 12 and Sanders 11. Maybe there was no other unit like ours in the Army. All I remember when I arrived in Feb67, was Cpt Sanders saying he was C-11 and I was assigned C-17. The grenadier currently is equipped with an M203/M320 weapon system consisting of an M16-series or M4-series rifle/carbine and an attached 40-mm grenade launcher. Under some conventions, 6 is designated the commander or leader, 5 the second-in-command or executive officer, 7 the chief NCO. The weapon section was by MTOE a separate section. There may also be a second controller - either a backup station or a commander who has delegated communication tasks to a signaller but may occasionally wish to speak in person - using the call sign 0A ("zero alpha"). Construct and occupy a hasty firing position and know how to fire from it. Operates in all environments to include the urban environment. Deployment ORBATs in UNITAF have callsigns which are assigned by the deployments Field Leader, callsigns come from a pre-approved callsign list. Able = Company A Employs mission command systems available to the squad and platoon. Dillon to Peake 5 Nov 2020 Capt Frank Hock Centaur 3. CENTAUR 52Thomas M "Sam" Dooling, CW2 AH-1G/OH-6A Pilot Jan 1969-Aug 1970 (per Mark Jackson Info) In my mortar platoon, the LT was 81-Actual, PltSgt was Bravo. A unit callsign is permanently attached to the unit itself, and will persist so long as the unit continues to exist. wire/mine breach teams. CENTAUR 32 (Patrol) & Ambush Patrol The letter part of the call sign is not the company's letter (B vs F in the above example). Knows the leaf sight increments without seeing the markings. 9th Infantry Division Signal Company: Nora A radio-telephone operator for Regional Command (South), talks into his headset during a battlefield circulation in southern Afghanistan. CENTAUR 3John Whitehead, CPT Gun/Slick PLT LDR 19681969 34th Field Artillery Battalion: Normal CENTAUR 14Martin Marty Jenkins, CPT OH-6A Pilot Jan 1969-Apr 1969 When communicating internally in your platoon or squad for example, assuming all subordinate elements of your Platoon or Squad carry the same callsign, then it is acceptable to shortern your callsign to just the numerical assignment of your element. I'm a 1PLT PL and we use 1-6. "ALPHA" is dropped because both elements carry the same callsign. After doing some research, I was able to find several of the call signs that were used by the 9th Infantry Division. CENTAUR 33 A squad leader yells for his Soldiers to shift fire during Bronco Rumble May 8, at Area X. Bronco Rumble is a combined arms live fire exercise conducted May 1-14, that puts Soldiers to the test, while stressing the importance of communication and leader development. Completely non-standard Callsigns are also occasionally encountered in ShackTac. 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